Chris Jericho and Kane are the most important members of the roster.


You don't want it with me.
Now, anyone who read the wrestling posts I have made knows that I am a huge mark for Kane. I think he set of skills at his side have always been impressive. While he may have lost a step, he still puts on good matches, and with great workers, Kane is not a let down.

Chris Jericho is another one of my favorites. I know that I rail on cruisers, but a few guys from the WCW Crusierweight division have gone on to success in the big leagues. Chris Jericho is one of them. As the first undisputed champion of the world, he certainly has no one to answer to as far as great careers go.

Both of these guys fill very important roles in the WWE's current state. They are credible and workable at every spot on the card. Kane could open show and certainly be in the main event to job to a top guy. He is the perfect guy to use as an enforcer type in a tag match or to do the job to make an up and comer credible. Chris Jericho can win the World Title at any show, elevate the midcard belt at any time, and has always done the job at the right time. He never loses credibility for his next reign when he loses. He is a great worker, and when paired with another great worker is capable of ***** matches at all times.

What these gentlemen have in common is the ability to stay healthy. They are able to answer the bell every week, and because of that, have stayed relevant for years. The fact that they're always around allows them to be used in the way that they are.
I don't know about this, man.

Personally, I think Kane sucks. He's a great guy and all, but as a wrestler... the dude just doesn't have anything else to offer that he hasn't already given us. He's really overstayed his welcome, if you ask me. At least, that character has. He needs something new, but WWE creative won't change it up for whatever reason.

Jericho, I can understand why you feel that way about him, though I think you forget that the guy took off over an entire year because he was burnt out. Technically, that's not being injured, but you can't site that he's exactly dependable, because you never know when his passion for the business will run out and he'll want to take some time off again.

I definitely respect the fact that both guys are extremely unselfish and are always willing to put anyone over at any given time, but that doesn't make them the most important members on the roster. The most important members on the roster are the biggest draw(s), and the future of the company, and neither of those guys fit in either category. Are they a value to WWE? Sure, but WWE would easily live without them if they had to and nothing would change numbers wise.
Chris Jericho is the best in the world period. He has developed his craft over the years and is the best worker and talker in WWE. Thats why he's the best. I've compared Chris Jericho alot to Ric Flair. Chris can carry anyone through a decent match, and if you give him a decent opponent, then great matches follow. Years from now we will all cheer and praise Chris as the best of his time(Like Flair). Jericho can work as a face with the funny catch phrases, witty insults, charisma, and ability to excite a crowd. But he works better when he turns this all around on us and works as a heel. Jericho isn't a type like Randy (Still a great Heel) who is scary, threatening, and dangerous. Jericho play more of the cocky, chicken shiz, dirty pool heel. What impressed me most about Jericho was that how he totally repackaged himself a few years ago. He got rid of the wrestling tights he had worn his whole career for trunks, and dropped all the funny insults to simply tell us he's better than us. Also his ability to stay healthy is huge. Yes he did take some time off, and maybe he was burnt out some. But I beleive a big reason he left was because of his lack of push. He had completely fallen to midcard crap and wasn't being used to his full ability. When he came back, WWE pushed him again as a main eventer. So if you ask me, the leave of absense was absolutly nessary.

As far as Kane. I'm something of a Kane Mark myself. You hit his value right on the head. He's one of those big monster types who can beat down alot of opponents, yet push the new big guy. But if you look at his track record, When he gives a rub to the next big Monster Type (Umaga, Gene Snitsky) they usually fail. Kanes value is that nobody has really been able to replace him. He has lost a step but still works better than most guys his size which is what makes him special as a worker. Whats bad about Kane these days, if that he's no longer intriguing. He put over so many other guys and done the job so many times that he's not AS credible as he once was. And when they do give Kane the ocasional push, its always the same old thing. BIG MONSTER KANE. He would need to do something really different, something he hasn't done before in his career, and I don't know what that is. in retrospec Kane should have been a world Champion more than once, earlier in his career. If he had won a few WWE Championships over the years, then he really would be more credible TODAY. WWE dropped the ball on never giving him back the Belt. I felt When he Wrestled Triple H at No Mercy like 2002 would have been a good time. But it never was.

