Chavo Vs Punk

Italian MVP

Cant see himself....
If you watched ECW, you would of seen the return of Chavo as he attacked an already hurt Cm Punk. I just wanted to get everyones thoughts on Chavo in ECW and a likely ECW title feud between the two.

I think its going to be a good feud as anything is better than punk Vs Daddy V. Chavo is a good wrestler and so is punk so i see this been really good and could make ECW main events worth watching. But the thing that gets me and the one thing i do not get is that they were building up Big daddy V, Henry and Benjamin all for a ECW title shot, even making V pin Punk at Armageddon, so why just make Chavo come out of nowhere and start a feud with Punk? Dont get me wrong, i'd rather watch Chavo then Daddy V, but why build up two monsters a couple of nights before then forgot about them and make Chavo randomly start a feud. It seems it random for me.

What do you think? Do u think this is a good feud? Do u think it was a good move for Chavo to go to ECW? Do you think its too random? Discuss.
Well his profile hasn't been moved over to the ECW least not yet, so he's still a SD! guy, this is probably a feud that will last till the Rumble and then not go much further with Punk retaining, should be entertaining though, I see Shelton finally getting his ECW title push after the Rumble, possibly winning it at No Way Out, then maybe having a re-match at WM, but Chavo/Punk will be short lived I think, I'll truly be surprised if Chavo wins the ECW title before all is said and done with this feud
I think this is quite possibly but a great & stupid move. Its great, because Chavo Guerrero in my opinion has a tremendous amount of talent & deserves to hold major Heavyweight gold, however due to his lack of character & overall appeal to the audience, it seemingly was never meant to happen.

If he's switched to the E.C.W. brand, or even remains on Smackdown, as a cross-over.. he has a very great shot at becoming the next E.C.W. World Champion & making it work. If a guy like C.M. Punk, or John Morrison can hold the Championship.. then Chavo Guerrero could make it unbelievable. He could become what Eddie was for Smackdown, to E.C.W.

Now, the downside to this is.. Chavo has never truly gotten over with the fans, as either a face or a heel. His character just doesn't leap out at you with hatred, or ovation.. & because of that, he's plain.. too plain for his own good. And with that being said, if the W.W.E. placed the Championship on him & allowed him to lead the E.C.W. brand.. I really think they'd lose the small amount of viewers they have.

John Morrison has the charisma & ability to be a World Champion of Smackdown, or even Raw with more time & work.. C.M. Punk has everything needed to remain the E.C.W. Champion, but nothing beyond that.. however, he gets over well with the crowd. Over enough to draw the audience as they do.

Chavo as the lead guy on that brand, wouldn't draw anything to my knowledge. And because of that, I agree with Justin.. in thinking this is a great chance to entertain the fans with some tremendous wrestling matches.. but overall, its just a "tide-over" feud to get Punk through to Wrestlemania, where he'll likely take on Shelton Benjamin.

Chavo Guerrero deserves a run as E.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion, but the chances of him getting it, & making it last longer than a couple weeks, or a month are slim to none. Although, it isn't entirely impossible to see happen.
I dont like the fued. Chavo has the credibility already, putting him against punk will do two things in my mind. Give Chavo more credibility than he needs while (more importantly) putting Punk and the ECW championship on the back burner. Last night Punk should have won against MVP. The ECW belt needs to be held at a higher regard than the damn US championship come on now. If Punk could beat the likes of MVP and Chavo it makes it look more realistic that he could beat guys like Big Daddy V, and Henry in a way. Hopefully out of this fued Punk comes up with more W's than L's but I dont see it going down that way.
They are trying to push Guerrero hard. He had a lengthy CW title run, and he had a pretty damn good feud with Rey Mysterio. Let's face it, CM Punk has all the talent in the world, he needs a veteran to mold him. I see him and AJ Styles in the same light, to guys with tremendous potential, but lacking veteran leadership until now. Styles has Angle and Cage, and Punk would have had Benoit. At least with Guerrero, he's been around the block and is probably going to be the most legit star on ECW. I'm all for it, Punk can't digress from a feud like this.
The problem with pushing Chavo as the brands top heel is that he just isn't agressive enough. He had every oppertunity during his Benoit & Mysterio feuds but he just doesn't have that edge to him. Without it I just can't see him making that much of an impact. Also the fact that the highest WWE titles he's held are tag and cruiser don't exactly add credability to the ECW champ. Shelton has held the IC title which in my eyes makes him more of a threat on paper. But I still feel that somebody like Rey or Finlay should be working with Punk. It's not like they're really needed on Smackdown.
The problem with pushing Chavo as the brands top heel is that he just isn't agressive enough. He had every oppertunity during his Benoit & Mysterio feuds but he just doesn't have that edge to him.

