WWE Expects TNA to Reach Out to Embattled MMA Fighter Chael Sonnen

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This from TNA Insider:

Embattled MMA Fighter Chael Sonnen recently spoke with Chris Jericho for his “Talk is Jericho” podcast. Sonnen revealed a very interesting conversation he had with a WWE executive who spoke candidly about Sonnen’s possible aspirations for coming to the WWE or TNA.

“I got a call about two days before I was suspended. A WWE exec calls me up, and he said, ‘We read what you’re going through, we’re not interested.’ So I’m thinking, ‘why did you call me?’ He said ‘If you were 24 years old, you’d be making a whole jackpot full of money … but we think [rival wrestling promotion] TNA is going to be calling you and if they do, we want back in the game.’ So I was like, OK, now at least I get we know you’re coming from.”

Admittedly, I know very little about this guy, having fallen out of touch with the world of MMA over the last number of years, so I'd imagine if this is as high profile a name as I'm lead to believe, someone will speak to that, but it's interesting to note that it's being said that WWE will show interest if TNA do.

And let's be honest, I think we can all agree they'll show interest considering their recent (and historic) affinity for MMA stars (Shamrock, Ortiz, Jackson, Mo and more).
Uh... why would you say this publicly, guy? Hey TNA, you should try to sign me so WWE can undercut you and sign me?

What's in it for TNA at that point? You've shown your hand.
He's probably burned a WWE bridge now, WWE's gotta be ticked at him. They've got all of their fans buying this charade that they don't have a care in the world about TNA and what TNA does and then you hear about something as pitiful as this. Calling a guy to tell him that you don't want him but you'll sign him if TNA does? How pathetic is that? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the guys they have stashed in NXT are there to keep them from TNA.
He's probably burned a WWE bridge now, WWE's gotta be ticked at him. They've got all of their fans buying this charade that they don't have a care in the world about TNA and what TNA does and then you hear about something as pitiful as this. Calling a guy to tell him that you don't want him but you'll sign him if TNA does? How pathetic is that? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the guys they have stashed in NXT are there to keep them from TNA.

That is what he says. It makes no sense for the WWE to say we don't want you unless TNA does. Chael is known as a shit talker so I am not sure I am buying this.

IF true the person who made the call from the WWE should be fired.
It's Chael, in the same podcast he told a story about when he was on Jim Rome's show for the first time, & Rome played a clip of Cheal saying something about Lance Armstrong, & Chael blatantly lied & said it wasn't him despite it obviously being him, then later told Rome that of course he lied, he's a "bad guy" & "bad guys" lie. You really gotta take just about everything Chael says with a grain of salt.
I think it's just another risk that TNA doesn't need to take. But Sonnen is more relevant than Rampage, King Mo, and Ortiz. He's definitely a promo machine which is a plus for pro wrestling. But what role could be play? I'm cool on the notion, but hey if he comes, he comes.
This seems like a way for Sonnen to make himself look less pathetic. It's like an embellished story you tell your boys about that one chick that rejected you so you don't look like a wuss. Instead of saying that she straight up did not like you and said no, you say something along the lines of "fuck that bitch, she said no but that's aight I found out she's been fucked more time than she's had hot meals and I don't want that anyway".

In Sonnen's case, WWE said no and when asked he embellished the story as to make it seem like they said no because they wanted TNA would go for him, not because he had nothing to bring. Bunch of bullshit, WWE doesn't need him, TNA doesn't need him, go work as a bouncer or a trainer or something.
I think TNA could do without all the hassle and baggage that Sonnen brings with him. If he signs for Bellator then he might creep up on tv but hopefully TNA has learned their lesson employing MMA guys.
Mentioned this elsewhere on the board, but I think Sonnen will be interesting in the pro wrestling world. Assuming he can wrestle to a standard: considering he is an athlete and a huge lifelong fan, I think he can do well.

Good Lord, can you imagine Sonnen vs Brock!? With Sonnen in full on trash talk mode? That's money right there.
Whether he showed up in WWE or TNA, Sonnen would increase viewership and interest in the short term because people would be curious to see what he brings to the table and what sort of situation he'd find himself in. Even though people would tune in, including internet fans, they'd still have all the usual gripes and complaints launched at most of the "part timers" or special attractions, though there'd be some genuine weight to some of them. For instance, it's fairly obvious that Sonnen doesn't have the love of the business that a lot of fans prefer and is only in it for the money. People have given Brock Lesnar grief over that and while that's true, there's some consolation of Lesnar having experience whereas Sonnen's never worked in pro wrestling in any way, shape or form.

