Changes for the WWE

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3/4 Facelock

Pre-Show Stalwart
Anyone catch Orton doing the Angle Slam on RAW? I did. He also did Kurt Angle's pose on the ropes before the match. I also noticed the past 2 weeks he's used a jack-knife powerbomb to throw fools through a table.

About 2 months ago Cena dusted off the dropkick and now whenever he gets upset he starts chain-wrestling which is typically a heel thing and using heelish moves.

I take it as the characters evolving and hopefully I see this out of more WWE superstars.

The questions I pose to you are....

Are you seeing this with other wrestlers and if so, how do you see it?
Is it an evolution of Orton & Cena's & other's wrestling characters?
Is the WWE starting to go in a different direction?
I think you're reading far too much into this. Sometimes, wrestlers will incorporate new moves into their move set in order to spice things up. Sometimes they only use these moves on an occassional basis.

Orton standing on the middle rope holding up both his arms with his index finger raised is hardly a pose that can be soley attributed to Kurt Angle. Angle was hardly the first to do it and Orton won't be the last. None of this signals any sort of change in direction for the WWE in any way that I can see.
Its a nice thing when wrestlers incorporate new things into their moveset in order to freshen things up, but I think far too much is being read into this. Randy Orton has been doing that pose for many years, and only discontinued it when he was a part of Legacy.

I don't see how any of this signals a change in WWE's overall direction. Orton still does the IED act before the RKO. Cena has been wrestling technically for years. Edge still gets the wide eyed look and yanks at his hair. I dont see a change in the WWE in any way, or how this is an "evolution" of a character. Wrestlers generally add a new move or two their reportoire here and there, but its hardly a "new direction" for WWE.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say orton is using the powerbomb because.... well, how else is he going to put someone through a table?? An RKO?? Doubtful. (He has an upcoming Tables match, if you didn't already know).
I haven't noticed much except that WWE is having a difficult time establishing credibility for their "youth" talent. Take Wade Barret, for example; he doesn't come off as a formidible force. He's either losing or flat out running. WWE should employ the same writing strategy as Dragon Ball Z. That's right: DBZ.

Create an awesome, indestructible foe--or heel; let him actually defeat opponents without cheating; hell, give him an undefeated streak; and have it to where each his cronies can carry their own story line. That's the direction I'd like to see.

Sure, The Miz is a hard worker, but let's face it; he hasn't beaten any damn body. Shit, I wish he would have beat the crap out of Fatt Hardy before he leftm.
I totally agree in creating a super-heel, HOWEVER with the WWE writers busy sucking off John Cena (and rightfully so, he does sell a lot of merchandise) there's really no room for a super heel since there will always be a Super Cena ready to destroy him. What would super heel rattle off 7... maybe 8 straight wins, until its time for Cena to destroy him?
Sad, pathetic, whatever. WWE has been dead for a long time.
super heel is needed. most the heels try to be cute or play to the crowd. enough of that. you need someone old school who is just going to tear in to people and beat the living hell out of them.
Sheamus just debut a submissive finisher known as the Texas Cloverleaf. Is Sheamus a submission wrestler now? Highly doubt. Superstars, over the years, pick up moves they don't regularly do to keep from being stale. That's it period. John Cena did it with The STF(U). Randy Orton stopped continually doing headlocks. Even Swagger didn't always resort to finishing his opponent off with his Gutwrench Powerbomb.

The only thing we should read into is how superstars are gaining a few new tricks here and there. And they do this so people will think they are still interesting. The Undertaker of all people debut a submissive finisher to keep with the times. It's just WWE giving us something that's not "the same old".
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