I think his best "heated" feud, was with Rey Mysterio.. but his most passionate one, had to of been against Eddie. He had the chance to truly come out of that as a great single's star, but all that happened was Eddie burying him in a single's match.. (which I think Chavo should've won) then he went on to hold the Cruiserweight title for a lengthy period of time.

But I still feel that somebody like Rey or Finlay should be working with Punk. It's not like they're really needed on Smackdown.

I think Finlay would be best served to be a dominate heel in E.C.W., but Rey Mysterio is such a tremendous athlete to me.. I think he'd completely own everyone there. C.M. Punk would be the closest thing to even, with Mysterio.. & even then, I think Mysterio would constantly own him in matches.
I think his best "heated" feud, was with Rey Mysterio.. but his most passionate one, had to of been against Eddie. He had the chance to truly come out of that as a great single's star, but all that happened was Eddie burying him in a single's match.. (which I think Chavo should've won) then he went on to hold the Cruiserweight title for a lengthy period of time.

The Eddie feud was shit. That match could have been great. But WWE decided to make it about 6 minutes while HHH & HBK got about 30. Holly & Lesnar got about 3 minutes which was good mind you.

Put that was a feud that everyone wanted to see. But WWE just blew it off with a quick match. I understand them not having a rematch. Eddie did win the Smackdown Rumble a few nights later. But it was still a waste.

But I think that the fued with Benoit proved that he just isn't anything other than a mid carder. Not even an upper mid carder. He didn't need to get the belt. Nor did I expect him too. But in the end he kept underperforming in each of him matches with him.

I think Finlay would be best served to be a dominate heel in E.C.W., but Rey Mysterio is such a tremendous athlete to me.. I think he'd completely own everyone there. C.M. Punk would be the closest thing to even, with Mysterio.. & even then, I think Mysterio would constantly own him in matches.[/QUOTE]
The Eddie feud was shit. That match could have been great. But WWE decided to make it about 6 minutes while HHH & HBK got about 30. Holly & Lesnar got about 3 minutes which was good mind you.

It just goes to show you, that W.W.E. can't repeat what W.C.W. did. The Eddie/Chavo angle in W.C.W. was amazing. It helped Chavo become the midcard/cruiserweight wrestler he truly is.

But W.W.E. rushes stuff so much, especially since all THEY seen, were Kurt Angle v. Eddie Guerrero. Chavo never had a chance in that.

Put that was a feud that everyone wanted to see. But WWE just blew it off with a quick match. I understand them not having a rematch. Eddie did win the Smackdown Rumble a few nights later. But it was still a waste.

This is the biggest thing that pisses me off regarding the Rumble match between Eddie & Chavo. Chavo went on to No Way Out to win the Cruiserweight Championship, but Eddie fricken won the World Heavyweight title.. so why not just let Chavo defeat Eddie at the Rumble, then Eddie wins the W.W.E. Championship.. kinda like a Bret/Owen storyline...

But I think that the fued with Benoit proved that he just isn't anything other than a mid carder. Not even an upper mid carder. He didn't need to get the belt. Nor did I expect him too. But in the end he kept underperforming in each of him matches with him.

