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Chavo Guerrero


In Waylon Mercy's Hands
Chavo Guerrero has posted the following on his Twitter account conerning his recent angle with Hornswoggle and the Raw guests hosts: "You all realize that it's not wrestling anymore, right? It's entertainment. Sometimes I wonder by your comments. You guys realize that I can out "wrestle" most guys in the WWE, right? The way you guys respond makes me think that you actually think I'm losing. It makes me think I'm responding to ******S! We're not the UFC. It's not real. I can beat up a midget any day of the week and so could you. But who wants to see that?"

I think this post is awesome and reflects how great Chavo is. He knows how good he is and we all know how good he's capable of being yet he is professional enough to do his job and entertain the fans. The angle to most is past due to end but we all know its out of their control when it ends yet he still shows up and does his best. If he had the charisma of Eddie we all know where he'd be. He has above average charisma but when he's being compared to his uncle its like comparing Ric Flair to David Flair. I think its great that he sticks it to the internet community that shits on him. He doesn't deserve the hostility from fans and this post is something that was needed to be said.
I'm glad he came out and said that but what kind of repercussions will he have for breaking kayfabe? Knowing Vince another six months of the hornswoggle effect

Personally they should run with his comments. Next week have the guest host bring up his comments and start testing his skills to see if he's really better than most of the roster putting him up against legitimate threats and have Chavo win the matches.

It's a brillaint way to get his credibility back. Saying it was all fake and his new gimmick could be that of a real wrestler tired of living in the kayfabe world.

thoughts? would it work or will Al Sharpton, Evan Bourne and Hornswoggle find another creative way to bury him?
That comment just shows that I've been right in my comments that pro-wrestling isn't about who can beat whom or who can chain-wrestle a 60 minute Iron Man Match. It's about who can get the cheers and the boos...who can entertain the crowd.

Though, I wouldn't go off of the recent cheers for Hornswoggle and claim that Chavo is such a great heel The Swoggle was getting cheered. Quite the contrary. The Swoggle was getting comedy pops, while Chavo got nothing. ..But that's fine, considering he isn't supposed to be booed in a comedy segment. If he were getting booed, it'd be for beating up a midget. And who likes to see that?

So...what I'm trying to say is this. Pro-wrestling isn't about Olympic Wrestling, it's about entertainment. Chavo understands this, I understand, some of my fellow posters understand it. Those of you who don't, you should study Chavo's Twitter. It's the path to Enlightenment. Swear.
Personally they should run with his comments. Next week have the guest host bring up his comments and start testing his skills to see if he's really better than most of the roster putting him up against legitimate threats and have Chavo win the matches.

It's a brillaint way to get his credibility back. Saying it was all fake and his new gimmick could be that of a real wrestler tired of living in the kayfabe world.

thoughts? would it work or will Al Sharpton, Evan Bourne and Hornswoggle find another creative way to bury him?

good point.... he will probably job till the end of this month, and a storyline will get him at least n the us title picture
I guess Chavo is still mad over getting trash thrown at him from some dude in the crowd a few weeks back because he sure does sound PO'd. People aren't asking for him to break his neck doing flips in the ring, they just are sick of the same Hornswoggle vs Chavo filler every week. Leprechaun vs Jobber every week is predictable and stale, especially since you always know who's going to win.

IWC fans (in general) are not as arrogant and oblivious as some may think. They know that entertainment is more important to pro wrestling than actual wrestling is.

It's just that they also know that Hornswoggle vs Chavo is not good entertainment. I don't think anybody is complaining that this feud hasn't had enough "technical" matches or something. They are complaining because it isn't funny.
Chavo Guerrero has posted the following on his Twitter account conerning his recent angle with Hornswoggle and the Raw guests hosts: "You all realize that it's not wrestling anymore, right? It's entertainment. Sometimes I wonder by your comments. You guys realize that I can out "wrestle" most guys in the WWE, right? The way you guys respond makes me think that you actually think I'm losing. It makes me think I'm responding to ******S! We're not the UFC. It's not real. I can beat up a midget any day of the week and so could you. But who wants to see that?"

I think this post is awesome and reflects how great Chavo is. He knows how good he is and we all know how good he's capable of being yet he is professional enough to do his job and entertain the fans. The angle to most is past due to end but we all know its out of their control when it ends yet he still shows up and does his best. If he had the charisma of Eddie we all know where he'd be. He has above average charisma but when he's being compared to his uncle its like comparing Ric Flair to David Flair. I think its great that he sticks it to the internet community that shits on him. He doesn't deserve the hostility from fans and this post is something that was needed to be said.

Clearly, there are fans out there who are upset over the way Chavo is being treated on Raw by constantly jobbing to Hornswoggle. However, I don't know if that is the crux of a majority of the arguments.

Clearly, (directing this to Chavo) we know wrestling is a work and that it is entertainment. And we also know that you would have no problem beating Hornswoggle in a legit match. All of that is really beside the point ... at least for me, anyway. If they are going to make Chavo a comedy jobber and job him out every time he appears on TV, then so be it. I could care less, quite frankly, and I am glad to see Chavo could care less, as well ... apparently.

