Chris Jericho and his thoughts on PG vs Attitude Era

Seeing as if everyone is always saying that the PG Era is messing up wrestling. What do you think about Jericho's thoughts on this topic?

By and large I agree with the man. As someone who watched the entire Attitude era from begging to end I must admit there was just some stuff that was in terrible terrible taste and didn't make the show more entertaining by any stretch. That said, the man for lack of a better term is a pretty staunch Christian these days and obviously would take issue with some of the over the top nonsense the WWF was spewing forth back then. The truth probably lies in the middle ground somewhere.
I stopped watching wrestling mid Attitude i liked some of the stuff. I missed at the faecal stuff, Vals Penis.

I miss Inuendo though like T&A that wont happen now but it should they dont have to say what it means, let peoples imagination run.

The DiBiase protection joke was awesome, i miss that, i don't want to see blood matches, that's just weak and i thought the Hardcore stuff is what really made killed a part of WWE we don't need that shit for entertainment, great matches are made purely by great wrestlers.

Is it that bad that they can't say something like "You're an ass!" these days unless it's by mistake.
Well, no one can take away from the Attitude Eras popularity. Ratings dont lie and they never will. The attitude Era reached huge heights in Popularity particualry in 1999-2000. Ratings that soared past the 5's will never be duplicated with what we have now.

Jericho is in the PG era right now, and is still with the company, so it would be kind of hard for him to bash the PG era, as there could be some drawbacks. Like the person above me pointed out, I also remember on the Monday Night Wars DVD and even the new WCW DVD Jericho talking about how good the era was, and how great it was to be a wrestling fan during that era. Sure the things that Jericho pointed out were some low times during the era, but what about the rest?

You can't honestly tell me that DX in 2006 and 2009 was more entertaining then DX in 1998-1999 with HHH, The New Age Outlaws, X-Pac, and Chyna?

You cant honestly tell me that the mega stars of today which include John Cena, and Batista, are more entertaining then Stone Cold, The Rock, Kurt Angle and others back then?

Storylines back then were emotional, wildly entertaining and would keep everyone on the edge of their seats. You had The Rock vs. Austin, Austin vs. McMahon, DX vs. The Nation of Domination, Taker vs. Kane (when they were in their primes), Angle vs. Benoit, and so much more.

I do have to admit that the NXT angle that they are doing at this moment is entertaining and can't wait to see who the leader is, but besides that and few other storylines (Taker vs. HBk, Jericho vs. HBK etc.) what else is there in this era? Dont get me wrong, I still watch Raw and Smackdown every week and still enjoy it, but definately not as much as I did back then in the Attitude Era.
I agree with him to an extent. There was some really, really stupid moments during the Attitude Era, and I actually quite like having a program that can still be edgy without having to resort to filth.

However, the one thing the Attitude Era has that the current era lacks is an abundance of interesting personalities and characters. The Attitude Era gave us the dynamically exciting Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more. They gripped a crowd with their mic skills that were natural yet engaging.

I agree that there was trash with some stories, but there was also a lot of gold in other storylines and characters. There is gold today, and little trash. However, there is a lot of what I could only describe as "Beige". Lame, uninspired characters and angles. Nothing horrible, but nothing as exciting as back then.

That could change, though. Batista was great as a heel, The Miz is becoming a superstar with the best promos in the company, and the Nexus angle is crazily entertaining and has us all guessing.

So in summation, I agree that the trashy things are better off gone and that the PG Era is actually a good thing, but I also believe that there needs to be more gimmicks and characters.
I agree with him to an extent. There was some really, really stupid moments during the Attitude Era, and I actually quite like having a program that can still be edgy without having to resort to filth.

However, the one thing the Attitude Era has that the current era lacks is an abundance of interesting personalities and characters. The Attitude Era gave us the dynamically exciting Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more. They gripped a crowd with their mic skills that were natural yet engaging.

There is gold today, and little trash. However, there is a lot of what I could only describe as "Beige". Lame, uninspired characters and angles. Nothing horrible, but nothing as exciting as back then.

Shortened up your quote a little doc sorry. As a former hardcore follower I will say that until the NXT angle started I was just about finished with wrestling in general, TNA's move to Monday piqued my interest and then I saw the bloated corpses, I mean Scott Hall and the Nasty Boys in the ring and the realized that TNA was making a tragic mistake.

PG has some things going for it, but it certainly has a lot of things going against it. The in ring blood policy. It has got to go. I can deal with no blading. Seeing Ric Flaid bleeding like a stuck pig was actually pretty disgusting, not in an OH MY GOD kinda way, just the fact that he was a bloody freaking mess. I mean jesus did the guy take blood thinners before his matches. On the otherhand if a guy gets cut or busted open on accident, you shouldn't stop the match. That just kills any kind of momentum the match had, I mean damn you have to bring out trainers to look at the cut. Give me a break. No more blading great, stopping a match for a busted lip is bullshit.
I've always been hooked on wrestling. With or without chair shots, blood, adult themed story lines, bad language, and mainstream attention. The WWE puts out a great product night after night. They don't need to sell violence, sex and blood anymore. This new direction isn't at all like the 80's or early 90's WWF was. Wrestling is always changing and evolving. I love it.

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