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Championship Presentation on Different Brands

The Shockmaster

Pre-Show Stalwart
Every week as I watch both Raw and Smackdown and constantly notice how different each one of there major Championships are presented.

On Raw I feel the WWE championship is more a glorified prop then a championship. It seems like every champion in the past year doesn't want to take the two seconds to snap the belt around there waist. They all bring the belt down to the ring either in there hand or over/around there shoulder. I can only remember Cena wearing it once(maybe twice)in his past reign. But other examples are Sheamus and Batista.

On Smackdown all the past champions of lately wear the World Heavyweight Championship around there waist. Undertaker, Jericho, Swagger and now Rey all wore/wear the championship to the ring.

To me a Championship should be treated with respect. All wrestlers dream of "wearing the gold" and it seems that Raw's roster of top superstars don't follow through on that. I mean Ted Dibiase wear the Million Dollar Belt with more pride then most of the WWE Championship holders and its not even a real title.

For decades wrestling greats have walked down the entrance ramp with the gold around there waist, from the WWE Championship to the Womens Championship dating back to their creation.

So my Question...

Do you think it is disrespectful to carry around the title as apposed to wearing it around the waist as countless others did in WWE's storied history?

(if you answered yes to the first question)
Why do you think the WWE Championship gets less respect than the adopted World Heavyweight Championship from the people that wear it?

Move this thread if its not in the right place but please don't delete it...i want to know if Im the only person who thinks about this kind of stuff.
Good question. I don't think it's a lack of respect towards the title but it's really not the kind of belt you wear around your waist. The Big Gold Belt looks good around the Champ's waist. John Cena never wears the belt jet like SCSA rarely ever did, they approach the ring in a manner that doesn't allow for them to. Batista actually wore the belt around his waist and so does Sheamus. I just think since Cena doesn't wear it, and he's been champ A LOT, that it seems like all the champs just carry it to the ring or sling it over their shoulder.
In General it just seems Wrestlers dont wear titles anymore kofi been holding it, Sheamus since his run run hasn't wore it(even is his promo the first night on Raw) The tag titles hardly ever but i guess they connect them for dramatic effect.

I have to say it doesnt quite annoy me more than seeing The Miz with the US title. He swings it around like he bought it at the vending booth outside the arena. Thinking about a great like Bret Hart wearing it proudly to the Miz swinging it around...it makes me sick.
In reference to the tag titles, I don't know if you watched Fatal 4-Way or not, but the Hart Dynasty wore them to the ring. I think the champions wear their belts whenever they feel like it, Jericho is the only guy that I've seen who wears his belt on a consistent basis.
You're not the only one who thinks about this. I've actually tought of it for some time now. I love the way Regal and McIntyre treated the intercontinental Championship, it looked regal, like something someone would fight for. Cena just drags it to the ring, but it might have something to do with the spinner design. It looks bulky and it doesn't really seem to fit right around the waist. The main plate of belts is usually curved, but because of the spinner, it has to be flat and, since it is now fixed, they should probably go all the way and just redesign the whole thing. Some sort of retro design would be cool, something to actually stand up to the Big Gold.
wrestlers have been wearing the belt around their shoulder for ever. yes they wear it around their waist too but i dont think it shows any disrespect when they dont. ill agree with the earlier post that said "miz flings it around like he bought it" and when done in the way he or stone cold does it, it makes it seem like they as characters could care less whether or not he has a belt.(in scsa's case his character kinda was supposed to act that way) but on most occasions i think it doesnt matter and whether or not the wrestler has the belt around the waist or on their shoulder or in their hand it doesnt tarnish the meaning or image of holding a championship. think about it, almost EVERY champion, past or present, has at one time had the belt around their shoulder.
i agree with johnseamann its time for a new belt design. i always liked the winged eagle belt that was first introduced on feb 5th 1988, the night of the twin referee storyline.

maybe they could go back to that, it always looked more professional, and looked the part of being the top prize in the wwf/e.
The WHC simply looks a lot better and more prestigious. Ever since Cena turned the WWE title into a piece of bling bling, it doesn't look halfway respectable. I don't know why they didn't kill that design after his first reign when he was still a rapper.
Jericho is the only guy that I've seen who wears his belt on a consistent basis.

The Undertaker 99.8% of the time when he has the championship wears it around his waist.

