Cheering Brock Lesnar when he attacks a innoncent cameraman?


Pre-Show Stalwart
That would be heelish back in the day.

And I also see how the crowd has changed, attacking a cameraman, and the commentators Cole, JBL and Booker T.

It just annoyed me people was cheering for that, I mean attacking an innoncent man? These crowds makes me confused.

"Boo fuck Lesnar, he never shows up" and then cheer him when he attacks an innoncent cameraman.
It's Brock Lesnar. This is a beast who doesn't care about anyone's well being and was mad at the way Seth Rollins ran away from him with the title he stole from him at Mania. Brock Lesnar is playing his character to perfection and the fans know that hence the cheers.

It's not like he killed the guy or anything it was just an f5 to a cameraman who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It wasn't an innocent cameraman. it was a wrestler they brought in for the night to play a cameraman. Do you really think they would risk a lawsuit by having Lesnar hurt an non in ring talent.

I've seen cameramen get knocked down when the action moves onto the floor, but I'm sure they are warned that can happen. In this case it was a deliberate act by Lesnar and scripted into the program.

I'm really hoping this is an April's Fool's thread.

EDIT: Here's the link to the main page with the story.
It wasn't an innocent cameraman.

it was a wrestler they brought in for the night to play a cameraman. Do you really think they would risk a lawsuit by having Lesnar hurt an non in ring talent.

Please, don't kill kayfabe.

We are taking about it from a wrestling perspective kayfabe wise.
They were cheering because he went beast mode. I believe he could have attacked DB and Ziggler and still got cheered to fuck that night.
Please, don't kill kayfabe.

We are taking about it from a wrestling perspective kayfabe wise.

Oh then why didn't you say so. I'm not going to get pissed at Lesnar for actually doing what he was supposed to do. And I will cheer him for getting rid of the announce table. Breath of fresh air that was.
Far as I can see, Brock was coming off as too much of a hero during and after his WM31 match. It seemed management was turning him good, not by any kind & warm things he was doing, but strictly due to how good he is, especially when compared to that devious, dirty, son-of-a-bitch Seth Rollins. :)

Don't we secretly appreciate the tough guy who is so much better than everyone else? Don't we often side with the bully, in the secret hope he'll see us cheering him and not turn his aggression on us? (C'mon, you guys, you know what I'm talking about)

At any rate, lots of folks on this forum were speculating that Brock would turn good, especially if beaten by Roman Reigns, right? Who in hell wants the damn Samoan as champion, right? Yeah!

Instead, he demolished all that on Raw when he hurt people, including the poor cameraman......and the damage to the announcer's table will no doubt be taken out of his pay.

That some fans were cheering Brock proves only that they're slow to catch on. Takes 'em awhile to realize that something unusual is happening in their midst. ("What the eff, man! Weren't we just cheering this guy yesterday? Shit!")

There isn't gonna be a face turn for Brock.....that's what he was telling us on Monday. Even the Brock cheering section will get the message before long.
The crowd has changed, they are smarter now. They realize that JBL and Booker are former competitors, the camera man is a local guy, and now we've even (sadly) seen Michael Cole in the ring a few times. It's more than within reason that Cole can take an F-5.

The crowds are having trouble playing their role in the reality era. They cheer heels and boo faces. I don't think that this is entirely a symptom of trolling. Modern tastes have changed, we like complex and dark characters. Outside of wrestling we connect with characters like Walter White and Don Draper, who by traditional standards whould be considered the antagonists or heels of their respective programs; but they're the reason we tune in.

Some people are saying what we saw Monday was a face turn, I don't think that was the intention, otherwise Brock would have ripped through the Authority stooges J&J, Kane, and Show. Lesnar was being Lesnar; dark, complex, and flawed character. Traditional faces are exposed today. Crowds are booing flat one dimensional characters like Cena, New Day, or Regins. Those characters are for the kids, as children still prefer the traditional babyface, however one dimensional.

