Cena vs Wyatt: Possibilities?


The Show himself
It's been clear for sometime now that John Cena vs Bray Wyatt is a lock for Mania. I am expecting a hard hitting brawl with some sort of interference from the Wyatts and a win for Bray over Cena, which would be huge; however, I am still not sure that's the way it'll go down. The story is yet to be told but while thinking about it, I was very much fascinated by a particular scenario.

What if John Cena becomes part of the family? Now before we get into that discussion and bash the hell out of this thread, I would want to point the pros and cons of this whole scenario.

John Cena is the most clean cut face (may be after Hogan) to ever step inside the WWE ring. Him joining the Wyatts would actually be a very intriguing twist. How can they book it? After their mania match, have the Wyatts decimate Cena, take Cena out with them and write him off TV. Let the Wyatts wreck havoc over the next few months (if possible, till SummerSlam). All this time, there is no news of Cena except few references from the Wyatts (how they took out the most important part of the machine and all that stuff). Come SummerSlam, Wyatt is facing off for the WWEWHC (could be against the biggest face at that time), and as the match's about to end, here comes Cena, but in completely different attire (a hillbilly type if you may, with beard and all). He helps Bray win the title and here we have, 2 biggest heels in Cena and Wyatts. Over next few months, Cena can preach the messages of the Wyatts, and looks as someone who's completely brainwashed.

Now I know this whole scenario can completely fall apart as well. I see it as this:

Pros: This would be something new for Cena. Plus, this would make Wyatts a very strong faction without adding any more members. A mindless preaching Cena would not only add a new dimension to the group, but a degree of intrigue to Bray Wyatt's character. Cena can be someone who simply follows everything Wyatt tells him, which would also add to the intimidation and menace of the group. Whoever faces the Wyatts would always be unsure about his chances. Also, Cena doesn't even have to hold any titles. During this whole story, he can be just a preacher for his god and a maniac, brainwashed by the Wyatts. It would make for compelling TV and some really heated feuds. Whosoever faces Cena during this time can be the one prepped for the mega face push.

Cons: First is money. Cena is the cash cow and WWE would have to let go of a huge chunk of money if they want to try anything remotely similar to this. Plus, Cena's involvement with all the charity WWE does makes it even more difficult. His Make a Wish appearances etc would take a hit. Second, Cena's presence in any group is a make or break deal. Nobody would want another Nexus. The whole booking of Nexus post Cena's joining the group was total bust. And the way creative has handled groups recently instills little confidence (honestly, apart from the Shield, which group has been properly booked?).

This whole thing could be a huge risk. I know, a lot of it is simply fantasy/armchair booking and may never materialize. But a part of me says that if done right, this could become a shot in the arm for WWE.

So what do you think? Is this an idea with any potential, or does it just sound way better in my head than reality?

Please, keep your posts at the topic on hand.
John Wyatt? You are an idiot, they tried to make Daniel Bryan a Wyatt and it became a big fat sack of FAIL, and the IWC hates John Cena and love Daniel Bryan.

Did you read the whole thing, or it was too much for you?

You cannot compare these two situations. Bryan as part of Wyatts came at a wrong time. Everyone wanted Bryan to go after the title, so that angle never took off. Cena, on the other hand, is a much more accomplished star and him being out of title picture would be completely fine. You are comparing apples to adam's apple.

And if "IWC" really hates Cena as much as you say, wouldn't they love this?
Either way I think this will be a great match and will be continue to be interesting both on the mic and and in the actual match. I don't think it matters who wins or who loses, what's important is that Bray Wyatt is organically becoming a top star in the WWE.
It would be something I'd watch. Don't think it'll happen though.

Cena is a major face who sells a crapload of merchandise. They are not putting him on the shelf let alone degrading him to a (current) midcard position with the Wyatt Family. It could be an interesting angle giving more credibility to everyone involved but I think it would have to be a full-length on screen experience. Somewhat similar like they did back when with the Nexus and Cena, but more of a psychological play and with a positive outcome for the Wyatt Family.

Doubt it'll ever happen though. They'll keep Cena a face till they start losing tickets. Some stars are just branded that way...
Not going to lie, it is an idea that I have thought about myself before. Unfortunately after the horrible booking after Cena joined the Nexus, I have a hard time buying into Cena joining the Wyatts. I do hope that Wyatt defeats Cena at WM30 and continue the feud for a couple of PPVs with Wyatt hopefully getting a good enough rub from Cena to become a consistent main eventer.
Cena vs Wyatt has potential. But keeping aside Wyatt's promos, this feud has been boring so far. They need more creepy promos and segments, probably some backstage brawls and other things to keep this feud interesting.
Oh and please, Cena joining Wyatts should not happen, albeit I find that Summerslam angle quite intriguing. They can probably use that storyline with another superstar. NOT Cena. When Cena feuded with Nexus, he joined them. It would be a similar story, where in the end Cena beats Wyatt. That should not happen.
Cena shouldn't really go over Bray. They could have a match at WM, and maybe a match at Extreme Rules as well, and Wyatt should go over in both the matches. Cena doesn't need the win and he shouldn't win a match against him. Wyatt has never been beaten in singles competition. When he finally looses in a singles match, it shouldn't be against someone like Cena.
Cena v. Wyatt at WM30. Result? Bray wins clean.