But in answer to the question posed in this forum I do believe that it does make it lose a little respect carrying the belt and not wearing it. Yes in some situations and some champions wearing the belt looks out of place and the over the shoulder actually looks good. I remember when Sheamus won the belt and he wore it around his waist I thought to myself "He looks like a ******" but in the same frame of mind I actually thought about the respect and prestige of the title.

The wearing of the belt does show a lot more respect and prestige of the belt and actually makes a champion look more like a champion. The over the shoulder thing looks cool but only really works for a certain few like Hogan (nWo era), Austin, The Rock & believe it or not Cena.

I dont think it really matters if the gold is strapped round the champions waist or slung over their shoulder when they walk down the ramp. If anything, I think it looks cooler when it is worn over the shoulder, as the wrestler can raise it up to the crowd and show off that he is the champ, or simply arrogantly swagger to the ring with it

I have never liked it when a champion has tossed the belt into the ring over the top rope, or acted like a fool with it like The Miz, who I still cannot stand. I think that shows disrespect to the belt, but wearing it over your shoulder does not
Do you think it is disrespectful to carry around the title as apposed to wearing it around the waist as countless others did in WWE's storied history?
I used to think about this as well, showing respect to the title, after all you are holding it, but I never really got into it too much, because I don't think it matters, Look over in TNA or WCW, whenever Nash came out, you couldn't even see the title?? he had it really low and held it like he was walking a dog??

But if your talking about WWE, then think about The Rock, or Austin, the difference here is, The Rock used to pose with it on the ring posts, but Austin actually used to throw the belt around, maybe because of his character though??

I don't think it's wrestlers not wanting to put the WWE Championship around their waist, im guessing those wrestlers are or always have been like that..e.g. if you had Jericho on Raw now win the WWE title, he would wear it!! Also Sheamus does were it, HHH does, Edge does as well... some people can't wear it though e.g. Kane(sometimes did), Khali and Show, mostly cuz of their size...

Why do you think the WWE Championship gets less respect than the adopted World Heavyweight Championship from the people that wear it?
If this is the case, I only have 1 answer, its the Big Gold Belt, I would be honoured to hold that title!!
But I don't think it gets less respect, its just a title and wrestlers just happen to do whatever they like with it!!

I don't think you should go deep with this debate! But its nice you brought it up!
Do you think it is disrespectful to carry around the title as apposed to wearing it around the waist as countless others did in WWE's storied history?

I don't see how any of it is disrespectful. They're wearing it in some kind of manner. As long as they're representing it properly and the champion is credible and worthy of the position there's no disrespect towards the championship belt.

And you could say "But then Jack Swagger and Sheamus ruined the championships and disrespected". No not really. Their reigns wasn't great. But they weren't completely awful neither. They got over with those championship reigns. And they accomplished stuff through it. That doesn't disrespect the championship belt.

(if you answered yes to the first question)
Why do you think the WWE Championship gets less respect than the adopted World Heavyweight Championship from the people that wear it?

I answered no but I'll answer anyway.

I don't believe any of the championships gets less respect over the other. There's been greats to wear either of the championships. The WWE championship over the many years of its existence has been considered the elite championship in the professional wrestling business by a lot of people. Mainly WWE fans. But nonetheless it's been credited as the elite belt.

The World Heavyweight Championship still has a great lineage. And I don't care if you look back and say "The championship was debuted in 2002 to Triple H". I still go back and look all the way into the NWA and the WCW where the belt originated from before it re-debuted.

And even if we do start looking from 2002 and on. Look at the future hall of fame wrestlers that have held the championship. Randy Orton, Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho. That's quite a list don't you agree?