I think what killed Chavo the most in the Chris Benoit storyline, was because Benoit had not "character," & because the storyline was more a spin off from the Mysterio/Chavo thing.. Benoit wasn't (to me) AS close as Mysterio, to the Guerrero family.

And I thought Chavo was gonna win.. but I understood why he didn't, simply because I agree with you, in the fact that he just didn't show a lot of talent in any of those matches. He IS talented, he just didn't do anything to leap out at you.. making you say.. "Wow, I wanna watch him more often!"
I think what killed Chavo the most in the Chris Benoit storyline, was because Benoit had not "character," & because the storyline was more a spin off from the Mysterio/Chavo thing.. Benoit wasn't (to me) AS close as Mysterio, to the Guerrero family.

And I thought Chavo was gonna win.. but I understood why he didn't, simply because I agree with you, in the fact that he just didn't show a lot of talent in any of those matches. He IS talented, he just didn't do anything to leap out at you.. making you say.. "Wow, I wanna watch him more often!"

See I always thought of Benoit being more of a friend to Eddie than Rey. I just thought that was more storyline. Benoit used to change shows every other month whereas Rey & Eddie were consistently on Smackdown. That is why their freindship probably looked stronger.

The problem with most Benoit feuds was his character. Nobody could deny that he was one of the best wrestlers ever. He was also very intense. But he had all the charisma of a dry cucumber. His backstage promos, interviews etc were always mind-numbingly dull.

I also always thought that Chavo if anybody should have recieved the push.

At least it looks like he will recieve a push. I think ECW is an ok fit. He's not deserving of a world title. But he is more than deserving of a short push with a mid card title. Which is ecactly what the ECW title is.
I was bedazzeled with this at first too. But, then I thought of it from the WWE's perspective. With the WWE wanting to move talent around I see this as saying good bye to Burke, Morrison and V from ECW. Dykstra also picked up a win on ECW, so I see a trend starting here. ECW, when they lost their "originals", became WWE Triple A this is going to be the first main talent exchange with to the majors. Chavo is going to take the spot of Benoit on the roster, Henry takes the spot of Big Daddy V, Dykstra takes that of Morrison and Shelton already took that of Burke. I see this being a steady way of the WWE building their future. RAW gets talent from Smackdown, which gets talent from ECW and ECW gets talent from the developmentals and low level talent on the other two brands. What this says for Chavo is that they are seeing if he can get the same reaction from the crowd that Eddie and Benoit got. He is a tremendous talent and, besides Matt Hardy and Tommy Dreamer, is one of the last "feel good, heart warming underdogs" that they can put a main title on (i.e. Rey, Benoit and Eddie). This will become common in ECW. People saying "WTF" to the new main events, but they are doing it for a purpose. Look at what ECW has done for Burke, Punk, Morrison and Lashley. True they have screwed up a lot, but this is also where there writers learn as well. ECW is going in the right direction and that direction is making new stars.
This move by WWE actually shocked me. It is a good move, don't get me wrong. I think WWE is going the right way with ECW. Chavo is one of the guys who have been around and never have had a golden shot and a big title. Now is Chavo's chance. Chavo in my opinion is a perfect match for CM Punk.

Now, I do disagree with the Kane move, but that's off-Topic.

Bottom Line: Chavo is a good addition to ECW and should be interesting to see how WWE plays this one out. Hell, maybe this will be a decent feud.

