Cena's struggle and guaranteed US title victory over Rusev - modern WWE at its worst?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Cena's had so many struggles. Amid being the top merch seller, the most prominently featured superstar of all, and a man who gets world title shots at will, he's had emotional turmoil, you know. Kane put him through hell in late 2011. His loss to The Rock in 2012 made him wonder if he still had it. Being unable to ever pin CM Punk troubled his mind in 2013. Being ragdolled by Lesnar in 2014 knocked his confidence. And now Rusev's pro-Russian taunts and refusal to grant a US title match are eating away at Cena's very core.

It's trite, it's boring, and we've seen it before. Cena briefly shows a "dark" side before returning to being a shiny happy person. Yawn. Then there's the obvious result of the bout. Even the most simple young member of the Cenation knows that his hero is getting a US title match at WrestleMania, and walking away with the belt.

The most contemptible factor is 38-year-old John Cena, a man with 15 world titles and 5 WrestleMania main events under his belt, being the one to finally pin/submit the rising 29-year-old. Why?! Whomever defeats Rusev gets a massive rub, so why is it being given to an established veteran entering the twilight of his career? Wouldn't it have been an idea spot for an up-an-comer?

I just don't like it. I hate it, in fact. That's my entirely subjective opinion. What's your entirely subjective opinion?
I am not sure if Cena is walking out of Mania with the title, even if logic says otherwise. I do agree that over the years, Cena has been put through hell but he just doesn't show vulnerability. His character's biggest flaw is not showing self doubt at anytime. He will be broken down one day and next day he is back doing the same thing.

A lot of it has to do with Vince's desire to show Cena as a super strong baby face who just can't doubthimself. And on top of that, he plays the underdog. An underdog is vulnerable, Cena is not. That sucks the life out if his storylines.
Cena walking out with the title instantly makes the title more important and Rusev relevant. Thanks to Cena, Bray Wyatt is fighting the fucking UNDERTAKER this year. Thanks to Cena, Daniel Bryan became the biggest superstar in a decade. Thanks to Cena, CM Punk become more than a midcard joke. The list goes on and on. Cena is the literal savior of the WWE, and he's done more to elevate talent than anyone else in the WWE.
I give Cena the advantage, but I wouldn't be betting anything on this match.
The fact that the Fastline and now WM matches can't be predicted as certain means alot in a world where most fans could probably accurately predict 8 or 9 out of 10 matches each ppv.
Yes, the person who defeats Rusev could be givena major boost, byt this isn't about creating that person, its about Rusev.
Rusev is being elevated towards the stars here, even if he loses the title to Cena. Think of it this way, Rusev is so strong/powerful it took today's biggest star at least two tries to defeat him.
I say have rusev beat cena, clean.

It would be a major boost to rusev going over Cena and retaining the title at Wrestlemania. Possibly going in to the wwe title picture still with the Us title or even win the Money in the bank.
If ever there was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation this is it. Cena almost is at a point where he doesn't fit in in the grand scheme as much, but he has such a following that they can't just job him out. He hasn't been a main event talent in the months leading up to WM, but he certainly hasn't fought his last main event either. Beating Rusev will do absolutely nothing for his career at this point, and losing just contributes to him looking weaker and weaker. Plus, Rusev doesn't need to beat anymore wrestlers to prove he's a bad ass. And OP is right, the rub should be given to someone who is building to a championship career.
Reigns should be ending Rusev's streak, not competing for a title that no one wants him to have.
Rusev has been unstoppable this year, and Cena is the last person on the roster who should be putting an end to that streak.

They gave the Undertaker's streak to Lesnar, and I sincerely hope they don't make another mistake in giving this one to Cena. Why do I get the feeling that Cena is only in this feud to give him something to do at Mania.

We all know this is going to happen, because if Rusev continues to say no, then he doesn't have a match at Mania either. Unless they throw him into the Battle Royal. This is one of the matches that doesn't thrill me at all.

EDIT: Totally agree with the above poster about Reigns/Rusev. I've said that on a number of threads, this should be his match. it would give him the experience he badly needs, and would put him over with the fans in beating Rusev. They totally fucked this up.
Cena walking out with the title instantly makes the title more important and Rusev relevant. Thanks to Cena, Bray Wyatt is fighting the fucking UNDERTAKER this year. Thanks to Cena, Daniel Bryan became the biggest superstar in a decade. Thanks to Cena, CM Punk become more than a midcard joke. The list goes on and on. Cena is the literal savior of the WWE, and he's done more to elevate talent than anyone else in the WWE.

