Cena's struggle and guaranteed US title victory over Rusev - modern WWE at its worst?

I have no problem with Rusev losing, its standrad build where they make new heel unstopable and hero strugles and stops him in the end. Hollywood movies do it all the time, WWE does it also and guess what: It works. ;)

You could argue wheather the honor should go to Cena while you have so much people that could use that rub. But, right now if you look at it, it just makes most sense. Only other thing I could think of him to do is WWE Championship match or Undertaker. And both of those options are unavailable right now. :)
I have a big problem with this whole match. First of all, the US Title is supposed to be a title for those on the way up, not entering the twilight of their careers. Cena is being de-emphasized slowly, as he really should be at this point in his career. So, why hand him a belt for the up-and-comer? He will not add ANYTHING to the belt, just crap on it some more because he is nearing the end of his career as the "centerpiece" of the WWE.

Secondly, we are in the "reality" era. Rusev already destroyed Swagger, Ryback and Big Show. He kicked the crap out of Cena at Fast Lane. Now, you are going to stand there and tell me that Cena is going to get his ass kicked at WM, only to become "Super Cena"? Won't work, and the world will crap on it as people will see right through it.

In actuality, it would be far better for business if Rusev defeats Cena clean. Why? It would make for an easier transition to the newer stars like Ambrose, Bryan, Rollins AND ESPECIALLY Reigns. Once Cena loses at WM, fans will be "searching for Superman". Guess who that is? You got it: Reigns. And, Rusev would then run into that next American hero, Daniel Bryan, at SummerSlam, and that is where he will drop the US Title.
Honestly, the issue I have is why the Authority keeps wanting to screw with Cena. It seemed like Cena was ignoring the Authority at the moment, who interfered with his desire to enter Andre's Battle Royale. Does feuding with Cena EVER turn out well for anyone? Kayfabe, Cena is probably the toughest wrestler outside of Rusev.

Logic dictates Cena will dethrone Rusev, but it also dictated that Cena would dethrone Lesnar and that never happened. I usually wouldn't mind Cena winning, except that this feud just feels rather lackluster. Compare this to 'Big Show VS Rusev' and especially 'Swagger vs Rusev', where the fans had much stronger reactions. If either of them had conquered Rusev, it would've mattered more.
I would have Authority to either sit Cena at WrestleMania to Rusev declines the match and choose somebody to take Cena's place at WM or have Cena to wrestle Rusev and lose to Rusev with the help from the Authority or a biggest shocker, having the Rock betray Cena, something to the effect. If the storyline to become effective, it is better if Authority sits Cena out and have Cena to pout after WM on Raw and turns heel for a few months, destroying jobbers/mid-carder and have something to hit him hard by SummerSlam by issuing an sincere apology for his behavior, admitting that he is not perfect and would be willing to work himself back up to the top of the contender with a real winning streak to his new attitude, earning himself a fan favorite only to be taken back by Authority antics at Survivor Series and put him down again.

Have Cena to work himself back up a whole year where every WWE superstars on the roster would point out that he has declined. Cena has lost his confidence. Making fun of his vulnerable and beating out Authority along the way by frustrating losses and some comeback wins against all odd.

With that angle, the Authority might throw Cena himself to #1 spot at Royal Rumble and Cena wins the RR and earns his spot at WM 32 to challenge Flair for the #1 at all-time world title count. This is overcoming against all odds against the biggest and baddest Rusev if Rusev wins the WWE Championships at SummerSlam, proclaiming that nobody has beaten him until WM 32 and Rusev could be the biggest heel and be forced to wrestle against Cena by the virtue of the RR win. Have the fans to earn the appreciation for Cena rather than the 50/50 cheers and boos and have him to turn full heel at WM reminding the fans why the fans turned against him by supporting Stephanie's proclamation that he should sit out this WM and go on a long WWE title as a heel for at least one or two years.

Never going to happen, its more likely that Rusev will have some Ziggler/Swagger like losing streak by this time next year. Always expect the worst from WWE creative, and Vince. But your idea is a good one, its just that sadly its not going to happen.
I have a big problem with this whole match. First of all, the US Title is supposed to be a title for those on the way up, not entering the twilight of their careers. Cena is being de-emphasized slowly, as he really should be at this point in his career. So, why hand him a belt for the up-and-comer? He will not add ANYTHING to the belt, just crap on it some more because he is nearing the end of his career as the "centerpiece" of the WWE.