As far as who is the most valueble wrestler in WWE today? Its hard to say, because realisticly, WWE could lose anyone and still operate. I'd have to Say John Cena is the most valueable bacause of the merchandise, movies, commercials. THey market him way more than anyone else. He's also a talented wrestler. As far as After Cena, Its Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. Jericho for all the reasons above and Orton is a young guy like Cena who should be leading this company for the next decade. HBK and Undertaker have value, but they're in the twilight of their careers. Kane is valueble because of his uniqueness as a Big Man who can move and put over young guys
That is a great point FTS. I can see where you are coming from on each account. I too am a big fan of Kane and still til this day enjoy his work. He can still put on solid matches and like you said still able to participate in any spot on the card. I'm not saying Kane is gonna win a world title again and either are you, so hopefully those don't look at it like that, but look at it from the point being that Kane is one of the most reliable guys the E has and is good for anything they want to do with him.

Not much to say about Jericho other than the fact you are right. Jericho isn't lying when he says he is the best in the world at what he does. I truly believe that to be the truth, as Jericho has been one of the best wrestling characters in recent memory.
im sorry but there is no chance in hell that kane is in the top two most important people in the roster. i admire his work ethic but that doesnt make u as important as you said. do you think kane could mainevent wrestlemania or draw more money than almost any of the other wrestlers? no he cant. and im not saying this because i dont like kane because i do, but there are many more important wrestlers. as an example i will use cena. i absolutely hate the man as a wrestler, but he draws unbelievabley well so he would be considered more important. now if yoour talking about just the smackdown roster what about rey mysterio, he hasnt been champ for years but the money he makes wwe and the size of his fanbase is far and away for than kane. i could list the other wrestlers more important but i would have to write doen most of the wwe roster. i like kane but most important, no
I think another big point to mention is that if the rumors are true about HBK, Undertaker, and HHH taking time off after WM, Kane and Jericho will be two of the biggest veterans on the roster. I really enjoy both Jericho and Kane, for different reasons, and especially now they will have even larger roles to fill.
Now I dont know about the two MOST important, but I agree that Chris Jerisho is the BEST!!!! On the mic, no one can touch him and in the ring he brings speed, technical ability and excitement! I do believe his makoer was great for his career, I will say his return was a let down IMO...but that makeover really thrust him into a solid fixture in the WWE...

As far as Kane, he is a fixture in the WWE who will make a HOF inductee one day but Vince/WWE has totally dropped the ball on his career. I woul love to see another major title run for him seeing that his career is slowly coming to an end...and how many times in he gonna be in the Money iin the Bank Match, I thought this match was for up and ecomers, it seems they just throw all the uppper mid card stars in the match (Hardy, Kane, Christian, Benjamin) it gets old!
Both are extremely important for the points you have listed, but I can' really put them in the same category. Kane is important, because whenever you need one of your midcard guys raised up, Kane does that for you. Then again, Jericho, who is the champion right now, does do the same in the Main Event. Whenever a guy needs to be in the main event, a feud with Jericho can do exactly that. And yes, they are always healthy, and that really helps out for that reason.
I think John Cena is the most valuable guy on the roster for obvious reasons. Whether you like him or not, he is the number one guy and without him the WWE would lose a shitload of money, and they would no longer have a huge star who is capable of working hard, selling a ridiculous amount of merchandise, and crossing over to a certain extent. I also believe that he is one of the best wrestlers in the business today, but that's not really relevant because even if he "couldn't wrestle," the company would still suffer a huge blow without him. Those types of guys are particularly hard to come by.

