Cena needs another finisher!!!

John McCass

You talkin' to me?
So, Cena is using Attitude Adjustment since he debuted. But, nowadays his opponents are kicking out of his finisher very frequently. He performs at least 2 to 3 AAs to pull of a victory. He should use AA as a signature move now onwards and innovate a new cool finisher. Well,it is my thought. What do y'all think on Cena's finisher. Should he change it? Which finisher should he use if he opts to replace the Attitude Adjustment?
I like his two moves, his STF looks weak sometimes but I guess it works. If he had to get a new finisher I would literally just have him use the lariat as a finisher. Have him use it multiple times throughout the match until it gets the job done.
If he had to get a new finisher I would literally just have him use the lariat as a finisher. Have him use it multiple times throughout the match until it gets the job done.

I don't think multiple lariats should be his finisher. A finisher should be one which gets the job done in one (or two) strike. He needs a quick finisher. He is a power guy so, his finisher should be any type of power move. Electric chair facebuster can be great but it is too dangerous to use. Umm,yes he should use any modified neckbreaker.
The problem isn't that Cena needs another finisher, it's that Creative(or most likely Vince) thinks that somehow kicking out of a finishing move several times is the sole way to make someone look strong and while it sometimes works, it more often than not damages the superstar giving the "finisher" by devaluing not only the move itself but also everyone else who took it and didn't kick out. A finisher should be just that, a way to finish the match. Jeez, it used to be a DDT could put someone down for a 3 count, after only being hit once. And I'm not just talking about Jake Roberts' move. It should be a signature move that can sometimes end a match, which makes it more unpredictable, but once a superstar's finishing move is hit, that's it, match over. No kick-outs, just MAYBE, once in a while, if they're close enough to the ropes they can get a foot on the bottom rope, but that's it. I get this is entertainment and none of it's real, but if they expect us to suspend disbelief then they need to start giving us a reason to.
I think most finishers have lost credibility. People only kick out of AA when it's a high profile match. Same thing happens to Orton, Big Show and every other finisher.
He has 2 finishers. Doesn't need any more

He just needs to perform both of them better, as in doing an STF that actually looks like a genuinely painful submission hold, and he could modify the Attitude Adjustment slightly into more of a Death Valley Driver, rather than the weak "slam onto the back" it has turned into these days. Simple
You know who else needs a new finisher? Roman Reigns.

That spear is so over-used already. Goldberg, Edge, Rhyno, Bobby Lashley, and now Roman Reigns??? Give me a break man. Come up with something more original. Or, include it in your repertoire, but don't make it your finisher.

I like his Superman Punch, but Reigns could benefit more by using a more powerful finisher, like modified powerbomb or a vicious-looking suplex.
I don't think the AA is going anywhere. It's pretty iconic and he's done it forever. It is a glorified fireman's carry slam but it's his move. It's also very safe and doesn't run the risk of injuring guys. I too would like to see it more like a Death Valley Driver ala Saturn but Cena's entire moveset seems to be based around being very safe and pretty much translates to any opponent... he doesn't have to worry about fucking up a guy like The Rock and can use pretty much any move he has on any of the big guys.

Another poster mentioned people kick out a lot of finishers in high profile matches including Big Show, but that is why the Big Show's KO punch is cool to me. I know the Chokeslam was already kind of burnt out but he still does it better than Kane. Whenever he hits the KO punch you know the match is over.
AA will still be Cena's finisher going forward, WWE is just overusing it right now.
Remember is 2005 HHH did 5 pedigrees to Ric Flair to defeat him? This looked way worse than multiple AAs to Brock & Rusev. Hell, Warrior kicked out from 7 Macho Elbows in a row at WM7. Neither HHH or Savage changed their finishers because of it.

There also another reason to do multiple finishers kickouts in Cena's matches - if you listen to commentary, WWE position Cena as once strong guy who is just too old and weak right now and need a replacement (Reigns), so in order to make Cena look weak WWE make his finisher look weak.
AA will still be Cena's finisher going forward, WWE is just overusing it right now.
Remember is 2005 HHH did 5 pedigrees to Ric Flair to defeat him? This looked way worse than multiple AAs to Brock & Rusev. Hell, Warrior kicked out from 7 Macho Elbows in a row at WM7. Neither HHH or Savage changed their finishers because of it.

There also another reason to do multiple finishers kickouts in Cena's matches - if you listen to commentary, WWE position Cena as once strong guy who is just too old and weak right now and need a replacement (Reigns), so in order to make Cena look weak WWE make his finisher look weak.

Yes,you gave me the answer. Now, I think I am okay with AA as John Cena's finisher.
The problem isn't that Cena needs another finisher, it's that Creative(or most likely Vince) thinks that somehow kicking out of a finishing move several times is the sole way to make someone look strong and while it sometimes works, it more often than not damages the superstar giving the "finisher" by devaluing not only the move itself but also everyone else who took it and didn't kick out. A finisher should be just that, a way to finish the match. Jeez, it used to be a DDT could put someone down for a 3 count, after only being hit once. And I'm not just talking about Jake Roberts' move. It should be a signature move that can sometimes end a match, which makes it more unpredictable, but once a superstar's finishing move is hit, that's it, match over. No kick-outs, just MAYBE, once in a while, if they're close enough to the ropes they can get a foot on the bottom rope, but that's it. I get this is entertainment and none of it's real, but if they expect us to suspend disbelief then they need to start giving us a reason to.

I blame Rock and Austin for this. The most notorious finisher-kicker-outers of all time. They did it so much that it became expected.