What does this do? This makes Bray Wyatt a contender for the WWEWHC. This doesn't harm Cena. After WM30, the entire Cena - Bray thing has to die immediately, and it needs a hard reset on Raw. I put in another thread, after Wyatt pins Cena, and after Bryan wins the WWEWHC, Bray needs to come out and promo on Bryan. Rekindle that feud, only this time, they are both considered WWEWHC level stars.

The other thing is that Bray Wyatt needs to become an actual heel. Dirty wins, cheap tactics, incredible arrogance. Cheating, lying, stealing, etc. Cutting promos on the towns they are in. Whatever it takes, he needs real heat, and very soon. He'll burn out playing the tweener. And he needs to drop the two dead weights from this Wyatt Stable. I like Harper and Rowan as a tag team, and they'll go far in the WWE. But the stable is holding all three of them back at this point. It doesn't serve the purpose of a stable.
I don't think it will work. It will make bray take 2nd
And look week.

At mania I hope there is interference by wyatts
And a few faces who don't make the card to even the odds.
Leaving a 3 on 1 situation. But then I hope bray orders
Them back and does it himself. After an AA kick out
And do that creepy spider walk will be one hell of a moment
To remember, then Like hit sister Abigail on stairs
Outside then one more in centre ring. That's how you make
A new star. These 2 can have a classic. I do agree with dragging
Him to the back. And returning a few months down costing
Bray Wyatt money in the bank. Not joining them. They can Fued for
Half the year. Wyatt and cena hell in the cell? Yes please.

I'm hoping bo dallas and Curtis axel join. Expanding the wyatts.
Axel will suite the role well and won't take no shine from
Wyatt like cena will do.

How ever, knowing wwe for ruining up and comers pushers
And killing their rise. This what happens at mania.
Harper Rowan interfere take out cena before he is about to win.
Bray sets up his finisher. Hulk Hogan music hits lol.
He beats every one up. And cena gets the victory by bray
Being knocked out by the Hogan leg drop lol.
So over wwe doing bullshit like this.
After mania cena,Bryan,Orton,Batista,lesnar,sheamus
Will probably be the title picture.
Really hoping wwe creative finally gets it right
And keeps pushing Cesaro, Wyatt , reigns correctly
The OP's idea is interesting, but it's not happening. This match is just to keep Cena on the WrestleMania card since he's not in the main event. I don't even like John Cena, but I think he deserves much better at WrestleMania 30 than a match with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt is nowhere near ready for main event status, so for once I'm hoping for the typical Cena Superman performance. Have him beat Wyatt clean and fight off the entire group after the match, then send them all back to developmental where they belong.

Cutting promos about the town they are in signifies real heat? No, thank you. That's just cookie-cutter crap. How exactly is Bray Wyatt a tweener? He pinned the most over babyface in WWE at Royal Rumble, and now he is preaching that the company's top cash cow needs to get out of his way or risk being put down like an old race horse.

Bray Wyatt is not a tweener. He is an amazing heel with an actual character, that's why he's a great villain. CUT PROMOS ON A town's SPORTZ TEAMZ AND HOW DEY SUCK.. Yeah... That's original. *YAWN* Christ, man.

Further, the Shield were the faces in the feud against the Wyatts. Bray Wyatt has not done anything to be considered a tweener.
Possible finish scenarios

1. John Cena pins Bray after the Wyatt Family try and help but Cena takes out Rowen then Harper then kicks out of Sister Abigail and gets the win with the AA

2. Wyatt Family interference helps Bray win

3. Cena wins clean in a match with no Harper or Rowen at ringside

4. Cena gets Harper and Rowen added to the match and wins a 3 v 1 handicap match

Possible finishes that will not happen

1. Bray Wyatt pins John Cena after Sister Abigail in a match where there is no ref bump, weapon shot, outside interference or low blow

Things that will definitely happen

1. Cena will kick out of all of Bray's signature moves at 2

2. Cena will kick out of the Sister Abigail

3. Cena will not lose clean

Cutting promos about the town they are in signifies real heat? No, thank you. That's just cookie-cutter crap. How exactly is Bray Wyatt a tweener? He pinned the most over babyface in WWE at Royal Rumble, and now he is preaching that the company's top cash cow needs to get out of his way or risk being put down like an old race horse.