Cena never did nothing for nobody. And that's fact, because I said so :rolleyes:

I love how we have one thread saying Axel is going to win the US Title and another saying it's a guarantee that Cena wins it. I didn't know we had Vince Russo and Miss Cleo on these boards.

People want good stories around here, so why is it that, after running through most of the face roster, an anti-American wrestler possibly getting his undefeated streak ended to the most patriotic wrestler on the roster is a bad thing? Because it's John Cena. That's literally the only reason.

It's like people want him to lose clean to everyone. And they think their opinion is still entirely subjective. If main eventers lose clean to everyone, they turn into Chris Jericho.

Losing to John Cena is not the end of the world (Yes, let's use Sandow as our excuse. Nevermind he's more relevant now than he would've ever been with that briefcase. Also, let's ignore the timing of a nobody holding the briefcase when they were unifying the titles). Frankly, if you don't beat the top guy (again, let's just ignore that he just made him pass out in a match and....won :shrug:) is it really that bad? First off, yes he did beat him already, secondly, doesn't that still put you in the leagues with everyone around Cena's level? I mean, unless he squashes you, which I'm sure we all know won't happen to Rusev.

It's like people don't understand that it's booking's job once his feud with Cena is over. Also, and I ask Miss Cleo, how do you know Rusev won't win the title back at ER? It seems the Cena haters, who aren't subjective at all even when they say they are being so, think he's some sort of god who controls everything.
Under most circumstances, I'd probably agree with the OP overall. Over the course of the past 10 years or so, John Cena has worked his ass off. I don't care if you love him or hate him, Cena's earned every bit of success he's gotten in WWE. However, it's also true that Cena has never really been portrayed as being "vulnerable" because that's simply not what Vince McMahon has wanted. Cena has been the undisputed, legitimate face of WWE for near of a full decade with much of his general persona and overall booking cut from the same cloth as Hulk Hogan during the 80s: he's morally righteous, viewed as family friendly, embodies all the various positives like honesty, courage, determination, physical fitness and is booked to look as though he's able to overcome anything. In short, there's a reason why internet fans, smarks, dirt sheet writers, etc. sometimes refer to him as "Super Cena." Whereas Vince McMahon sees the ultimate superhero, a lot of other people see a boring, stale and outdated formula that hasn't evolved. To be fair, it's a formula that's generally worked quite well over the years. For all the alleged hate that Cena gets, he continuously helps generate a lot of revenue for WWE. The Great White Shark hasn't really evolved over millions of years because it's the ultimate predator in its environment; it hasn't needed to evolve. As long as John Cena continues to bring him millions upon millions of dollars in revenue for WWE, have his segments & matches be among the top 2 draws of Raw, there's no real need for him to evolve as far as Vince is concerned.

Rusev has yet to be pinned or be made to submit and his first match against John Cena ended with Rusev claiming victory. Of course, Vince protected Cena in the loss but not to anywhere near the degree he usually does. Cena got kicked in the nuts and that's pretty much it. Usually if Cena loses, there's quite a bit of outside interference. Hell, even if he doesn't lose, Vince still often portrays him in a superheroic light by having him overcome lots of interference. Regardless of who wins between them at WrestleMania, even though he match hasn't been officially announced we all know it's coming, the United States Championship is in good shape. If Rusev retains over Cena again and does so in a way that keeps him looking strong, he'll only be that much stronger as champion going forward. If John Cena wins the United States Championship, then the title is in even better shape because if there's anyone on the roster who will not be booked to look like a chump as champion, it's John Cena.

In the grand scheme of things, I'd prefer if Rusev ultimately retained against Cena. I think his first loss would probably mean more if it came about from being defeated by a younger, fresher star on the roster. If Rusev hadn't been booked with the sort of consistency he's had over the course of the past year, I'd be vehemently against Cena being the first to pin him or make him tap. I'd like to see Cena come up on the losing end of a feud as a means of forcing him to maybe "evolve" a bit.
Does Cena "need" to win at WM? Of course not.

Is this angle with Rusev just following the same formula as most Cena feuds? Yes. It is.

Would losing to Cena HURT Rusev? NO.

So I personally have no problem with your standard Cena "redemption" gimmick here for WM because I don't think it will have any negative impact on Rusev's future. Sometimes you get the rub without having to go over. And he already beat Cena at Fastlane.

