Chris Jericho


Pre-Show Stalwart
His storyline against the Legends is great, Jericho has had two AMAZING promos in the last two weeks. Before his segment with Piper last week I can't say I had much interest in this storyline - its been done before and I didnt think this would be any different, but that along with his promo with Steamboat this week has really peaked my interest. It looks almost a lock that it will be Jericho/Austin at mania at this point, and I can definantly see why WWE have chosen to reward him with a match that potentialy is going to be bigger than the 2 main events been talked about, or HBK/Taker. He has improved so much since before he returned, and even when he first returned. He is obviously working harder on his matches, and his promos because they are so much better than his old stuff. His storytelling inparticular has become fantastic, and Jericho is only bettered by Cena in entire WWE, which means he's now better than HHH, HBK, Batista, Edge, and everyone else in my opinon. I'm really glad he's made it work because when he first returned I thought he may have made a mistake, and that he had already peaked before he left, but I have been proven totally wrong and I'm sure many other have too.
Jericho has always been one of my favorites. Whether it was ECW, WCW, or WWF/E, I've always thought he was under-rated. Yes, even when he won the first undisputed heavyweight championship. I know a lot of people that thought it was a joke. He never seemed to get over, or get the heat has now, so he never quite fit in the main event scene.

His promos have always been great, but now they're coming across so much better, because he's getting great storylines, and the people wrking the segments with him are having superb promos as well. His in-ring work is great these days, but not nearly as diverse as it used to be. I guess part of getting a big time push is losing half your offense, and cutting twice as many promos.

As far as his potential match at WrestleMania, whoever it's against, it won't overshadow the main events, or HBK v. Taker.

Cena v. Edge, if booked right, could be a classic. One to go down as an all-time best. Edge is a great heel, and has tremendous heat right now. His ring work has never been better, and he's constantly improving on the mic. Cena is the most over guy in the business since the Attitude Era, and can main event an yPPV.

Triple H v. Randy Orton is having some great build-up. Until the Jericho/Steamboat segment, I thought the Triple H "interview" was the best segment I had seen in months. They both knw each other's buttons, and they both know how to work their characters into a storyline better than anyone. The simple fact that it's Triple H as champion makes it bigger than any match involving Jericho.

HBK v. Undertaker is a match everyone has wanted to see for years. The Streak is one of the biggest things going in professional wrestling right now, and the Deadman's popularity is continuing to grow. HBK is back as a potential top face, and the wave of momentum he's carrying right now, will lead people to watch, just to see if he's the man to pin the Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Sure, a Jericho v. Austin match-up at WrestleMania will be huge, and could steal the show, but it'll be on before the main event title match, and before the HBK v. Taker match, so it won't overshadow them.
Jericho has always been one of my favorites. Whether it was ECW, WCW, or WWF/E, I've always thought he was under-rated. Yes, even when he won the first undisputed heavyweight championship. I know a lot of people that thought it was a joke. He never seemed to get over, or get the heat has now, so he never quite fit in the main event scene.

He wasn't ready for the title then in my opinion, to become a world champion just two years after debuting is a big ask. Not many wrestlers can pull it off, and I feel WWE gave him the title at the wrong time. There was a lot of hype around the unification, and it was difficult for him to live up to that. Also he just didnt look all that great next to the Rock and Austin if I'm honest.

His promos have always been great, but now they're coming across so much better, because he's getting great storylines, and the people wrking the segments with him are having superb promos as well. His in-ring work is great these days, but not nearly as diverse as it used to be. I guess part of getting a big time push is losing half your offense, and cutting twice as many promos.

Defiantly agree with the first part of this. But losing half his offense? It was part of Jericho's problem in the past that although he adapted from the crusierweight style he wrestled in WCW, to a style more focussed on storytelling and not one centred around spots. As for your point about him losing some of his offense, I don't see how this can be true when he's wrestling matches on average 10-15 minutes longer on PPV than the matches he was wrestling for the majority of his career in the mid-card.

As far as his potential match at WrestleMania, whoever it's against, it won't overshadow the main events, or HBK v. Taker.

Cena v. Edge, if booked right, could be a classic. One to go down as an all-time best. Edge is a great heel, and has tremendous heat right now. His ring work has never been better, and he's constantly improving on the mic. Cena is the most over guy in the business since the Attitude Era, and can main event an yPPV.

