Cena Hate

I'm pretty sure I can post about whatever I want, so I'm not sure why I'm being criticized for that. I don't just sit around waiting for the bitching, it never really stops, and as a Cena fan I'm going to address it. I think it's laughable to suggest that I'm not knowledgeable about anything else just because I spend a lot of time defending Cena. Ask me anything that's happened in WWE in at least the last ten years and I will gladly give you an opinion or an answer.

Well, then why do you keep repeating your points in the same thread? After you have made your point, you can move on. There are always going to be people with different opinions and they will hold on to them even after you talk to them. I've seen you post basically the same thing in every post of yours in the Cena complaints thread.

And if you want to prove that you are knowledgeable, post in some thread that does not involve John Cena.
I've posted in plenty of threads that don't involve Cena, clearly you haven't actually looked through my posts properly if you think otherwise.

Also, I know I'm probably not going to sway the haters, but the point of a debate is to go back and forth addressing each other's points. I've never been one to just post once in a thread and then never look at it again, because that's not true discussion to me. If I have something to say about something that someone else posted, I'm going to say it.
I have been through a variety of different contempt for TNA related stuff. I didn't care for TNA when a lot of people were not that found of TNA. When it reached an absurd point and the hate for TNA started growing even more (sometime around the Hulk Hogan stuff I guess) I had moved on to just hating the people that booked TNA. At some point I merged the two and decided it was perfectly acceptable to dislike the organization for being used in a way I didn't care for. Now I have stopped caring about even that and I just hate TNA fans. I have never seen a group so desperate to repeatedly point out the obvious while ignoring anything resembling the true discussion at hand. To top it off they do it in those ugly shirts.

Edited for truth.

You could have at least corrected my typo.

TNA fans don't blindly put down the success of anything not TNA just because they are envious of it. In fact we frequently point out that while we do not like certain things, those things are successful. As far as I am concerned that is the exact opposite of a Cena fan.
I dislike Cena bc he's exactly the type of guy I don't like. He has absolutely NO edge (at least not anymore) and it's hard to believe he's genuine bc he never reaches a breaking point. He needs to get into a 'rut' or have some type of character/life altering feud or ange so that ppl might be able to see him in a different light. We're about six years into this CeNation craze; Hulkamania had done all the good IT could do six years in. WWE needs to really learn from that mistake. I thought Cena would have help Wade Barrett beat Orton back at Survivor Series last year so that he could keep his job. Nope. Instead, they save him face, then have him reinstated (which made no sense; yeah, Wade did it to keep Cena from attacking the members of Nexus, but shouldn't the WWE security have made sure Cena wasn't in the building- or at least backstage- since he was fired?) therefore ruining the entire angle (i doubt anyone'll even remember that whole thing)
You could have at least corrected my typo.

TNA fans don't blindly put down the success of anything not TNA just because they are envious of it. In fact we frequently point out that while we do not like certain things, those things are successful. As far as I am concerned that is the exact opposite of a Cena fan.
TNA isn't successful though...
TNA isn't successful though...

I hate TNA. But I accept it's successful. It makes money, that's success right there.

The way I dislike TNA, but accept that it's good at the same time should be the way people who hate Cena should look at him. If you don't like him, you don't like him. That's fine. But you can't then just make shit up. "Cena can't wrestle" is an obvious one. He quite clearly can you fucking moron. Not only is he capable of wrestling, he does it damn well. You can hate Cena if you want, but don't for one second think that he isn't good at his job.

And I don't mind Heath Slater. He makes me laugh.
I don't see it as being successful considering how it's been trying to beat WWE throughout its entire existence and still sometimes struggles to get 1.0 ratings. That's what NXT and Superstars used to get when they were on TV. I guess if you're judging it as an individual company, then yes it makes money, but it hasn't accomplished its goals and that's a major sign of failure.
Why are so many Cena fans illiterate? Somewhat amusing that champ tried to refute the validity of what I said by doing exactly what I claimed.

Also, many people are missing the point here. I don't hate Cena. His marks just piss me off.
Because addressing your lack of literacy affords you more credit than dealing with your opinions does? Just a guess here.

For the record, suggesting that TNA is unsuccessful because it hasn't run the WWE out of business is just about the most moronic thing I have run across today.
I love how people resort to childish insults when they don't have a counter argument. It's so cute.

Also, when did I say anything about running WWE out of business?
You claims that the company's goal was the "beat WWE" (which is untrue incidentally) and that it was unsuccessful because it had not achieved those goals.

And I resort to childish insults mostly in order to save time, and because judging from your post quality there is absolutely no prospect of you being able to perform in an actual debate setting. But since you begged for a counter argument: enjoy.

Why TNA is a success, and you are a fucking idiot.

TNA makes money.