Sonnen, to me, is a much, much better talker than he is a fighter. The guy's gotta great mouth and does know how to generate buzz. As an MMA fighter, he's 29-14-1 with 14 of those fights being in the UFC and a UFC win/loss record of 7-7. At 37 years old, he's well past his prime as a fighter and his name is pretty much mud in mixed martial arts right now.

Sonnen's a great bullshitter and hype man, I think he'd have been better off going into pro wrestling in the first place. However, as has been pointed out, the guy's downright shady and it's difficult to believe anything he says as being sincere.
well, i could easily see Sonnen heading for TNA Wrestling since TNA just enjoys signing MMA guys and giving them huge hype videos only to see them doing nothing for their company, but hopefully TNA learns their lesson and i doubt WWE would want him and they shouldnt. WWE has talented wrestlers on their roster already, so they dont really need Sonnen. as for TNA, the only way i would get Sonnen is if he agrees to actually wrestle in their company, but i think they sign him and we get another Mo, Jackson, Ortiz in their company.
I usually cringe at the thought of MMA guys in wrestling. I say it can't work, and I've been proven 95% right.

I'd say TNA used King Mo effectively, as he was only a body guard, that's it.

Meanwhile, Brock doesn't count.

But Chael Sonnen is a true loose cannon. Go on youtube and look up either:

Chael Sonnen Dan LeBatard
Chael Sonnon otr

He walked off the set on the first otr interview. Basically, Sonnen bullies interviewers, questions their credentials and interview technique during the interview, and goes on spontaneous rants. He's the ultimate interview cynic. He's very intelligent, but isn't always right. However, when he's not right, he just bullies the interviewer. It takes a few times watching him, but you quickly pick up on the cycle he uses.

The thing is, I don't think Sonnen is manipulating. I think he's just like that. I think he's a prideful, smart, stubborn, random guy. He makes sense, and then makes no sense at the turn of a hat.

Therefore, I'm not sure ANY promotion truly wants him. He is entirely against being fake in anyway. If he took the spot, it would be under the knowledge that he will say what he wants, when he wants. I'm not sure a scripted business can risk that, given Sonnen's lack of experience and random track record.

Of course, I'd LOVE to see it, I just don't see Vince or Dixie handing the mic to this guy in an open forum.
Just in what handful of videos I've seen him in outside the ring of course, this guy is a natural trash talker. Unless there's a garbage trucks worth of risk there based on a short fuse or an ego he's just going to trip over, I can see why both companies would have interest in him on his personality alone.
Just in what handful of videos I've seen him in outside the ring of course, this guy is a natural trash talker. Unless there's a garbage trucks worth of risk there based on a short fuse or an ego he's just going to trip over, I can see why both companies would have interest in him on his personality alone.
Usually the thought of MMA star fighters making the transition to professional wrestling makes me wince; they're almost always handled poorly on both ends. The company that hires them thinks that all they have to do is send out the MMA star and have him have fighting words with a top heel; the fighter in question thinks that this is an easy payday that he can 50%. MMA stars almost never work in professional wrestling because entertaining a crowd and fighting are two entirely different skill sets.

Chael Sonnen is an exception to this rule, because as has been noted, he is a gifted trash talker. Gifted is too mild of a word; the man deserves a temple for the quality of his shit-talk. And what is televised professional wrestling, besides four weeks of shit-talk and ten minutes of rolling around?

Chael wouldn't make a good regular employee, but he'd be a great attraction for 3-4 months.
Usually the thought of MMA star fighters making the transition to professional wrestling makes me wince; they're almost always handled poorly on both ends. The company that hires them thinks that all they have to do is send out the MMA star and have him have fighting words with a top heel; the fighter in question thinks that this is an easy payday that he can 50%. MMA stars almost never work in professional wrestling because entertaining a crowd and fighting are two entirely different skill sets.

Chael Sonnen is an exception to this rule, because as has been noted, he is a gifted trash talker. Gifted is too mild of a word; the man deserves a temple for the quality of his shit-talk. And what is televised professional wrestling, besides four weeks of shit-talk and ten minutes of rolling around?

Chael wouldn't make a good regular employee, but he'd be a great attraction for 3-4 months.


I was watching that "Chael Sonnen Dan LeBatard" video last night, which was the last in the row of them I watched, and I just kept thinking to myself "is this guy cutting a fucking promo, or what?"

It's actually amazing how he turns it on the host, too. That's classic heel writing. I could totally picture that exact interview happening with JB instead of the guy who was actually interviewing him, and Chael just taking the mic away from him at the end.

I can certainly understand the hesitation or worry over what Chael Sonnen the person/employee might do/mean, but Chael Sonnen the character is A-OK by me.

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