Kane is really not that important these days, the guy is a jobber to the stars and is never going to get a real serious push again, his best days are behind him and he's not getting that token championship reign that everyone seems to want for him. I personally find the guy entertaining and am a mark for him, but they could certainly go on just as well if he retired tomorrow. That said, his veteran presence and status as a guy to be looked up to in the locker room must certainly account for something, even if he isn't the big star that he could have been had he been pushed correctly and consistently.

As for Jericho, he is easily one of the best heels that we've seen in years, right up there with Punk and Batista at heel turns that really rejuvenated someone's career and created some awesome and compelling storylines. Obviously he is fantastic in the ring as well, and he seems like a nice enough guy in real life, although his punching of a female and alcoholic bouts make me think twice about that part. Regardless, the guy has come a long way and while he's getting up there in age, I could see him going another five to seven years if he has the motivation. Then again, he's always been one of those guys who likes to try outside stuff, so we should enjoy him while we can in case he starts focusing on Fozzy and whatever else he does.
I think you guys are missing the point.

I think that the roles that they fill do more for the show than sell merchandise and tickets. What they do enables the show to actually run. If you need someone elevated to the point that they can sell merchandise and tickets, they need to go through Kane. If you need a belt elevated, it goes to Jericho. Look at the importance of the IC belt and tag belts after being associated with Jericho. Those belts were going nowhere and he saved them.

Maybe the two most important statement was a snazzy attention getting headline, but their importance to the show is not debatable.
Honestly I like Jericho from a professional stand point and I always thought he should've gotten a push in WCW and I think he was really one of the first WCW guys that Vince ever let hold a world title (think of how long booker was there before he held a non wcw title), and I know he can go at any time and much like HBK he never really lost a step in the ring when he came back.

Kane on the other hand I like too, and yeah his skill lacks in the wrestling department but my problem with Kane isn't his talent its that his gimmick doesn't do much for me anymore, he's really just a bald guy who shoots flames and has a funny eye. In a pg world I don't think he does much, I remember when Kane was feuding with Khali and he had that chain from See No Evil and that was classic demented Kane and what he did to guys like JR, RVD, Rey since he lost his mask was great, but the Kelly Kelly thing was kind of lame, and honestly when I thought he was going to put the mask on again I think that would've done something for him, but as of now Kane as the demented one has lost his edge and isn't great as a character but as a wrestler I think he is necessary.

Really and honestly I am glad they have more Vets on Smackdown now, and even though most of them never had the main event scene before I am glad to see they may actually push former IC champ Goldust because he showed he can still go in that match against Jericho on Superstars last week, and Matt is good but feels like he has done not much since NXT.
FromTheSouth said:
I think you guys are missing the point.

I think that the roles that they fill do more for the show than sell merchandise and tickets. What they do enables the show to actually run. If you need someone elevated to the point that they can sell merchandise and tickets, they need to go through Kane. If you need a belt elevated, it goes to Jericho. Look at the importance of the IC belt and tag belts after being associated with Jericho. Those belts were going nowhere and he saved them.

Maybe the two most important statement was a snazzy attention getting headline, but their importance to the show is not debatable.
I agree with you much more on Jericho than I do on Kane, and that's not meant to be hating on Kane because I've always liked the guy and it seems like he's one of the better people in the business. But a win over him really doesn't mean a whole lot anymore, he seems to enjoy the role that he's in and that's fine, but I just don't think he is someone who would be truly missed because of the impact he had if he were to retire tomorrow. Jericho on the other hand is one of the most talented people to ever step foot in a ring, has enough credibility where beating him does more for someone than it does if they beat Kane, always maintains a good level of heat, and like you said, has made some of the smaller divisions mean much more just because of his involvement in them. I think Jericho has intangibles that Kane doesn't, and they aren't really comparable to me, because Kane's character has always been pretty one-dimensional while Jericho has always shown the ability to fit into whatever role WWE needs for him. In that way he is much more versatile, talented, and valuable to the overall product.
Hm. I don't know if "most important members" describes Jericho and Kane however I do agree that they are great assets to the WWE. Like you said, both are credible as former world champions and have had absolutely no problem putting over the young talent which is something that WWE needs to do soon.

