Cena joins The Wyatts


The Wyatt's were able to brainwash and turn Bryan, be it for only a week but they did it.

Now with Cena in their crosshairs I could see the WWE ramping up the Wyatts brainwashing techniques and possibly giving us a glimpse of an "alternate", shall I dare say, Heel Cena.

It allows them the oppurtunity to try it while leaving them an out if there is a backlash.

The Mania match is for Cena's full release from the family possibly.

What do you think?
Nobody would buy into it. Nor should they.

The Wyatts tried getting into Bryan's head in order to strengthen their group. Bryan was being held down by the Authority and Wyatt was basically telling Bryan that he couldn't go it alone. That was their "brainwashing" technique. Constant beatdowns, and pointing out that his "pandering to the crowd" wasn't getting him anywhere. This made sense.

There is no brainwashing technique that would make sense w/ Cena. Their goal with Cena isn't going to be about getting him to join them, its going to be about eliminating him since they feel he is "all that is wrong" with the WWE and society in general.
The Wyatt's were able to brainwash and turn Bryan, be it for only a week but they did it.

Now with Cena in their crosshairs I could see the WWE ramping up the Wyatts brainwashing techniques and possibly giving us a glimpse of an "alternate", shall I dare say, Heel Cena.

It allows them the oppurtunity to try it while leaving them an out if there is a backlash.

The Mania match is for Cena's full release from the family possibly.

What do you think?

I think this kind of idea would also damage the mystique and sinister-nature that the Wyatts have built up. How much longer will creative be able to have the Wyatts kidnap/brainwash wrestlers, only to see little-to-no payoff afterwards? Kane was taken by the Wyatts and apparently delivered to Business school. Bryan was initiated and subsequently dispatched by his own hand in two weeks. Whoever is "taken" next needs to be taken for good, or at least for a significant amount of time so as to add gravity to the situation and they need to be altered in a way that makes the possibility of being brainwashed by the Wyatts fearsome and portentous. No one will care about anything the Wyatts do if their biggest threat is to treat wrestlers like a member of their cult-like family for a week before setting them free.

Bad idea, sir, but thanks for the attempt.

Also, I think the WWE should avoid teasing John Cena character changes in the future. The last time this very idea was teased, it ended with the entire Nexus, especially Wade Barrett, being buried and left to rot. Now that is some BAD NYOOZ.
All I have to say is Nexus. Cena joined them and absolutely single handily buried the group and all there members. Only Bryan who was kicked out before they got going and Wyatt who joined late have survived his burial but the other about 8 guys are either gone or stuck in the lower midcard. Keep Cena away from them because he is a faction killer, the Shield survived him but I'm not sure the Wyatt's will get as lucky. Let Wyatt win and end the feud there.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I can't even entertain this in a fantasy booking world.

If anyone is acquired by the Wyatts to join the family, it's going to be someone that needs a boost to their character or a solid way to get them over as a possible new heel. Plus it's pretty difficult to say they have the capability to brainwash anybody when DB was there and gone and when they got Kane, nothing came of it. So they don't exactly have a great history of it.

Personally, the guy I would love to see in the Wyatt Family would be Kofi Kingston. Go ahead and laugh but I honestly don't think it's very far fetched sometime down the line. He needs a change. He needs it bad. He can still have a similar move set, but just tone down the theatrics of it. He would just perform a little more calculated. They said he was going to receive some big revival which beating Orton was supposed to be the start of it. But nothing has really changed for him yet. We'll see. That's my fantasy member of the Wyatt Family.

But Cena? Please. The guy who is the posterchild for overcoming the odds isn't going to be acquired by any Wyatt Family.
So you just want another typical WWE feud.

Week 1: Cena vs Harper
Week 2: Cena vs Rowan
Week 3: Cena w Tag Partner vs Rowan and Harper
Week 4: PPV match

Next month: same crap just mixed up a bit
Next PPV: rematch

Blah blah blah!

Meanwhile you have an Undertakerish type character/group in The Wyatts that can be explored in a cult creepy scary type way with the number one corny, boring, same old, WWE crowds love/hate relationship top guy and you don't do it.

That's probably exactly how the feud will be booked, safe and predictable. What I think you may be missing is the Wyatts don't actually brainwash anybody as Daniel Bryan said he joined on his own free will with the intention of getting close enough to Bray to get some vengeance on him. We're not sure what the hell happened to Kane and I don't believe it will ever be mentioned either. They have tried to hint at John Cena embracing the dark side often most recently during the Embrace the Hate saga with Kane but they never fully commit to the idea of Cena being anything but a wholesome man who has and will continue to overcome the odds. At the most Bray may inspire Cena to become more aggressive to beat the Wyatts, but I doubt it will be in a character change, he'll probably just aggressively beat him into obscurity ask Wade Barrett.
Meanwhile you have an Undertakerish type character/group in The Wyatts that can be explored in a cult creepy scary type way with the number one corny, boring, same old, WWE crowds love/hate relationship top guy and you don't do it.

