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Chris Hero Gets His WWE Name

I would not be surprised if Hero came up with this name. Kassius, like Cassius Clay (KOing people) "Ohno" like "Oh no". It's clever and fits his character.

Hero knows how to work crowds. As I've said before, I've followed him since like 2002 or earlier, whenever "When Hero Met Punk" was. He changes his style for where he is, can sell, can tell a story in the ring, and can work any audience. He'll be a success.

They key for him and Claudio getting over, if they are a team, isn't their MOOVEZ or KEMISTRIES!!!! It's how well they carry their character and whether or not people buy into it.
Picture this....

The Raw after Wrestlemania, The Rock is giving his last speech at the end of Raw before leaving until SummerSlam time for the Cena rematch, he's giving the crowd everything. He's....electrifying....them and coming up with all kinds of funnies for them.

KoW comes on stage. Whoever is their best on the mic will talk....The Rock makes fun of them, makes a few one liners about them being 'nobodies', and asks who they are and what their names are....

KoW says it doesn't matter what their names are....what does matter is that 15 years from now, they will be considered legends, they will be considered Kings (obvious reference while he looks at the camera, as Punk did, since they won't be actually called KoW anymore). Takes a jab at the Rock. He's past his prime. Says that 2-3 years from now, he and the guy standing right next to him will be putting on epic matches for the IC belt, ones that will be talked about for years, like Michales-Razor and Steamboat-Savage. 5 years from now, they will be winning WWE titles, putting on epic matches like Michaels and Angle and etc etc....But right now, they are going to start at the 'bottom', with the tag titles....the tag title hasn't meant a damn thing to the WWE in a long time, KoW says....they are going to change that. They are going to win the titles...they, as a team, can beat the WWE champ and the IC champ in a tag match anytime....they say how nobody in the WWE knows how to be a champion anymore because the titles get hot-potatoed every 2 months. No one is truly great to dominate these days...they are going to evoke memories of when tag teams meant something....

Give them the belts and build up the other teams through prime spot feuds...have them beat the WWE and IC champs (faces) while they are carrying the tag titles....their chemistry will be obvious. Punk could make these guys' careers, and he could bring up the IC title holder (face Miz, maybe? Hmmm....) Have guys wanting to find tag partners to try to beat them and show that on Raw....hold 4 team #1 contender matches that are truly great....make new tag teams and invest time into them....end Raws with KoW standing tall at the end.

If I were a WWE writer....
So basically a lot of cliche shit that the people will stop paying attention to as soon as they say "we'll be Kings". Don't reference shit only 1/10 your audience knows. Having them piggy back someone else's heat to get them over is fine. But why on earth would you have them do some lame ass cliche "I'm gonna be awesome" promo that everyone else does? Why say "in 3 years we'll be fighting each other"? Why say "we're starting with this piece of shit tag scene"? That doesn't sound like someone who wants to be the best. That sounds like some autistic kid who can't stand it if shit isn't in a very precise order of ranking.

If you having them piggy back Rock. How about they just come out, beat the shit out of him, spit on him, and roll his ass out of the ring and stand there and pose, don't talk, nothing. Then the next week, they take out Cena in a similar manner. Then they look like they're going to side with Punk, then they attack him too. They don't talk, they just beat up big names. You wait to have them talk, you milk it. Have some mystery. Give people a reason to tune in. If you come out and have them lay their whole diabolical plan on everyone, that kinda ruins it doesn't it? Mystery is a lot more powerful than "okay, so first A is gonna happen, then B, then C...".
I think that if and a big IF they do tag together, the KOW's gimmick should be that tag teams matter. They should jump and beat down singles wrestlers and then challenge them to take them on with a partner, and then beat them. I doubt WWE will let them do this to the likes of Punk and Orton and Cena, but whatever - its not necessary for them to jump maineventers to get over. They could jump Santino or Ryder or Truth or Kofi and that works just fine too. But the point is, they would then say that two thrown together dudes really can't beat a good tag team. I think that Bo Rotundo and Husky Harris would be a great foil to the KOW and eventually be the ones to take the gold off of them. This fantasy booking would clearly only work if WWE was willing to take the tag teams more seriously. Maybe it means that Vince will actually listen to Triple H on this one? We'll see. I am not holding my breath.
Chris Hero is a fuck ton of a better name then Kassius Ohno as an in ring name. I really don't care what his name is at the end of the day, he could be called chota boy for all I care but I'm not too wild about that name, especially since Chris Hero is a pretty decent wrestling name as it is. Kassius Ohno isn't horrible but its not as good as Chris Hero, in my opinion anyways.

I know WWE has this thing about trademarking all of their superstars but if he's done well somewhere else I don't see the harm in letting people know who he is and where he is from. In a perfect world they would do just that but who knows maybe Kassius Ohno will be the next big craze in wrestling although I doubt it.
Why does WWE keep giving these guys stupid fucking names? Made up, random names, who aren't real, yet we are supposed to buy into each person and character?