The problem with the idea that guys like Cena, who have been established main eventers with many titles to their name including the WWE title, should never go down to be in a program for the US or IC title is that it restricts what WWE can do with their talent.

If Cena DIDN'T go down the card to face Rusev for the US title what would he be doing at WM 31? He could just be having a non-title USA vs Russia pride match against Rusev but then that would make people mad that the US title is a backdrop and unimportant because Cena doesn't even care about it. It would also be a waste of the US champ.

If he didn't face Rusev what would he do? Be put in the Battle Royale? LOL. No.

People say that the WWE talent roster is not very deep but that's not true at all. It's so deep that it makes it hard to have Cena in the main event all the time.

In a 'perfect world' top stars like Cena would so more what Rock and Stone Cold did and start out, gain momentum in their career with a few mid-card titles then move up to the main event in big feuds and win the top title a few times and then head off into the sunset in about 5-6 strong years. But that's not what always happens.

I think the Rusev vs Cena match for the US title is a good idea. It makes the US title look more important. I think Rusev should win because a younger guy should be the one to break Rusev's streak but I could totally see Cena winning because... it's WrestleMania and Vince still loves Cena.
The problem with the idea that guys like Cena, who have been established main eventers with many titles to their name including the WWE title, should never go down to be in a program for the US or IC title is that it restricts what WWE can do with their talent.

If Cena DIDN'T go down the card to face Rusev for the US title what would he be doing at WM 31? He could just be having a non-title USA vs Russia pride match against Rusev but then that would make people mad that the US title is a backdrop and unimportant because Cena doesn't even care about it. It would also be a waste of the US champ.

If he didn't face Rusev what would he do? Be put in the Battle Royale? LOL. No.

People say that the WWE talent roster is not very deep but that's not true at all. It's so deep that it makes it hard to have Cena in the main event all the time.

In a 'perfect world' top stars like Cena would so more what Rock and Stone Cold did and start out, gain momentum in their career with a few mid-card titles then move up to the main event in big feuds and win the top title a few times and then head off into the sunset in about 5-6 strong years. But that's not what always happens.

I think the Rusev vs Cena match for the US title is a good idea. It makes the US title look more important. I think Rusev should win because a younger guy should be the one to break Rusev's streak but I could totally see Cena winning because... it's WrestleMania and Vince still loves Cena.

Vince loved Undertaker as well. Guess what happened? My problem with this match is that there is a possibility of Cena being booked to WIN the belt. Nothing could be worse for the US Title than someone in the twilight of his career holding it. It would indicate that the US Title is for those on the way out, not on their way up. As for what to do with him? They could give him a match on the RAW before WM, write him injured, and keep him off WM for once. Now, you will see whether WWE can carry on without him, and operate accordingly. Reason it that right now the WWE has no idea that when the time comes, they can do without Cena. WM31 would be their crash test dummy. It will have to be done sooner or later. Why not now when you have the bodies that are slated to carry you into the future?
Cena's had so many struggles. Amid being the top merch seller, the most prominently featured superstar of all, and a man who gets world title shots at will, he's had emotional turmoil, you know. Kane put him through hell in late 2011. His loss to The Rock in 2012 made him wonder if he still had it. Being unable to ever pin CM Punk troubled his mind in 2013. Being ragdolled by Lesnar in 2014 knocked his confidence. And now Rusev's pro-Russian taunts and refusal to grant a US title match are eating away at Cena's very core.

It's trite, it's boring, and we've seen it before. Cena briefly shows a "dark" side before returning to being a shiny happy person. Yawn. Then there's the obvious result of the bout. Even the most simple young member of the Cenation knows that his hero is getting a US title match at WrestleMania, and walking away with the belt.

The most contemptible factor is 38-year-old John Cena, a man with 15 world titles and 5 WrestleMania main events under his belt, being the one to finally pin/submit the rising 29-year-old. Why?! Whomever defeats Rusev gets a massive rub, so why is it being given to an established veteran entering the twilight of his career? Wouldn't it have been an idea spot for an up-an-comer?

