Cena's Injury posted by WWE.Com Fail


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Ok, so obviously we know that WWE posted on their site specifically that Cena got hurt/injured at a house show. My question to this is - Why didn't WWE just wait till Raw and have Nexus say they were responsible for hurting/injuring Cena? I don't know if I'm the only one but I think that would've help made Nexus even more threatening by having Nexus injure the biggest star in WWE currently. But god forbid Cena look vulnerable against anyone.

I just thought it was a wasted opportunity to make Nexus look strong for this apparent "Revamp" of this feud between Nexus and Cena.
Uh, perhaps because THAT is what the WWE [still] intends on doing come Monday Night Raw. Just because the internet gossip (specifically WWE's official website) has spread the event regarding John Cena's injury all over the net, does not mean that everyone knows that John Cena is injured. The IWC is only a small fraction of the WWE fan-base; just because a few internet searchers sees this information does not mean that they still can't pass out said storyline.

Besides, we still don't know if John Cena is injured enough to NOT make it back on television. No one is aware of the severity of the issue yet, so one can only guess what is going on. But as of right now, we shouldn't be ridiculing the WWE for the decision they made. WWE has gotten through worse before and they'll get through this as well.

But indeed, only ime will tell what will actually happen.
Uh, perhaps because THAT is what the WWE [still] intends on doing come Monday Night Raw. Just because the internet gossip (specifically WWE's official website) has spread the event regarding John Cena's injury all over the net, does not mean that everyone knows that John Cena is injured. The IWC is only a small fraction of the WWE fan-base; just because a few internet searchers sees this information does not mean that they still can't pass out said storyline.

Besides, we still don't know if John Cena is injured enough to NOT make it back on television. No one is aware of the severity of the issue yet, so one can only guess what is going on. But as of right now, we shouldn't be ridiculing the WWE for the decision they made. WWE has gotten through worse before and they'll get through this as well.

But indeed, only ime will tell what will actually happen.

Ok, but if he's not "Officially" injured, why would WWE take the time out of their hands to post it within their site? And even if the diagnosis isn't as bad, why not have Cena sell the fact for the next week or two seem like he got the tar beaten out of him? This would actually help Nexus, but WWE's major flaw is Cena is made to look WAY to dominant over this group.
The WWE is jumping at the opportunity. Most wrestling fans have heard that Cena is hurt, so the WWE is acknowledging this. How they handle it after now is up in the air. They could easily have Punk and Nexus come out and lay claim to the injury to Cena, even to the point where Cena misses some time. Hopefully this doesn't lead to a Rumble return for Cena, though that could work if he were to eliminate Punk and get eliminated with him.

Cena is probably getting tests to determine the severity, but I'd expect him back sooner rather than later. Honestly though it would not surprise if Cena misses Raw this week just to boost Punk and Nexus with them taking credit for the injury, only for Cena to return later in the show or a Raw soon after. I wouldn't call it a fail on the WWE's part, as they know we are talking about it and they are putting it out there for more buzz.
Ok, but if he's not "Officially" injured, why would WWE take the time out of their hands to post it within their site? And even if the diagnosis isn't as bad, why not have Cena sell the fact for the next week or two seem like he got the tar beaten out of him? This would actually help Nexus, but WWE's major flaw is Cena is made to look WAY to dominant over this group.
I think to some degree not all injuries superstars get can just simply be kept secret and played along as storyline injuries. Cena has a lot of fans, which may be why WWE posted this news on there site, Loyal fans to Cena himself would rather know of an injury he has sustained in a more legit way than rather it just be incorporated into a storyline. As previous post states as well this may be incorporated into Monday's RAW we shall just have to wait and see.
Well, of course, Cena is their cash cow right now. Obviously we know that if Alex Riley or Alicia Fox, or even Heath Slater were injured, it really wouldn't be that big of news. Also, it may be because it was reported by fans to other websites prior to their own site, that they want to also try to do damage control, because if fans are at the show and see Cena go down and are not in the backstage area when he's being treated, lord knows what kind of rumors will get started. I admit, when I first saw the headlines, the worst thought came to mind "Dammit, how bad, and is it a knee, surgery, etc?" Its a way to take back control of your company, and the stories about your employees and prevent things from spinning out of control. I personally think, even though it was a fail, it did seem like the right thing to do considering all the speculation that was already flying about within minutes of various places posting the reports. I really can't fault them. All we can do now is just let time go by, and hope for the best for Cena's health, and for all those around him in the current storylines.
Ok, but if he's not "Officially" injured, why would WWE take the time out of their hands to post it within their site? And even if the diagnosis isn't as bad, why not have Cena sell the fact for the next week or two seem like he got the tar beaten out of him? This would actually help Nexus, but WWE's major flaw is Cena is made to look WAY to dominant over this group.

