Chael Sonnen in WWE

I am Mr. Excitement

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For those of you who do not know who Chael Sonnen is then you probably don't watch UFC. But this thread is not about UFC it's about Chael Sonnen as a WWE manager. Now, for those of you who do know Chael Sonnen he is one of if not the best trash talker in UFC history. The way he destroyed Anderson Silva two times verbally before there fights was just a WWE type charachter that Chael Sonnen was using. Chael Sonnen cuts a promo better then half of the WWE roster, also if you watch any of his interviews he has WWE heel written all over him. The way I see Chael is a JBL/CM Punk type of character he gets so intense when he is hosting the UFC Tonight show with Kenny Florian, but at the same time Chael Sonnen always states the truth. So hopefully now my point is clear. If you know who Chael Sonnen is then you get my point. Do you have any idea what Chael could do for guys like Dolph Ziggler, Kingston, Swagger, who ever really. I know it may sound dumb but I think Chael Sonnen could really play off a WWE manager.

Please leave comments, opinions, discuss, etc.
For those of you who do not know who Chael Sonnen is then you probably don't watch UFC. But this thread is not about UFC it's about Chael Sonnen as a WWE manager. Now, for those of you who do know Chael Sonnen he is one of if not the best trash talker in UFC history. The way he destroyed Anderson Silva two times verbally before there fights was just a WWE type charachter that Chael Sonnen was using. Chael Sonnen cuts a promo better then half of the WWE roster, also if you watch any of his interviews he has WWE heel written all over him. The way I see Chael is a JBL/CM Punk type of character he gets so intense when he is hosting the UFC Tonight show with Kenny Florian, but at the same time Chael Sonnen always states the truth. So hopefully now my point is clear. If you know who Chael Sonnen is then you get my point. Do you have any idea what Chael could do for guys like Dolph Ziggler, Kingston, Swagger, who ever really. I know it may sound dumb but I think Chael Sonnen could really play off a WWE manager.

Please leave comments, opinions, discuss, etc.

Chael would definitely outshine on the mic most of WWE's roster. I don't think somebody like Chael would fit well as a manager though. His fighting career isn't over. But I think if the WWE could offer him the right amount of money, they could definitely use him as an in-ring talent. He's probably too old though to be taught how to FAKE wrestle, but if they could, he would easily be a top heel, or even a COOL heel that everyone cheers.
I would love to see him manage a guy with an MMA gimmick. He could be used to cross promote WWE and UFC, bring legitimacy to the wrestler, and, if he's still fighting, the wrestler could "manage" him during his MMA fights.

Guys like Davey Richards, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly come to mind, but they are all in ROH. The WWE hasn't really done a martial artist gimmick since Koslov, and that was horrible. If they brought in Davey, I think that partnership would work wonders but they could easily do the same gimmick with anyone.

If they did bring in Sonnen, I'd really love to see him compete as he is definitely a top-flight athlete, but he would also do very well has a manager, too
If Chael is doing the talking, then I want to see Chael do the fighting. He's not too old to learn how to fake wrestle- Diamond Dallas Page was the same age as Chael when he debuted in-ring, and that worked out fine for DDP. Plus Page didn't have the advantage of already being a world-class athlete. Down the road some years, though, I'd be fine with Sonnen as a manager.

I'm reminded of another thread a month or so ago, talking about if Arn Anderson would be a good manager. Like I said about that, I'm sure that Chael could do it (probably more suited for it than Arn), but I don't want to see him do it. Not right now at least in Sonnen's case. When he gains some gray hairs and loses some muscles, then we'll talk.
I would love to see that, Chael's the man. He could be a manager, yeah, or he could be a new talent.

He's not too old so i think he can learn pro-wrestling. He obviously knows legit wrestling so he's not starting from nothing. He's also probably not too beat up since MMA gives him a much lighter schedule than pro-wrestling. Add his natural athleticism and mic skills and that would just be awesome.

Chael Sonnen vs. CM Punk: Wrestlemania 30/31/32/whenever.

I don't know who would be the face or the heel and i don't even know who i'd root for.
If Chael is willing to endure a year of training before appearing on a WWE show, I'm all for it.

I don't see the fans being satisfied with someone as controversial as Chael Sonnen only playing the role of manager. He has to get involved physically, for that he has to learn how NOT to break someone else physically. I figure that his backstage rep will be better if he pays his dues in NXT or at a pro-wrestling school.

I would mark out like crazy if Chael was revealed as some kind of squad commander for The Shield.

