Cena VS Punk 2.0 or Cena VS Daniel Bryan?


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Well since it looks like Cena will be back in the title picture (a mistake in my opinion, only because the title picture has been fresh for the past year without him) the simple question is should he be facing Punk again or should he face someone new, and that someone being Daniel Bryan? Punk and Cena can put on pretty good matches, given Cena's limited moveset, but we've seen this match last year already, I honestly do not want to see it. Punk has had a great run with the title, but I honestly do not want to see him hold the title anymore. At Money in the Bank it should be a 1 on 1 submission iron man match for the WWE title, and who should win it? Daniel Bryan. It has been heavily considered twice now that he should win the title from Punk, so why not let him be the man? Sure he's over with the crowd so most likely they'd turn him face, but Cena vs Daniel Bryan, face vs heel, has been in the making since 2010 when Daniel Bryan yelled at Cena and said "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME!" The possibilities with Cena v. Bryan are endless! Whereas Cena v. Punk it would be face vs face and very boring and pointless feud, and just a way to get Cena the title. I say if they're sadly going to give Cena the belt again at least make it somewhat interesting. Only other way I see Cena getting the belt, and a heel feud is if the MitB winner for Raw or Smackdown cashes in on Punk at MitB and then it'll be Cena vs whoever that is and somehow Punk gets cheated. Yeah which sounds better a MitB cash in? Or Bryan vs Cena? Thoughts?
between all the bitching and whining about Cena, theres a some what good idea... but before i get to that, I just gotta go on this tangent:
Why the hate for Cena its illogical that the face of the company hasnt had a WWE title match in a year! A YEAR!! I've always somewhat liked the Cena chasing the title feuds, and Cena can wrestle at the lvl of his opponent, if he has a great opponent like Punk or HBK or in this case Bryan, he has some great matches. And thats a never before done feud so it sounds great! but right now is not the time.

Punk vs Cena has such an intensity that almost rivals Rock vs Austin, theres only been 2 feuds between the two, if you wanna call the New Nexus vs Cena for 3 weeks before they switched for orton a feud, and the other the summer of last year which was great!! This feud is something they both need! Cena has been with part time guys or vs johnny! So Punk has been getting other opponents but he needs to solidify his run vs the one man that actually gives him a run for his money(kayfave), and the star of the show! This will also help the WWE title be in the main event again after lord knows how much! And you dont have to go crazy with it just a straight up fight, a tourney for the #1 conterder's spot over a few weeks followed by the final between cena and bryan in the 1000th raw episode and you have your self a feud, specially with the history between the two!!

just my 2 cents
I suppose we could drag Cena into the Punk/Bryan/Kane storyline and have various permutations before Cena/Punk at Summerslam.

Bryan/Cena needs to happen, and hopefully by the end of the year.
Cena/Bryan is a fresh feud that I would like to see. If Cena wins the belt at Summerslam, that's a disappointment since I'd rather not have Punk's long reign end with Cena finally getting his win over Punk. But if it happens, then a Bryan/Cena feud can always happen in the future. Maybe Bryan will be the one to take the belt off of Cena eventually. That would mean more than taking it off of Punk, even as long as Punk has had it.
I'm still not sick of Punk vs Bryan. I don't see their feud as being done right now. At least it definitely does not feel that way to me. I don't think Cena needs to be in title picture to be relevant. There are still a lot of guys on the roster who he hasn't worked with that he could help get over. I know he won't necessarily put them over, and that isn't because he's greedy or anything, but he's the top face in the company and arguably above the WWE title at this point in his career. Cena is the most mainstream, and full time star they have right now. He should start transitioning into helping create the future, much like Orton should start doing when returns. Neither one of them need a title to be relevant.

As for booking the next couple months, this AJ situation is going to play heavily into how they book the WWE title. I see Punk vs Kane or Punk vs Bryan vs Kane again at MiTB. I don't see why they can't put Cena in the MiTB ladder match. I wouldn't expect him to win, but really, what else is he going to be doing? He's also never been in one. I imagine that after MiTB, we'll have a much clearer picture as to the SummerSlam main event. I think it should Punk vs Bryan in some sort of gimmick match though. Maybe a 30 minute Iron Man match or an Iron Man where only Submissions count.