Both of them can also easily transition between the midcard and main event scenes. This was shown when Jericho was competing against Mysterio for the IC title last summer and when he was tag team champ with Big Show. Now he's headlining Wrestlemania. Kane has had his fair share of world title and world title number one contendership matches as well. He's also put over Drew McIntyre along with other talents.

So yes, I agree that both these men are incredibly important to the WWE roster especially to the up and coming talent.
I agree about Jericho on all points. He is the best on the mic, he can run in the main event or mid card if needed. He also worked well in selling the Legends/M.Rourke feud last 'Mainia season. I think him taking time off isn't a lack of commitment as aluded to earlier. I think it show exactly HOW committed he is. He was burning out and he knew that if he wasn't locked in 100% he could easily hurt himself of his opponent. So he walked away, regathered himself, and reinvented himself upon his return.

In an Internet Wrestling World where Jeff Hardy is forgiven everytime he leaves/returns/gets suspended/arrested/goes off to 'find himself'. I think Chris Jericho's commitment shouldn't be questioned because he got burned out and wanted to heal nagging injuries. Other wrestlers refuse to leave and end up relying on painkillers/uppers (for the matches)/downers (to sleep) and doing more harm.

As far as Kane goes, I agree to a certain extent. Unfortunately WWE relied on Kane to put over the world too long and he has no more (in ring) credibility. Maybe on his next push lose the crazed monster angle and go as Kane- A pissed off Superstar that wants more than a 1-day championship reign. Make him a bit more methodical in his direction, make it all about the title and restoring his legacy before he retires.

Maybe a storyline like that can hold some interest and draw attention from the fans, it wouldn't be 'same ol'Kane'.
Now there is no doubt that Jericho is extremely important to the WWE roster, and Kane is also important, but there is no way in hell I can consider Kane the most important man on the active roster.

Kane does his job whether it is a job to the main eventers or improve the midcard, but he isn't as credible as he once was, just because he is big and has been around for ages, doesn't make him that credible and dominant anymore. Kane has been a great asset for the WWE for many years, and he will be until he retires but no way in hell he is as important as posted in the OP.
As much as I don't mind Kane, and LOVE Jericho, this is incorrect. Jericho and Kane can get some people over, quite well, and are certainly valuable assets. However, as much as smart mark, anti-entertainment/pro-technician fans are going to dislike this: There is no close second, John Cena is undoubtedly, undeniably the most valuable wrestler on this planet.

Look at when Chris Jericho was World Heavyweight Champion on RAW at the tail-end of 2008, 2.7 ratings. Sure, WWE knew Jericho was a phenomenal worker, and deserved to be champion, but he doesn't draw. Which, despite match quality being great, it's a business, and ratings are what matters. The night after Cena won the strap at Survivor Series, on the first RAW, the ratings jumped from several consecutive 2.7 ratings with Jericho on top, to 3.4's and upward once Cena was back. That's nearly one million people who turned off the show when Cena was gone and Jericho was the highlight of the show.
O I agree completely jericho is incredible. When he says hes the best in world hes telling the truth. He can put on incredible matches he works great as a heel and a face and maybe the biggest thing he and kane both have is flexibility. Jericho especially can put on brilliant feuds against main event and mid card talents. Kane can work both the main event and mid card but obviously he works more mid card feuds nowadays but with his size he can always be a main event player. I always say its a damn shame kane never got any title runs. When I was young and 1st started watching wrestling kane was an absolute monster. I think him losing the mask just killed his character he didnt seem like this evil monster anymore and I think it killed his chances of ever getting any more title reigns.
I'm not going to go into details on Jericho because everyone knows he is the most important thing in the business.

