After the odyssey of feuding with Bully Ray and the Aces, Sabin seemed to have broken down searching for some form of excuse or reason for his misfortunes. Several months later, after much bragging and self-indulgence, Chris Sabin defeated an X Division "All-Star" line up in Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Jeff Hardy and then-champion Manik to establish a record. Along with AJ Styles and Jay Lethal, Chris shared the record for most X Division Championship reigns at 6. But his win at Bound For Glory rewrote history as now he's surpassed the former Black Machismo and TNA's World Champion. All thanks to the aid of his beautiful girlfriend, Velvet Sky who he used to distract Jeff Hardy and use the ladder he brought in the match earlier.
What's next for the former Machinegun? Will he feud with Manik? Jeff Hardy? Austin Aries? Will a new challenger come along? One things for sure. With the major line up the match had, they better follow up with a big challenger. Maybe Jeff Hardy?