Cesaro vs Lesnar WOULD be best for business.


Getting Noticed By Management
Let me start by saying that this is the typical situation where WWE can't develop more than one star at a time. Ok, maybe two this year, with Rollins and Ambrose, even though they are still not top tier on the card. They missed a huge opportunity with Cesaro.

He won the Andre the Giant battle royal, which at first seemed not so important, but as time went on, it became more prestigious. The thought that there would be another one held on the next WM made it important etc. It was a big win for Cesaro nonetheless.

Afterwards, he was paired with Heyman aaaaand.... nothing. For some reason, he fell down the card. Probably because "we are tired of seeing Cena vs Orton".

The guy is incredible. One of the best in ring talents, with a great physique and not bad on the mic. Heyman said that "we haven't even seen half of this guy's potential yet".

And here we are, ready to kick off the road to WM, and Cesaro lost yet another match to the returning Wade Barrett, which seems like a really bad thing at this stage. What does Cesaro do now?

If the writing wasn't on the wall at WM30, it should have been at Summerslam. Bryan was out, Reigns was as green as ever and apart from Cena and Orton, there was no other veteran WM talent that would headline with Brock. Cesaro should be pushed even higher, or at least stay at the same level he was, following WM30. By Summerslam, he could have a bif following and we would know his skills even more. Fast forward to now, he would be a great choice to fight Lesnar at WM.

It would be a great match in my opinion. He is one of the few guys who are able to match strength with Lesnar and would make the fight believable. It would be really awesome to see Cesaro suplex Lesnar, throw him and so on. It would make for a great match and a great story. Instead, Cesaro is probably gonna get a decent showing at the Rumble and then nothing.

It's sad when you think about it. They don't know if they wanna go with Reigns, or with Bryan now. Maybe they will wanna do Cena vs Brock 5(?), I lost count. After all, we could have Seth cashing in his briefcase after WM and get a Cesaro vs Rollins feud.... A big missed opportunity, really.
and not bad on the mic.

Stopped right here. This is cliche and practically quotable from several other threads about wrestlers people want pushed. It's classic denial about someone who really is terrible on the mic. If I ever have insomnia I will go back to some Cesaro promos. It's the perfect sleeping pill. Sure he's a great wrestler, but so are so many other people. Many of them don't need a mute button.

As for the thread itself, I'm hoping somewhere you mentioned how it's way too late for this to be anything but hypothetical at this point. Would the match be fun? Sure. But no one would give a crap about it.
I like Cesaro but he's nowhere near ready to be the guy to take on Brock Lesnar. He's strong inside the ring, nobody can doubt that, and MAYBE, and I do mean MAYBE he could be up to the challenge had his momentum not been derailed by Vince McMahon throughout the 2nd half of 2014. Also, as much as I like the guy, to say that he's not bad on the mic strikes me as more than a big disingenuous. I think it's possible for him to be better than he is, he was tripping all over himself this past Monday on Raw, but he's not good on the mic. I wouldn't mind if Cesaro gets an opportunity at some point, but it's much too late at this point for him to be in a match with Brock Lesnar for the title. With WrestleMania being right at 4 months away, I just don't see it. It's gonna take time to get Cesaro's popularity to a level where fans will not only be interested, but if he has the necessary credibility to go after Lesnar. Considering that Cesaro has hardly won a match since winning the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, he certainly doesn't have the necessary credibility to challenge Brock Lesnar.

With Daniel Bryan announcing his return, you have to believe that he's on the short list of wrestlers that WWE management might want to go up against Lesnar for WrestleMania. In terms of popularity, Cesaro can't remotely approach Bryan and I don't see him being able to get to a point in the next 4 months in which he can tap into a level of popularity anywhere near Bryan's. IF management is having doubts about Roman Reigns being ready and IF there are guys being considered to go against Lesnar instead, you can be pretty sure that Cesaro is nowhere near the top of that list.
For a guy that calls himself "BestWrestlingOpinions" you sure as hell don't know how to give a proper one. Cesaro vs. Brock Lesnar would be an insane match, wrestling-wise, but as far as storyline goes and feud and momentum, it wouldn't be, not even a little bit, best for business. Cesaro is generic as they come, he's a good wrestler with bad booking and a bad set of skills for the gimmick he's been pushed to portray: "A Swiss Guy That Thinks He's The Best Wrestler". He shouldn't be talking, he doesn't really need a manager, but the way he's booked kills him. He was phenomenal in an environment like Ring of Honor, where you don't really need to portray your character to a pulp and make 9.000+ fans every week react to your presence.

His theme music, his character, his acting skills and the booking prevent him from being a better guy. Lesnar vs. Harper would have been better right now, and that's just a less ridiculous idea.
I don't think anyone would disagree that it would be a hell of a match. Both are power guys, and Cesaro strength wise is a better opponent than Bryan, Cena or Reigns. Just pound for pound he has a legitimate chance at beating Lesnar, and it would be believable with what we've seen him do. Anyone who can pick up Big Show and throw him over the top rope, is a threat to anyone in the ring.