I totally get it if you're bored with Cena and how his storylines play out over and over again, but this match is #4 in importance on the WM card. This isn't ending with Cena holding up the WWE Title as the show goes off the air.
The problem here is if Rusev cleanly pins Cena, what next for Rusev? Who would likely be able to beat him outside of Reigns, Rollins or Lesnar? You would have the same storyline continuing on and it would get stale. Rusev would still not be ready to be vaulted into the main event picture. I'm not sure I buy the concept of a younger star being the one to pin Rusev. Who is that star? Once you get past Cena, Rusev will have gone thru nearly every credible face except the one everyone loves to get behind, Daniel Bryan. If the plan is for Daniel Bryan to end the streak, maybe I could by that. But Ziggler, Sheamus or any of these other guys on the roster not named Reigns, I don't see that coming.

On the other hand if Cena wins, it really doesn't do much for Cena. In that the scenario the winner is the US Belt because the one thing a healthy Cena does is wrestle all the time. He'd be a fighting champion and like him or not, anyone on the roster vs John Cena is a near main event match just on Cena's name alone. We've been clamoring for the Intercontinental or US Belts to be elevated, putting one of those around Cena would do just that. Rusev being where he is now elevates Rusev, but Rusev as US Champ does not elevate the belt. At least it hasn't in my opinion.
Personally, I'd go with Cena losing again to Rusev, given that now, there are guys like Reigns, Bryan, Rollins amongst others who can hold the fort at the top of the card at least until SummerSlam.

The majority of fans will expect Cena to triumph, however, we can say that Brock-Roman and Cena-Rusev is following basically the same type of storyline, where the "Superhero of the WWE" is fighting the big, bad, unbeatable monster heel.
Assuming that Brock is leaving after Mania, and the WWE has bigger plans for Rusev as a Top Heel going forward... it would be intriguing if Rusev were to emerge victorious against Cena.

Now, would a loss to Rusev at Mania actually hurt Cena's Star power? I highly doubt it. However, it would really help put Cena in a more doubtful, 'weak' position than he has ever been, and would be the absolute perfect way for him to 'work' his way back up for a huge Main Event scene return come WrestleMania 32 with the Flair record on the line and all, and maybe, just maybe that heel turn... :shrug:

The story writes itself, no? :)
Well for a long time fans have wanted titles like the IC and US title to mean something, we finally have major storylines for both belts going into Wrestlemania. And putting Cena in a US title match at WM is a big deal for the belt.

The perfect way to go is Cena losing to Rusev, but allow Cena to win the belt the following month or next night on Raw. Keep the US title important and let Cena carry it until someone up and coming gets to shine defeating him for the belt, and this could set up Rusev moving on to a feud with Reigns for the WWE title so long as Reigns wins.

That is a plus for Rusev, Cena, and the US title.

But I also agree that someone new should get that rub BUT, Rusev is stll fresh him self, its not like a NXT guy is actually going to get the rub off Rusev, Cena is the one giving the rub, hes the mega star, the face of the WWE, the former 15 time champion, Rusev is only an undefeated 1x US champion, it doesn't compare to how much cred someone gets wrestling Cena.

So either way Rusev gets the rub facing Cena at WM win lose or draw.
if they put bryan in cena spot. Then you guys told bryan need that win. He definitely need to stop rusev. Bcoz all of you guys are cena haters.
I would have Authority to either sit Cena at WrestleMania to Rusev declines the match and choose somebody to take Cena's place at WM or have Cena to wrestle Rusev and lose to Rusev with the help from the Authority or a biggest shocker, having the Rock betray Cena, something to the effect. If the storyline to become effective, it is better if Authority sits Cena out and have Cena to pout after WM on Raw and turns heel for a few months, destroying jobbers/mid-carder and have something to hit him hard by SummerSlam by issuing an sincere apology for his behavior, admitting that he is not perfect and would be willing to work himself back up to the top of the contender with a real winning streak to his new attitude, earning himself a fan favorite only to be taken back by Authority antics at Survivor Series and put him down again.

Have Cena to work himself back up a whole year where every WWE superstars on the roster would point out that he has declined. Cena has lost his confidence. Making fun of his vulnerable and beating out Authority along the way by frustrating losses and some comeback wins against all odd.

With that angle, the Authority might throw Cena himself to #1 spot at Royal Rumble and Cena wins the RR and earns his spot at WM 32 to challenge Flair for the #1 at all-time world title count. This is overcoming against all odds against the biggest and baddest Rusev if Rusev wins the WWE Championships at SummerSlam, proclaiming that nobody has beaten him until WM 32 and Rusev could be the biggest heel and be forced to wrestle against Cena by the virtue of the RR win. Have the fans to earn the appreciation for Cena rather than the 50/50 cheers and boos and have him to turn full heel at WM reminding the fans why the fans turned against him by supporting Stephanie's proclamation that he should sit out this WM and go on a long WWE title as a heel for at least one or two years.
This should include a poll asking if anyone, ANYONE gives a flying fuck about the United States Championship. What good is there in putting the belt on John Cena?

