Cena To Lose Title Again Soon?


on your knees dog
All the dirtsheets are saying Punk is expected to have a lengthy singles feud with Del Rio soon. Rock will be arriving to keep Cena busy until at least Survivor Series and I think WWE is moving away from having Rock v. Cena match at WM28 for the title. This leaves either Punk or Del Rio being champion if they're having a big feud. Thoughts?
Well on one hand Cenas is their top selling guy so the want to keep the strap on him but then again they seem to just throw it around alot and trying to boost his total amount of wwe title reigns so who knows.
Yes, Cena WWE's top guy, but Cena doesn't need the title. They can go with Punk, or Delrio with the title. With survivor Series coming up, I just don't see Cena with the title, it is obvious he will not win the Royal Rumble, due to Wrestling The Rock,so where do they go from here?? Personally, I would like to se Sheamus with the title again, or even see Punk with it tbh
well this is what i would do if i were wwe.

Have Cena hold the title and let Cena and Rock team up at Survivor Series and let them be great friends.
Then at the Royal Rumble let Rock Screw Cena big Time out by letting him lose the WWE title.
Then have them become bitter with each other to build to their match at WrestleMania match.
I'd give it too Punk and have him hold it until Wrestlemania, then a big payoff match at mania against a deserving opponent.

Cena doesn't need that belt... And Punk hasn't had a chance to actually reign as champion.

The fans want Punk to reign, oblige WWE, oblige!!
I dont want this title changing anymore.... I hope that whoever has the title at the end of HIAC keeps it for a long time!
Cena will function effectively no matter what his title status. For instance, I've always thought that Triple H was better when he had the title than when he was chasing it. Conversely, I've always thought Shawn Michaels was always more effective chasing the championship than wearing it.

Taking it a step further, Cena is a triple-threat. He's great when he's the champ, he's great when he's trying to win it.......and he's terrific when his performance has nothing to do with the title; such as in his dealings with Nexus. He was involved in one of the most intricate and original programs ever, yet the whole thing had nothing to do with him being champion. I don't think anyone else could have played the role as well as him.

It's true that Cena doesn't need the title, but it seems proper that he keeps winning it and losing it, although a bunch of folks on this forum go nuts each time he wins it again. Too bad for them.

Personally, I'd like to see a longer reign by Punk. We still don't know how much of the dissatisfaction he displayed when he "quit" the company was real and how much was kayfabe, but it would be great to see him on top for a longer stretch.
I cant see john cena keeping the title with survivor series coming up and teaming with the rock, also i dont see cm punk winning the title as it is rumoured he will be teaming up with the pair in a 5 on 5 tag match. so this leaves alberto del rio i can see him winning the title and defending it against someone coming up from the mid card out of no where, maybe its time for a john morrison push or zack ryder (if only!) its hard to predict what will happen when it comes around to survivor series, but i cant see cena holding the title untill then
Here's what I see happening...

At some point the cage will get damaged. Either Henry will damage it in the previous match or Ricardo will break it to help Del Rio. This will make the match go outside or allow others in. Miz and Truth will cause Punk and Cena to lose and Del Rio will be your new champ.

Here is what I would like to happen (and as a member of the IWC I deserve the right to complain when it actually happens)...

Mark Henry beats Orton. He demands to be in the WWE Championship match. If he gets his wish he enters the match and wins (this does not unify the titles, just puts them on the same guy). If he doesn't get his way, he interferes in the match after about 20 minutes, destroys everyone involved and wins the title off of an injured Cena on Raw the next night. Henry spends the next 4 months as a dominate double-champion, rarely defending the titles but beating guys like Orton, Sheamus, maybe Punk in the process.

After 4 months of Henry with the title Cena takes the WWE title from him and Undertaker takes the WHC leading to both the WM Rock and 20-0 matches to be for the major titles.

Yep, I'm that guy. I'm the guy who understands that "Those matches don't need the title" but I also think that Rock-Cena and 20-0 are such huge events that they make any major title match meaningless at the same event.

