
The Dewbliners

WZ's Whedonite. Now 20% Cooler
In case I'm not the only one with an account, you may want to go change your password. Apparently, the site was hacked a little while ago. And, no, this isn't a joke. Even President Obama's account was compromised. And, more importantly, JB's account.
what is the point in all this crap with myspace facebook and twitter.. i know its too keep in touch with family but sometimes i think its over rated
I use Facebook to keep up with friends and it's really a good tool to correspond with people over group projects.
what is the point in all this crap with myspace facebook and twitter.. i know its too keep in touch with family but sometimes i think its over rated

Actually, it's more about keeping in touch with friends rather than family.... or at least it used to be. Facebook used to be great (and it still is) but lately too many people from older generations have started using it, I remember back in 2005 when only college students had access to facebook. Myspace used to be alright, but I got tired of people using weird screennames and all the random bands that tried to add me. "Aqua Teen Angel wants to be your friend!" My reaction would be "ok.... great.... who ARE you?" unless the profile pic was able to help me figure it out. At least on facebook people use their real names most of the time.... and random bands I've never heard of don't try to add me all the time.

Finally, there's Twitter. I give it a hard time pretty often because I just never liked it. Some do and I respect their opinion, but I refuse to ever sign up for one.

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