Bray Wyatt is not a tweener. He is an amazing heel with an actual character, that's why he's a great villain. CUT PROMOS ON A town's SPORTZ TEAMZ AND HOW DEY SUCK.. Yeah... That's original. *YAWN* Christ, man.

Further, the Shield were the faces in the feud against the Wyatts. Bray Wyatt has not done anything to be considered a tweener.

He is only considered a tweener because people like him and he is over. More people like Bray than Cena because he has a good gimmick, excellent mic skills and is great in the ring. Bray's character is a heel but fans still like him more than most faces in the company
Cannot help but agree with ASKane's summary of the possible finishes.

Hopefully, Cena does Bray a favor. He's been saying in interviews that he would love for younger guys to step up, and WrestleMania XXX is a perfect opportunity. A loss to Bray would not hurt John Cena one bit. In the end, I see Cena "overcoming the odds" and winning. Not what I am hoping for, but it is the most likely ending.
Maybe so, but the crowd reaction should not dictate any changes to his character. Let him continue to grow. His ability to play his character is one of the best things about World Wrestling Entertainment right now.
To those comparing this with the Daniel Bryan scenario: this is completely different. With the idea suggested, this would add so much to the bland John Cena character. With Daniel Bryan, it was totally the wrong time. How the WWE ever figured it would work, I don't know.

Anyway. This scenario, by fantasy booking standards, is great. In the fantasy world, it would be a huge shift in the role John Cena plays, and his eventual heel turn would be something no one would have assumed. It makes Bray Wyatt look 100% better and John Cena becomes interesting again as a top heel.

The problem? This isn't fantasy. I love that world as much as Disney, but the fact of the matter is, the WWE are not going to keep Cena off television unless they absolutely must. He's the cash cow, they don't want to lose that during the worst months if the year. And again, it goes back to the Cena heel turn argument. Sure, the smart crowds cheer for the Wyatt Family and the Shield and Cesaro etc., and other crowds are catching on, but even then, the turn would not be beneficial for WWE entirely. I don't need to explain that one, everyone knows why. Additionally to this, with CM Punk missing, the only other major face would be Daniel Bryan, and the only other ready-made main decent talent would be Randy Orton, Batista, and perhaps Sheamus? Regardless who, there wouldn't be enough talent ready this summer to fill that void.

I'm looking forward to the WrestleMania XXX bout between Bray Wyatt and John Cena, and I look forward to the aftermath, whatever it maybe. It's a good idea suggested, but a little far fetched at this point in time.
ASKANE, You think more people like Bray than Cena?

That's not true at all. I agreed with one of your earlier posts, but I have to keep my distance from unwarranted Cena hatred. John Cena is the #1 guy in WWE whether anyone likes it or not. He is unlikely to be unseated from that position until his body can no longer hold up to a full-time schedule.
While the idea of aligning John Cena with the Wyatt family, after a beat down at WM30, is intriguing, I simply don't see it having any possibility whatsoever of happening. I expect to see a very physical and entertaining match between the two, and I see the result being a win for Bray Wyatt (possibly clean but likely with some involvement from the family). But I simply don't see an extended absence for John Cena, nor do I envision him joining the Wyatt family. I don't think the Wyatt family needs to add any additional male family members, although adding a female could work.

I have consistently stated my desire to see a John Cena heel turn. I don't think that Cena being a poor fit for the Wyatt's has anything to do with WWE not wanting to risk their cash cow, or damaging the WWE from a PR perspective, or anything like that. I just think there are a couple of far better ways to have John Cena do the unthinkable, rocking the WWE in the process. Having Cena lose to the Wyatt's, and them join them as a mindless drone, is not the best way to pull off a heel turn of this magnitude. Such a monumental event should be reserved for a program involving the Undertaker and the streak, or an interaction with one of the greatest wrestling personas of all time who just happens to be returning back to the WWE.
I'm not a big fan of this. It just doesn't fit. I also don't think Cena would be down for that. Nice effort though...seems like more of an effort than creative is giving us in real life for this fued...or any other for that matter.

I posted elsewhere that I'd personally like it to turn into something like that "Higher Power" storyline with The Undertaker and Steph/Vince where The Wyatts kidnap Nikki Bella at Cena's house. I think that'd be old school style and entertaining. Plus a change of pace. We don't get to see entertaining and fun storylines like that much anymore.

Have Cena go ape shit afterwards and go on a mean streak trying to hunt them down backstage 1 by 1...would be cool if no matter how badly he beat them down they didn't tell, and maybe release her at Mania if he wins or something.
John Cena turning heel is a potential storyline that was interesting back in 2008. Since then the idea of it has been teased on and off tv so many times that it's hardly fun to wonder anymore.