So to answer the OP, I agree that Cena is going to lose the title soon.
As much as I want Punk to have it back, I dont want Cena losing it, cause that means he will get it back and be @13. Let someone new comes up and takes it for awhile, Punk/Del Rio doesnt a need title.
Del Rio does, but Punk/Cena don't. Del Rio is nowhere near those two and he needs a legit reign with the WWE Title to cement himself as a main eventer or a top talent. I think Cena loses this match at HIAC for one reason or another. Winner - Alberto Del Rio.
He has to lose it doesnt he? We all know its Rock/Cena at WM but added to that is the fact that we all know The Rock isnt coming back full-time just a few PPV dates here and there both before and after Mania. So if their match at WM is for title there can only be one winner - Cena, otherwise the title will spend far too much time off of television. So with that being said, the question now is when is he going to drop it. I think HIAC may be a little bit too soon, although the possibility of Miz/Truth causing him to lose it and set up a match at SS is a strong possibility (and one I like actually). But they may choose to keep it on him until the Rumble where he could drop it to ADR and have Punk win the Rumble setting up their fued running into Mania as well. All interesting possibilities. The M.E. scene on Raw is really interesting at the moment. I just wish I could say the same for Smackdown!
He has to lose it doesnt he? We all know its Rock/Cena at WM but added to that is the fact that we all know The Rock isnt coming back full-time just a few PPV dates here and there both before and after Mania. So if their match at WM is for title there can only be one winner - Cena, otherwise the title will spend far too much time off of television. So with that being said, the question now is when is he going to drop it. I think HIAC may be a little bit too soon, although the possibility of Miz/Truth causing him to lose it and set up a match at SS is a strong possibility (and one I like actually). But they may choose to keep it on him until the Rumble where he could drop it to ADR and have Punk win the Rumble setting up their fued running into Mania as well. All interesting possibilities. The M.E. scene on Raw is really interesting at the moment. I just wish I could say the same for Smackdown!

You say that, but what about Bret Hart beating Miz for the US title, and then vacating it the same night? Not saying it will happen, but there is a precedent; And we all know what creative are like these days!
Creative is more like a row of puppets and Vince is the puppet master. Nobody knows what's going on until it happens, creative included. Is it possible for the Rock to walk away with the WWE Title? Absolutely. One thing I learned about watching the WWE is to never assume you know what is going to happen or what should happen because as soon as you do it is completely opposite.
I expect Cena to retain the title at HIAC and it won't surprise me to see him hold it for the rest of the year. A feud between Punk & Del Rio could be fun, they had a great match on Raw and it'll give them both high profile spots for a while.

I might be completely off base but this is what I see happening: I see John Cena holding the title for the rest of 2011 and dropping it at the Royal Rumble due to interference from The Rock. Post RR is really when the push & build for WrestleMania kicks into high gear and having The Rock cost John Cena what he cares about most and the title that's defined him his entire career adds a personal element to the feud.
You say that, but what about Bret Hart beating Miz for the US title, and then vacating it the same night? Not saying it will happen, but there is a precedent; And we all know what creative are like these days!

True, I suppose The Rock could win the title at Mania followed by vacating the next night on RAW. But I just dont see them doing that, part of the reason I think they took the US title off of The Miz was to allow him more opportunities to work at ME level and the US title is most definatley a mid-card title these days. I also think that Rock/Cena sells itself where as ADR/Punk might need a title with it to make it a bit more interesting. But as you say, with creative the way it is, my logic could be way off the mark!
Cena has proven time and time again he is someone who doesn't need to be champ to be over, at this point the title does nothing for him. Last year he barely held the title at all yet was always at the top of the card it the top storyline with Nexus so why put it on him? Might as well put it on someone who could use the title, Cena is gonna be the #1 guy regardless.

I think he will probably lose it soon and win it back before WM28 although I don't care for that decision, saying Cena vs. The Rock needs to be for the title is like saying The Rock vs. Hogan 10 years prior needed to be for the title, its 2 top guys from their respected generations going at it and that's all you need for the match to be big. If its not for the title you do 3 things:

1) Give the audience a 3rd big match for Wrestlemania
2) Have the opportunity to build someone as champ and get them over as a permanent main eventer
3) The Rock vs. Cena match is now more intriguing because even though there is a 95% chance Cena wins its still in the back of your mind the Rock MIGHT win because its his hometown and first match back (so the crowd WILL be behind him). If its for the title its a guarantee that Cena WILL win so the match won't be as electric. The title will hurt the Cena vs. Rock match more than help it.

