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Chavo Guerrero U.S. Title Contender?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Does anyone else think that Chavo will move into a feud with Chris Benoit?

I get the impression WWE is'nt finished with exploiting Eddies death. I see them carrying on with the storyline by having Chavo and Benoit feud for a few months.

Benoit does'nt need the title he's an established main eventer wheras Chavo's career would recieve a huge boost by winning the title.

What's everyone's oppinion?
they need to cut eddies death out. it makes me mad. but yeah, i can see that happening.
Unfortunately, so can I. It will start with something as simple as Chavo "congratulating" Benoit on his return and title win, and then Benoit will get in his face about the way he treated Rey, then Chavo will say something like the only reason Benoit is where he is at is because of Eddie, Vickie will convince Chavo that the US Title belongs on a Guerrero, and then the feud will officially be on....culminating at either the Royal Rumble or Mania...damn they should be paying me for this shit!!!!
It would be crap to do, but I see it happening.

Chavo, Rey, Vickie, HHH, Orton, Beniot or anyone shouldn't be doing these kind of storylines, you wouldn't think they had a say
Hey i think its great that eddie's closes friends are Feuding together.

Chavo and Rey were probably closer to him then anyone and there feud made sense to honor Eddie, its obvious Chavo will win the I Quit Match cause Rey needs Surgery and the match is taking place in Los Angeles.

I also see Chavo Going on to feud with Chri Benoit another of Eddie's Close Friends, its not that they are using his name more like i said wrestling to honor him cause they were so close to him and in the end i see Chavo winning the USA title belt from benoit.

you guys need to stop saying they are exploiting Eddie's name cause they are only doing this for 1 reason and thats respect.:worship:
Benoit doesn't really use Eddie's name as much as Rey so I don't see them doing a storyline about Eddie. Has anyone considered Chavo for Cruiserweight championship?
The reason they are all doing it is simple...So Vicki can support Eddie's 3 kids!!! I am sick to the back teeth of people claiming this is exploitation... Vicki is getting paid for every appearance she makes, indeed I would even go as far as to bet WWE is paying up eddies contract maybe even in full... she is just working for that money rather than sitting at home while it's done without her input... Eddie would be stoked that not only do his close friends get push/screen time/gate money from his name, but his family is being kept in the manner to which he basically died to keep them in...

This won't last forever...by WM it will all be over, but Vicki will probably be set for a good portion of her and her kids life (she can always write a book etc), Chavo will be in position to move on perhaps even to the main event, and Benoit and Rey will all be back in title contention... I think Eddie would have taken that had he had the choice!

To add to that, Eddie is still one of WWE's biggest stars even in death. That says a lot. The whole thing is a tribute morseo than anything. Sure certain com ents and situations can be considered "insulting" but if you fans look beyond the constant desire to scrutinize everything from statements, to how a wrestler walks, they'll realize such a thing. I'm not saying not to get annoyed based on the longevity of certain things any more than you're get annoyed about other things lasting too long, but really there's a deeper meaning behind the negative things people come up with such as it being a tribute, helping Vicki financiall, etc.
I'd love to see Chavo vs. Benoit for the U.S. tilte, those to could put on a great series of matches and other than in tag matches I don't really remember seeing Benoit face Chavo that much so it wopuld be somewhat fresh, They could give the title to Chavo and have him dedicate his victory to "uncle" Eddie, Vickie could interfere, it would be another emotionally driven rivalry, and to me those always seem to produce the best matches.
So your saying that everytime Eddies name is getting pummeled by WWE a great match is produced? So if Batista and Cena fight and tarnis eddies name will that be good? I would love for Chavo and Benoit to have a feud and they can have good matches but keep eddies name out of it.
ShaneRamlall said:
So your saying that everytime Eddies name is getting pummeled by WWE a great match is produced? So if Batista and Cena fight and tarnis eddies name will that be good?

No he is not saying that. You make it sounds like he said or implied that "emotionally driven rivalries that involve use of the name Eddie ALWAYS produce great matches."

He said "emotionally driven rivalries seem to produce the best matches." Those words imply a general statement that doesn't specifically refer to Eddie and doesn't say that every time the name is used a great match exists. It implies that matches with an emotional reason behind them tend to be great more often than not.

As for tarnishing Eddie's name. His legacy is intact. Everything that he did is in the record books. No words made on televisoin, no feuds that use Eddie's name take away from those accomplishments. If they say that Eddie was a bad person, that still doesn't tarnish his name unless they mean Eddie the person, not Eddie the character. Most of us are intelligent enough to be able to know the difference in reference.
Touching on what Dysturbed said about Eddie’s Legacy being tarnished. It isn’t like the guy is coming back and jobbing to every person left, right and centre. People are having matches and programmes in his honour, if anything it just goes to show how big Eddie was, and how much people cared for him. Sure I’ll agree some of the stuff that has been done in “Eddie’s Name” has been very questionable, even to the extent where actual Wrestlers have come out not being happy about it (Mick Foley), however I think Eddie would be pleased if anything that not only his family is being supported, but his Nephew who was more like a brother is finally getting a push, that he has deserved for a long time.
Yes, but if the only way Chavo is getting a push is by using Eddie's name to put him into a feud..did he really deserve the push? Don't get me wrong, Chavo can put out some good matches..but who's to say he can get over without the Eddie Exploitation? Same goes with Rey, would he have gotten a WHC run without using Eddie's name? No offense to Rey Rey, but I doubt it. If Chavo is going to feud with Benoit, make it be about their skills and the US Title, and keep Eddie, Vicky and everything else out of it. BTW, I'm still waiting for Vinnie Machievellie to decide that it's a great idea for SD!'s ratings to have Chavo and "Auntie Vicky" become romantically linked on TV. You may laugh, but It wouldn't surprise me.
Same goes with Rey, would he have gotten a WHC run without using Eddie's name?

You dont know that. Before Eddies death, there were tons of rumours for Rey to get a World Title push.. Same goes for Chavo. He was supposed to be in the top contention on Raw for the I.C. Title, but it just never happened. Maybe Eddies death did have something to do with it, but it wasnt the whole concept of there pushes.

I really dont see how people are saying Eddies legacy is about to demise when it isnt. Is it his idea for this fued? I dont believe so.. He has nothing to do with it.. Another thing is.. There wasnt really anything that actually disrespected Eddies name except for Randy and JBL's comments.. The rest was honestly just a fight for the Guerrero name..

Its pretty sad tho when your top draw is a wrestler who isnt even around anymore..
tha420dgnr8 said:
Yes, but if the only way Chavo is getting a push is by using Eddie's name to put him into a feud..did he really deserve the push?

Do a lot of people deserve what they get? No, but circumstances often make such things possible. It's how life works. The only way some singers have singing careers is cause they're already actors. The only reason why some people get acting careers is cause they're singers. . When someone is fortunate enough to be in a certain position they can be afforded other opportunities, even if they somehow happen because something good or bad happens. If it takes Eddie dying for Chavo to get a bigger push, it's unfortunate but again, that's how life tends to work.

Same goes with Rey, would he have gotten a WHC run without using Eddie's name? No offense to Rey Rey, but I doubt it.

At the point of time that he did, not likely, overall though...likely. Rumors had him getting a huge push months prior to Eddie ever dying. Even if those rumors were false, the way that he has been used from the start has been more than most expected so it's not inconceivable to think that even at his size he coudln't have eventually been crowned champion.
Benoit and Chavo might be a hel of a feud. I think the whole Eddie Guerrero situation is a little uncomfortable but it dosen't bother me too much.

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