As for Cena, Cena could work with a number of guys on the roster. A returning Wade Barrett perhaps. A Dolph Ziggler who feels he has something to prove. Maybe even find a way to put Cena in the Lesnar vs HHH feud. A special guest ring enforcer or referee. My point being here is that no matter where Cena is on the card, he's going to be an important part of SummerSlam and will draw more attention to what ever he's involved in.
I think Cena and Punk are gonna give us one hell of a match just like last summer. Many fans are saying that they did a great job with Cena's limited moveset, but through all that, the segments, the promo's and the two matches itself were unbelievable. So my answer is yes, I would like to see a new Cena vs Punk feud. Cena vs Bryan, I do not know if they have chemistry in the ring, that is a thing we must discover. But I love a new feud between Punk and Cena because maybe we are going to get a old Punk who is shooting all the time, just maybe.
I'd prefer he doesn't step anywhere near the title pic. Punk could face Kane for the title and Cena could face Bryan in a grydge match and elevate Bryan!
CM Punk vs John Cena "II" is where Summerslam needs to be, in my opinion. I see John Cena being booked virtually invincible post-WWE Championship contention going into WrestleMania, where I see him going against possibly Undertaker (just to appease the fanboy in me.. Not like it'll actually happen). However, I don't see him actually CLAIMING the championship. The biggest reason that CM Punk vs John Cena II needs to happen, is because CM Punk is the #1 guy in the title mix. And if John Cena's always going to be at the very top of the card, than the WWE needs to do all they can in order to make CM Punk's uneventful last several months seem worthwhile.

CM Punk, all due respect, is boring right now. And it's nothing about him, it's the WWE Creative staff. The WWE has this horrible notion in mind that a babyface needs to be a generic, white-washed character deprived of anything and everything that makes them get over. Basically, I think WWE wants to turn CM Punk into mini-John Cena, rather than allow him to be a renegade, which is what he is best utilized as. Thus, boring storylines to try and make him more easily acceptable to casual fans; while in actuality, it's hurting the product.

Regardless of what WWE is doing to CM Punk's stagnant babyface character, he needs to go over. He went over Cena twice in 2011, but both had tainted finishes. They also both left several unanswered questions and were WWE's ways of pushing a new star, heavily. However, CM Punk going over John Cena this year at Summerslam would solidify CM Punk as the top guy, even if he's not the biggest draw, which is where the WWE Championship needs to be. The WWE Championship HAS to be at the top of the cards. No mid-card matches anymore.

John Cena knows this, and it's a money match. CM Punk vs John Cena? The two most over guys in the company, with a world of change since last year? It'll sell, period. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena, as much of a fan as I am for both guys, won't draw any real money. That's not a #2 PPV of the year caliber main event, draw wise. Sadly enough.
While Cena vs DB might be a fresh rivalry, I dont see the two personalities as compatible. SS needs to be big and Punk vs Cena is exactly what they should be aiming for. However, it wouldnt be the end of the world if they placed DB in that rivalry somehow. Regardless its not going to be as big as last year but Cena vs DB would be a joke for SS standards.
The only problem i have with a Cena VS Bryan match is that I can't really see (Even though i want Bryan to win) Bryan winning that match.

I think a Punk VS Cena match will be better, giving the status CM Punk has achieved with the WWE Universe. Maybe Cena will lose cleanly in this match.
It kinda is time for the poster boy of WWE to be back in the ttle picture. He hasent been going for the title since he lost to ALberto Del Rio at Vengence.

Hopefully Cena and Punk can put on a good program with both of them as faces. Maybe Cena can put someone over like Ziggler in this month before setting his eyes on the title for Summer Slam. Don't cry about Cena going back in the title picture, at least CM Punk gets to main event now and it has been almost a year.
If Punk goes over (cleanly) than it would be worthwhile for Cena/Punk 3. Punk has still sort of regarded Cena as a corporate puppet, however Punk could simply say that since Cena got rid of Johnny Ace then he wants to put the title up against him. Cena will accept and presto we have a big co-main event for Summerslam.

I do however really want to see Cena vs. Bryan. Daniel Bryan has been the fastest rising star in WWE this year and creative have kept him very strong in his losses, such as him getting intentionally dq'd in the 2/3 falls with Sheamus and having punk tap seconds after the 3 count with Punk. Bryan looks ready to really take him to the next level and a feud with Cena would be great for him. Summerslam can be Cena/Punk, but hopefully we will see Cena/Bryan soon. Even Cena recognises the "Yes" chants (and is probably jealous of them hahaha)...