I agree with you completely with Kane. No major injuries, has no problem putting over younger talent. As mentioned earlier, all the top guys now had to go through a small feud with Kane at some point. It's just unfortunate that Vince is using him as the biggest jobber in the WWE. Guy gets in "trouble" you throw him in the ring with Kane to teach him a lesson. I wouldn't mind seeing him getting another title run. It doesn't even have to be one of the big ones, even an IC run would be fine.
no, they are not.
Chris Jericho didn't make Cena, 'Taker, HHH, HBK, Batista, Randy Orton,etc. All these guys are some of the top draws in the company and Jericho didn't put them on the spotlight. He can be in the midcard, but that doesn't mean that his opponents always get a lot of recognition. He is not as big a draw as the guys mentioned above and hasn't made them either. I will only agree that he is excellent on the mic and on the mat.

If Jericho was a no, then Kane definitely is a no. He hasn't been a draw for a very long time. He does put over a lot of guys, but it has made him look weak and seems like any wrestler can beat him now except for Mike Knox. I like him, but he will never be as successful as he used to be anymore and is not one of the most important guys in the company.
no, they are not.
Chris Jericho didn't make Cena, 'Taker, HHH, HBK, Batista, Randy Orton,etc. All these guys are some of the top draws in the company and Jericho didn't put them on the spotlight. He can be in the midcard, but that doesn't mean that his opponents always get a lot of recognition. He is not as big a draw as the guys mentioned above and hasn't made them either. I will only agree that he is excellent on the mic and on the mat.

If Jericho was a no, then Kane definitely is a no. He hasn't been a draw for a very long time. He does put over a lot of guys, but it has made him look weak and seems like any wrestler can beat him now except for Mike Knox. I like him, but he will never be as successful as he used to be anymore and is not one of the most important guys in the company.

While you are correct on that fact. However, it's not about just being a "draw" it's about them being there, doing what needs to be done, never complaining ALWAYS doing things professionally.
Jericho & Kane have put aside their careers on MANY occasions to help put over the younger generation. They have done more for this business than John Cena simply because they have been around longer. If you want to talk about big draws, what about when Kane first arrived? His feuds with his brother were incredible! Inferno Match ring a bell? Kane has drawn big in the past and unfortunately due to WWE dropping the ball with him he wasn't given the respect he shows for the business.
Jericho has been involved in some of the most entertaining as well as intense angles of all time as well. Jericho vs Benoit was great. Jericho was slightly instrumental in turning Chris Benoit face. If i remember correctly it was Benoit's feuds with Jericho and their eventual partnership that really elevated Benoit to a "face" status. Main eventing WM with the likes of HHH & HBK (even though Jericho vs. HBK wasn't the main event) it definately had the big fight feel not just because of HBK but because of Jericho's incredible mic/ring work.
I'm not going to argue with you Taker with 5th, HOWEVER I'll run off your big list of superstars that you named above.

Cena- He put over WHO again? Oh yeah the spirit squad! (where are they again!?), Sheamus? That guy doesn't know how to wipe his own backside. Talk about BORING and GENERIC! Thank you HHH for giving him that MUCH deserved push!
Taker- Taker DOES put over rookies (Orlando Jordan) HOWEVER WWE management is so high on him (and deservedly so) that he very rarely will EVER job to an up and comer. He very rarely loses CLEANLY to anyone below him.
HHH- Future "Chairman" of the WWE. Who did he put over again? Oh yeah he didn't he HOLDS people back! And no I don't believe he helped mold Batista or Orton. They would have eventually broken out of their own shells.
HBK- HBK has definately changed over the past oh...7-10 years. He might be willing to put over stars, but he chooses a select few, IF any to go over him.
Batista- He's in the business for himself, PERIOD. IMO
Randy Orton- The Present/Future standard bearer right here! Orton acts like a baby but wrestles incredibly. And he's giving Legacy the rub they need!

My point in doing the above was simple.... how many of the "older" generation are giving the "younger" generation the rubs they need?

Jericho & Kane!

Who drops their belts/Loses CLEANLY to bring in the future mega stars once the "Elite war horses are gone"?

Jericho & Kane

Who continue to go night after night not taking time off because of age? (yes that is in reference to HHH,HBK, and Taker)

Jericho & Kane.

