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Cena you overselling weakling!

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
That was my PG title for this thread.

Anyways... John Cena.. are you F'N ******ed?!?

I've been noticing you overselling things for way to long. In the Royal Rumble you fly in, hit some people, and all of a sudden someone hits you and its like... "ooo... Mike Tyson... what a shot"... Cena goes down to his knees.

Wrestlemania... JR and King were trying to cover for Cena's overselling. JR was saying, "I don't know what happen, but Cena is really discombobulated."

Cause everytime The Miz hit him once... Cena would fall down to his knees... good god.. Miz should be a F'N Boxer then huh?!?

Come on... on Impact two weeks ago I watched AJ Styles and Bully Ray go ROH on each other, they hit each other with like 30 punches in 10 seconds, and then they kept brawling!!!!!!!!

Cena takes(SELLS) one damn punch and all of a sudden he can't function...

Same with Orton.. come on.. what the fuck were you doing in your match with Punk? All he did was lay around.. while Punk had to struggle to keep the match even entertaining.

The OverSell button is defiantly on in WWE... Taker/HHH.. you guys really can only do 1 move and then crawl around for the next 2 minutes? I'm not buying it!

Cena is a damn good athlete, one of the best in the WWE. When he turns his offense on, he goes full speed... he's quick, and he's powerful... but you look weak as hell when you take one damn punch and start crying...

It's been bugging for too long, I left Cena twitter messages telling him about this.. but he's not listening, and I'm not stopping til you start acting a little F'N realer!
Cena is trying to be like the rock. the rock oversell in his days too. he oversold moves, especially the stunner, flipping and twitching and shit. he even had his moves oversold, like the oversold punch he finishes his strike combo with. cena wants to be the rock. simple as that.
Isn't that the top face thing to do? Hogan did it in the 80's. I know he oversells and its huge in the E at the moment but as Cena told Rock his audience is the kids and he is damn proud of it. If you have an 8 year old watching his match they are really believing he is hurt and beat up. They are targeting a younger generation of people at the moment and you cry because he does not act like he is made of steel. Grow up dude.
It was necessary for him to oversell. He needs to continue to look face for the time being and this was the way to go. Also, it helps boost the Miz because it makes the Miz look stronger than he is. I think that you have to realize there is an entertainment aspect of the show and this builds that aspect. It is clearly a method that has been used and will be used so I see nothing wrong with it. It was simply to make the match better and not make Miz look pathetic.
I agree w/the OP you got a bunch of guys that clearly workout & condition themselves for a match but 2-3mins into the match there burnt out & you would think they been fighting for 15mins or something. There should be no reason for the pace of a match to slow down when it has just started 3 to 5mins ago. As of lately guys kinda act like they have been in a war just after only a few mins. Someone else mention this when they review Wrestlemania he said that it felt like every match was started in the middle of the match. Don't get me wrong the overselling looks kool sometimes like when The Rock use to do the backflip after the Stunner he use to make that move look good & J.R. use to sell it also by saying stuff like "Austin almost stunner The Rock out of The People's Boots" :lmao: it use to be hilarious to hear him say stuff like that. It's not really a big deal but it can get a little annoying seeing guys act fatigue & beat up so early in the match.
Wow. Just Wow.

God Forbid that Cena doesn't wrestle like this is ROH where wrestlers get up immediately from sitout piledrivers, or TNA where most of the wrestlers haven't the slightest clue, or dont care, how to work a match properly. Getting up within 5 seconds of being hit with a move is called "no-selling". If that's your preferred style of wrestling, then hey, watch that product.

But quick question, did you watch the HHH/Undertaker matches? Because from the beginning of the match, it was a move, sell, big move, sell longer. Do you want to start a thread over those two as well? You must as well have from your post. What Cena did is whats known as ring psychology. In order to make Miz look like a credible opponent, he HAD to sell his moves, regardless of whether they looked like they hurt or not. When youre in the main event spot, like Miz was, this was even more important. If he didnt sell moves, even if he oversold, which i dont feel he did, it was out of necessity. Miz has yet to look in Cena's league in any match theyve ever been in, so for them to be main eventing Wrestlemania, it was up to Cena to make sure that Miz looked like he belonged. As I said, it worked, as Miz looked decent in the process. Simply put, Cena did what was necessary, as did Orton, as did HHH and Undertaker. Its the WWE STYLE of wrestling. If it bothers you, stop watching kid.

Wrestlemania... JR and King were trying to cover for Cena's overselling. JR was saying, "I don't know what happen, but Cena is really discombobulated."