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cheals popping off cuz after he loses to jon jones hes clearly setting himself for another title shot.....

he undeservedly talked himself into 2 fights with anderson silva, and an upcoming bout (that he knows hell lose) to jon jones. whats next is a shot at the wwe title lol

chaels a genius
Chael comes to the WWE teams up with Lesnar and revives tag team wrestling!

I wish

Chael coming to the WWE could be good because he's a great athlete and has an amateur background which I think would make the training at least a little bit easier. He oozes charisma and I think he's a little to young, big, fast, and athletic to be a manager at this point. It would definitely make Vince some money though with the amount of people that know this guy from MMA, and the fuck tons more that know who he is from all of the crazy shit he says.
Chael Sonnen lost to Jones tonight (not surprising). In the post-fight interview it sounded as though Sonnen could possibly be done with MMA.

If this is the case, do you think Chael Sonnen would be a good addition to WWE if he wanted to join and if and Vince/HHH wanted to sign him?

He's got great charisma and fun to listen too. I've got a feeling he could learn pro wrestling rather quickly. Or hell, he could just be a manager. Either way, I personally would love to see Chael Sonnen in the WWE.

Your opinion?
Chael is a an absolute Genius guy is pure gold! But he is 36 years old but dude is a legit wrestler! NCAA All-American at Oregon,2000 Silver Medalist at the Greco-Roman world Championships. Yes i think Pro wrestling wouldnt be too much of a stretch for him to learn! Say what you will but Chael is money.

If he does decide to go to the WWE i would welcome him with open arms. I really dont know how many people on these forums know who Chael P Sonnen is! But his trash talking alone would be worth it.
I don't see why people are praising this guy he just a Ali Ripoff o the microphone and wannabe gangster the way wrestling is going why not it a shame what wwe has became
Sonnen should definitely consider a career in pro wrestling. The age thing is a non-issue, IMO. Yeah, 36 is a little late to start training, but DDP started late and had an amazing run. Sonnen has name value, he has charisma, he can definitely talk, and he's a legit athlete. There's nothing not to like in that package. I say if he's interested, he should at least put a bug in somebody's ear at Titan Towers and see what happens.
Unless Sonnen is a magic pro-wrestling prodigy like Kurt Angle, the age thing might stop him. I'm not sure if I want him around.

It wouldn't be fair to guys who busted their ass to get where they are to lose opportunities simply because of a "celebrity". Let's be honest, in spite of Sonnen's skills, WWE doesn't care about that at all. They just think he's a "celebrity" that will bring in "mainstream attention."

I like both MMA and wrestling, and I'm entertained by Sonnen's trash talking, but I don't know if I want to see him as a full time pro wrestler. Between Sonnen and Lesnar, it sets a negative precedent and makes it look as if WWE is a place where MMA fighters "go to die" after they get their asses kicked.

Whether intentionally or not, it sends the message that he "couldn't hang" with "real" fighters so he "went crying to Vince" in order to beat up on some "fake" wrestlers with limited abilities.
I like Sonnen, his trash talking is hilarious and he really would be a great mic worker in WWE. His biggest problem would be that he is 36 and would be starting from scratch in learning how to wrestle. I know he has a great amateur wrestling background so he wouldn't be starting with nothing, but he would still need to learn.

I think I remember reading somewhere that him and CM Punk were actually friends so I don't think it would be a long shot to see him in WWE if he was interested, as this would help a little as well as the fact that he already made a name for himself in UFC/MMA.
I would welcome him. He probably wouldn't be a full time performer so age shouldn't be an issue.

Brock Lesnar vs. Chael Sonnen, WrestleMania 30? This has money written all over it. Call me crazy, but Vince can even make this a legit MMA fight. I think Vince would chew this up. What better way to spit in Dana's face?
First and foremost Chael Sonnen does have pro-wrestling training as he revealed on The Steve Austin Show podcast. He was trained in WCW's Power Plant and him and another dude were the ones that were left after a tryout camp. He can work a match in WWE with no problems, if he can go back to train with someone and I would say that in 8 months he would be ready to be featured in a main-event PPV match.

However his age hurts him, I mean 36 years old is too late to enter the business, but he's a smart cat and he knows the stuff from psychology, to selling and other stuff so he could learn quickly as I stated, but what if he doesn't?