I've honestly stopped caring about valid continuity with WWE storylines a long time ago. Stephanie gushes over how much she loved Andre, and therefore it offends her that John would insist upon being a member of the *ugh* Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Does she wish they had just held a Battle Royal at Andre's funeral? A big stupid match where nobody really wins anything is a horrible way to honor a legend Steph, if you loved Andre so much you wouldn't have allowed the last winner to get buried for criticizing Cena.
Jesus H Christ we have to go through this again?

Look I'm going to run some shit for you. You know Marvel's Avengers: Civil War that everyone is losing their shit over?


Spoiler alert....


I know I know I'm a dick right? You had no idea that would happen did you?


Oh...shit I was supposed to discuss this Cena/Rusev thing....

Spoiler alert....


CENA WINS because in the end THE GOOD GUYS ALWAYS WIN!!!
Hey, I am getting a feeling ( about 2% ) that Cena will lose clean to Rusev at Wrestlemania. Though, it sounds more like a joke. Ahh, let me get out of my fantasy. Lets come to the topic. Look, Rusev losing to Cena will not vanish him if he is booked the right way. Maybe, he goes on for another winning streak after jobbing to Cena and there are many other ways to keep Rusev relevant. His streak will end sometime but Reigns is not the right guy to be fed Rusev. Brock Lesnar is already being fed to him so why the need for another. There is no other logical choice behind Cena to stop Rusev. Cena is the ultimate patriotic babyface (umm heel for us) and he is the correct choice to stop Rusev.
As some Roman Reigns' fans say - Deal with it.
Cena walking out with the title instantly makes the title more important and Rusev relevant. Thanks to Cena, Bray Wyatt is fighting the fucking UNDERTAKER this year. Thanks to Cena, Daniel Bryan became the biggest superstar in a decade. Thanks to Cena, CM Punk become more than a midcard joke. The list goes on and on. Cena is the literal savior of the WWE, and he's done more to elevate talent than anyone else in the WWE.

I agree 100% with this statement. When this feud with Rusev started I was completely against it. Not because I thought Rusev would be buried as most Cena haters would proclaim, but because I thought the US Title was going to be devalued even more since I never in a million years would've thought Cena would be challenging for it. I was wrong! He did challenge for it. He lost the match and is continuing to chase it. This is fantastic and ultimately raises the prestige of the title. I am all for it now and actually would like to see Cena capture that title. I can't say that I KNOW that is what the plan is, but if it is in fact the plan, it is the correct decision in my opinion.
Of the top four Mania events I would way this is the one that is least likely to have the face come out on top.

1. I see no chance that HHH beats Sting
2. I see no point to Wyatt beating Taker.
3. I doubt Vince has stayed so loyal to the Reigns push just to have him lose to the beast.

And while I think Cena will beat Rusev I am not all that confident. Cena holding the US Belt is like watching a rated R comedy on basic cable. We've been calling for Rusev to lose for months. Cena has been far from indestructible over the last couple years. Rusev beating Cena makes it such a bigger deal for the guy that beats Rusev. Cena could probably use some time off. After Cena loses to Rusev it would be ripe for him to turn .......

Ignore that last part, I don't want to be responsible for people getting erections in public.

Anyway, this just sounds like another posters chance to bitch about Cena. Which has become more stale than Cena himself.
Soul Train 4 is the only person on these boards who I think actually gets it.....

To the fans who are wanting Cena to lose to Rusev you were cheering for the JOKER to murder the city of Gotham right?

You wanted Rocky to get knocked out by Drago in Russia huh?

Maybe for the Wolf to eat Little Red Riding hood.....

You guys are hilarious and such contradictions it CRAZY......

I remember a year ago on this VERY SITE most of y'all were saying Rusev would be a BUST! You guys being the SMART GENIUSES you are said and I quote "the evil Russian character is old and played out. Boy Vince is an idiot for thinking we new fans are just going to boo a guy because he says so. Rusev will be the next Vladimir Koslov and RELEASED IN LESS THAN A YEAR!"

I then remember how stupid it was for Swagger to have gone over on him. How he shouldn't have beaten both Henry and Big Show but now a guy who has been US Champion for months should beat the GOLDEN BOY at the worlds biggest stage!!!!