Can you remember the specific move? I certainly can't whatsoever. He BUMPED for Miz, not oversold. Grow up and learn the difference. A match is laid out, and a wrestler is SUPPOSED to react in a certain way, at a certain time. Cena was obviously supposedto BUMP the way he did at whatever time youre referring to. Please don't tell me it was when he took the briefcase to the HEAD.....

It's been bugging for too long, I left Cena twitter messages telling him about this.. but he's not listening, and I'm not stopping til you start acting a little F'N realer!

Im sure you'll eventually get through, and he'll start wrestling the style you like rather then the style the company he WORKS FOR prefers and has made him the face of the company. :rolleyes:

The thing is, if thats the style you desire, quit watching WWE. It not going to change. People get beat down, and make comebacks. Thats been their style forever. If you want to watch no-selling and people getting up from chairshots to the head, watch ROH or DGUSA. Fine products, but they're truly whats unrealistic, my friend. ;)
Personally I think when people oversell its done intentional to make that same superstar look better and gain more attention. This is something I could see Hogan and yes, Billy Gunn do back in their day. However I just can't see Cena and Rock doing it to make themselves look better. They do it because their the babyfaces.

Plus come on we all know its fake so what's the difference. We're debating about whether something is done right or wrong on Cena's part? I get so tired of people bashing this guy. If you don't like him then don't watch him, its simple. I'm not gona turn this into a whole tirade here about people and their thoughts on Cena cause seriously its a little too late for that. But you people need to respect this guy. He's a class act, he's not doing this for the money so much and he puts people over when he can.

Guys like Edge, Orton, Miz and RVD. He put them over and they ended up becoming WWE Champion. Its not Cena's fault that the belt was put back on him because they couldn't hold the belt. Again this is not Hulk Hogan here, this is John Cena.

We seriously need to stop critizing this guy for every little thing he does. He's the top babyface of the company and the Hulk Hogan of this generation, FACE IT!

Best part is I'm pretty sure I'm only person who think this way and thats fine with me.
That was my PG title for this thread.

Anyways... John Cena.. are you F'N ******ed?!?

I've been noticing you overselling things for way to long. In the Royal Rumble you fly in, hit some people, and all of a sudden someone hits you and its like... "ooo... Mike Tyson... what a shot"... Cena goes down to his knees.

Wrestlemania... JR and King were trying to cover for Cena's overselling. JR was saying, "I don't know what happen, but Cena is really discombobulated."

Cause everytime The Miz hit him once... Cena would fall down to his knees... good god.. Miz should be a F'N Boxer then huh?!?

Come on... on Impact two weeks ago I watched AJ Styles and Bully Ray go ROH on each other, they hit each other with like 30 punches in 10 seconds, and then they kept brawling!!!!!!!!

Cena takes(SELLS) one damn punch and all of a sudden he can't function...

Same with Orton.. come on.. what the fuck were you doing in your match with Punk? All he did was lay around.. while Punk had to struggle to keep the match even entertaining.

The OverSell button is defiantly on in WWE... Taker/HHH.. you guys really can only do 1 move and then crawl around for the next 2 minutes? I'm not buying it!

Cena is a damn good athlete, one of the best in the WWE. When he turns his offense on, he goes full speed... he's quick, and he's powerful... but you look weak as hell when you take one damn punch and start crying...

It's been bugging for too long, I left Cena twitter messages telling him about this.. but he's not listening, and I'm not stopping til you start acting a little F'N realer!
Are you even remotely sane sure cena appeared to be overselling but my gosh RANDY? REALLY? Are you nuts randy told a story in the ring, and much like a snake that u think u have captured it bites you in case u didn't notice the was seeling his injury which CMPunl kept working at so you are wrong about randy and even cena. Would you rather and oversell or no selling at all.

Cena is trying to be like the rock. the rock oversell in his days too. he oversold moves, especially the stunner, flipping and twitching and shit. he even had his moves oversold, like the oversold punch he finishes his strike combo with. cena wants to be the rock. simple as that.
and thanks to the rocks over selling delivering a stunner on WWE games became epic lol

Personally I think when people oversell its done intentional to make that same superstar look better and gain more attention. This is something I could see Hogan and yes, Billy Gunn do back in their day. However I just can't see Cena and Rock doing it to make themselves look better. They do it because their the babyfaces.

Plus come on we all know its fake so what's the difference. We're debating about whether something is done right or wrong on Cena's part? I get so tired of people bashing this guy. If you don't like him then don't watch him, its simple. I'm not gona turn this into a whole tirade here about people and their thoughts on Cena cause seriously its a little too late for that. But you people need to respect this guy. He's a class act, he's not doing this for the money so much and he puts people over when he can.