I just don't like it. I hate it, in fact. That's my entirely subjective opinion. What's your entirely subjective opinion?

I think it's a good move. It makes their feud long term less predictable. If Rusev won at Fast Lane and WrestleMania, Rusev would peak as US Champion. He's beaten multiple former world champions (Show, Cena, Henry, Sheamus, Ziggler and Swagger).

By Rusev losing the title, it puts him in a position he never been in before, The Chase. Him chasing the title could add depth to his character and if he was to win the title back from Cena, it would be even more special. Who is going to remember 5 years from now that he beat Sheamus on Main Event for the title?
By Rusev losing the title, it puts him in a position he never been in before, The Chase. Him chasing the title could add depth to his character and if he was to win the title back from Cena, it would be even more special.

Agreed. In many ways, it seems ironic that folks are saying that a loss to John Cena would send Rusev on a downward spiral that essentially ruins his career. No, I say if Rusev were to lose cleanly to, say, Curtis Axel, that would surely send him spinning down, but I can't see that a loss to the #1 performer in the company will hurt Rusev......in fact, since he also holds a victory over him, I believe a second meeting with Cena will only help Rusev......win or lose.

I also the dispute the notion Rusev should suffer his first loss to an up-and-comer. After all, Rusev is an up-and-comer himself.....and since no one goes undefeated forever, Rusev has to lose sometime; having the job done by John Cena is no disgrace for Rusev. If anything, he becomes more formidable than ever.

Of course, perhaps they plan to have Rusev beat Cena again. That's fine, but what do they do with him then? Rusev still has to lose somewhere down the line, right? Who would turn the trick if Cena can't?

Some of you are calling Rusev-Cena at WM31 a filler match or an unnecessary one? Personally, I think it adds a new set of possibilities to the continuing storyline.
It's so bad that the fans are rooting for the Russian. LMAO.

Mindboggling, really. Cena will win and will get booed out of the building at Mania yet again.
The problem I have with an undefeated streak is his matches on Raw and Smackdown are piss breaks for me.

Maybe his opponent smacks him around a bit, maybe he even gets a couple of actual wrestling moves in, then Rusev no-sells a beatdown, stops the opponent dead with one strike, performs some very slow martial arts kicks(slower than RVD if that was possible), stamps on his back and applies the camel clutch.
Cena walking out with the title instantly makes the title more important and Rusev relevant. Thanks to Cena, Bray Wyatt is fighting the fucking UNDERTAKER this year. Thanks to Cena, Daniel Bryan became the biggest superstar in a decade. Thanks to Cena, CM Punk become more than a midcard joke. The list goes on and on. Cena is the literal savior of the WWE, and he's done more to elevate talent than anyone else in the WWE.

Eh, what?

I don't think Cena even talked about walking out with the US title. He was referring to the WWEWHC.

Wyatt was way over before feuding with Cena (Shield vs Wyatts), the match with Cena only damaged his image as an unbeatable mystic power. He was turned to be the guy who just can't get the job done. All words and no action. I could go on....

Bryan was getting entire arenas chanting his name for like 6 months BEFORE he had the match with Cena. The guy was over before there were even talks of getting him in the main event scene.

Punk got to the status he was because of his own personal actions. He asked Vince to put him in the main event or he would leave. He was put in the main event and got a huge reaction right after his pipebomb, which was completely unrelated to Cena.

I don't know where you got all your facts from.


Now, to answer the thread, yes, it's been said a million times. Typical thread about Cena. Oh he is repetitive, oh he does the same thing all the time. I see the amount of your posts, so this means you have been around a while. I don't understand what you try to prove, we know what you said about Cena is facts.
I have to agree with the OP actually. This match is typical of the WWE and heir booking and it really makes me rather sad.

Now, I get it. Cena is a big draw for sure. Him winning the US Championship is going to be a big deal in the WWE. He is going to immediately make the US title a Championship worth having in the WWE again. The WWE are going to sell lots of replica belts because Cena is holding it, I get it.