As for Mr. Juan Cena, why mess with a good thing? He could add another wrinkle if he really wanted to, but I love the AA and the STF. If he wanted to do maybe a brainbuster or something, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but I think he's pretty much awesome where he's at.
I think most finishers have lost credibility. People only kick out of AA when it's a high profile match. Same thing happens to Orton, Big Show and every other finisher.


Wrestlers kick out of finishers all the time now. They should actually change the name to "almost finished him off". And considering Cena kicks out of most finishers himself, not surprising others are kicking out of his. He doesn't need another one, just make this one more effective. I have no idea how though.

I also think Reigns spear is fine. He's a big powerful guy and a former football player. Having him run into someone with basically a shoulder block is effective and believable for him. Although lately when he does it, it looks sloppy. Other than that it's fine for him.
AA will still be Cena's finisher going forward, WWE is just overusing it right now.
Remember is 2005 HHH did 5 pedigrees to Ric Flair to defeat him? This looked way worse than multiple AAs to Brock & Rusev. Hell, Warrior kicked out from 7 Macho Elbows in a row at WM7. Neither HHH or Savage changed their finishers because of it.

There also another reason to do multiple finishers kickouts in Cena's matches - if you listen to commentary, WWE position Cena as once strong guy who is just too old and weak right now and need a replacement (Reigns), so in order to make Cena look weak WWE make his finisher look weak.

You nailed the answer for this thread perfectly - there is nothing that can really be added about the WWEs packaging & use of the AA right now.

Now on to part two of the thread about if I could give Cena a new finisher what would it be - First off instead of an STF I would give him something like an old school Torture Rack or a vicious looking Full Nelson, something to show off his strength instead of that stupid looking STF that doesn't even look like it might hurt.

Secondly if I could change the AA (which was first supposed to be a mockery of Lesnars F-5......remember when it was originally called the F-U) I would either have him use some form of Go To Sleep (as a jab to Punk) or have him turn heel (I know I know never going to happen) and be one of those guys that steals other guys finishers to finish them off.....or if all else fails give him a quick bad ass DDT, which is one move he does very fluid and well.

I certainly am not a Cena fan & this was fun to think about WHAT IF.....But I have to agree with others in closing....The AA is most likely here to stay.
He doesn't need a new finisher. Especially when the WWE is making damn sure that a "finisher" doesn't actually finish a match anymore. His Attitude Adjustment has been a staple of his moveset for over a decade, so removing that is ridiculous. Maybe his moveset needs freshened up a little but taking away his finisher is not the way to go about making him relevant. It's like saying that Hogan needed to change the Leg Drop; it's just not going to happen.
I think most finishers have lost credibility.

All of them do, over time. When I was a kid, the figure-four leg lock seemed to me the scariest, most devastating hold one could imagine. I'd see Ric Flair apply it and know the match was over.....no one could withstand that kind of pain. Today, the hold is barely used, and when it is, the guy trapped in it more often than not drags his tortured body to the ropes to break it.

What happened in the intervening years? Did the human body (at least of a professional wrestler) develop an immunity to the previously unbreakable maneuver? Did people get tougher? Is the guy applying the hold not doing it right?

With all that said, I believe Cena could use a new finisher. As strong as he is, it ought to be a move that calls for great power, and while it would involve the opponent landing flat on the mat and being able to absorb the impact with his whole body, it should look as if it would flatten an elephant.

His old stuff, the AA and STFU used to put opponents away every time; now even Seth Rollins kicks out of a pinning attempt that was preceded by an Attitude Adjustment. Sure, it's still impressive to see him apply it to someone huge like Big Show, but if it doesn't win the contest, it's day is over.

Time for something new that actually ends matches in his favor.
The AA sucks from day one and he can't oroperly lock a stfu the torture rack would be perfect for him to replace the stfu and he can replace the aa with anything cuz all it is is a glorified back drop
You know who else needs a new finisher? Roman Reigns.

That spear is so over-used already. Goldberg, Edge, Rhyno, Bobby Lashley, and now Roman Reigns??? Give me a break man.

Haha you're forgetting Christian, Big Show, Batista and Bubba Dudley (for all of about a week). I agree, using the spear as a finisher has become kind of vanilla.

No problem with Cena using the AA. Complaining about guys kicking out of it strikes me as childish. No finishing move is ever 100% effective, especially for 10 years straight. Plus if you think about it, the move has kinda changed. Cena doesn't hold his opponent on his shoulders and look into the crowd before hitting it any more. It's more of an 'out of nowhere' type finish.

If Cena was going to switch things up and adopt a new finisher, I'd be happy with the Half-Nelson Neckbreaker he's pulled out a few times over the past 6 months.
What happened in the intervening years? Did the human body (at least of a professional wrestler) develop an immunity to the previously unbreakable maneuver? Did people get tougher? Is the guy applying the hold not doing it right?

No, you've just grown up since you were a kid.

His old stuff, the AA and STFU used to put opponents away every time; now even Seth Rollins kicks out of a pinning attempt that was preceded by an Attitude Adjustment. Sure, it's still impressive to see him apply it to someone huge like Big Show, but if it doesn't win the contest, it's day is over.

No matter what his finishing move is, if the match calls for Seth to kick out of Cena's finisher, Seth's going to kick out of Cena's finisher. Get it?
I don't see it. 3 has been the key number of finishers it took to end a big match in alot of cases. It took Taker 3 Tombstones to beat Kane at WM14, 3 Rock Bottoms to beat Stone Cold at WM19, 3 Pedigrees to beat Cena on Raw, 3 F'5 for Lesnar to end Taker's streak, and of course 3 AA's for Cena to win alotta big matches. The only exception who has took 3 of those and kept going has been Lesnar in the past 2 matches, and that's because he's Lesnar.

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