Guys like Edge, Orton, Miz and RVD. He put them over and they ended up becoming WWE Champion. Its not Cena's fault that the belt was put back on him because they couldn't hold the belt. Again this is not Hulk Hogan here, this is John Cena.

We seriously need to stop critizing this guy for every little thing he does. He's the top babyface of the company and the Hulk Hogan of this generation, FACE IT!

Best part is I'm pretty sure I'm only person who think this way and thats fine with me.
You are not the only person i completely agree with everything you said its his job and he does it well.
Yeah I was so ready to make the point about Orton selling his leg injury,but plenty of you beat me to it!

So the guy gets a leg injury that prevents him from performing the way he usually does (in storyline of course) and then goes into his next match selling that injury,and this makes you angry? Not the storyline but the fact that Orton is actually selling the storyline?

Im a weird guy,but this is strange even to me
I can't believe people even responded to this junk of a thread by a person that follows celebrities on twitter. Really? Wow there really must not be a lot of jobs in this world. Cena sells fine, as does Orton. Where is the complaint about Big Shows finisher? Or have you not watched WWE enough where they are trying to be more realistic. If someone punches you in the mouth in real life you are gonna react. Funny thing is, you are acting like Cena selling is unrealistic but you stick up for TNA and a guy getting punched 30 times and not moving, that's unrealistic fanboy.
I think this thread is a perfect example of an OP being bored and deciding to pull something out of his/her ass just for the sake of complaining about something. In this case, surprise surprise, the OP decides to go after the IWC's favorite target John Cena.

John Cena overselling to The Miz at WrestleMania only helped make Miz look good in the biggest match of his career. Guess what, it worked. Miz's stock is higher than it's ever been. Oh sure, he still gets hate because he's never been a darling of a good sized chunk of internet wrestling fans and probably never will be.

I'd much rather have a wrestler oversell something than simply not sell at all. If you prefer your wrestling where wrestlers just get up and keep going to one move after another without the slightest degree of storytelling or selling of the moves, then you'd be better off sticking with the indy circuit or watching AAA.
Maybe at times he does oversell moves... Thats untill he starts "hulking up", irish whipped into the ropes, ducks, should block, should block, spin out back drop, hand in the air... U can't see me, 5 knuckle shuffle and then the AA or STF for the win. And then after this routine he does in nearly all his matches he acts as if nothings happened, like he didnt just get his arse whooped for the whole match !

Dnt no bout overselling. More like not selling a move enough.
He does have a point here, guys. This isn't a completely original thought (credit Sam), but Cena only knows angry bear and dead fish. That's about it. There may have been some other stuff in there. I don't remember, the man can tell you himself.

The point is Cena's selling is not completely realistic. Of course pro wrestling isn't realistic at all really, but Cena is just making the whole thing look silly at times. He needs to tone it down a bit, I'd say.
Personally I think this is just ridiculous. Over selling is part of pro wrestling. They have to act hurt and if they over do it at times does it REALLY matter? No it doesn't.

I focus on positives with pro wrestling as much as I can. I sit back and just enjoy it. If something is cheesy so be it. Too many people focus on finding whatever negatives they can with wrestling. Me? I admire what they do, admire what they put their bodies through to entertain us and I just don't care if something is cheesy or silly. I wish more people around here would just shut up and write something positive for once. :banghead:
What a joke this thread is... If he sucks so badly, how do you explain the millions in merchandise sales and the fact that Vince has basically hung the WWE banner around his shoulders for the past couple years? All this bitching about Cena's work is coming from a bunch of people who have either never set foot in a wrestling ring or have wrestled Indy and weren't good enough to get to the next level.

The man is portraying a character and he's doing it damn well. Maybe you like him and maybe you don't, but you can't disrespect his work ethic or skills.
OK, I do not like the Cena character (much respect for the man though) but for years people accuse Cena of no selling and blast him for it.

Now people are saying he is over-selling? make up your minds... you all cried out Cena needs to sell more now you cry he over-sells. This is why the IWC is so bitterly looked upon by most.
people have been overselling in this business for years... your just noticing it?

Hogan comes to mind.

Flair when he was flung into the turnbuckle..

HBK the same.. flung into the turnbuckle plus more..

The Rock did it.. Cena does it... the list goes on..

I don't think overselling is a knock on a persons talent.. you compared Cena to AJ and Bully Ray trading blow for blow... but that's great and all.. but honestly.. this business isnt just about technical wrestling or how many blows you can take and still stand up.. This business is about entertainment.. the whole package.. and Cena is 10 times the entertainer that Ray and AJ are put together IMO. AJ is a great wrestler.. great technician in the ring.. great acrobat.. but put a microphone in his hand and he doesn't know what the hell to do with it. Same with Ray.. aside from his promos in ECW when he would cuss out the crowd (fucking classic!) hes not much of a natural on the mic either.. you also need character and charisma in this business...