My position is that the Creative team needs to do something different with him, other than have him wrestle Hornswoggle each week for 2-3 months straight. And I would be just as outraged if Cena would wrestle Randy Orton every single week on Raw for 2-3 months straight. Vince needs to show some Creativity, not simply be lazy by penciling in the weekly Chavo vs Hornswoggle match with a different gimmick. To be frank, I can't believe that even Kids wouldn't get tired of seeing this every single week for 2 months straight.

I am honoring my commitment though and keeping the TV off this Monday for Raw. It's probably going to stay off Raw for at least a month, though. I'm going to watch either Heroes or Monday Night Football, as either one of them are more entertaining than watching Hornswoggle and Chavo go at it each week ... and more entertaining than watching Randy Orton in the Main Event each and every week, as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if Vince told Chavo to go out and say this to get people off the companys back for using this segment seemingly humiliating Mexicans and Midgets week after week. I'd find it even more demeaning if I were a minority look at all of the ridiculous gimmicks Vince has given to minorities in the past just because of his own sick humor. McMahon is on an ego trip and he is a loose cannon. If Chavo is having fun with his angle more power to him. But he is a great worker at least let him use his talent to get other talent over ala what happened with Evan Bourne last week and if the "comedy" is neccessary then do it post match like they did on Monday. I may not find a midget beating up a Mexican funny but im sure someone does.

*edit* sorry if that post was offensive to anyone I didn't mean it in a demeaning way so if it was misconstrued that way I apologize.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Chavo received some advice from management to try and calm his fans down a little. Clearly, Vince has a one track mind and wants to keep doing this stuff because he thinks the kids (or anyone else for that matter) won't get tired of seeing it each week .... and if fans are starting to raise a ruckus over it, Chavo probably fears for his job. So either job to the midget every single week on Raw indefinitely, or be fired. And to Hell with what the rest of the fans think. Vince himself probably finds it funny, knowing he can send one of his workers out there for his amusement and have them job to a midget each week, or else he could give Chavo the pink slip at any point. The man thrives off knowing he can control people.

So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Chavo put that message out with the nudging of management, who made him aware that they aren't pleased with the number of people who are getting fed up with this stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if Vince told Chavo to go out and say this to get people off the companys back for using this segment seemingly humiliating Mexicans and Midgets week after week. I'd find it even more demeaning if I were a minority look at all of the ridiculous gimmicks Vince has given to minorities in the past just because of his own sick humor. McMahon is on an ego trip and he is a loose cannon. If Chavo is having fun with his angle more power to him. But he is a great worker at least let him use his talent to get other talent over ala what happened with Evan Bourne last week and if the "comedy" is neccessary then do it post match like they did on Monday. I may not find a midget beating up a Mexican funny but im sure someone does.

*edit* sorry if that post was offensive to anyone I didn't mean it in a demeaning way so if it was misconstrued that way I apologize.
@ Razor
WWE and to a lesser extent TNA is "Sports Entertainment", while ROH, Dragon's Gate and others are considered "Professional Wrestling". Thanks to Vince and Dixie there is now a HUGE difference in the two terms.
I'm sure most wrestling fans realize it's "entertainment" but having a man dress like a cow while a dwarf kicks him in the shins is hardly entertaining. Maybe if it were on jackass or SNL, but even then it would be stupid. Just because WWE is going in a different direction doesn't mean that everyone should accept it as comedy gold. The same can be said about any wrestling organization. I'm sure no one could stand Cody Deaner and ODB wrestling each other for 10 straight weeks in a row.

Wrestling has always been cheesy, but Raw has been too cheesy as of late. You can call a random guy dressed up as a Rabbi, performing a circumcision on a baby funny but it's really low brow. Even in the attitude era with Katie Vick and Goldust dressing as a transvestite was too much. The fans know its entertainment but does that mean the product has to be stale and silly week in and week out just for the hell of it?

Raw has turned into an elaborate ridiculous overpriced blockbuster movie like Transformers 2. Sure people will pay to see it and it will spark attention at first, but then people will forget about it and avoid seeing anything in the future because of how dumb the product is.

We shouldn't take wrestling or "entertainment" seriously, but that doesn't mean we have to enjoy everything since it's entertainment.
I've had no problem with the Chavo and Hornswoggle segments of the show in the last few months. It is cheap laughs which children find brilliant. Chavo plays his part perfectly. He's almost becoming a sympathetic character and if so, that could work wonders. An ironic cheer from the crown and an overly enthusiastic celebration when he finally gets a win seems inevitable and could spark up a string of victories for Chavo, the storyline proceeding to give him more victories and gain in confidence.

