Cena/Orton Alliance Finally a Possibility


Slapstick Heavyweight Champion
Yes, alright, I'm willing to admit that an alliance between John Cena and Randy Orton has been suggested ever since a long ago episode of Raw in which the two of them "inadvertently" pulled off a really sick combined finisher. Of course, this was when the two of them were still in an active feud and Randy Orton was still solidly a heel. It was said to be impossible then, however I do believe it's possible now. So, I would ask that you simply suspend the urge to dismiss this idea outright out of habit and hear me out before passing judgement. There are several reasons that I think an alliance, a professional working relationship, is finally possible between these two, maybe even enough for a short to moderate run with the tag-team titles and certainly enough to stand united against the Straight-Edge Nexus.

1. Randy Orton's face/tweener turn and its circumstances: As we remember, Randy Orton began to turn (as I'd term it) face-by-default during the story line between John Cena and the original Nexus. However, the two of them turned out to be more or less on the same side after Cena (as guest ref) did the right thing and made the three count that found Orton as the victor, Wade Barrett as the loser, and Cena as "fired". What this lead to was a kind of mutual respect between Cena and Orton, illustrated best by the "bro-hug" between them when Cena left after his "farewell speech."

2. Orton and Cena now have a mutual enemy: CM Punk has a history of animosity with both John Cena and Randy Orton, just not at the same time...up until now. Before the Royal Rumble, Cena and CM Punk were directly at odds. During and after the Royal Rumble, CM Punk and Orton are directly at odds, but no real resolution has happened between Cena and Punk yet, which makes them still enemies. This also makes them enemies with the rest of Nexus by default (something which Cena would likely still be anyways.) Nexus is a big enemy, already having proven themselves a force to be reckoned with and someone neither of them can truly "slay" on their own. Combining their forces only makes sense.

3. True life backstage friendship between the two men: I think it should be obvious to someone who knows how wrestling works that those involved in the most vicious and interesting feuds are often some of the best friends backstage and Cena and Orton are no exception. Both have spoken of their friendship and respect for one another in candid interviews. I think it more than likely that they have been wanting for some time to fight on the same side.

4. A team up has been tried at the Tribute to the Troops: I'll admit that the team in question was a threesome (Cena, Orton, and Mysterio) at the Tribute to the Troops show. Nonetheless, this was a team containing both Cena and Orton, tag-team wrestling very effectively together, and doing so willingly rather than being forced to (as has been the case in the past.) I think it went very well, well enough to try to put it across on Raw.

I'll admit that one of the main reasons I'd like to see such a team-up is that Orton and Cena could go after the Straight-Edge Nexus and still have something interesting to do while getting out of the WWE Championship run for a while, thus opening the chances for others. I'd personally love to see Morrison and Sheamus continue their personal feud, but take it to the next level by having them both go after The Miz's title. It might allow Morrison his chance at a run with it by having The Miz and Sheamus first team up against Morrison, then turn on each other thus opening the door for Morrison to take advantage.

My questions for others regarding this are as follows:

Are you seeing what I'm seeing here and do you think such an alliance could work at this time?

If you were booking things, is this an alliance you'd want to see and if so, what changes would you make to this plan to make it work better?
To address your first question, I'ma have to go with No for two reasons:

Tag teams are dead: As has been the reality of things for quite some time now, the term 'tag team wrestling' is pretty much dead in the WWE. It's pretty obvious that Vince is no longer interested on pushing for tag teams; he'd much rather have singles competitors instead.

Therefore, based on this, it's sort of illogical for me to think that the joining of the two would even be possible. I sincerely doubt that Vince would get his two biggest stars that he currently has and have them, hunt for tag-team gold where they could be much better off in, say, the World title picture where they can make shit loads of money. More so then if they were a tag team.

The card for the up-coming months is set in stone: It should be no surprise to anyone, that the WWE already has an idea of what they want to see for Wrestlemania. In order, the most likely scenario is: Del Rio vs. Edge; Cena vs. Miz; Orton vs. Punk; Undertaker vs. _________; and Triple H vs. Sheamus.