That's going to happen regardless of what WWE puts up on their site. Think back to Summerslam when WWE advertised Danile Bryan had been resigned. Did such post stop them from still acting as if it was a surprise? No. Because not many people looked on the site for information regarding Summerslam. Fact is, WWE is nothing more than entertainment; and the way they show us this entertainment is through said storyline. It does not matter what goes on Kayfabe. What happens through storyline is what really matters.

'That said, I think that the reason WWE just went ahead and posted the info on the website is to just give the 411 on what is occuring in reality. But when it's time for Monday Night Raw, you can bet your ass such storyline will be sold. Thjough, again, we still don't know the severity of the issue so let's leave it at that.
Let's look at this a few ways:

1. WWE knows that the IWC is going to be all over this injury.
2. WWE is playing the IWC
3. Other than the IWC who is scouring the WWE web site for injury info?

Let me explain:

1. WWE knows the IWC is going to be all over this....
Ok, so there were fan reports saying that the match between Cena and Barrett was ended differently than planned. Great! Who honestly knows what the planned finish was? (bear with me). I don't, you don't, and chances are, most of the people reading this weren't anywhere NEAR that arena when the "injury" occurred. But let's pretend he is seriously injured at this point. So...Cena got hurt. That happens every day in the wrestling biz. The WWE, who is on top of EVERYTHING wrestling (even if they don't do the things that you smarks think they should), they know what's happening in just about every possible outlet you can conceive of. He's hurt. They're admitting that he's hurt and they're saving their publicity people HOURS of time answering phone calls and emails. That's the short of it. It will NOT keep them from furthering it as a story line.

2. WWE is playing the IWC. The WWE has been known to dick with the IWC in the past. They "fired" Daniel Bryan, only to bring him back and anoint him as the current U.S. Champion. They have him escorted by some attractive twins and he's doing ok for himself. Notice, the fans in attendance "like" him, but they don't know who the hell he is. This is their nod to YOU, the IWC. Daniel Bryan is back, has a belt. Whoopty shit. They'll enjoy playing a fake injury or a minor injury to it's fullest, just to keep you people guessing what they're going to do leading into the 1st Raw of 2011, the Royal Rumble and ultimately, Wrestlemania. "God, if Cena is out what will they do?" You morons are feeding into this perfectly. I wish I had a product to sell you to avoid any unpleasantness, just so I could profit from you being played. Though, I'll admit, I don't KNOW that you're being played.

3. Only the IWC is scouring the WWE website for injury updates. Frankly, I remember when I was a kid in the 80's watching every Saturday and Sunday to see the WWF on USA network. I knew only as much as they revealed on T.V. I enjoyed not knowing what was going on, though I didn't realize it. MOST of their current fan base consists of kids. The parents are there because they have to be. Hell, some of them might even enjoy the show, but most are there for the kids. Even the adults (young adults, at that) don't know that Wrestlezone.com exists, or anything like it. They go to be entertained, and that many more sit at home, tune into USA Network every Monday and enjoy the show. Maybe if the IWC would simply "ENJOY THE SHOW" this wouldn't be such an issue. But life is what it is, some people can't help but deconstruct everything, pretend they have some "insider information" and try to decide what would be best for a BILLION dollar company to do at any given moment.

Folks, Professional Wrestling is nothing more than a full-contact Soap Opera. It's a SHOW, not a sporting event. These guys put their lives on the line every night to entertain you. The writers do what they can with what they have. Injuries are a part of the deal. They know they may have to revise things on a moment's notice, and they may have to change plans completely. This is ENTERTAINMENT, nothing more. The people who perform for your enjoyment give you everything they have, and more some times. Give them a break. Enjoy the show and quit trying to be "SMART".

Cena, I hope he's not seriously injured, but if he cannot show up for WM, the show will go on with or without him and it will be decent. It may not be EPIC, but you can't have the best ALL the time.....they will make it work for everyone watching. The bottom line is profit, and they will find a way to continue to profit.
I don't know how true this is but There's talks going around that some WWE officials are on the edge of panic mode over the condition of John Cena but whatever it is that John Cena is facing hope that John Cena can come back from it. I don't think wwe.com fail to announce the injury of John Cena because fans was getting the news way before they announce it. the article was posted yesterday so things may have change but don't know.

i think they could still keep him on tv for promos and stuff couldnt they? i mean thats all he does half the time anyways! but seriosuly cena injured right before the rumble that sucks!
Ok, but if he's not "Officially" injured, why would WWE take the time out of their hands to post it within their site? And even if the diagnosis isn't as bad, why not have Cena sell the fact for the next week or two seem like he got the tar beaten out of him? This would actually help Nexus, but WWE's major flaw is Cena is made to look WAY to dominant over this group.

