Chris Kanyon

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw an old RF shoot of Kanyon where he talked about Bret Hart. He was talking about Bret around the time "Wrestling with Shadows" came out. He said Bret really liked him and wanted to do a program with him, and Bret told Kanyon they wouldn't listen to any of his ideas(which was true). He then goes onto say that Bret gave him a copy of the movie and told him to watch and see what he thought. He did and told Bret he thought it revealed the business too much, and he said Bret then lead him on to believe it was a work. He didn't deny it or admit it. He said a few weeks later he just flat out asked if it was and he said Bret just smiled, winked, and walked away.

The only thing I think that is fishy is that the WWE uses footage from that movie(which is copyrighted) in their works. Now, Kanyon made a good point that at the end they all got what they wanted from business standpoint(Bret signed one of the most lucrative deals ever, Shawn got the belt, Vince turned heel, and Bret really didn't lose in a fair way). The only thing is if it really was a work I think Bret would have been back in the WWE by now in some sort of role, and would have been backstage secretly more.

I don't think it was a total work, and I think 95% of the screwjob was real, but I don't know why Kanyon would come out with that stuff.
Kanyon is a fucking idiot, always was. He reminds me of Billy Jack Haynes or the "Warrior", spouting all kinds of conspiracy theories to try and remain relevant because no one cares about them. The odds of the Montreal Screwjob being a work are so slim, I don't even think it's worth acknowledging. This is Vince fucking McMahon we're talking about here, he couldn't keep a secret like that if his life depended on it, he's like a thirteen year old schoolgirl with a vicious piece of gossip. Vince would have taken advantage of that "work within a work" for years now.

Kanyon's a moron, always was, and always will be. I'd take anything he says with an overwhelmingly large portion of salt. Can't be surprised a piece of shit like Rob Feinstein happily released this years ago.
If it's true, it just sounds like Bret was messing with him. Given all the crap that has gone down in Bret's life since (or in many cases, because of) the screwjob (being misused in WCW, having his career ended by Bill Goldberg, having his brother die doing some stupid stunt that Vince concocted, having his family torn apart, etc) I really doubt that it was a work. If it were, Bret would have likely been wanting back into the 'Fed after the first few weeks in WCW, as soon as he saw what a mess it was. I mean, would you go to work for a company you hated and watch your life collapse in a downward spiral all for the sake of maintaining what would essentially be a giant practical joke on the fans? Also, remember the midget Bret Hart sketch with DX after Bret left? Seemed to me that Vince was pissed.

Also, I'm pretty sure the relationship between Vince and Bret has been repaired somewhat in recent years. They cooperated on the creation of Bret's DVD and such. This probably explains why Wrestling with Shadows footage can be used by WWE now.
Thats what I thought too. If it really was a work, Bret would have been back after WCW went under, would have been at live events more on days off before WCW went under, and the whole last half of his book pertaining that situation was fiction, which I highly doubt.
Didn't we get into this after the Punk/Taker Breaking point match??

Chris Kaynon was one of my favorite workers in wCw... but something always rubbed me wrong about the guy. And it has nothing to do with his sexual preference, but rather he just looked a little slimy.

He hasn't been relevant in forever. The last time he was REMOTELY relevant was his feud with DDP when he was making fun of Page. His run in WWE was horrid. From the gifting of the US Title, to him teaming with DDP (wtf kayfabe wise) to him eventually leaving for OVW and returning as a Boy George joke and being destroyed by Taker. I've heard that was Vince's joke as a homophobe but Orlando Jordan is bi-sexual, and though he was released he was never treated that way.

As to why do it? Because he expected it to create buzz, and maybe get him some paychecks....

So yeah Kanyon is full of shit. And there is a joke waiting to be made at that statement but I won't do it... instead I leave you with...


Well there is no doubt Owen was punished because of what Brett did. If it was a work I think Owen would be alive right now. I mean really he was probably the best wrestler on the roster after Brett left and had world title written all over him, instead he had to go back to being the Blue Blazer. If he wasnt being punished and i am wrong then that was the worst misurse of talent ever. As for kanyon, I kinda doubt anyone on Bretts level would even speak to him. I kinda liked Kanyon to be honest but there was no doubt he was a moron. If Brett ever said anything about wanting to work with him it was probably just to be nice. Gotta agree with Xfear if this was a work Vince woulda let the cat out of the bag. No doubt WWE has a ton of leaks and can never keep a secret. It probably was a work on Vinces part but Brett was no included. What I mean by this is Vince new Brett was making this movie and what better time to first get rid of him and use it to your advantage at the same time.

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