Cena Injured?


I'm about to DROP A PIPE BOMB!
On this past Monday Night Raw, John Cena suffered a knee injury. This is another injury in a long list of injuries that Cena has worked through for the past year. Cena has been on top now, for 10 years, perhaps his time on time is coming to an end. If you were WWE, Maybe it's time to start considering a new face... Maybe it's time for Cena to pass the torch... but to who....?
In that case considering all the injuries that CM Punk has sustained over his career, if he chooses to comeback, WWE should say no and tell him they're good without him.

Or, Daniel Bryan shouldn't be pushed any further considering hes suffered six concussions in his career, a detached retina, dislocated shoulder and I'm sure many more injuries in his career; those are only the ones that are known publicly and that I can remember from his ROH days. Injuries unless serious don't mean anybody has to fall down the card, and when you're as good as John Cena is, all they are is an obstacle of time, where you got to get back up as healthy as possible in the quickest possible manner.
So, earlier tonight on Raw, that leg injury John Cena was selling was actually legit. Apparently it was caused by Erik Rowan putting to much pressure on it during the Wyatt attack (funny how the only Wyatt who can't wrestle injured the company's top star). At this point, we don't know how serious this injury could be, but let's say Cena doesn't "overcome the odds" this time. Lets say he can't wrestle at Mania this year and he can't have his match against Bray Wyatt. Where do you think that'll leave Bray? Facing the top star in the WWE was going to be Bray's biggest test as WWE's latest pet project and you can't get any bigger than that. If Cena's injury is in fact a serious one, what now for him at Mania? The only thing I can think is a rematch against The Shield in a higher profile (ala Hell in a Cell or something) but that wouldn't prove much of anything. Aside from showcasing two of the future top guys in Bray and Roman Reigns, no one benefits from it. If Cena's out the picture, does Bray have any chance of a bigger match than that?
If it can be taped together or glued on Cena will wrestle, but in the unlikely event he can't then just do a Shield vs Wyatt's rematch, I think fans would actually eat that up more than any singles match involving Bray.
If Punk comes back, Bray could just face him. Punk does get a more overall positive reaction than Cena anyway.
lol cena aint going anywhere for another 8+ years atleast considering how hes a loyal company guy. And for god sakes, you cant just throw some guy in and make him the freaking face of the company. And no just because Daniel Bryan is over, he is not going to be the FACE of the company.
If reports are true that Cena is refusing medical attention after his Hospital visit that could mean one of two things.

1) The injury isnt so bad and he feels he will be ready by Mania without any additional medical care.

2) Its just a story line.

I'm going more towards #1 myself. It looks too real to be a story line the way Bray pulled them off Cena. Then again had it really been hurt i doubt that bump at the end would have happened. It could have easily injured it more if it was a legit injury.

Most likely he will take it easy the next 40 days and get his leg back as strong as possible and wear a brace if needed to still have a match with Bray. I dont see Cena missing Mania if he can help it at all.
Cena if he can be taped,glued,artificial limb he will make WM! No doubt in my mind,the guy is a workout warrior and will be ready for WM! If he is refusing Medical attention could mean two things,He knows he is injured badly and if he got an MRI,they could force him out of WM,or he knows he just tweeked his knee and will be fine...

We should know the severity over the next couple of days or so
It seemed real. If it's a work then the way that the segment went down, with the lack of Bray hitting his finish, was really convincing.

I fear that it looked like a potential ACL tear, what with Cena claiming he heard a 'pop' and that picture doing the rounds which appears to show heavy swelling, pretty soon after the incident. If this is a case the good news is that he could probably make it through Wrestlemania, protecting himself as much as possible through to the event and then getting it fixed after Wrestlemania, but he'd be looking at a long spell on the sidelines from there.

If he can't make Wrestlemania, the obvious solution would appear to be holding off on the Shield split and running another Shield/Wyatts match in April. It would also pose the theory that Vince might go the extra mile to try and get CM Punk on the card, if he felt that it lacked star power without Cena. I have to say I'd be devastated if Cena had to sit it out, with 30 being my first live Wrestlemania.
It seemed real. If it's a work then the way that the segment went down, with the lack of Bray hitting his finish, was really convincing.