I always said the best route to go would be for the Rock to SCREW Cena out of being champ for their match. The Rock obviously doesn't care if its for the title, Cena does so it could be an interesting way to make The Rock come off as the heel (even though he won't get booed anyways) and have Cena the face and get more sympathy for the crowd if The Rock makes it a no title scenario just to mess with Cena and his plans. Cena made a promise to the fans their match would be for the title, if The Rock makes sure Cena can't keep that promise it could work wonders for the match.
hate to break it to all of u but they have no plans at all to have cena lose at hell in the cell u will see cm punk n del rio feud going forward they want cena to have the title when he teams with rock at SS and he will probly lose it one more time going toward maina but he will have the title back for wm 28 the match will be for the title get over it wwe wants that wheather u do or not as far as del rio goes they took the title from him for a reason hes not ready the crowd dont care bout him at all hes blah on the mic and his push has worn out its done henry i feel is gonna drop the title soon either to randy or taker at vengence time will telll gonna be a fun ride
Yeah, I read the report too but I what I am thinking is, can't Punk and Del Rio have a feud without the title as well. I think they can and Del Rio will get some great heat if he joins with the conspirators. It would make sense to add the resourceful Del Rio with the conspirators as he has the money to get people on their side. Meanwhile Cena can have a feud with, say, Dolph Ziggler or someone for the title. A feud with Cena always elevates you and it would be the same for Ziggler.

I am basically going to go with what Jack-Hammer has said. Cena will hold the title almost upto WM and WWE will try to push it as Cena and Rock having a title match at Mania and The Rock maybe winning his eighth championship in front of his hometown. Then someone, most probably Del Rio will win it at the Rumble or even EC to huge heel heat for not only taking the title off Cena but for denying Rock a chance to win it as well.
I think it isn't wrong to think that alberto del rio might win at HIAC. It seems like they are building him as a vicious heel. Or if they let Cena retain, but I don't see the logic in that. What i want to happen is that punk win because after this whole conspiracy/controversy angle he has nothing going on. he needs it more than cena and alberto.
I can't see Cena losing the title this soon after winning it back for the 12 title reign. WWE clearly wants Cena to lead them into the future, so giving him a longer reign will do that. I personally want to see him retain the title until the RR next year. That way his reign means something, instead of another number on his title wins. I would love to see Punk win again, but if WWE keeps passing around the WWE/WHC, they won't be as prestigious IMO. Plus, neither Punk or Del Rio gain anything from short trasitional reigns.

Alot of ppl here may hate Cena, but keeping the belt on him until the RR makes sense from a business standpoint. Maybe having The Rock costing him the title and setting up their fued at WM. I definately don't think he and The Rock should be wrestling for the title, but Cena losing the belt due to him adds fuel to their fued. Hopefully, giving him a longer reign will halt this pattern of the WWE Title changing hands at every PPV. It makes no sense and furthermore destroys the credibility and point of establishing a champion.
Cena's going to sell merchandise with or without the title, so there was really no point in having him beat Del Rio for it at NOC. Cena's great as champ, but he's better chasing the title. Del Rio could have went over Cena at NOC and we could have still be going towards the same match at HIAC.

Punk has so many fans that are love drunk with Punk that he also does not really need to be champion. The only reason Punk would need the title is to solidify himself as the "It Man." Having Punk win HIAC solves this problem, but where does it leave Cena and Del Rio?

Del Rio needed the title to solidify himself in the main event, the guy can go in the ring, but his mic work is spotty. He's only been in the WWE for around a year now, and he's been being pushed to the moon since his debut. Del Rio should have went over Cena at NOC, and dropped the title to Punk at HIAC.