But wouldn't it make more sense to have Rusev finally be the one to put Cena's WrestleMania antics to bed? I'm convinced that the only reason Cena has never faced The Undertaker at WrestleMania before is because they would have put Cena over Taker. He pretty much always wins at WrestleMania, no matter who he is facing. So can't the WWE buck that trend and fi nally have a little faith in one of the guys who is going to be the future of the WWE? Putting Rusev over Cena at Manai is going to do wonders for Rusev and his career is going to be immediately legitimised. With the added bonus of giving the fans a genuine surprise at Mania, what more can you ask for? Cena's career has already been amongst one of the most superb the company has ever seen, there is no reason that he needs to go over here.

And need I mention that you can legitimise a Champion and a Championship by having him hold it for long enough and beat any and all comers, just the way Rusev has been doing. Have him hold the Championship for a long time and give the rub of beating for the Championship to someone who could actually use it.
Vince loved Undertaker as well. Guess what happened? My problem with this match is that there is a possibility of Cena being booked to WIN the belt. Nothing could be worse for the US Title than someone in the twilight of his career holding it. It would indicate that the US Title is for those on the way out, not on their way up. As for what to do with him? They could give him a match on the RAW before WM, write him injured, and keep him off WM for once. Now, you will see whether WWE can carry on without him, and operate accordingly. Reason it that right now the WWE has no idea that when the time comes, they can do without Cena. WM31 would be their crash test dummy. It will have to be done sooner or later. Why not now when you have the bodies that are slated to carry you into the future?

I'm not saying Rusev will win and then eventually lose to an up-and-comer but I am saying it makes more sense in the pro wrestling world to let someone other than a long-time veteran beat the undefeated young guy.

Also I'm a little confused as to how you would actually suggest they keep Cena off the WM card on a fake injury storyline? It doesn't matter how much you dislike Cena - if he can still wrestle he will draw more fans and thus more money to WM 31 if he is on the card in anyway rather than be off the card completely.

This is why WWE has to be careful about catering to internet wrestling fans because we all have our fantasy booking and sometimes it would be good but a lot of times it would be horrible to the overall product and fanbase.

WWE has to cater to its paying audience and that is still a lot of kids who get their parents to pay for stuff and Cena is still a huge draw with kids.
Cena's had so many struggles. Amid being the top merch seller, the most prominently featured superstar of all, and a man who gets world title shots at will, he's had emotional turmoil, you know. Kane put him through hell in late 2011. His loss to The Rock in 2012 made him wonder if he still had it. Being unable to ever pin CM Punk troubled his mind in 2013. Being ragdolled by Lesnar in 2014 knocked his confidence. And now Rusev's pro-Russian taunts and refusal to grant a US title match are eating away at Cena's very core.

It's trite, it's boring, and we've seen it before. Cena briefly shows a "dark" side before returning to being a shiny happy person. Yawn. Then there's the obvious result of the bout. Even the most simple young member of the Cenation knows that his hero is getting a US title match at WrestleMania, and walking away with the belt.

The most contemptible factor is 38-year-old John Cena, a man with 15 world titles and 5 WrestleMania main events under his belt, being the one to finally pin/submit the rising 29-year-old. Why?! Whomever defeats Rusev gets a massive rub, so why is it being given to an established veteran entering the twilight of his career? Wouldn't it have been an idea spot for an up-an-comer?

I just don't like it. I hate it, in fact. That's my entirely subjective opinion. What's your entirely subjective opinion?

It's funny because even though most of us knew Roman Reigns was going to be in the main event since last fall, I still silently hoped he would've been the guy to knock off Russev. It would've been the perfect role for him. He'd still get his 100% baby face pop and he gets the rub from beating Russev. The only problem is, again, where does that leave Cena? They really backed themselves into a corner here. Perhaps he could've gone into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, which gives that match some spotlight and it is no longer viewed as a mid-card/superstar jobber match.
It's all very difficult to predict.

I don't like Cena at all, but he would boost the prestige of the US-Title.

But losing at WrestleMania won't do Rusev any favors, he'll just be one in a long line of wrestlers who got destroyed by Cena and then got a win at a PPV nobody cares about or will even remember.