I agree completely with what Chavo has said but I think he has missed the bigger picture here. There is that old saying "All publicity is good publicity" Take a look back at the last few pages of threads here at Wrestlezone and I'm willing to bet any other forums you guys frequent. Threads about Chavo will be a strong feature I'm sure. I know of at least 3 on WZF and this is the fourth. People are talking about Chavo. People want Chavo to do more. To get into the US Title hunt. He has fans. I'm one of them. I loved his Cruiserweight title days and I think he did a stellar job as ECW Champion.

The sad thing is that Chavo is probably one of the more talented men in the WWE. Coming up to all these gimmick events, Chavo, in my eyes, would easily be able to perform in a HIAC or a TLC match. He's missed out on the Submission but here's hoping he can get into the US Title hunt by December's TLC PPV and I definately expect to see an Elimination Chamber event happen early next year. He could easily work one of those matches.

One final thing. Stop comparing him to Eddie. It's not good for anyone.
I don't mind Chavo going off the way he did. He's a damn good wrestler. The times are just different and it's about the entertainment now and that's just something he isn't too good at sadly. I don't blame him for breaking kayfabe one bit and I'm surprised he held it in this long.
Its sort of slipping away now the horny/chavo thing..I hope. If not its going to further distract what kids think the wwe will be for years to come.
Lets hope creative can settle it down a bit ,at least.
So many people on here just DON'T GET IT! Chavo's role is to be the patsy for the whims of the guest host. Somewhere in the show the guest host is supposed to be able to do something silly or outrageous as a kind of signature moment in the show. The formula at least right now involves Chavo and Hornswaggle. Think about the on camera time the guest hosts have had (excluding the ex-wrestlers mostly) and I can tell you that the Chavo-swaggle matches come to mind.

Obviously Chavo has no problem doing this and to say that the angle insults latinos or midgets is a stretch. Midgets have classically been used in wrestling in comedic roles and some guys like Chavo, Al Snow, George the Animal Steele etc play the patsy. It's a harder role to fill in my opinion, all these guys can act intense or angry (ala Orton or Cena) but not too many can act like an idiot and get people to bite.
Of course it's entertainment, but honestly Chavo needs to think about what he'll be remembered as, or isn't his legacy important to him. Think back to Terry Taylor, a talented scientific wrestler who will always be rememberd as the Red Rooster strutting down the aisle with a ridiculous red jacket on. Does he really want to have jobbing to a 'little person' be what he's best known for, and not multi-time tag champion, cruiserweight champion, etc.? I'm just afraid that somebody as talented as Chavo will have his career defined by this ludicrous multi-month program.
So many people on here just DON'T GET IT! Chavo's role is to be the patsy for the whims of the guest host. Somewhere in the show the guest host is supposed to be able to do something silly or outrageous as a kind of signature moment in the show. The formula at least right now involves Chavo and Hornswaggle. Think about the on camera time the guest hosts have had (excluding the ex-wrestlers mostly) and I can tell you that the Chavo-swaggle matches come to mind.

Obviously Chavo has no problem doing this and to say that the angle insults latinos or midgets is a stretch. Midgets have classically been used in wrestling in comedic roles and some guys like Chavo, Al Snow, George the Animal Steele etc play the patsy. It's a harder role to fill in my opinion, all these guys can act intense or angry (ala Orton or Cena) but not too many can act like an idiot and get people to bite.

LOL. I don't think the problem is that we DON't get it. The problem is that we DO get it, and are simply tired of the same old boring shit on television every single week with these two.

I think they finally seemed to have taken the hint that the Chavo/Hornswoggle match every week on Raw for two months straight was a little overboard, at least. I was wondering when they were finally going to take the hint.

That is the same thing, though, as if they would have put a Randy Orton vs Triple H match on Raw for every single week, for two months straight. It is the same exact concept. Repetitiveness.

I know there are a lot of fans out there unhappy with this because of how Chavo is perceived/remembered for this. That isn't as much my concern. Fact is that he is doing this and earning a paycheck. If he's fine doing it, or is afraid he'll be released if he speaks up about it, then so be it. That's his problem.

However, to subject the viewers to a Chavo/Hornswoggle match literally EVERY week since July 9th, was inexcusable.

Clearly their goals in doing this were to pick up more children as new viewers, and get their current children fans to buy Hornswoggle merchandise. I am simply curious if any of those two things happened to any real degree vs the effort they put into it. Again, it is interesting because adults are subjected to this as well, and also have a threshold for what they are willing to tolerate or not.

My threshold is passed, and Raw will be turned off for at least a month, if not longer as a result of this. I've got both Monday Night Football and Heroes to watch in its place, as I've had enough of that drawn out program.

But I think people DO "get it". It's just a matter of the repetitiveness which is the problem, and getting people to take the next step and turning the TV off, or switching on Impact instead.
i agree with chavo in the part that he can beat him, but nobody would care.

I hope he really do something (I know it will not happen, but i would like)

Chavo attacked Chris Masters tonight after Masters applied the Masterlock on Hornswoggle...are we seeing Chavo turning face sometime, or tweener? Will he team with Horny or eventually make ammends with him?

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