CHRIS IS AWESOME (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap) the Chris Hero thread


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i started thisthread so we can discuss how awesome Chris Hero is. Here we can lavish all the wonderful praises on THE BEST ATHLETE IN PRO WRESTLING. So why do you think Chris is awesome. I think he is just an amazing heel who you hate at first until you get it. watching him do drills in the ring is by far one of the funniest things i have ever seen. He is also an amazing worker and watching some of his matches with CM Punk from IWA-MS are awesome, his time in CZW also Awesome. If your not on the Hero ban wagon jump on now, before you break your legs trying to get on later.

For those that don't know, Chris Hero is an INDY superstar. IF you have had the pleasure of seeing him live, you know that he getsa response everywhere he goes, be it good or bad. He is curently a part of Sweet n Sour in ROH with Larry Sweeny and company. He was alos the head trainer at the CHIKARA wrestling facorty with Mike Quckenbush until recently. I tried to post a YOU TUBE video but it wasn't working.

He was recently voted by ROH fans has the wrestler "Whose Star Shines The Brightest In 2008" and i agree, He can be funny, and he can be just plain evil.
Chris Hero... this guy is genius. In the past he was a true heel- and he was good at it. However, his current comedic heel role is absolutely priceless. His personality is comparable to that of Christian Cage (whom I'm a huge fan of). Hero is so quick and witty on the mic and he has been getting monster pops from the crowd lately. He is flourishing in position and I do think we will be seeing great things from Hero this year.
Its funny you should start this post, peazy. I've been wanting to discuss how Chris Hero is a star in the making since I first witnessed his matches in CZW. With that said, I've only been following the Indy scene for about 2 years now so I don't have much to go on but the first match I ever saw of Mr. Hero was him vs. Mike Quackenbush in either Chikara or CZW. I was amazed. The athletic ability and technical skill was something to behold. After that, I started to look up some of his stuff from IWA-MS as well. I agree with peazy in saying that his feud with CM Punk was wrestling gold.

IMO Chris Hero is the mold in which ALL (yes, all) up-and-coming professional wrestlers should build themselves upon. Mic skills, athletic and technical abilities and the gift of either getting under your skin or screaming your lungs out in approval of his actions. ROH should have some great stuff planned for Chris Hero in the coming year and I'm excited to hopefully get a chance to see it. Screw John Bradshaw Layfield. Chris Hero is a wrestling god.
Chris Hero is destined to be a major star in the world of pro wrestling...he is the total package...the thing that stands out the most to me is how much he reminds of me of Chris Jericho, circa 1998 WCW, just hilarious...

something you think that we will see Bobby Dempsey stand up to Hero this year? i think that shit would be gold
So i got to see the new SERIOUS HERO this past weekend at tag wars 2008 (good show) and let me tell you it was still amazing. He was challenged to a dance off by jack evans, acted like he was gonna try, then just cold cocked Jack in the face. The makings of a great heel run.
So i got to see the new SERIOUS HERO this past weekend at tag wars 2008 (good show) and let me tell you it was still amazing. He was challenged to a dance off by jack evans, acted like he was gonna try, then just cold cocked Jack in the face. The makings of a great heel run.

I had the opportunity to see the "new" Chris Hero as well a month ago. I have to say that I definately don't enjoy this side of his character as much. Don't get me wrong, Hero is still going to be something special- it's just that he plays the comedic heel so well that it's rather disappointing that the gimmick is going in another direction.
I think if you guys want to see some good Chris hero, go to
and see some of his work in Australia, he'll be coming over in the middle of july buy the dvd of our Rise Of The Warriors tournament after it gets done and edited.
We also have Trik Davis coming down aswell.

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