The problem is that he has no credibility right now. They've totally buried him almost out of sight. Since winning that trophy at Mania last year he's done nothing of note. Vince has no faith in him, and said so publicly, that effectively finished him off right there. He wasn't even on the last PPV, and I can't remember if he was on the one before that.

I have no idea what Cesaro can do to get the faith back, but he's got an uphill climb ahead, and upper management isn't making it easy on him. So to the OP, while it would be a good match, it's not good for business. No one cares about Cesaro right now and it's a shame.
The match could of happened, should of, but WWE dropped the ball so badly on the Cesaro push. And even then he was with Heyman though not looking so hot. But either way Brock vs Cesaro would of been a great match.

Another thing, is this is the problem with WWE and how badly its booking has been. They make it like Cena is the only legit strong guy tough enough to face Lesnar, where as actually Cesaro, Sheamus, and quite a few others are just as strong and even so bigger than Cena and Lesnar almost, which would make reasonable opponents. But instead they would rather not push anyone besides Cena and they don't want anyone else looking strong as Cena.
That would be an amazing match if they do it right.
This will be the WM match Brock should have had with Goldberg. Brock can pass his mini lighter torch to Cesaro and make a new star. But I think Cesaro is the only guy in WWE who can beat him and make it look legit.
The only other guy to do it is Roman, but Brock losing to a Roman Spear or a SUperman punch is just as bad a losing to the Cobra.
Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar would be an instant classic! The BEAST INCARNATE is so unstoppable that it would require the debut of Cesaro's UFO. Seeing Lesnar get swung around in a 10+ rotation would be iconic. Hitting the neutralizer on Lesnar is another feat of strength that WrestleMania moments are all about. It would have a must watch fight atmosphere as Cesaro is one of the best wrestlers in the world and Brock Lesnar is the toughest competitor. The story is there with former Paul Heyman guy looking to prove the advocate that he made a mistake in losing investment in him and making him pay by beating Brock Lesnar to win the belt. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening anymore. Nothing to be worried about my fellow Cesaro fans. A Superstar like Cesaro doesn't need a lot to rebuild himself as a top contender. Just have him showcase his abilities in the Royal Rumble while playing up the fact that he's the winner of the 1st ever Andre The Giant Memmorial Battle Royal. He eliminates 8 guys and is one of the last people standing. We can get those 'Cesaro Section' signs back up and start cheering him with "King of Swing" chants in all of his matches. Tada, Cesaro is a top star again! #WeWantCesaro
I personally would love to have seen this match too if he were a legitimate contender at this point. Looking at it from the company standpoint though (although I'm blatantly no expert), and considering how they want Lesnar to lose the title to their next guy, I don't think Cesaro would have ever been an option to be that guy. For someone to be the next guy they need to appeal to children as they bring in the most money to be honest, and I don't think Cesaro has that marketability factor that can do that. His look is very plain too and he doesn't scream merchandise seller. As I said I'm no expert but I don't think it would be best for BUSINESS. Saying that I know 7 kids that watch WWE and none of them are crazy for Reigns and he doesn't look like a multicolored t-shirt wearer either so who knows why he's favorite to defeat Brock still..
I'm a huge Cesaro fan but they way they've been booking Cesaro, he is not ready to be competing for the WWE WHC.

Maybe he could be a dark horse for the MITB Briefcase this year.

Cesaro hasn't won many matches in December. He wasn't even a focus at Survivor Series. If Cesaro was to win the RR match, it would feel forced like a Del Rio win. Rather than WWE pushing him to win key matches and see his climb to the super stardom.
Stopped right here. This is cliche and practically quotable from several other threads about wrestlers people want pushed. It's classic denial about someone who really is terrible on the mic. If I ever have insomnia I will go back to some Cesaro promos. It's the perfect sleeping pill. Sure he's a great wrestler, but so are so many other people. Many of them don't need a mute button.

As for the thread itself, I'm hoping somewhere you mentioned how it's way too late for this to be anything but hypothetical at this point. Would the match be fun? Sure. But no one would give a crap about it.

Well, obviously it's hypothetical, thus the WOULD BE on the title.

And the mic skills, it's not as if you can't understand what he says or he slurs like Sheamus etc. His voice is clear and in all fairness, he hasn't been given a lot of time with the stick to see if he can cut a 5 minute promo. But the thing is, he hasn't shown any struggle with it. Sure, he botched the ropes line, but hey, he doesn't strumble like Reigns for example. He isn't bad, but he definitely needs improvement.

EDIT: After reading all responses, it is obvious that you all thought I want this to happen. No, I don't want Cesaro vs Lesnar at this point, for all the reasons you guys posted above. Simple no credibility. If you read my original post and understood it, I made mention that IF Cesaro was built ever since WM, he would be best for business now. It is obvious that he is not the best choice, by far.

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