You can have Wyatt be the "creepy scary/type" in a feud with the "number one corny, boring guy" without the premise being that Wyatt wants John Cena to join his group. That doesn't make sense. The premise should be that he wants to see the demise of John Cena.

Here's how you can take Wyatt to a new level of creepy/evil in his program w/ Cena:

Sabotage Make-A-Wish appearances. (without traumatizing an actual child of course)

Have him rip the Cena shirt off the back of a planted Cena fan and have him burn it.

Brainwash Nikki Bella and have HER join the Wyatts for a while.

There is no real way for them to put forth a storyline in which John Cena, the face of the company for 10 years, is going to be manipulated and/or brainwashed into joining a hillbilly cult that has been on the roster for less than a year.
This feud should be Bane breaking Batman. Lex Luther destroying Superman.

Cena feeds of the positive fan reaction.
Cena is fueled by the negative reaction.
Therefore both are to blame for his hero status.
Bray brings that truth to light and breaks the puppet fans and puppet Cena down to nothing.

Obviously this strengthens the bond between the fans and Cena and he overcomes, but it does not hurt or destroy The Wyatts as some are saying it would.
It'd be shocking. If there's a heel faction that seems the least likely for John Cena, the stereotypical All American hero type of guy, it'd be a deranged backwoods cult. However, it's also a big part of why Cena just seems an odd fit. If Cena joined a faction, you'd think that The Authority would be more in line with what could be deemed "realistic" when you consider how important Cena has been to WWE's bottom line for much of the past decade.

Cena has been the genuine "face" of WWE, so I'd be more inclined to buy into Cena joining The Authority due to a storyline in which Cena feels he's being pushed aside by the fans, or that even the "Cenation" has turned its back on him in support of someone else after all he's put himself through. In a lot of ways, Cena is the stereotypical ideal "heroic" figure and it's usually intriguing to see someone who champions honesty, fairness, hard work, etc. wind up...*sigh* forgive the Star Wars reference....seduced by the dark side. I just don't see the ultimate good guy being brainwashed into a backwoods cult. It may have been the idea for Daniel Bryan in the long run, in which he eventually broke free of the conditioning, but the storyline quickly went into one in which Bryan was biding his time so he could get Wyatt alone. He was never really under Wyatt's control. Vince genuinely shows signs every so often that he can be out of touch, such as turning Daniel Bryan heel when people WANT to cheer their heads off for him.
"He'd be better suited in The Authority"

"He would never join The Wyatts"

Ummmm. He's not feuding with The Authority or The Shield. He's currently being targeted by The Wyatt's. I didn't just grab bag Cena's name.
If it did happen that way, which I doubt, don't expect Cena to use different attire for his matches. Hell when he was in Nexxus, all he did was wear an armband, still keeping the rainbow shirts and jorts.

If they did do this, only for a short time, they could still have him wearing his usual clothes, but make them raggedy looking. Cut off the sleeves, fray the bottom of his pants. At least SOMETHING different.

Hell they had him wearing his full get up when AJ knocked on his hotel door in the middle of the night. That was just awful.
Joining them wouldn't be their agenda... Their stated intention is to "bring down the machine" and the biggest cog in the machine is basically Cena...

They're far more likely to pay the Kane angle off with him turning/causing the Cena loss at Mania than to attempt to have Cena join. For one he isn't a good enough actor to pull off the required change, and for another the damage would be massive to the merchandise that WWE thrives on... If they are going to give the people what they want in Bryan, a less marketable guy in terms of merchandise options - then they are keeping Cena exactly as he is with his endless Shirt, Cap, Armband combinations to keep that end of the company going.

IF they were going to do it, they couldn't do it the stipulation way as with the Nexus and he'd have to commit to it for 6 months to a year to make it work... Cena being a "pawn" for that long wouldn't compute...

They're far more likely to have them "injure" Cena or cause a concussion that alters his personality slightly...kinda the "bad kryptonite" idea from Superman 3... After the match Cena gets a little more nasty, a little darker in his promos and behaves a little heelish...
This is a stupid thread with an even worse idea. Cena joining the Watts is the equivalent of The Great Khali joining the shield .... won't happen.
This is a terrible idea. Let's ruin the greatest money maker of the 21st century by having him join the Wyatts. BZZZT wrong. Let's have him destroy the Wyatts. DING DING correct answer!
Realistically? I can't see this happening. Cena should have a series of matches against The Wyatt Family and a singles match with Bray, and maybe Maddox will raise the stakes with a 3 on 1 handicap match, but that's it. With Daniel Bryan, you had the "being held down by the machine" stuff to help DB as a Wyatt work for a little while.