Jericho in WCW with his feud with Goldberg was one of the most entertaining storylines/feuds I can remember from WCW simply because Jericho helped Goldberg big time in that feud. He gave him that rub he needed. Not Hogan (let's face it Hogan didn't cleanly lose anything ever!) but JERICHO.
Jericho was held back big time in WCW and yet when he came over to WWE and interrupted the Rock his ovation was DEAFENING!

So, I pose this question to you Undertaker the 5th..

If Jericho & Kane aren't 2 of the most important guys in the company.. who are?? The guys that seem to ALWAYS get the belt back and put themselves into another BOOOORRRRING/ predictable feud?

Jericho and Kane do whatever it takes to bring up the next potential star! Let's see HHH/HBK/Orton/Batista/Cena lose to a virtual nobody because WWE management sees said superstar as a potential megastar. IMO, and this might just be my personal opinion. Without Jericho & Kane WWE would be in BIG BIG trouble because when the old war horses are finally brought out back and gunned down who's going to be taking their spot? The guys they SQUASHED? Or the guys that defeated "The Big Red Machine" and who got a damn good rub from the best damn wrestler PERIOD Chris Jericho?

PS (if you didn't already know Jericho has recently been praising Dustin Rhodes for his ring work...freakin Dustin Rhodes man! If that doesn't speak to Jericho's character I don't think ANYTHING would. Because let's face it, Vince has pissed Rhodes out several times before)
I'm not too high on either Jericho on Kane but I have to agree with FTS. The reason Jericho are Kane are the most important is because they can fill three different spots: main eventer, midcarder, or tag team wrestler. Injuries happen all the time and Jericho are Kane are your guys to fill a main event slot if need be. They are also good to elevate a midcarder looking to rise to the main event. Kane can job to a main eventer to make that person better and be the enforcer of a tag team. Jericho may not be the greatest world champion but he does his job as a stopgap between world champions as referenced in 2008 when he was just holding the belt until Cena returned. He can go to the midcard and help out the talent as he has done in the past and can instantly go into a tag team as he has done as well.

The fact that Chris Jericho and Kane have been injury free pretty much all of their time in the WWE is a confidence factor that they can be trusted to fill roles when called upon. You can't say that about almost all of the top stars in the WWE. Chris Jericho and Kane do their roles and do it perfectly so to me that makes them the most important on the roster.
Great thread to be honest! Personally, I am a huge mark for both of these men, and i'd say that it is a travesty that both of them are not used to their full advantage. They go out night in and night out, put on good matches, when paired with the right people mind you, and neither are afraid to put anyone over. That, and the fact that Neither is injury prone, makes them the most important men on the roster. Sure they don't draw like Taker or Cena, but who put over Punk? Not Taker, Kane did. Who puts over guys half as talented than him week in and week out! Certaily not people like Cena or Batista or HHH, it's Chris Jericho. The only other person that puts people over like these two is HBK, who isn't on Smackdown, which leaves Kane and Jericho as the most important, though not necisarily high money makers, on the Smackdown roster.

Kane is labeled sometimes as a botchfest, but thats mainly because they put him with people like Batista and Khali, who can't work matches with him, let alone with anyone else, or with little guys like Rey Mysterio, who are also difficult to put good matches on with without making one of them look weak. However, you put him in the ring with someone like CM Punk, or HBK, or especially Chris Jericho, he can put on great matches. You just need to put him with compatable opponents. Plus, add to that the fact that he is MASSIVE over with the fans. He also has decent mic skills when he is talking normally, as opposed to them making him try to act scary. His promo on ECW after he won the Title was actually fairly good. He can still be intimidating without making him a horror movie cliche. Plus add to all that the fact that he hasn't had many injuries, and none of them serious. He is less injury prone than pretty much anyone in the main-event scene right now.