You guys are hilarious.

First the undefeated monster was a stupid and played out gimmick....


I just can't. He beat Cena by SUBMISSION last match and yet still CENS should NOT beat him for the title at Wrestlemania. Oh but what about the KIDS!!!!

I know that you Grown Ass Men still don't understand it but the WWE is for the Kids first. The movie The Flintstones meets Wrestlemania is not for you 21 and older internet Nerds but for the KIDS!!!!

You guys hate Cena. Yeah we know. He sucks. Gotcha! The win should go to some obscure wrestler who holds the TV championship for INDY WRESTLING FEDERATION. Okay. Oh and when all else fails somehow pull Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan out your ass. Anybody but the guys who the WWE wants because they are out of touch with the cool new fans who STILL are chanting CM PUNK A YEAR LATER AND AFTER HE SIGNED A UFC CONTRACT......

So yeah the MONSTER RUSSIAN who hates AMERICA and keeps calling our country SHYT will probably not continue beating all the American HEROES after a year straight and he probably will lose to the actual guy that is a HERO TO THE KIDS!!!!!!

I know....

It's CRAZY right!!!!

You wanted Rocky to get knocked out by Drago in Russia huh?

Maybe for the Wolf to eat Little Red Riding hood.....

You guys are hilarious and such contradictions it CRAZY......

I think Cena is more the Apollo Creed here. He loses to make the bad guy look evil and unstoppable. Then the hero of the story arrives and overcomes the odds.

In the original Little Red Riding Hood, she gets eaten. Then the hero, the woodman comes and kills the wolf and cuts her out of her stomach and everyone lives happily ever after. So yes, they are calling for Cena Riding Hood to be eaten.
If ever there was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation this is it. Cena almost is at a point where he doesn't fit in in the grand scheme as much, but he has such a following that they can't just job him out.

Can you imagine? A performer is so far above the rest of the roster in all the qualities that count that tons of people hate him, are bored with him.....and want him to lose every match of importance. Now, that's power .....along with a massive dose of irony.

Despite the folks who say nothing ever changes for Cena in WWE, we could argue all day about how he puts over people (or doesn't). How he wins every single match (or doesn't). When he put over Daniel Bryan, I figured it signaled a change in how Cena's character would be handled, but the really big change became apparent when he lost the series to Brock Lesnar; I never would have believed he wouldn't eventually defeat Lesnar.....figuring it would come at WM31 with Brock on his way out the door. That Cena wound up decisively losing the series is a clear indication that things are going to be different from now on in WWE as far as his character is being portrayed. Okay for that; I can accept it because the man still does great promos and can have a superior match with anyone.

Still, as far as Rusev-Cena, I'm surprised some people have trouble accepting an end to Rusev' undefeated streak at Cena's hands. As I see it, losing to John Cena should never be seen as a disgrace; in fact, in my mind, it would legitimize Rusev. But, since Cena's persona is being handled differently, there's now an element of mystery to the match-up: Cena could lose again.

Remember, it's not that Cena "never doubts himself" as someone wrote earlier.....it's that he never gives up. There's a big difference. Blame John for it if you want, but this is the way management wants him portrayed.....and it is changing.
Cena walking out with the title instantly makes the title more important and Rusev relevant.

Does it really?

I remember when Ric Flair won the IC Title and his match with Triple H at that Interactive PPV had the IC Title on the line. So I thought cool it gives the title more importance but once the match was starting the commentators said how the match really isn't about the IC Title or the IC title doesn't even have to be part of the discussion. That short conversation between the commentator pretty much flushed the IC Title down the toilet in the Flair/HHH feud.

People also said how Jericho winning the IC Title can help elevate the title after his Undisputed Title run at WMX8 it didn't for years they kept giving Jericho the IC title without any meaningful feud attached to it until like 7 years later when Mysterio/Jericho had their feud for the Belt.
Lol at those perpetuating the "DUH! The good guy always wins!" garbage. A movie analogy completely and utterly falls flat, because the good guy DOESN'T always win in wrestling. Bret Hart won over Steve Austin, yielding only one DQ loss in the entire program; the last time they shared the ring at IYH 16, Austin and his team jobbed cleanly to the Harts. Shawn Michaels won over The Undertaker in 1997/1998, giving up not a single loss. More recently, Seth Rollins wiped the floor with Dean Ambrose, as did Bray Wyatt (giving up only one loss at the inconsequential Tribute to the Troops).

So, now that we've established that the good guy doesn't always win in the end, I'd like to see Rusev win. I don't think he will.

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