Shelton, Chavo, Kane, Big Daddy V, CM Punk, Elijah Burke and Boogeyman. Not the best main eventers but not the worst either. Of course you can't forget Mike Knox and Kevin Thorn. Both whom have awesome talent.
I have to agree with the census here that CM Punk vs Chavo is going to be one, maybe two good matches of wrestling, but it won't be a "feud" that would interest me. CM Punk needs to get on the mic more to give himself a personality and Chavo doesn't really have one in the first place, so the only thing good coming out of this will be the in-ring work. Most likely they'll have a Royal Rumble match that will be a few minutes long and not really draw anyone into it, and then they'll move on. For a while now, I feel like they're going to take the belt off Punk, give it to a heel (Shelton maybe?) and then have that heel lose to Kane. It makes a lot of sense, cause the guy gets buried on Smackdown and Raw underneath Batista, Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Cena, etc, but he could be the top guy on ECW - plus he'd go along with the "more Sci-Fi" approach that the network wants. If they do this, CM Punk's going over to Smackdown for sure. I can't see Chavo being the one to take the belt off Punk, though.
Personally i'm very excited about this potential feud as they are both among my favorite wrestlers. People have been saying how CM Punk needs a well-known veteran to bring him to the next level and that was going to happen in form of a Benoit vs CM Punk feud but obviously due to the Benoit tragedy it didn't happen so i see this as the next best thing and can only be good for CM Punks and Chavo's career.

Off topic:
notice that chavo now points to the sky with both hands now obviously in tribute to Eddie and Benoit, i'm surprised WWE hasn't stopped him from doing that.
You know with WWE taking this week off (for the Holidays), I'm thinking they may have really timed the beginning of this feud wrong, I think maybe it would have been better to wait a week and start it, cause it seems to have been forgotten already, and it hasn't even really began yet, I have a feeling WWE will just rush this feud now and it won't get the time to develop that it needs to make it really good, it'll be just like every one of Chavo's other major feuds (Eddie, & Benoit are the two best examples of this), it'll be rushed, and over before it can really get a chance to be good
WWE is obviously setting up a Punk vs. SHelton Benjamin match at Wrestlemania. Its good that they are taking the time to make Benjamin look like an unstoppable force before he challenges Punk. They just needed someone to fill the space between now and mania. They weren't about to do ANOTHER Morrison vs. Punk feud and nothing good can come from Big Daddy V being in the title picture again. Thorn is not exactly in good favor with the bookers right now and I don't think they wanna use Burke or Miz as stepping stones again so they just brought in someone the fans know and respect as a wrestler. Punk will probably feud with Chavo until about No Way Out when Benjamin will emerge as the #1 contender which will set up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. Its good to know that they are not rushing things this time. They will continue to make Punk retain his title while Benjamin just destroys everything they put in front of him. Soon they will probably start making more established guys like Morrison, Burke, and Miz los to Benjamin to make this one of those angle where everyone wonders if anyone can stop Benjamin. If they face off at Wrestlemania then they will probably make Benjamin win. Punk having such a long title reign will legitimize Benjamin as main event guy. The reason Miz and Viscera didn't get over is because they didn't take the time to build up their characters. They are trying to add more credibility to the ECW title.
Why did the guy above me get banned? Lol, he makes a great point.

Shelton Benjamin vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania would be an awesome match, as they are both great, talented wrestlers, capable of alot!

The Chavo / CM Punk fued hasn't really interested me either. Although I like the fact WWE are pushing Chavo, CM Punk will still come out on top in a good match.

Chavo should remain on SmackDown! permanantley, although there is nothing for him to do atm there. Rey Mysterio and Chavo fueds were good but it's been that way for too long, and it's time for Chavo to do something new.
I like the fact that Chavo is getting pushed, I think he should stay on ECW like others said, there is nothing for him do on Smackdown now that the Crusierweight Title is gone.

I think that if build right, Chavo could go over, but I doubt it as I think CM Punk vs Benjamin is a lock at Mania with Punk keeping the title, but losing at Backlash.
At first I liked the fued but now Im starting to wonder if Chavo shouldnt be in the main event scene on any brand.

Is it jst me or has the 3 matches involving Chavo and Punk jst havent been that good. Wayyy too many restholds and not very fastpaced like I thought it would.

I kno the match nxt week will prb be better than the last 3, but honestly I couldnt have cared less if Chavo beat Punk on this past ECW(which he did).