John Cena is a one man dynasty, who's main evented numerous Wrestlemanias, and he's the face company. In suspension of disbelief mode, you could buy into Bryan being desperate and needing The Wyatts. I can't think of one single reason for Cena to risk anything to prove a point to Bray, because Cena conquered every challenge in front of him. And on top of that, Cena doesn't need Bray's help.
Feud wise I don't know yet but match wise it's gonna be great matches. As far as other's think Cena buried The Nexxus he did not do that that was more Blandy Borton and P.U. Skunk as he helped elevate them more by association. Cena was just a spoke in that fued between The Nexxus and Randy Orton w/ Punk later on. Daniel Bryan woulda lasted w/ The Wyatts longer if it wasn't the moronic fans of the BCS Game that was on and Vince wanted to outdo them so he returned Bryan to good again which imo was stupid. As far as this Cena-Bray thing Nikki should be involved in some nature and more than not Bray will win if this lasts til WM and Cena wins the rematch at Xtreme Rulz. So we'll just have to wait and see how this Backroads to WM goes between them.
This stinks of Nexus with Cena "turning heel" all over again. It would suck. And feel forced, besides with it just happening to Bryan it wouldn't feel original at all.
I like this idea for many reasons:

John Cenas character is old, VERY OLD. I compare it too Hulk Hogan during the 80's and 90's. Same attire, same boring promos, same ring entrance and same following. Hogan during the last matches before the 'Heel' turn were the same mixed reactions that John Cena is getting today. Then all of a sudden CHANGE UP!!! And it was the best thing for Hogans career. If a better time for a Cena change up it has to be in 2014.

How is this done?

Over the course of the next few months leading up to WM30 have the Cena/Wyatt feud get really personal. Have the Wyatts absolutely break Cena. Cut promos of Wyatts saying the 'divine power' wants Cena gone. Continue to break Cena until WM30. Where Bray defeats Cena in a clean match, much like the DB match at Rumble. This will be a break where Cena 'goes away' for a few months.

Have Wyatts after WM continue the 'Divine Power' angle destroying all in their paths. Make the fans believe that the 'Divine power' is someone in The Authority. Then have Wyatts/DB match at SummerSlam for the title in a No DQ match. In that match have the lights go out and the "Divine Power' come out with a mask. Have him beat DB down and then have Bray win the match, only to give the title to the 'Divine Power' who happens to be John Cena.

You get an AMAZING storyline with a huge payoff. A Cena heel change and then really build the Wyatts even more with heel Cena as their leader.
You get an AMAZING storyline with a huge payoff. A Cena heel change and then really build the Wyatts even more with heel Cena as their leader.



They are not going to do it to satisfy a percentage of fans who are "bored" with him. And let me say that I am one of those people. However, as a rational person, I realize that it makes ZERO business sense to turn John Cena heel at this time.

And on a Creative level, a Cena heel turn needs to be more organic than some absurd storyline of him being revealed as a "Divine Power" who is the leader of a backwoods cult.


They are not going to do it to satisfy a percentage of fans who are "bored" with him. And let me say that I am one of those people. However, as a rational person, I realize that it makes ZERO business sense to turn John Cena heel at this time.

And on a Creative level, a Cena heel turn needs to be more organic than some absurd storyline of him being revealed as a "Divine Power" who is the leader of a backwoods cult.

Why couldn't a heel turn happen through this. Right now Cena is flat. He is actually 3rd in merch sale behind Punk and Bryan. Not to mention once he does turn heel why couldnt there be a shift in merch sales. It goes back to Hogans turn. NWO merch went crazy, I think everyone in the late 90's was wearing an NWO shirt. Sometimes turning someone who you would never see heel is what is best to revitalize a career. Cena needs a new gimmick even if it is heel. What better way to usher that in than with the Wyatts.
Why couldn't a heel turn happen through this.

For the reasons I stated in my original response to your post. I'll try again.

1) The WWE is not going to turn Cena heel just because you think it would be cool.

2) It doesn't make sense that after 10 years as the face of the company Cena is then made into the "divine power" of a group like the Wyatts. This would be nothing like Hogan turning on the fans and STARTING a group w/ 2 guys who just came in from the WWF.
My thread title should have been The Wyatts need to break Cena.

My use of the word join was wrong on my part. He never actually joins the group but he is broken down much like Bryan was and he appears to be a shell of his former self a la "joining" or succumbing to the manipulation of the Wyatt's. Of course only to be strengthened by his return.
I doubt it will happen but I wonder how strong they'll book the Wyatts to look against Cena. Will they let Cena get beat down every week like previous opponents or would he overcome the odds or maybe he use their own stuff against them with cryptic promos? Perhaps expanding his character a bit.

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