He stated that he would like to work with the WWE only if Dana White gave him permission. He could work in the WWE easily, specially in the microphone section. He can cut a promo, he can sell a match with his words and some people really can't, but the thing is:

What would you do with him? Would you make him come out as a guy that is new and ignore his UFC carreer or highlight him as a legit fighter? Would you use him on weekly television, or just on PPV? Sonnen as a name, and he's a guy that most MMA fans like to hear and he's a very good draw so, the question, what would you do with him?
I've watched wrestling a long time. Right now, we're under the weakest era since the pre-Attitude days with HBK and Bret Hart and the cartoonish characters like TL Hopper, Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz and others... and other than the part-time appearances of Rock and Lesnar, not much in the way of exciting's taken place recently.

Chael Sonnen showing up on Raw and laying out John Cena or CM Punk would blow the roof off of any arena in the country. Sonnen's promo skills are worlds ahead of pretty much anyone on the roster outside of Punk and Ziggler. With a few months of basic wrestling training, he'd be one of the better pro wrestlers to ever come from MMA to the ring.

I'd even put him ahead of Ken Shamrock, who was a very good wrestler. Same goes for Dan Severn. Sonnen could chose to take the wrestling route and he'd be richly rewarded for it.

One can only hope he makes that decision and at least tries a run in the WWE.
First and foremost Chael Sonnen does have pro-wrestling training as he revealed on The Steve Austin Show podcast. He was trained in WCW's Power Plant and him and another dude were the ones that were left after a tryout camp. He can work a match in WWE with no problems, if he can go back to train with someone and I would say that in 8 months he would be ready to be featured in a main-event PPV match.

However his age hurts him, I mean 36 years old is too late to enter the business, but he's a smart cat and he knows the stuff from psychology, to selling and other stuff so he could learn quickly as I stated, but what if he doesn't?

He stated that he would like to work with the WWE only if Dana White gave him permission. He could work in the WWE easily, specially in the microphone section. He can cut a promo, he can sell a match with his words and some people really can't, but the thing is:

What would you do with him? Would you make him come out as a guy that is new and ignore his UFC carreer or highlight him as a legit fighter? Would you use him on weekly television, or just on PPV? Sonnen as a name, and he's a guy that most MMA fans like to hear and he's a very good draw so, the question, what would you do with him?

Here's what you do:

Cena cuts a promo after beating Ryback or whomever; Heyman comes out and interrupts him and talks about how he's been ducking Lesnar and Punk and all that good stuff. Cena says he's beaten them already and has nothing left to prove. Heyman says that's fine, but I have a new client that's just signed a nice contract with the WWE and he's decided to retain me as a manager and PR representative. Heyman goes on to tell the fans they'll know him when they see him because all he's done is beat people up and face the toughest fighters in the world...

then before Heyman says another word, Sonnen runs through the crowd, into the ring, and knocks Cena cold with a punch to the jaw. Crowd goes ape shit, Sonnen stands for a few seconds then signals to Heyman to not talk. Then Sonnen picks up a mic and says "My name is Chael Sonnen. This is your reality check, John Cena. I've beaten people up for a living for years and years, and I think I can do the whole WWE Universe a service and kick your ass, too." Then he looks at the crowd and says "You want a bad guy?! You want a heel?! Well the standard for bad guys just showed up on Monday Night Raw." Then he looks at Cena and goes "See you next week, Champ."

That should do it.
I would welcome him. He probably wouldn't be a full time performer so age shouldn't be an issue.

Brock Lesnar vs. Chael Sonnen, WrestleMania 30? This has money written all over it. Call me crazy, but Vince can even make this a legit MMA fight. I think Vince would chew this up. What better way to spit in Dana's face?

Chael typically fights at 185 (last night was his first fight at 205 in 8 years) and Lesnar's fighting weight was 265. I don't think making it a legit MMA fight is an option at all lol

As for Sonnen in the WWE, I think it'd be good as a one time celeb match but he's got a good thing going as an analyst with UFC. Fox has told Dana that they want to make Sonnen a big part of their broadcast relationship's future and he's full time cohost on UFC Tonight right now (and doing a pretty great job at it). He might show up sometime as an ally to Punk or something, but an in ring career isn't happening IMO.
Fuck managing, I want to see Chael step into the ring. I could easily see him in the kind of role Flloyd Maywhether was in at WrestleMania 24. He's a great athlete, a legit fighter, charismatic, and talks all sorts of shit. He would be a pretty huge draw for a WWE pay-per-view. CM Punk would be a good choice as an opponent, they are relatively similar in size, Punk utilizes an in-ring style that would match up well with an MMA guy, and they would have some great back-and-forth on the mic to build the match.

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