There's really no difference between the championships. One might be considered superior to the other all depending on who challenges for it right now. And it might be considered less superior as well in the same scenario. But in the end. They're both credible belts that is or should be getting the same amount of respect.
I feel this is a perception is reality thing. If they don't show the Title respect, why should we?
Over the shoulder and around the waist are both acceptable IMO. I don't like when they just hold it at thier side and let it swing as the walk to the ring. It just says to me "shit...i gotta carry this motherfucker AGAIN.."
The Miz at least presents his titles. Sure it's non-traditional, but he shows that it's important to him.
SCSA just threw the belt around. Wasn't a fan of that, but it did fit his character. There are very few instances where that is ok.
On the whole the title belt should be revered and held above all. Something very simple that would improve the wrestling business. Well...that and a hundred other things.....
I'll go on record as saying that wearing the title shows a great deal of respect for it. Are there reasons for not wearing it....Smugness, caution in case you get jumped, getting a cheap pop are just a few.
As for the belts themselves I do favor the Smackdown/WCW belt...because it looks more grand....more fitting of what title belt should look like.
The Raw title on the other hand looks like a cheap tawdry piece of shite that was bought from a gumball machine. Even when it had the spinner it looked ridiculous, half the time it looked like an M rather than a W. Spinners belong on cars not title belts.
I never thought that not wearing your championship around your waist constitutes disrespecting the belt, but I do enjoy it more when I see someone wearing the title around their waist. It just shows more pride in yourself and in the title when you wear it around your waist. I just always felt that way.

I remember back in 2004, when Chris Benoit was the World Heavyweight Champion. During his gorgeous 5-month reign... I only saw him have the title around his waist once. It was only the following Raw after Wrestlemania XX that he did it. For the rest of his reign, he never wore the title around his waist again... he still never did it when he won the United States Championship. However, he was the type of person that should pride and respect to a title no matter what fashion he wore it.

However, when you talk about the WWE Championship, United States Championship, and Divas Championship... I don't think they look too good around the waist. The WWE Championship is a better showing title and looks to protrude out too much to look good around your waist. Same with the Divas Championship... the butterfly makes the title protrude too much when you were it. As far as the United States Championship... the straps look a lot wider for some reason and it looks too loose around an average wrestler's waist. Even the WWE Tag Team Titles... the design looks wide also.

Now... the World Heavyweight Championship, Intercontinental Championship, and Womens Championship are prettier sites around your waist. The design look great and the straps are greatly proportioned. Same with the World Tag Team Championships.

So, there's nothing wrong with wearing or not wearing your championship around your waist. It's just that some superstars prefer to do so while some other don't. Also some championships look better than others around the waist.
I don’t think it makes one iota of a difference. For me, the way you wear a wrestling belt is not important. Rather, it is how you use the reign to your advantage and how good the reign is. I haven’t once though that a Championship would look better around the waist of a certain superstar and aside from this thread, I doubt I will ever think it.

The fact of the matter is that both of the belts are tools to get people over now and no matter how they wear it, it is not going to do an awful lot for the credibility of their respective Championships. I suppose that you could say that a wrestler who wears the Championship around there waist is someone who is going to be a lot more traditional but even that is a stretch. To me, there is no evidence to suggest that wearing it over your shoulder or holding it in your hand is disrespectful to the people who have chosen to wear it. Does it make them any less of a Champion or does it make then any more of a skilled wrestler? No it doesn’t.

Wear it over your shoulder or wear it around your waist, it makes little to no difference to me and people who suggest that it is disrespectful are really reaching for something that I do not see whatsoever.
In terms of the gold being disrespected, I don't think that's the case.

Take for example the great 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. He used to carry the belt in his hands, hell he used to throw the thing into the ring before himself, but I don't think he meant any disrespect. I do see where your coming from, with a lot of the guys on RAW carrying it. But Randy Orton used to wear it over his shoulder and that is still a show of respect.

I do kind of agree with the notion though that a lot of the guys on RAW don't seem very interested in being champion. I'm sure a guy like Jack Swagger appreciated his World Title reign, (not to say that someone like John Cena wouldn't), but the title's in general have lost a bit of prestige over the last two decades.

Wrestlers are not holding World Titles for as long as people in the 80's. Diesel held the title from one WrestleMania to the next for goodness sake. If that was done now, most of the IWC would be pretty pissed.

SmackDown is the experiential brand. That's why guys like Jack Swagger are pushed to main event level status. But I'm not sure if I agree with the notion that RAW superstars don't appreciate their brands title, and SmackDown's superstars do.
When I think of someone wearing the belt over the shoulder, right away I think of The Rock. I honestly can see him wearing it around his waist, just wouldnt look right. I think wearing it over the should doesnt disrespect it, it's just another way to carry it. For some people it works around the waist. Like HHH. It just looks right around his waist. Same with Taker, Batista, Angle, Swagger, etc. I cant see Cena wearing it around his waist, but I can see it over his shoulder. Same with Orton. Its just another way to carry it.

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