The Top guys are themselves, or their names, aren't fucking stupid made up crap from soap operas. Orton, Cena, Rhodes, themselves. Miz, himself. It's amazing Ziggler is over with that dumb name

Either be a character(Undertaker/HHH/Kane) or BE YOURSELF!
Picture this....

The Raw after Wrestlemania, The Rock is giving his last speech at the end of Raw before leaving until SummerSlam time for the Cena rematch, he's giving the crowd everything. He's....electrifying....them and coming up with all kinds of funnies for them.

KoW comes on stage. Whoever is their best on the mic will talk....The Rock makes fun of them, makes a few one liners about them being 'nobodies', and asks who they are and what their names are....

KoW says it doesn't matter what their names are....what does matter is that 15 years from now, they will be considered legends, they will be considered Kings (obvious reference while he looks at the camera, as Punk did, since they won't be actually called KoW anymore). Takes a jab at the Rock. He's past his prime. Says that 2-3 years from now, he and the guy standing right next to him will be putting on epic matches for the IC belt, ones that will be talked about for years, like Michales-Razor and Steamboat-Savage. 5 years from now, they will be winning WWE titles, putting on epic matches like Michaels and Angle and etc etc....But right now, they are going to start at the 'bottom', with the tag titles....the tag title hasn't meant a damn thing to the WWE in a long time, KoW says....they are going to change that. They are going to win the titles...they, as a team, can beat the WWE champ and the IC champ in a tag match anytime....they say how nobody in the WWE knows how to be a champion anymore because the titles get hot-potatoed every 2 months. No one is truly great to dominate these days...they are going to evoke memories of when tag teams meant something....

Give them the belts and build up the other teams through prime spot feuds...have them beat the WWE and IC champs (faces) while they are carrying the tag titles....their chemistry will be obvious. Punk could make these guys' careers, and he could bring up the IC title holder (face Miz, maybe? Hmmm....) Have guys wanting to find tag partners to try to beat them and show that on Raw....hold 4 team #1 contender matches that are truly great....make new tag teams and invest time into them....end Raws with KoW standing tall at the end.

If I were a WWE writer....

I like it!

I am not saying it’s perfect, but it is a good way to get over new talent. The WWE needs to push some of its talented wrestlers, and this would do it!
PS the name sucks….
WWE are copyright nazis that really is a stupid name they should have let him keep Chris Hero. I think that WWE has a hat filled with the dumbest names you could think of for a wrestler then they just pull one of the names at random and thats how they name a wrestler. Look at guys like Eli Cottonwood Lucky Cannon Michael McGilicuty Skip Shefield and the list goes on even Daniel Bryan is a stupid name why not just let him be Bryan Danielson
The WWE always wants to create new names and asign them to their new guys so they they can trademark the names and own them. That is why they dont like wrestlers to use their real names (example Michael McGuilicutty/Joe Henning)they cannot trademark the birthname of a person. They also do it so they can start off the wrestlers with a new fresh persona as if they never exsisted before coming under the WWE banner. That habit goes back to the NWA/earlyWCW days. I dont think ROH trademarks any names, I dont think they can afford it. If you think about it plenty of guys have come and gone from ROH and continued to use the names they used there (As long as they were not coming or going from WWE with the exception of CM PUNK)
I am going to be optimistic, I find the name Kassius Ohno.....intriguing...can't say I am a HUGE fan of the name change...but I will leave the verdict out on it. Look at Daniel Bryan for example, people thought......wtf...how generic can you go....and lets look at where he is right now? He has forged a legacy of his own as Daniel Bryan in WWE. If Kassius Ohno can forge a legacy of his own in WWE with that identity, then fair play to him.
Like countless others have pointed out, Dolph Ziggler is the perfect example of someone within the WWE getting by on a shitty name. The name means little to nothing when determining how much potential someone has. I've followed Hero for a while and have watched a substantial amount of his best matches; the dude can and WILL get by with whatever name the WWE throws at him. Succeeding within the WWE has nothing to do with the name you chose or are given, but the traits you carry that make you stand out from the rest of the roster. Chris Hero, or should I say Kassius Ohno possesses everything it takes to be a big name in the WWE – no name can hold him back.
I honestly do not think that the name is as bad as Dolph Ziggler or anything. Kassius Ohno sounds to me like the name of a gangster or a cold blooded killer. Dolph Ziggler just sounds like a clown at a birthday party. The thing with the cold blooded killer or even a martial artist gimmick, which a lot of people think Hero will portray, is the fact that it might just not give Hero too many opportunities to show how good he is on the mic. Still, I do feel Hero can make a name for himself in the WWE regardless of what that name is.

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