Chris Jericho is much of the same, except he is even better on the mic and in the ring, and the fact that he isn't pushed stronger is ridiculous. He could easily hold, really any championship in WWE, and make it important, yet they give him miniscule title reigns, and often just use him as a paper champion. Jericho is also one of the most versatile men in WWE. He can have a good match with just about anyone. And, like Kane, he is almost, if not entirely, never injured. This makes both men pretty much always reliable to use if other main-event/upper-mid-carders are injured.

Importance is a matter of opinion, and i think the guys that are willing to go out week in and week out, and not only put on a show, but be un-selfish enough to put almost anyone over, are more important than the ones who constantly hog the spotlight.
im sorry but there is no chance in hell that kane is in the top two most important people in the roster. i admire his work ethic but that doesnt make u as important as you said. do you think kane could mainevent wrestlemania or draw more money than almost any of the other wrestlers? no he cant. and im not saying this because i dont like kane because i do, but there are many more important wrestlers. as an example i will use cena. i absolutely hate the man as a wrestler, but he draws unbelievabley well so he would be considered more important. now if yoour talking about just the smackdown roster what about rey mysterio, he hasnt been champ for years but the money he makes wwe and the size of his fanbase is far and away for than kane. i could list the other wrestlers more important but i would have to write doen most of the wwe roster. i like kane but most important, no

I think that your misinterpreting the point that the original poster made. He wasn't actually saying that Kane is so important that he deserves the title run or consistent main event status that guys like Batista, Taker, HHH or Cena have enjoyed. Rather that Kane could be used as a great jumping off point for those who are borderline mid-card/main-event. I mean I kinda wish Sheamus woulda gotten into it more with Kane before he was pushed as the WWE champ it woulda given him more legitimacy in my opinion. It's hard to say this and not sound like a fool but having guys like Kane to job to more important wrestlers in bigger events does make your status that much better. If i was wrong and you didn't misinterpret then I do apologize
ok this was gonna be my original response but the screaming norman thing threw me off:

As everyone else has said I agree that Y2J is important not only cause he helps bring up the status of the mid card belts and can carry amazing mid card feuds like when he faced off with Rey last year.

With Kane I do think he is an important part of the WWE roster cause he does as I said before provide a great jumping off point for mid carders. The only thing that frustrates me about Kane is that he's become too boxed in as a character. Someone stated before that he's really only known as "bald guy who shoots flames and has a weird eye" and he's been like that for years now. Now maybe the man is salvageable if he went into the basement for 6-10 months and came back with a complete makeover in terms of character who is all about "not being the big red pushover anymore" IDK but I mean if that's not gonna happen then Kane can certainly still provide the service he has for years as a strong mid carder for the young talent
While you are correct on that fact. However, it's not about just being a "draw" it's about them being there, doing what needs to be done, never complaining ALWAYS doing things professionally.
Jericho & Kane have put aside their careers on MANY occasions to help put over the younger generation. They have done more for this business than John Cena simply because they have been around longer. If you want to talk about big draws, what about when Kane first arrived? His feuds with his brother were incredible! Inferno Match ring a bell? Kane has drawn big in the past and unfortunately due to WWE dropping the ball with him he wasn't given the respect he shows for the business.
Jericho has been involved in some of the most entertaining as well as intense angles of all time as well. Jericho vs Benoit was great. Jericho was slightly instrumental in turning Chris Benoit face. If i remember correctly it was Benoit's feuds with Jericho and their eventual partnership that really elevated Benoit to a "face" status. Main eventing WM with the likes of HHH & HBK (even though Jericho vs. HBK wasn't the main event) it definately had the big fight feel not just because of HBK but because of Jericho's incredible mic/ring work.
I'm not going to argue with you Taker with 5th, HOWEVER I'll run off your big list of superstars that you named above.