I don't like stables that go beyond three members, maybe that's just a personal thing but I have a few explanations to back up that preference. A stable is a chance for relative unknowns like Luke Harper and Eric Rowan to promote themselves. Adding John Cena to the mix would diminish their contribution to the continuity of the gimmick. Everything involved with The Wyatts would have to recognize John Cena and focus only on what happens in regard to John Cena.

This honestly sounds like it would become a train wreck, maybe just for me but I'll explain. John Cena can't act. He's either performed as his boy-hood dream of being an afro-centric rapper, or as just being a more exaggerated version of his everyday personality. If you put coveralls on him and expect him to echo the vibe of Bray Wyatt, he'll come across as another Vampiro. He'll just be a decked out poser scraping from the bottom of the barrel to promote himself as a pro-wrestler. If he's defiant as he was when he had to join Nexus, then the Wyatt's will look fucking stupid. They've been built well over time and adding Cena to the mix will fuck up all of the progress their gimmick has made. People hate The Wyatts because they're evil and terrifying, people hate John Cena because he's a fucking cartoon character.

I think The Wyatts need to stay as The Wyatts and should be allowed to build off Bray being put over as their own gimmick. If John Cena joins, even if they change his name, it'll still be John Cena and The Wyatts.
I couldn't see Cena aligning with the Wyatt Family, I think they could go with something different with the buildup like the Wyatt Family continually trying to break Cena - physically as well as mentally.

He could abduct Nikki Bella to get into his head while continuing to gang up on him.

I could see Bray Wyatt getting the clean win over a "banged up" Cena like Bryan did when he beat him at Summerslam.
I couldn't see Cena aligning with the Wyatt Family, I think they could go with something different with the buildup like the Wyatt Family continually trying to break Cena - physically as well as mentally.

He could abduct Nikki Bella to get into his head while continuing to gang up on him.

I could see Bray Wyatt getting the clean win over a "banged up" Cena like Bryan did when he beat him at Summerslam.

That's my idea! lol I posted that sucker on the previous page. It's almost too perfect to happen. They'll just continue this generic storyline IMO because in this day n age they rarely do things like they used to.
I couldn't see Cena aligning with the Wyatt Family, I think they could go with something different with the buildup like the Wyatt Family continually trying to break Cena - physically as well as mentally.

He could abduct Nikki Bella to get into his head while continuing to gang up on him.

I could see Bray Wyatt getting the clean win over a "banged up" Cena like Bryan did when he beat him at Summerslam.

This is just the Cena v Kane embrace the hate feud round 2. Trying to get Cena to break mentally and physically means only 1 thing, Cena overcomes the odds and wins and stays exactly the same and I don't think anyone wants that outcome

If WWE truly want Cena to be seen as someone who puts guys over clean he must go into the match at 100% and have Wyatt get rid of Harper and Rowen like Rumble and win clean with no weapons, ref bump or interference but there is only about a 0.1% chance of Cena putting someone over clean
ASKANE, You think more people like Bray than Cena?

That's not true at all. I agreed with one of your earlier posts, but I have to keep my distance from unwarranted Cena hatred. John Cena is the #1 guy in WWE whether anyone likes it or not. He is unlikely to be unseated from that position until his body can no longer hold up to a full-time schedule.

I think more adults will like Bray than Cena and kids like Cena more than Bray. Cena does not appeal to much of the adult audience whereas Bray does. In my opinion Bray has a better character, a more appealing character to adults, his promos are better(he also writes his own unlike Cena), hes a better wrestler and he isn't stale. Bray > Cena

If you want to prove me wrong set up a thread with a poll but I stand by my original comment.
Instead of John Cena becoming John Wyatt, how about Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Eric Rowan starting to wear colourful T-shirts, wrist bands and jeans shorts like John Cena? Wouldn't that be more epic? Hahahaha, just kidding.
Well, as far as this match is concerned, either of the three things will happen:
(a) Bray Wyatt defeats John Cena, with regular interferences from the family. The commentators keep mentioning that John Cena was not at his 100% and Bray Wyatt attacked where John Cena was injured. (less likely)
(b) John Cena fights the disadvantages and beats Bray Wyatt somehow. The ref sends the family to the back. However, at the end of the match, they ambush Cena and give him a beatdown, setting up the kayfabe reason for Cena taking the break that he requires to heal his injuries. (also less likely)
(c) John Cena overcomes the odds yet again! He AA's Harper and Rowan after 25 minutes of getting beaten up and interfered, he decides that he has had enough. He AA's Bray Wyatt too by lifting him up after Bray tried to pin him after hitting Sister Abigail. He doesn't take any time off, next night he opens RAW and narrates how he never gave up, beat Bray Wyatt, and is now going to fight for the WWE World Heavyweight title. (very likely)

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