This is why the company exists. Find me one quote from Carter or JJ where they talk about their intention being the beat WWE. You won't be able to, because that was never their intention (on account of them not being stupid or delusional). They were simply trying to produce a successful wrestling promotion, and unlike every other US startup for the past decade, they have done that.

TNA operates at a profit, this has been confirmed multiple times by multiple sources. If a business is making money then it is a successful business.

Not only is TNA a successful business, TNA is also is the highest, most consistent drawing show on SPIKE

You might ask why I'm treating you with such visible contempt; to which the answer is because I have concluded that you are an idiot, and I have concluded this because of that absolutely laughable comment you made about TNA 'struggling to draw a 1.0'.
TNA airs on SPIKE TV, a network where a 1.0 is an extremely healthy rating.
What TNA draws (a 1.2 average) is not only extremely healthy, it is comfortably ahead of almost every other show on the network.

Something on SPIKE is never going to draw the same kind of numbers as something on USA, which is turn is never going to draw the same numbers as something on FOX. That's how television works.

Judging Impact's rating against that of RAW is a futile exercise which only serves to demonstrate that you don't know what you're talking about. Judging Impacts rating against other comparable shows (those on the same or similar networks aimed at similar demographics) clearly displays TNA to be a very successful broadcast.

More importantly: TNA retains its audience.

Retaining your audience on a weekly broadcast is incredibly difficult. Want to know how difficult? Every other wrestling show on television is bleeding viewers, that's how difficult. Now you're probably one of those people who thinks that if TNA changed the product that they could double their audience overnight, so I'll stop briefly to point out that this is not how things work in the real world. Change comes by gradually increasing your audience a few percentage points at a time, which TNA is doing and everyone else is failing at.

Let us compare and contrast.

Impact began running in 2005, and TNA has increased it's viewers almost every year since the company was founded. The went from a 0.8 to a 0.9 to a 1.1 to a 1.2... which they are currently retaining. They have broken their own ratings record at least once every year since the company started running.

Now contrast that to RAW, which in the past decade has lost almost half of its audience share. Since 2000 the average viewer share has dropped seven years out of ten, and is now achieving lows not seen since 1997.

Things get even worse when you look at Smackdown. Would it blow your mind to learn that in the past decade Smackdown has nosedived from drawing a 4.8 in 2000 to drawing a 1.8 in 2010. That looks fucking disastrous to me.

Then there's ECW, NXT and Superstars, all of which were complete flops that lost the bulk of their audience inside the first year, the later show getting axed by the network it was on.

There was also Ring of Honor's attempt at TV production which was never successful enough to even register on the Nielson index and was promptly dropped.

So yeah, television is not very conducive to weekly wrestling broadcasts at the moment. Raw is losing viewers, Smackdown is losing viewers. Every other WWE broadcast is losing viewers. Despite the existence of countless indy promotions nobody else is managing to successfully broadcast wrestling at a national level.

TNA are the only people to be retaining and expanding their audience... yet you call them a failure. That's idiotic.

That's not even starting on the massive international growth TNA has experienced over the past five years, or the wealth of talent that they are now able to employ, of the rise in the stature of the company, or the massive advancements in business model that the company continue to make year after year.

TNA is not a failure.
Maybe I can amend my statement to say that they're not a failure but not quite a success on the level of wrestling promotions in the past. Not gonna lie, you made some pretty good points there. Still don't really see why the personal insults on my intelligence were necessary, but whatever.

Got to give props where they're due. One thing I will say, though, is that they clearly did have intentions of running the WWE out of business as time went on. Just because they might not have been striving for that in the beginning doesn't mean that they didn't eventually. The move to Monday nights is clear proof of this.

They're not a failure as a company, but you can't honestly act like that was never a major goal of theirs.
Since I haven't touched wrestling in quite some time, can someone clue me in on how WWE ratings are doing? Gelgarin alluded to the fact that wrestling shows are bleeding viewers as we speak, but I don't know what company (besides TNA whom he says is an exception) he's talking about. Have Cena's detractors finally seen the light and realized that the only way the man will stay off of their screens is if they collectively take a hiatus from tuning into RAW?
Every other wrestling show on television is bleeding viewers, that's how difficult.
Enjoyed most of your post and agreed with it, but this part isn't really true. Outside of 2009, which had a good average rating, Raw ratings since the Chris Benoit murder/suicide have been fairly consistent.

2007 (after Benoit): 3.3
2008: 3.28
2009: 3.57
2010: 3.29
2011 (so far, not including this Monday): 3.26

So, I wouldn't really say Raw has been bleeding viewers, and given the increased number of DVRs and Internet streaming over the years, I wouldn't say the WWE has lost many viewers at all.

That being said, this sub point to the rest of your post really has no effect on your statement regarding TNA. I'm not sure I'd say The Champ is an idiot, I've seen him post for years, but the rest of your post was pretty good.

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