Cena- He put over WHO again? Oh yeah the spirit squad! (where are they again!?), Sheamus? That guy doesn't know how to wipe his own backside. Talk about BORING and GENERIC! Thank you HHH for giving him that MUCH deserved push!
Taker- Taker DOES put over rookies (Orlando Jordan) HOWEVER WWE management is so high on him (and deservedly so) that he very rarely will EVER job to an up and comer. He very rarely loses CLEANLY to anyone below him.
HHH- Future "Chairman" of the WWE. Who did he put over again? Oh yeah he didn't he HOLDS people back! And no I don't believe he helped mold Batista or Orton. They would have eventually broken out of their own shells.
HBK- HBK has definately changed over the past oh...7-10 years. He might be willing to put over stars, but he chooses a select few, IF any to go over him.
Batista- He's in the business for himself, PERIOD. IMO
Randy Orton- The Present/Future standard bearer right here! Orton acts like a baby but wrestles incredibly. And he's giving Legacy the rub they need!

My point in doing the above was simple.... how many of the "older" generation are giving the "younger" generation the rubs they need?

Jericho & Kane!

Who drops their belts/Loses CLEANLY to bring in the future mega stars once the "Elite war horses are gone"?

Jericho & Kane

Who continue to go night after night not taking time off because of age? (yes that is in reference to HHH,HBK, and Taker)

Jericho & Kane.

Jericho in WCW with his feud with Goldberg was one of the most entertaining storylines/feuds I can remember from WCW simply because Jericho helped Goldberg big time in that feud. He gave him that rub he needed. Not Hogan (let's face it Hogan didn't cleanly lose anything ever!) but JERICHO.
Jericho was held back big time in WCW and yet when he came over to WWE and interrupted the Rock his ovation was DEAFENING!

So, I pose this question to you Undertaker the 5th..

If Jericho & Kane aren't 2 of the most important guys in the company.. who are?? The guys that seem to ALWAYS get the belt back and put themselves into another BOOOORRRRING/ predictable feud?

Jericho and Kane do whatever it takes to bring up the next potential star! Let's see HHH/HBK/Orton/Batista/Cena lose to a virtual nobody because WWE management sees said superstar as a potential megastar. IMO, and this might just be my personal opinion. Without Jericho & Kane WWE would be in BIG BIG trouble because when the old war horses are finally brought out back and gunned down who's going to be taking their spot? The guys they SQUASHED? Or the guys that defeated "The Big Red Machine" and who got a damn good rub from the best damn wrestler PERIOD Chris Jericho?

PS (if you didn't already know Jericho has recently been praising Dustin Rhodes for his ring work...freakin Dustin Rhodes man! If that doesn't speak to Jericho's character I don't think ANYTHING would. Because let's face it, Vince has pissed Rhodes out several times before)

First of all I think you missed reading the part where I said that Kane has not been a draw for a very long time. You act as if I had said that he has always been a jobber.
Cena - Would Cena be as big a star if he jobbed to the likes of Evan Bourne just because the IWC loves him? No.
Triple H - Are you saying he never gets pinned? Do you remember that failure that goes by the name of Shelton Benjamin? It's not his fault he didn't make it. He lost to him three times I believe and he couldn't get over because the general public didn't like him. General public is not the IWC, that is only a small portion of the WWE Universe. He also helped Jeff Hardy become a star if I remember correctly.
'Taker - Wasn't it thanks to him that guys like Mr. Kennedy became somewhat of a star? Wasn't he the one that made Orton go back into momentum after his horrible face turn? Orlando Jordan is not the only one that has beaten him. Again it's not his fault the they suck on the mic and therefore make the general public uninterested in them.
HBK - Yes, he only chooses a select few, but imagine if he allowed anyone to pin him. That would make every wrestler a superstar? No.
Batista - Agree with you, but I just mentioned him because he is a bigger draw than Jericho IMO. Even if his wrestling sucks.
Randy Orton - He will only lose cleanly to main eventers because he has been built up to be one himself. Plus he has given some guys a rub and WWE failed to capitalize on it(well just Kofi that I remember correctly.
So what if Jericho and Kane allow anyone to pin them. I'm not bashing on them, I am just saying that they are not the most important people on this business. This business relies on ratings, draws, money!! Not on some main eventer losing to any midcarder all the time.

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