I fear that it looked like a potential ACL tear, what with Cena claiming he heard a 'pop' and that picture doing the rounds which appears to show heavy swelling, pretty soon after the incident. If this is a case the good news is that he could probably make it through Wrestlemania, protecting himself as much as possible through to the event and then getting it fixed after Wrestlemania, but he'd be looking at a long spell on the sidelines from there.

If he can't make Wrestlemania, the obvious solution would appear to be holding off on the Shield split and running another Shield/Wyatts match in April. It would also pose the theory that Vince might go the extra mile to try and get CM Punk on the card, if he felt that it lacked star power without Cena. I have to say I'd be devastated if Cena had to sit it out, with 30 being my first live Wrestlemania.

I hope he's not hurt, however, a Shield/Wyatt Family rematch in some sort of gimmick match would replace it well
Probabily the match wont happened, bcoz this is first time the wyatt attack cena. We have six weeks of raw before wm30. so minimum 5 times cena got attacked by wyatts. so the match wont happened.
The only aim of the match is to put bray wyatt over cena. Actually i hate this match instead he sit outside ring and watch wm with injury.
Simply put Wyatts vs RVD, sheamus, big show at wm30 like last year shield match.
Injuries a work. They wouldn't have been talking about "Cena refusing medical attention" on RAW last night if it wasn't. They would have done their best to ignore it on screen, while hitting the panic button backstage trying to figure out how bad it was and how to work around it.

They did it to show that Cena can be beat by Wyatt, and also give Cena a bit of an out if he does end up getting beat by Wyatt. Excellent job by all involved if they raised this much doubt in people.
The injury is "confirmed" to be a work but idk man, shit looked pretty real to me...
I can't believe some of you guys are buying this injury. If it was legit, they wouldn't have shown him being carted off into an ambulance with ice packs on his knee. When have we ever seen a legit injury worked into a backstage segment in the same show that it happened.

Having the trainer run over was just to work the smarks because if Cena just sold a leg injury, then nobody would think it was legit.

Cena's not dumb, if he thought he had a serious injury, he wouldn't have gotten up and taken Wyatt's last cross body, he could have stayed in the corner and Wyatt could have just posed over him then.
It's times like these when I just laugh at all the people who say John Cena can't sell.

Even in the LD people were saying it looked legit. I was having a hard time seeing it as legit simply off the replay. I saw no instance where his leg looked hyperextended.

It's funny though how every time Cena does suffer a legitimate injury, the "who's the next face?" thread pops up. As if he can't come back from an injury. The only exception would be a serious injury like back or neck. Oh wait, he's already come back from at least one of those.
I hear what you are all are saying and I have read the reports of it being a work but I am just not sure. Cena grabbed his knee right away in the middle of the attack. If thy wanted to make this where Wyatt can hurt Cena why not make it more obvious, using the chair on the knee, wrestling 101? Why make it so 'innocent' and 'accidental'?
It may be a total work an I am just gulliable but I am not convinced yet it is a work.
This is the same old Cena using sympathy as a crutch for his character. John is injured, and he's going to go into a Wrestlemania match with Bray Wyatt injured. It's highly likely that Luke Harper and Eric Rowan will interfere in some dastardly way, making Cena look like more and more of an underdog.

Check me out, I'm psychic. John Cena will reach deep, DEEPER THAN HE'S EVER REACHED BEFORE (up his own ass for a creative spot) AND WHILE THE CENATION HAS HIS BACK HE'LL NEVER BACK DOWN AND OVERCOME ADVERSITY YET AGAIN!! John Cena kicks out of Sister Abigail even after being clobbered by Rowan and Harper. John Cena does a five knuckle shuffle. A few twists and turns occur until eventually John Cena pins Bray Wyatt, despite his "injury". He already did it to Del Rio with a real injury, he'll probably do it to Bray with a fake one.
It's definitely a work. Even if it was legit, hell even if Cena was paralyzed from the waist down, he still kicks out at 2. I don't think they should show Cena being injured. If they really want to put Bray Wyatt over, then they need him to get a clean win on Cena without anyone being able to say it only happened because Cena was not at 100%. Just like the way he went over Bryan clean at the Royal Rumble. I thought he would use his cohorts to interfere, but instead he wrestled a good match and got a clean pin on him, which is something that Orton hasn't been able to do not even once since Summer Slam.

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