cheap booze

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For the one s who like to drink and can drink, what is your favorite cheap booze. I mean the drink you get that you know will get you fucked up and won't fuck up your pockets.

For me, it's MD 20/20 in other name, Mad Dogg 20/20. It cost $3.50 for a fifth of that shit, it taste great and it will get you fucked up.

My favorite cheap beer is Steel Reserve 211, it cost 65 cent a can and like the MD, can get you fucked up. So watches your favorite hooch?
How old are you man? I used to drink 20/20 when I was 14 round the back of McDonalds, all before I used to go to under 18's nights. Horrible shit. It also didn't get me fucked up. It just make me feel ill. No alcohol effects, just too much horrible orange shit type effect.

I'm pretty fussy when it comes to booze. When it comes to beer I stick to Grolsch. I wont try anything else. And If I'm round town I'll always have it in bottles. About 50% of the people who drink draught beer in Leek end up with the squits the next day.

I'll try almost anything when it comes to shots. Other than Whiskey & gin. I ended up in A & E after necking a bottle of whiskey when I was about 16, so I can't touch the stuff now. And gin just sets off a gag reflex, vomit everywhere.
How old are you man? I used to drink 20/20 when I was 14 round the back of McDonalds, all before I used to go to under 18's nights. Horrible shit. It also didn't get me fucked up. It just make me feel ill. No alcohol effects, just too much horrible orange shit type effect.

I'm pretty fussy when it comes to booze. When it comes to beer I stick to Grolsch. I wont try anything else. And If I'm round town I'll always have it in bottles. About 50% of the people who drink draught beer in Leek end up with the squits the next day.

I'll try almost anything when it comes to shots. Other than Whiskey & gin. I ended up in A & E after necking a bottle of whiskey when I was about 16, so I can't touch the stuff now. And gin just sets off a gag reflex, vomit everywhere.

I'm 21, and still broke in college teaching other broke college students, so thats why I buy the MD 20/20. I learned about it at 16 and if you drink two bottles of it, you will get drunk trust me.

You got tor drink gin, I mean you drink a fifth of gin you will have the best time of your life. Plus the good thing about gin, is that its the only drink you can drink and still be able to function with a girl in the late night ours without trying everything in the book to stand at attention. Gin is my favorite, I drink a glass at least every night. I mean I may be broke at times, but I keep a bottle of gin in my booze cabniet.
Smartprice vodka and blue charge if your on a budget. Gets you fooked for a fiver, lovely.

If im out I either drink Corona, or Carling, or pussy drinks if I can't be arsed getting wasted or just want to neck something.

I am also quite found of that Koppaburg cider in Weatherspoons.
For the one s who like to drink and can drink, what is your favorite cheap booze. I mean the drink you get that you know will get you fucked up and won't fuck up your pockets.

For me, it's MD 20/20 in other name, Mad Dogg 20/20. It cost $3.50 for a fifth of that shit, it taste great and it will get you fucked up.

My favorite cheap beer is Steel Reserve 211, it cost 65 cent a can and like the MD, can get you fucked up. So watches your favorite hooch?
211 is some ROUGH SHIT! LMFAO! I've drank that freakin' lighter fluid before, and one can will have you stumbling!

For malt liquer, I like Saint Ides. Not as strong and foul tasting as 211. Cobra is good, too.

For cheap voldka and gin, you have to go with Georgi. Just about the cheapest shit you can buy, and basically only good for getting tore up.

I've drank Bacardi 151 rum before, and I can't honestly remember what happened that night. Suffice it to say, any shit that actually has a FUCKING WARNING ON THE BOTTLE ABOUT IT BEING HIGHLY FLAMABLE is alright in my book. :D
For cheap liquor it has to be Old English. Beer is expensive as fuck in Canada, so when I dont hve much cash I grab a couple 40's for $10 bucks. I can drink a boat load on a good night, but still, 2 of those bastards crush me. The best result so far had me fucked in half, seemingly with vertigo.
olde english cider?! I used to drink that stuff relgiously when I was 14/15, it would always get me fucked no matter what. Then one day I realised how shit it tasted, and that there were cheaper more effecient ways of getting drunk.

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