lol. There needs to be more of this. Cena vs Punk has already been done before and we've seen two WWE Championship matches between them. It's time for something fresh. Apparently, there's gonna be the inevitable third clash between them, but I'm really hoping the program changes somehow to turn Cena's focus on Daniel Bryan. I'd like to see what kind of promos they exchange with each other. And yes, it would indeed be a very pivotal career turn for Daniel Bryan if he were to beat John Cena for the WWE Championship if John Cena wins the WWE Championship this year or next year. DB is in serious need of a victory over a major name that isn't CM Punk. And no, not by count out, DQ or Tag Team effort.
I am ok if they go with Cena/Punk for Summerslam again this year. I thought their fed last summer was really intense and entertain. The MITB match was really good, and if they are going to go again this year I would like to see Punk keep the belt. Cena and Daniel Bryan would be cool except I couldn't see DB getting a win against Cena yet. It is something I would like to see down the road though.
Cena vs. Bryan could be one of those very underrated feuds that has the potential to blow people's socks off. Daniel Bryan has come a LONG way over the course of a year. As with seemingly every other big name and/or rising star in WWE, he gets his share of hate but you can't deny that Bryan is one of the most over stars on the roster right now. I've no doubt that he & Cena could put out great matches but I don't think Bryan is there just yet. Not that Bryan doesn't have the ability, but I think WWE still needs to put some more time into Bryan before moving him into a feud with John Cena.

I think Punk vs. Cena II needs to happen because there's still so much potential left here. As someone else said, I'm not at all tired of Punk vs. Bryan vs. Kane right now but, at the same time, I don't want to see it run into the ground either. If WWE can generate even half of the intrigue & interest in another round of Punk vs. Cena that they generated last year, it'll again be feud of the year. It won't be at all difficult to get the juices of old animosity going between Cena & Punk. They're still two very different characters with different personalities and views. Just because they both happen to be faces, in this case, means nothing. They're probably the two most over guys on the roster, both will get massive fan interest & response, both will get support & antagonism from fans who are supporters of the other guy and I don't think it'll be too difficult to capture the emotion again. I don't think they need to try and do the same thing, things have changed since last year. Punk has been WWE Champion for more than 7 months now while Cena is no longer the ultra dominant guy he may have once been, from the perspective of kayfabe. Both see themselves as the ones that should be on top of the mountain, so just keep that aspect of it. Then add healthy dose of intensity, throw in a few pinches of ego and don't be stingy with the dislike & animosity; and you have a recipe for a great follow up to their feud last year.

Besides that, Punk vs. Cena II is that feud that I think will finally shut some people up. Punk's had people bitching about his title reign for reasons ranging from his look to the fact that his matches don't go on last. I'm sure they'll find something else to whine about during this feud, no matter how far they have to reach up their asses to pull it out, but some of the more idiotic complaints will be put to bed at least.
Both. Absolutely both, this is a MUST because this right here will be fun to watch. If WWE were to pull this off it would be simply amazing and hell we even got the time to do it. First the WWE needs to feud Punk and Cena together create a fun feud, I have no doubt in my mind that Punk vs Cena 2.0 would be amazing because if you look at the feud they had in 2011 they didn't even go that far. They fought for what a couple of months and then it was Rock vs Cena and Jericho vs Punk. They should go with the Orton route and let these two guys feud for a year. Make it a saga, make them arch-enemies of each other. I'd say Punk full fledged heel and Cena the boring shit that he remains. Punk would have so much ammunition on him just talking about it makes want to see it again.

In the meantime build Bryan to be a real and note I bolded REAL main event player. Like giving him the WHC and pushing him to the moon, where he kicks the shit out of guys like Sheamus and Del Rio with ease. I'd say build Bryan vs Undertaker and let Bryan be a monster till mania. Going completely insane slapping women, torturing wrestlers etc. After the match with Taker and when Bryans a TRUE main event player let him feud with Cena. I'm sure these two feuds are bound to happen at some point but we all know how the WWE fucks things up a lot. So let's just wait and see.
Punks title reign should deffinatly go over the one year mark before he loses the belt to build massive hype. Either Cena or Bryan would make an amazing match with that kinda hype and can be marketed very well on the WWE's part. As for the match itself punk vs Bryan at was probably the best technical match in a long long time. Cena should be going to bigger things like facing the rock or whatever big league star coming back for mania.

On a side note, if punk were to face bryan again my dream match between them would be a 60 minute ironman match. No better way to end a fued
i would rather see anyone other than daniel bryan daniel is so overrated.
im bored with daniel im so sick of the chants and the push ddown our throats.
daniel sucks. i would rather anyone get picked off the street feud for the title.

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