Maybe Cena can win by DQ ? Or Cena gets totally hammered and with one last gasp (no AA or STF...nothing powerful) he rolls up a surprised Rusev for the three count. Rusev then snaps and beats Cena up some more and Cena is stretchered out of WrestleMania with the US Title on his chest. Rusev can then move on the world title while Cena starts upgrading the value of the US Title.

Or if Rusev retains...who will get the rub of beating him clean ? DB doesn't need it, Ziggler already won the SS, Cesaro has tagteam gold now.

My biased bet would be on Dean Ambrose (crazy beats monster), but i know by now that Ambrose always has to lose when it matters.

You know what WWE, let Roman Reigns do it and hold both titles, can't wait to hear the botchspeech afterwards.

Undertaker Vs Wyatt is another match i'm not sure about. Will they really let Wyatt go 0-2 at WM against a guy who is pretty much done after this ? Does it really matter if it's 21-1 or 21-2 ?

The Battle Royal could use some top superstars too, now it looks like WrestleFest for curtain jerkers.
I find it funny that with Brock Lesnar returning, John Cena is back to where he was supposed to be before Brock's abrupt departure in 2004: the midcard. As to why Cena the veteran is going to be the first to pin Rusev, who knows? We don't even know if that will be the outcome come WrestleMania. Maybe Rusev pins Cena clean? The potential "dark side" of Cena stuff has gotten boring over the years. Everyone knows Cena is not turning heel (lol), so stop teasing it. I'm just glad Cena is as far away from the WWE title picture as possible.
The problem I have with an undefeated streak is his matches on Raw and Smackdown are piss breaks for me.

Maybe his opponent smacks him around a bit, maybe he even gets a couple of actual wrestling moves in, then Rusev no-sells a beatdown, stops the opponent dead with one strike, performs some very slow martial arts kicks(slower than RVD if that was possible), stamps on his back and applies the camel clutch.

Yea that's pretty much Rusev in a nutshell. He's good in the ring but other than that I got nothing. He's kind of horrible at promo's, hence why he has Lana, and his one trick pony is "Russia is better than everyone else. You all suck". I have no idea what people see in him.

If Cena wins the belt then fine, if not then that's fine too. This is the one match, well other than the Diva's match I'll pass on..
Yea that's pretty much Rusev in a nutshell. He's good in the ring but other than that I got nothing. He's kind of horrible at promo's, hence why he has Lana, and his one trick pony is "Russia is better than everyone else. You all suck". I have no idea what people see in him.

If Cena wins the belt then fine, if not then that's fine too. This is the one match, well other than the Diva's match I'll pass on..

I'm a fan because he seems to have a good grasp of psychology. While he fights like a powerhouse, I like how Rusev seems to feel around for weaknesses and exploits them- Sheamus's head, Henry's back, Swagger's ribs, etc.

However, I also feel he's running out of steam. I preferred it when he was an unconventional heel who didn't need to cheat and who had some degree of honor. These days, he has been reduced to your typical villain. I also think Lana's promos have gotten old. I find his promos to fine for what they are. Finally, the booking he has gotten has been utterly ******ed. He should've beaten Ryback dammit!
I'm a fan because he seems to have a good grasp of psychology. While he fights like a powerhouse, I like how Rusev seems to feel around for weaknesses and exploits them- Sheamus's head, Henry's back, Swagger's ribs, etc.

Agreed, and in my opinion, his fighting style will keep him from being seen as an "everyday villain." Against John Cena at "Fast Lane"...yes, he cheated when he really needed to; Lana stepping into the ring gave him the opportunity and he took it. But in general, he doesn't need to take shortcuts to victory; in fact, the methodical way he goes about breaking down an opponent is a pleasure to watch, bad guy or not.

But his talking has been better the past two weeks.....and the secret is no secret: it's anger. Instead of his usual anti-American rant, he's mad at Cena, and it's making him more effective on the mic.

One other thing: the apparent friction between Rusev and Lana that showed up last night adds some spice to the mix. We've read that she'll be taking some time off, and while it would be unusual for a performer to intentionally miss a Wrestlemania payoff, it could also explain why they'd have Rusev upset with her last night.

I also enjoyed Cena last night. The semi-evil smirk on his face after disposing of Rusev gave a clue to what he'd be like if he turned heel.

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