What it looks like now is that Cena will retain vs Punk and Del Rio leaving Del Rio and Punk to feud for the next few months, and Cena to ....

wait where does all this leave Cena? He's beaten every heel on the Roster excluding Henry but I doubt well see a WWE Champ vs WHC Champ program
Cena has a rematch clause if he loses. If Punk pins Del Rio we might see Punk v. Cena III at Vengeance. This is where Rock comes in and costs Cena the WWE title for the second time, leaving him with no rematch clause and making their feud even more personal. Punk proceeds to feud with Del Rio for the rest of the year while Cena and Rock clash and somehow work together at Survivor Series.
When I think about Cena going to lose the title I wouldn't be mad about it at all not just because I think Cena is boring but I also think he could be used alot better to give good pushes to younger guys like he did with the Nexus. I mean sure he destroyed the Nexus alot but it gave those new guys alot of air time and alot of time to see if they could develop into something. Also I think it is good for a younger guy to fight someone like Cena (yes I'll give him credit that he can put a good match on once in a while but he also puts on alot of squash matches which are boring) to help them learn what they need to do and then that lets Cena (who doesn't mess up a whole lot in the ring from what I see but its hard to mess up when you don't have many moves and you don't usually have the oppenant doing damage to him for that long) tell the younger guy what he needs to work on which then lets that younger guy get better and develop. Now when I think of the next champion I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Punk winning it to see what he can be as a long term champion. But I would like to also see mabey a new guy coming into the championship picture maybe have a surprise trade happen the night of HIAC where smackdown trades Jack Swagger for example: Alex Riley (where I think Riley could develop some more and have a fresh new fued for Cody Rhodes to have) then before the match of Cena, Punk, and Del Rio have a masked man take Triple H out where he is taken to the hospital and after the match Laurnitis comes out and says since Triple H is not here right now and can't make any of the decisions I would like to announce a new superstar to Raw then Jack Swagger comes out and Laurnitis tells the new champion whoever it is and says he is making a WWE Championship match right now and he will face Jack Swagger where Swagger runs to the ring and just demolishes the champion since he was just in a HIAC. Then lets Swagger become a big name again where he is still with Vickey and Dolph and that will give Vickey something to brag about every week that she is the manager of the U.S. Champion and the WWE Champion. I personally think Swagger has the potential to be a great superstar and while he has a hopefully long championship reign (since it is needed) he can develop more by facing bigger names and can also get better at the mic with more airtime so he can be a complete superstar. Also after a while of being champ WWE could even have Swagger and Dolph go for a run at the Tag Team Champs to make Dolph the U.S. and Tag Team champion and Swagger the WWE and Tag Team champion. I personally think these 2 guys have alot of potential and giving them this kind of exspousure will give them alot more time in the ring to delevop even more and to become masters on the mic.
Cena has a rematch clause if he loses. If Punk pins Del Rio we might see Punk v. Cena III at Vengeance. This is where Rock comes in and costs Cena the WWE title for the second time, leaving him with no rematch clause and making their feud even more personal. Punk proceeds to feud with Del Rio for the rest of the year while Cena and Rock clash and somehow work together at Survivor Series.

Why do I find myself agreeing with you most of the time?:shrug: Maybe we're thinking along the same lines :)

Anyway, people complain entirely too much about Cena. He's going to be a main focus for as long as he's in the WWE, so why complain? Cena has earned my respect as a fan and he's not as bad as some choices for WWE Champion[Del Rio, anyone? :banghead:]. While I do see something in Del Rio, I don't think at this juncture in his career that he deserved to be WWE Champion. Especially when guys like Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect, and Razor Ramon were never WWE Champs in their entire careers. You're telling me Juan Bradshaw Layfield and his awe-inspiring "destiny" deserve to main event when legends never had the title once? :lmao:

Back to the topic, though. I agree with your scenario here because if The Rock screws Cena out of the rematch, he has no more left. And if The Rock defeats Cena @ Wrestlemania 28 and Cena is WWE Champion, that sets up the next PPV with a rematch for Cena[which he should lose again]. Both matches could be classic battles with two greats and that would keep Cena relevant without making him a 20-time WWE champion.

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