Im not following the logic here to be honest. With all of the dirt sheets that are out there, its impossible to keep this under wraps. It would almost be irresponsible by WWE not to acknowledge something like this. Cena took the mic right after the injury and acknowledged it, and even said that he may need to take time off! It doesn't matter that it was at a house show, it still falls under the WWE umbrella. The rest of the wrestling sites have covered this in depth, so the parent company of WWE would be foolish not to completely ignore an injury to their top star.

Would it give Nexus more heat? Sure it would. It still can, as WWE can note that Cena re-aggravted the injury in a match with Barrett that was initially sustained as a result of the attack by Nexus on Monday. Just because they initially acknowledged it as occureing at a house show doesn't mean they can't incorporate it into a storyline, especially if Cena misses some time. It's called "revisitionist history", and WWE does it better then anyone else. When the severity of the injury is discovered, you can be sure that this will very much be played up as part of the new storyline with Punk/Nexus.
To me this is fine, it was Nexus who injured Cena, and the WWE can keep Barret in Nexus because he can say that he did in fact destroy Cena at a hous show. so, in all aspects this is fine becaus in the end right now the only leader we have ever known( Punk has not been called the leader yet) "injured" Ceana at a house show.
This makes no sense. What are you saying? That they shouln't have posted it on WWE.com? What? All I got from the post was that you're ripping them for how they're handling it on TV...when we haven't even got to Raw yet! WTF? And of course they mentioned it on their website, every WWE that surfs the internet is going to go there for an update on his condition. You're the WWE. Do you want your fans going to Wrestlezone to find out how he is, or to WWE.com? Saying anything but their own website makes no sense.

We have yet another case of somebody just ripping the WWE for no reason, with no thought behind it, and making no sense whatsoever. There has to be something we can do about this, IMO this is spamming.
This makes no sense. What are you saying? That they shouln't have posted it on WWE.com? What? All I got from the post was that you're ripping them for how they're handling it on TV...when we haven't even got to Raw yet! WTF? And of course they mentioned it on their website, every WWE that surfs the internet is going to go there for an update on his condition. You're the WWE. Do you want your fans going to Wrestlezone to find out how he is, or to WWE.com? Saying anything but their own website makes no sense.

We have yet another case of somebody just ripping the WWE for no reason, with no thought behind it, and making no sense whatsoever. There has to be something we can do about this, IMO this is spamming.

There is a complete difference between kayfabe and "dirtsheets". Usually what they post on their site is kayfabe (Not all the time but most). You obviously are lost in what the point of the post was. Instead of WWE waiting till Monday to acknowledge Cena's injury (And Kayfabing that Nexus were responsible), they decided to post he got injured at a house show. Instead of making Nexus look stronger, they decided to make sure Cena didn't look vulnerable and say he got hurt at a house show. If you don't get the point now, I write you off as completely incompetent.
@billm75: very well said.

I too think that WWE toys with IWC. How do we know for sure that match was suppose to end differently? Apparently, WWE has managed to make WrestleZoners speculate whether Cena can make it to Rumble or Wrestle-mania. Also, as another fellow poster has mentioned, that WWE can still make it that Nexus has aggravated Cena's injury, by showing that Punk has shown Nexus how to do a beat-down that can actually end a career. Moreover, its Nexus leader only that has injured Cena, so there is no reason why this can't be incorporated into storyline.
Just because they say he got injured on a house show doesn't mean anything. The people that are reading WWE.com are the people that know WWE isn't based off real life events. For people that watch the show for entertainment and don't take the time out of thier day to come here or other places to find the newest news or discussions on the subject will completly believe that Nexus injured Cena last Monday. Hell it's probaly a good storyline anyone. What stops them from doing so, because people who realize what kayfabe is say "oh they announced it now they can't use it in the story because then people will think professional wrestling is fake and scripted." Oh wait it is...>.> yeah.
Even professional wrestlers get injured for real and Cena is no exception. It is reported that he has a hip injury and wont be able to wrestle for some time. Cena even took the mic afterwards and announced that he may need time off to recover. C M Punk had the same injury and yet he was still kept in the raw programming on a weekly basis. How they are going to run with the story on Raw is something that I want to see. Nothing that happens at house shows goes into storyline on live episodes so how are they going to get round this one as Nexus had nothing to do with his injury.
just saying that if this is true, this years royal rumble will suck. look how many big people are injured and wont be back in time for it. on the upside of cena being injured is that we might see the edge and christain fued at wm we all want.
It could depend on the severity of his injury. It could be a situation where even letting him take the relatively soft bumps of a beat down could put him in harms way.

At the same time, he might just not be out for that long, so it would have looked like WWE was just jerking Cena around in terms of angles, taking him off TV, then putting him back on, just to write him off again.

However, we'll have to see how they use him.
If I remember correctly, JR posted on his blog about it and said the injury was a hip pointer.
It's a common injury and it should take about 2 weeks or so to heal so he won't (shouldn't) miss much time.

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