Lesnar would have gotten a pop from that crowd no matter who he ran through. They probably would have had to send him through Bryan, Ziggler, and Ambrose. My feeling is that WWE creative still expects the crowd to participate in the unwritten rule of boo the heel and cheer the face. However, crowds want complex storytelling that is easy for the layman to get their head around, featuring dynamic characters that are flawed although charismatic. Then there's also a few dozen trolls chanting "eff you I won't do what you tell me."
I don't think Brock's turning face. Neither do I think that crowd were overly supportive of Brock. However, somewhere, you have to give credit to Rollins for this. He is so good at being that chickensh*t heel that Brock came off as slightly sympathetic, rightly pissed off guy whose actions, while barbaric, were justified in the heat of the moment. Plus Brock's own aura is such that people see him as the most legit badass the business has seen in a long time. It was like a wild, angry beast attacking anyone in sight. Also, you cannot expect Brock to be a heel against Stephanie, who draws nuclear heat. Brock was always going to come off as face from that particular angle.
Look at it as the first step in a larger story. Everyone in the building is an employee of the WWE and by extension the Authority. Brock was owed a rematch which he was promised and then it was snatched away. Him lashing out at anyone is the start of him going after the authority. First Rollins, then the rest after he, obviously, gets screwed in his rematch whenever that may be.

Brock is the beast incarnate, the conqueror, so a rational response was simply not an option. This at least makes sense for the character, but I still wonder what Heyman does during this "suspensionç
However, somewhere, you have to give credit to Rollins for this. He is so good at being that chickensh*t heel

God damn right.

I love Rollins as that coward heel, he's so awesome pissing everybody off and being the chickinshit heel.
The crowd has changed, they are smarter now. They realize that JBL and Booker are former competitors, the camera man is a local guy, and now we've even (sadly) seen Michael Cole in the ring a few times. It's more than within reason that Cole can take an F-5.

The crowds are having trouble playing their role in the reality era. They cheer heels and boo faces. I don't think that this is entirely a symptom of trolling. Modern tastes have changed, we like complex and dark characters. Outside of wrestling we connect with characters like Walter White and Don Draper, who by traditional standards whould be considered the antagonists or heels of their respective programs; but they're the reason we tune in.

Some people are saying what we saw Monday was a face turn, I don't think that was the intention, otherwise Brock would have ripped through the Authority stooges J&J, Kane, and Show. Lesnar was being Lesnar; dark, complex, and flawed character. Traditional faces are exposed today. Crowds are booing flat one dimensional characters like Cena, New Day, or Regins. Those characters are for the kids, as children still prefer the traditional babyface, however one dimensional.

Lesnar would have gotten a pop from that crowd no matter who he ran through. They probably would have had to send him through Bryan, Ziggler, and Ambrose. My feeling is that WWE creative still expects the crowd to participate in the unwritten rule of boo the heel and cheer the face. However, crowds want complex storytelling that is easy for the layman to get their head around, featuring dynamic characters that are flawed although charismatic. Then there's also a few dozen trolls chanting "eff you I won't do what you tell me."

Agreed. Like I've said before, the internet destroyed pro wrestling's essence, now we just have to deal with it the way it is now.
Nothing new for a crowd to cheer the heelish actions of their hero to be honest. Remember when John Cena threatened to beat up non-wrestler, in his fifties Paul Heyman if Brock didn't show up to Raw? Brock proceeded to show up to fight Cena instead of allowing Cena beat up his fifty-something, non-wrestler friend.

You tell that story to anyone who doesn't know wrestling, Cena, Heyman or Brock and they'd obviously say Lesnar was the hero in the equation. Go back to Hogan in the late 1980s, early 1990s and watch his matches. You'd be surprised how often he cheats in them, everything from slamming Earthquake with a steel chair to smashing Zeus' face in to an exposed turnbuckle. Look at the way he pulled Sid out of the Royal Rumble in 1992, all because Sid had the audacity to eliminate him in the every man for himself battle royale. Oddly that was supposed to be Sid turning heel there and not Hogan.

Wrestling doesn't make sense when you think too much about it and it wasn't the Attitude Era that changed that.
I like Brock as a tweener. The bookers have a done a good job of keeping Heyman/Lesnar separate and not lumping them in the Authority by default and I think that's a good call.

None of us really know when the WWE decided Lesnar would drop the title, but no doubt, his shortening schedule and him flirting with the idea of returning to the octagon had something to do with it.

