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Excellence of Execution
There have been some issues lately with people being locked out of their WZ accounts. The best guess I have for this is that passwords are not being allowed anymore, which prevents people from signing in. So, if you are currently on the forums, please go to your UserCP and change your password.

If after you try changing your password, it tells you the password is not correct, please send me a PM telling me what password you want. I will change your account to use that password, and you can then go back in to your UserCP and change your password to a permanent password.

Do NOT give me the password you want to use permanently. Make sure you change your password as soon as you login with the password I set for you. Also, keep in mind that if I have 25 people PMing me with passwords, it may take a while to get to them all, so please be patient.

If there are any questions, please post them in the thread.
I wasn't able to get in with my password in Internet Explorer, then used Firefox and got in with the same password. No resetting needed. Does this debunk your theory or am I missing something?
I'm just posting here, so you know where to find me...

I was blocked out from home and work, on both IE and Firefox...Don't know if that helps at all :(
When I signed on today it said that my password expired because it had been 1001 days old. It directed me to change my password and now everything is working fine. I don't know if everyone else got this message, but that's what it said for me. Maybe this helps a little bit I don't know.

Also, I am using Mozilla FireFox and I have remember me box checked.
My account won't log on in IE or firefox either. Like Simpsons Fanatic I got a message saying my password was old and I had to change it but that didn't work either and I still can't get in.
One more problem I am encountering. Since I have changed my password this site won't remember me. Usually when I open this website I am automatically logged in, but ever since I changed my password I've had to login every time I come here. I checked the remember me box too, but still nothing.
You can change your password to exactly the same thing, you just need to enter it into the change password system.
This is Dysturbed. I tried changing my password on the given screen and it still wouldn't let me log in. I then went through the motions of resetting my password the normal way (by request) but the pw that i received through my email won't let me log in either.
Pretty obvious who this is. I plan on deleting this account if possible once I get my old one back. I got the same thing, and when I sent the change password to my email I didnt get it. So um.. please help.
You just need to be patient, and wait it out.

As far as I know, the admins are working on the problem with Crave. I was locked out for almost 12 hours, so bear with us/them.
This is Dewey. I was just posting here, because my old account got locked out, so as to let the admins know I'll delete this account as soon as this rides out. Please don't ban me.
This is Vee Dub Represent, I also was having problems logging in and even viewing the forums, therefore I did not read the posts on alternate accounts. Feel free to delete this account as well as 'vee dubya represent' as I created it this morning and it was also locked out the second i logged off. I will ride out the storm on my regular account and hopefully shits all good soon!
It's Lil Wes, and yeah I got locked out. I sent a for new password and tried logging in with a bunch of times. Never worked :shrug:
I changed the password to avoid being locked out and thats exactly what happened. Oh well...:shrug:

Anyway its kinda obvious who I am. I hope this problem gets sorted out soon.
Hey it's SK, my account has also been locked, I've tried resetting the password and tried logging in on IE, Mozilla and Safari and no luck as of yet.

If one of the admins could change my password on the SK account and e-mail it to my linked hotmail account i'd be very grateful.
This thread is closed. If you are locked out of your account, please just wait a while and try again. We've already reported what we think is the problem to our contacts at Crave, so hopefully it's being worked on.
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