So now, based on this, this kind of puts a good number of holes in your theory. For instance, Sheamus' feud with Morrison is likely to end once Triple H returns. Punk is pretty much going to continue to feud with Randy - and Randy alone. Finally, Cena will more than likely be in the title picture against Miz. Of course, this card is subjec to change, but if you think about it, it's really the most likely scenario at this point in time.

But I guess, Ideally, having Cena and Orton in a team would be something to truelly mark-out for. Not many times do you get to see the top two draws in the company join forces. Unfortunately, such a feat is really impossible to imagine due to said reasons as well as others that I might have failed to mention.
first i must correct you on the randy turning face thing.... it started to happen when legacy broke up... at last years wrestlemania people where cheering for randy instead of cody and ted

now to your question... it would be possible and truth be told ideal for a team up to happen! the issues with that where already stated. I just want to add that if it could happen, lets say:

Nexus beats kozlov and Santino for the titles and we have orton and cena take the titles from them. And if orton and cena sell the prestige of the titles well, as in doing promos in which they say that they where tired of random people carrying the tag titles and they name famous tag teams and say that they'll bring prestige back to the tag titles!! That would make the titles instantly important! and then they could split the tag and have a feud kind of like Eddy had with Mysterio back in 2005. That would revived the tag division big time!

Back to reality thou... this will never happen :(
It's an interesting idea on some levels but it doesn't really hold a real amount of interest for me personally. As someone else already said, tag teams are pretty much dead in WWE. If Cena & Orton had been around 10 years ago and had the star power that they have now, having them as a tag team along with the Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boyz, and Edge & Christian could have been potentially epic.

From a kayfabe perspective, I prefer the idea of Cena & Orton to work together as an, occassional, team with an uneasy alliance. When you look back at the various feuds they've had, it's hard to buy their on screen personas as being friends. Even though they're technically on the "same side" as of right now, they're still two extremely different "good guys". If John Cena is Superman, then Randy Orton is....hmmmm....Wolverine. John Cena is the "hero" that always does what's "right", the patriotic upstanding citizen that represents the moral fiber America has in mind for its heroes. Randy Orton is the "hero" that does whatever he can to get the job done. His character's point of view is that the world is gray and that he'll take it to the "bad guys" worse than they'd take it to him. These are two personality types, from a character persona point of view, that simply do not mix. It can make for some interesting interaction, but a smooth partnership is virtually impossible.
I honestly want to see these two stay as far away from each other as possible. They are sooo stale in the ring together whether that be as a team or not. They need to keep doing their own things right now. Orton/Punk has great potential as does Miz/Cena. And if you think about it, in the WWE most faces have common enemies, it doesn't mean they should team up. Plus Orton teaming up with anybody right now goes against his Lone Wolf/loner mentality and it wouldn't make much sense. And the way Cena is booked, SuperCena doesn't need any help as apparently he can defeat the entire roster by himself.
Why the fuck not?

I mean, Orton is doing his thing with Nexus. That's cool. He even took out Husky last Raw. But he can't keep that up and we all know it. Sooner or later Punk is going to catch his ass and Orton is going to get jumped repeatedly. Cena will make the save every time, assuming that there is a save to be made. Maybe we'll get a bit of Santino and Kozlov out of the deal. Hurray. No, really.

Sooner or later there will be a group of people teamed up against the Nexus. Corre doesn't count.

I say we look back at my own idea from months ago. Though, instead of a Cena led stable, it's Cena/Orton/Santino/Kozlov. Sure. I hate Santino. I put up with Kozlov. But this way we can continue to hit Nexus on multiple fronts. And if Corre sticks their heads into it, then Nexus will have even more to put up with. MULTI-PRONGED FEUD?! OMG, WTF.

Just because you're in a stable doesn't mean you have to promote all of your time to fighting your enemy. Cena can keep it up with Miz as long as Nexus keeps fucking with Orton/Cena and they both have each other's backs.