I think Chavo jst isnt that great and maybe thats why the match for the ECW title is on ECW and not the Royal Rumble. Anyone else notice this??
I think that this could be a good match between the two for the title, but I think it needs to be a stipulation or gimmick match such as a ladder match or Extreme Rules. I do not agree with the WWE in just kind of shoving Elijah Burke aside. I dont understand the push they were giving him earlier this year, and now he is taking a seat to people like the Miz, Big Daddy V, and now Chavo (no disrespect to Chavo, but he comes in off his suspension into automatic ECW title matches.) Give the shot to someone like Burke who has been around ECW pretty much since its reformation.
I always thought Burke would be ECW Champion, because besides Punk, he may the only ECW wrestler to get over pretty much just by being on ECW as he smackdown run is forgettable.

I still think Chavo could get the title down the line, but his time isn't now. But to be honest, I rather see Tommy Dreamer the champ.
Chavo Guerrero.....sriously, what the hell is he heel? face? cruiserweight? Heavyweight? CM Punk is going to do great things in this company, so stop putting him against hacks like chavo. Start giving the new young athletes of ECW a push for christ sake. Elijah burke is such an athletic custimer with excellent mike skills, but he is stuck in ECW fighting nobodies. Shelton Benjiman has been pushed aside for too long. I thought that puttin shelton ECW was going to be the push he deserves. WWE themselves keep saying that Shelton is the most athletic superstar in history but yet do nothing about it. I fear this is the fate of CM punk if not thrust upon better storylines and oponents. The Miz, Morrison and Punk matches were superstar quality matches where you didnt know whether or not Punk would win or lose, but of late, it was so predictablke that punk was gonna win
Chavo/Punk is most likely just filler until they give Shelton the push they're aiming for. They may very well have Shelton be the one to take the title from Punk, as they can obviously trust Benjamin with belts (having given him so many), plus they really want him to get over - and...for the most part...I think this is doing him wonders. He definitely has the in-ring skills for it, plus he's working on his mic skills. If they do that, though, Punk's leaving ECW and going to Raw or Smackdown, since he'll be too big for the 2nd in command of the C-show. Burke, though I do feel he needs a push, I think he'd be better suited for the Intercontinental title. I'd like to see Lashley/Burke for the IC title, what about you? Chavo, though, I feel this is just a spawn of the whole "we need filler for the Royal Rumble" stuff.
Chavo/Punk is most likely just filler until they give Shelton the push they're aiming for. They may very well have Shelton be the one to take the title from Punk, as they can obviously trust Benjamin with belts (having given him so many), plus they really want him to get over - and...for the most part...I think this is doing him wonders. He definitely has the in-ring skills for it, plus he's working on his mic skills. If they do that, though, Punk's leaving ECW and going to Raw or Smackdown, since he'll be too big for the 2nd in command of the C-show. Burke, though I do feel he needs a push, I think he'd be better suited for the Intercontinental title. I'd like to see Lashley/Burke for the IC title, what about you? Chavo, though, I feel this is just a spawn of the whole "we need filler for the Royal Rumble" stuff.

Well I guess Chavo is geting the traditional jobber Royal Rumble push, I mean in the past, Hardcore Holly & Mark Henry have gotten that push, but I hope and pray Chavo goes over.

As for lashley vs Burke, I would love to see that, but seeing as how horrible Lashley is on the mic, I don't want see that feud as the WWE would hold Burke back on mic to protect Lashley.

I think Chavo could be good for ECW as he could be that veteran ring wrestler for the brand as each brand has one in that Raw has Hardcore Holly, Smackdown has Finlay, and ECW needs the veteran ring guy in Chavo. Give him the belt and let him do the eddie lie cheat and steal gimmick.
Having Chavo as the champ makes me not want to watch. The past few weeks I actually stopped watching just as the main event was coming on. Nothing about Chavo makes me want to watch and CM Punk looked a lot better when he feuded with Morrison. Morrison was such a better champion than Punk. This feud seriously has done nothing for anyone. If it weren't for Shelton Benjamin and now Kofi Kingston I wouldn't even watch ECW.

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