What Cena lacks in the ring in your view he more than makes up with his work ethic, his mic skills, his ability to connect with fans inside and outside the ring. Hes a class act and a role model for millions of kids.. so what if he oversells a punch or 2.. hes doing just fine.
Was he overselling? I wasn't sure if maybe he had suffered an (unscripted) concussion and that was why he was so bad and slow. I actually thought at one point that I saw the frustration on the Miz's face because Cena was so out of it.
But since there are no reports about Cena suffering a concussion, I guess he really was overselling. He was wrestling as if he had a bad hangover.
I agree w/the OP you got a bunch of guys that clearly workout & condition themselves for a match but 2-3mins into the match there burnt out & you would think they been fighting for 15mins or something. There should be no reason for the pace of a match to slow down when it has just started 3 to 5mins ago. As of lately guys kinda act like they have been in a war just after only a few mins. Someone else mention this when they review Wrestlemania he said that it felt like every match was started in the middle of the match. Don't get me wrong the overselling looks kool sometimes like when The Rock use to do the backflip after the Stunner he use to make that move look good & J.R. use to sell it also by saying stuff like "Austin almost stunner The Rock out of The People's Boots" :lmao: it use to be hilarious to hear him say stuff like that. It's not really a big deal but it can get a little annoying seeing guys act fatigue & beat up so early in the match.

This guy gets it.

You guys are completely missing the point... you damn right your going to sell a punch from the Undertaker..

but Cena completely OVERSELLS the WEAKEST looking punches... he's not getting hit by Andre the Giant... BUT HE ACTS LIKE IT!!!!
OK, I do not like the Cena character (much respect for the man though) but for years people accuse Cena of no selling and blast him for it.

Now people are saying he is over-selling? make up your minds... you all cried out Cena needs to sell more now you cry he over-sells. This is why the IWC is so bitterly looked upon by most.

Dude... he acts like he got ran over by a car for half the match.. then all of sudden.... he starts rolling and hitting people like he is a car!

It's both... it just depends what part of the match your in.
The next time someone says to me that "The only thing Cena sells is merchandise," I'm gonna show him this thread as proof of how damn unpleasable he and much of the IWC can be.

I mean, come on now. For years smarks bitch about Cena no-selling everything and now people are on his case for selling too much?! To quote Mean Gene, "Give me a break!!!"
I remember the day when Mankind was handcuffed, got electrocuted, got beat to shit by The Rock, took 3 chair shots before he fell over.

Miz's fist to John Cena's forehead is equivalent of The Rock swinging a homerun steel chair on Mankind's head.

Need I say more you smarks.
The next time someone says to me that "The only thing Cena sells is merchandise," I'm gonna show him this thread as proof of how damn unpleasable he and much of the IWC can be.

I mean, come on now. For years smarks bitch about Cena no-selling everything and now people are on his case for selling too much?! To quote Mean Gene, "Give me a break!!!"

No, he is not being criticized for simply not selling, but for exactly what happened: At first he acts like he is half dead and sells a punch like he's getting hit by a baseball bat, but the very next second he is Superman again and clearing house. It's kinda like a Hulk Hogan comeback, except he skips the "Hulking up" and goes straight for the action. Every time.
Yes, Cena can overdo it sometimes. But honestly, what Cena did in that match was his absolute best to make The Miz look like a credible threat, and he did a damn fine job considering what he he had to work with. He was overselling the little things mostly because he had to. Trying to make a guy like The Miz look credible when fighting a beast like Cena is not exactly an easy task.

Cena was trying to tell a story in that match, and while it didn't exactly get across the way he probably would have liked, he did make the effort to show a man conflicted with his attentions divided and off the prize. He might have toned it down a tad, but make no mistake, it was important that he sold like a mofo just to make The Miz not look like a lump. I wouldn't call it a total success, but it was a good attempt.
If the guy isn't really hitting Cena anyway, what's wrong with Cena selling the hit? Yes it took chairshots to a handcuffed Manking to get him fall down, or Hogan to run into Andre again and again to get him on his knees, but if they didn't want to fall afterall they could still continue to stand.

I know the difference between selling and over-selling but giving examples and comparisons won't work for hitting wrestlers. As much as "Cena going down on his knees with one hit" might be overselling, then "hitting someone 10 times in 10 seconds and then continue to brawl" is over- not selling! So overselling can change and is pretty much subjective. No need to critisize Cena for what he had done

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