Then again, that might be too complicated. But what the fuck. Face stable FTW.
first i must correct you on the randy turning face thing.... it started to happen when legacy broke up... at last years wrestlemania people where cheering for randy instead of cody and ted


Well it happened way before that even. Fans cheered Randy Orton when he punted Vince, DDTed Stephanie and Feuded with Triple H even. Fans like Orton for sometime now..

To the point of this thread. No... I don't see any alliance between the two of them, just mutual respect. The tag-team division is basically dead for one and secondly Cena is finally getting back into the Championship scene. He spent most of 2010 feuding with Nexus so he'll be rewarded by winning the title at Wrestlemania... It's how the business works and has worked for years... An example would be Hogan feuding with Earthquake.. No title was on the line because Hogan had to be given a rest from the Title picture for a bit so they put it on Warrior..
Why have them join up.. Cena killed Nexus inside 30secs in the Rumble. He doesn't need any help.. he's super cena. Now, maybe if Batista comes back? Or Punk gets a monster that is believable? Maybe then.
Dont want to see them wrestle each other dont wanna see them team up and be the 500th team to be thrown together and have the titles handed to them just for the hell of it, both characters are stale and the only people that like them are women and kids.
Im a huge Cena mark (yes I admit it) and Cena and Orton are a pretty damn good tag team but there to big of Superstars alone to be put in a tag team. Plus its pretty much set Cena vs Miz at WM and Punk vs Orton theyll problly do a 6 man tag team match with corre and new nexus.
Wow Larry another TNA follower much? Hogan isn't stale? Ric flair aint stale? Mock foley ain't stale? If Randy and cena are stale, then these guys are rotten to the core. Personally I'm likin cena how which is saying alot. And orton is the shot he is his generation stone cold u can't deny that. I wouldn't see them as a ya team but within the time between now and wrestlemania they will have tag team matches against combos of nexus and the mix thatz for sure. I just wan to see that epic AA+RKO :-D

There doesn't need to be an alliance between these two. Of course there's mutual respect between the two but as Randy Orton has stated, he's done being Mr. Nice Guy so I think he'll be reluctant to join Cena in anything. Orton is a lone wolf so to speak and he is just fine fighting by himself.
There is no chance that would ever happen at most they will have a tag team match set up against the new nexus but a alliance is out of the question It would be as shocking as Alberto Del Rio and rey mysterio tagging up for the tag team championships maybe it would be on the table if cena does in fact turn heel after mania and i would love to see that they would truly be one of the most dominant stables in recent WWE history! until then cena ( the face of the company) and randy Orton teaming up is out of the question

Dude I am going for a guess and saying Larry is a fan of TNA who now is the wwe rejects with by far the worst story lines Ive seen in a long time really the Kurt angle stipulation is shocking
Being paired up, on a team of randoms, is fine. On an episode of Raw, or even a PPV, fighting against Nexus (which should already be dead and buried). But as an actual tag team? No thanks.

These guys have nothing in common, outside of Nexus. Like I said before, if they need to temporarily join forces, along with a few others, to rid the WWE of Nexus, fine. I can live with that. But why in the hell would the two top faces in the company form an actual tag team?

I hate random tag teams, and I really despise random Mega-Star tag teams. Orton is the anti-hero of the WWE, and Cena is the Superman. I can't see these two putting up with each other long enough, or having enough reason to stick together. And how are you going to convince the crowd, with all of the differences the two have, that they actually care about something like a tag team championship? This isn't DX.
they actually work together really well so i would like to see it, but it wouldn't make sense.
as much as when they shook hands when cena got "fired" was a pretty epic moment, i still just want orton to rko cena everytime they are in the ring together like he use to haha
i mean kayfabe wise it doesnt make sense, especially on cena's part, i mean the man punted his father in the head with no remorse lol
thats why i sometyimes get annoyed with the ties that bond faces together and heels together. just cause they are both faces doesn't mean they have to be buddy buddy with each other
NO NO NO THEY DONT NEED EACHOTHER. RKO need 2 be heel in ride solo. leavin cena face no heel turn 4 him maybe in 2 year when nobody can see it comin like hogan. TOP face top face alliances never work as good as heel heel alliances do, they both need 2 be out 4 self and the title

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