Cena Says He's A Professional Wrestler(I don't like where this is heading.)


Pre-Show Stalwart

Cena couldn't let Punk have the spotlight for just a little while could he?

Are we seeing the beginning stages of Cena turning heel and joining Punk? Both appear to have a legitimate beef with The Rock being cheered and main eventing Wrestlemania. Could we see some sort of Punk/Cena vs Rock/SCSA situation occur? I don't think WWE would do it, because it'd throw Orton to the curb. But then again, maybe that's why Orton's been so mouthy lately. He always gets mouthy when he's unhappy about something. He recently did that shoot the couldn't of pleased WWE and then said He was going on strike if AA wasn't inducted into the HOF. I wonder what's been on his mind lately.

If WWE were ever thinking if going with a Punk revolution or an era change, you know the most important thing on their mind is how do we get Cena involved. I think it's possible they've consider pairing Cena/Punk together, then again I don't know how that'd work and I don't like the idea either.

Maybe this is just John Cena wanting to get in on the shooting action as of late after Punk made it popular. First Punk, then Orton, now Cena. Could this mean something?

Now I'm usually under the impression that WWE won't change. WWE will remain PG, Cena and Orton will remain the faces of the company, and everything else just doesn't matter as much. But as someone who hopes for a change, it's interesting to see what's going on this past week (though the casual fan probably doesn't even know about Cena's promo at a house show or Orton's shoot.)

It's just interesting, seeing as Punk said he liked Cena and it's hard to imagine where he'll go after calling out The Rock, McMahons/Triple H, and Johnny Ace.

I'm probably just reading into things. But yeah, Cena called himself a professional wrestler... that was only cool when Punk did it. It's lost it's luster now.
"Because I'm not an actor, I am a Professional Wrestler" is at 2:59, for those of you who can't stand to hear Cena's gums flap.
He said it on twitter the other day. We discussed it in the bar room.

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