Now that Lesnar is committed back to the WWE, hopefully they will invest more in his character. For awhile Lesnar was a heel, and they did a great job keeping him out of the authority story lines and affiliating him with them. Lesnar definitely has the track record in and out of the ring to sell character as a rampaging wrestler and a character like that can be an effective tweener because they don't really need a heel or face affiliation to elicit a response from the crowd. Lesnar can't be sold as a cowardly heel, he definitely doesn't do well as a face, and since he isn't affiliated with other heels I don't see them being able to sell him as a defacto heel. A dominant tweener better suites him.
That would be heelish back in the day.

And I also see how the crowd has changed, attacking a cameraman, and the commentators Cole, JBL and Booker T.

It just annoyed me people was cheering for that, I mean attacking an innoncent man? These crowds makes me confused.

"Boo fuck Lesnar, he never shows up" and then cheer him when he attacks an innoncent cameraman.

It's Brock Lesnar. He's a beast. If The Rock or Stone Cold did it back in the day they would have gotten cheered too, it's just the nature of their character.
Brock Lesnar won't be Face nor Heel... He is just Bork!

Oh, and he is pretty damn Awesome at what he does as this past Monday Night showed.

All I have to say is... Bring on More BROCK SMASH!!!
Bullshit, how do you know that cameraman was not going to molest a child after Raw? He could have, Brock just prevented it. He is a hero and deserves our love. And let's not forget some of those camera angles that guy produced for the first hour of the show. Awful, just awful. The camera work for the rest of the show was a revelation in comparison. Thank you Brock.
The plan may not be to turn him face but if they are going to have him oppose Seth Rollins whenever he returns he is going to be a face by default. People are going to get tired of the constant J&J, Show/Kane run ins and will be begging for a new champion. I also think Lesnar in general has grown on fans and short of him facing Daniel Bryan, he'll probably be cheered most of the time.
Not "this era's" wrestling fans. There have always been ass-kicking faces in wrestling that beat the crap out of anybody that gets in there way. Macho Man did it. Ken Shamrock did it. Stone Cold did it. Takers done it. It's really nothing new in the wrestling business. Kayfabe or not, the fans know that Lesnar isn't beating the crap out of a real cameraman... if he were, I'm sure they would be highly opposed, don't worry.

If you're not familiar with Ken Shamrock go back and watch. Used to beat down on referees and officials every week and he was over as all hell.
Lesnar got screwed by Rollins who trolled him in his very face. That's why his anger was justified, kayfabe wise.
Please, don't kill kayfabe.

We are taking about it from a wrestling perspective kayfabe wise.

Kayfabe is dead and gone my friend.
HHH himself admitted it. The industry needs to move on and adapt like it always has and always will. Which is why upon re-signing Lesnar is going to be built into a MONSTER FACE. Tweener for sure. But the pops for Lesnar's limited appearances from now on are going to be EPIC.
That would be heelish back in the day.

And I also see how the crowd has changed, attacking a cameraman, and the commentators Cole, JBL and Booker T.

It just annoyed me people was cheering for that, I mean attacking an innoncent man? These crowds makes me confused.

"Boo fuck Lesnar, he never shows up" and then cheer him when he attacks an innoncent cameraman.

Innocent Cameraman.....OMG wrestling stopped being staged.....Since when. Brock loves your tears. Learn how to spell and come join us in the intelligent world.
The fans cheer all the heels and Boo the biggest face in John Cena. but love clown shoe goat boy Bryan. Welcome to the Human Race crap in a bag.
you best believe i cheered my ass off when Brock went ape shit and attacked everyone in sight.. Camerman Michael Cole,especially Michael Cole.. Come on,secretly we all love it when innocent people are attacked by wrestlers its funny and great entertainment..

Brock was beginning to look like the hero at WM and the WWE could not have that.. He's a uncaring monster,a hired thug who only works for money and cares for no one and nothing except money. The Post MNR was one of the best ever (Its the night Cole Lost his Shoe and broke his Cervix)!
there's no way you're a wrestling fan. otherwise you would've heard of a man named Steve Austin that beat up innocent men & women each and every week and was pretty much the most over face EVER.

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