Triple H v. Randy Orton is having some great build-up. Until the Jericho/Steamboat segment, I thought the Triple H "interview" was the best segment I had seen in months. They both knw each other's buttons, and they both know how to work their characters into a storyline better than anyone. The simple fact that it's Triple H as champion makes it bigger than any match involving Jericho.

HBK v. Undertaker is a match everyone has wanted to see for years. The Streak is one of the biggest things going in professional wrestling right now, and the Deadman's popularity is continuing to grow. HBK is back as a potential top face, and the wave of momentum he's carrying right now, will lead people to watch, just to see if he's the man to pin the Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Sure, a Jericho v. Austin match-up at WrestleMania will be huge, and could steal the show, but it'll be on before the main event title match, and before the HBK v. Taker match, so it won't overshadow them.

Austin returning to wrestle on its own, overshaddows HBK/Taker and Orton/HHH. I think your underestimating the drawing power Austin had, and I'm sure that seeing Austin wrestle a match is going to be a bigger draw for most fans to buy the PPV than either of these matches. Cena/Edge could be a classic, they work very well together, and this match is obviously a draw. I'm not convinced that it's bigger than Austin returning to the ring though, especially into a feud with in my opinion the company's second biggest star and a storyline that is been booked as well as this Jericho/Legends one.
Defiantly agree with the first part of this. But losing half his offense? It was part of Jericho's problem in the past that although he adapted from the crusierweight style he wrestled in WCW, to a style more focussed on storytelling and not one centred around spots. As for your point about him losing some of his offense, I don't see how this can be true when he's wrestling matches on average 10-15 minutes longer on PPV than the matches he was wrestling for the majority of his career in the mid-card.

Half was an exaggeration, but my point is still the same. As a mid-carder, wherever he was, he was working fast-paced matches, against fast-paced opponents. As he moved up to the main event scene, he was facing guys like Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and JBL.

Austin and JBL are brawlers first, wrestlers second. Not only does that slow down the match, but also takes a toll on Jericho, and makes him adapt his offense. Not his fault, but it's stil llimited. The Rock isnt the greatest "wrestler" in the world, so Jericho had to limit himself again. Plus The Rock and Austin were on top of the world when he won the title. Him winning was enough to push him over, there was no need to showboat and make the other guys look weak by comparison.

By the time he started the feud with Shawn, Shawn was old (face it Becca). There's only so much you can do when you're facing an aging superstar with a bad back, a gimpy knee, and a "bad eye".

His match with Malenko, in WCW, was billed as "The Man of 1000 moves v. The Man of 2000 moves". Jericho could put on a show against anyone. Now, he's mostly limited to the Lionsault, a ******ed form of The Walls of Jericho, the kick to the head off the turnbuckle, the bulldog, and the Codebreaker. Not bad moves, but not what he had before his push.
John Cena is the most "over" guy in the business? He is the top face and gets booed by half the crowd week after week. If you consider that "over" (as opposed to force fed down our throats) I would LOVE to know what you consider Steve Austin and The Rock.

If Austin or the Rock were to ever have singles matches, at ANY show let alone Wrestlemania, those repective matches would be the top bill and overshadow ANY other match.
John Cena is the most "over" guy in the business? He is the top face and gets booed by half the crowd week after week. If you consider that "over" (as opposed to force fed down our throats) I would LOVE to know what you consider Steve Austin and The Rock.

If Austin or the Rock were to ever have singles matches, at ANY show let alone Wrestlemania, those repective matches would be the top bill and overshadow ANY other match.

I totally agree with you on the Austin thing. How can anyone say that Austin (who I'm not a fan of) coming back to wrestle a match at WrestleMania wouldn't overshadow everything else? It absolutely would. The same way that Rock/Hogan overshadowed everything on WM18 this would do the same here. While Jericho may not be in Rock's class as far as popularity and all that it would still be monster because its Austin coming back to wrestle. Obviously we're all assuming Austin would come back but only him and Vince know. It would be bigger than everything even Taker/HBK and that match will overshadow both world title matches I think so Austin/Jericho would overshadow everything.
Originally Posted by NightShiftLegend
His match with Malenko, in WCW, was billed as "The Man of 1000 moves v. The Man of 2000 moves".

No...Dean Malenko is "The Man of 1000 Holds," Chris Jericho was "The Man of 1004 Holds." That has nothing to do with the topic, but I thought I saw an opportunity to get my first post out of the way, even though it's a reply. Thank you for your time.

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