Cheering Brock Lesnar when he attacks a innoncent cameraman?

John Cena won a Last Man Standing Match by the heel act of duct taping Batista's legs to a turnbuckle. There is an entire library of Stone Cold videos out there showing him doing what reality would dictate as shitty. Undertaker chokeslam'd a midget and Eddie Guerrero bullied Big Show in their US title feud. Yes, bullied.

Any action can be considered face-like if the fans cheer loud enough. Doesn't matter what it is. There are lines of course (like slapping a baby or some shit) but is that line drawn when some no-named cameraman gets in the way of a pissed off monster? Nah.
there's no way you're a wrestling fan. otherwise you would've heard of a man named Steve Austin that beat up innocent men & women each and every week and was pretty much the most over face EVER.

That is why I liked Steve Austin when he went full heel at WMX7, since he showed his true colors.

Austin never loved the fans. He told J.R. so the next week on "Smackdown". The only reason Austin was classified a face is because he fought guys who were "heels".

I would like to see one of the innocent faces he beat up, actually turn on him, and beat him up right back, for attacking him while they were teaming together.

But that never would have happened, because Austin politicked to never look bad, and always get the better of his opponents (look at his one-sided feud with Vince, and how he never put the Rock over until he was crippled and did the job at WM19).

Besides, it is Austin getting cheered, despite bashing innocent women in real life (like Jeannie Adams, Debra and another girlfriend) that I have a problem with.
Yes Brock is a legit badass for him to F5 a cameraman and then attack Booker T, JBL and Michael Cole and get cheered for all of it, that is why people love Brock because he just comes off as a badass in the way he carries himself but people actually pay for Lesnar to just snap and beat people up and either way you look at it Brock is going to turn babyface when and if he does come back I mean it is inevitable
nowadays fans are not real pro wrestling fans. they are just audience. even they don't know when to cheer and boo.
There isn't gonna be a face turn for Brock.....that's what he was telling us on Monday. Even the Brock cheering section will get the message before long.

It's funny how two people can watch the same thing and draw wildly different conclusions. What I saw on Monday was a clear shift towards face Lesnar.

For one, Heyman was magnanimous in 'victory' and full of praise for Reigns.

Secondly, Heyman was trying to stop the destruction, Lesnar was just too much of a bad ass to listen.

Thirdly, his ire was at the WWE, not innocent individuals. He attacked the least favourite announcer, if they wanted him heel, it's Booker T that he'd have bullied.

Fourthly, his interaction with Stephanie was definitely designed to make him the sympathetic character.

I imagine that Rollins will hold the title till Summerslam, at which point Lesnar will come back to a heroes' welcome and get screwed out of the title going into his next programme. I don't see how they can try to keep him face now, he's getting into that territory of being too respected to be hated.

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