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Cena Files For Divorce + Wife Hires Linda Hogan's Attorney = Cena's Fucked


According to an article in The Miami Herald, John Cena has filed for divorce from his wife of three years, Liz. The two are said to have been high school sweethearts and the article says that Cena's petition for divorce came out of left field. The article says that, in Cena's words, the marriage has been "irrevocably broken". As of right now, I haven't read any details as to what's caused the break up. Thus far, there've been no allegations of adultery or abuse by either Cena or his wife, but things are still very early.

Liz Cena has aquired the services of attorney Raymond Rafool, who gained notoriety during his representation of Linda Hogan in her divorce. In that case, Rafool was able to get Linda Hogan 70% of Hulk Hogan's assets, which included a couple of homes, some expensive rides, and more than $7 million in cash. The fact that Liz Cena has gotten this guy is an indicator that she may very well try to bleed John Cena dry.

Rafool commented to the paper: "Although it is indeed unfortunate that John Cena decided to divorce his high school sweetheart Liz Cena; particularly, after they have come so far in their lives and in his career together, Liz will and really has no choice but to pursue all of her rights and entitlements.

He went on to further say: "Although Mr. Cena pushes a prenuptial agreement and that the parties have only been married for approximately 3 years, Liz Cena has always supported John Cena, even when no one else did, and stood behind him and pushed him forward to achieve their goals for the last 14 years. Sadly, divorce is not the way Liz thought her perfect love story would end."

The fact that Cena has a prenup is good for him. There's no way that his wife isn't going to at least something, probably a damn good something by any reasonable person's standards. While there's no such thing as an iron clad prenup, it does offer legit protection, depending on the circumstances. If Cena fooled around or has been fooling around, that's only going to hurt him as it did for Hogan. If she messed around or did something that violates the terms of the prenup, then that makes it easier on Cena.

In the coming weeks and months, it'll be kinda interesting to see what allegations get tossed around, and we all know they're coming. A source is said to have told the paper that the divorce would "dwarf the Hogan divorce in nastiness." Cena better enjoy those flashy cars he likes to collect while he can because I have a feeling that he's gonna lose a whole bunch of 'em.
That's a shame. Cena seems like a genuine good guy so I'm really curious with what happened between him and his wife. That attorney is bad news though.
Who knows what's true. All I know is Cena being on the road so much was probably the main reason. Rarely getting the chance to be together can really cause friction over time. Which turn makes people do things they regret. IE cheating, to just not being happy etc. Could be any reason why they divorced. Either way, it's a shame. But that's the life of a pro wrestler. The business seems to have priority over family.
All I can say is that I hope this doesn't interfere with his work on Raw. It's a shame, though. Like someone mentioned above, he is a really good guy. He does charity work for disabled kids and constantly does autographs signings and shows, even when he's off. We don't know any details on why they're getting divorced, so we can't say. I'm going to see him next weekend when they come to my town. So I hope he's still the same Cena we see on t.v every Monday night.
Yikes. The fact that she even hired this scumbag (not a personal judgment, merely a judgment of all lawyers) says she's out for money. If she can't get money, she'll take blood.

Expect some nasty personal revelations, because this woman would be a fool not to try to play this out in the media. It doesn't matter how much damage Liz-no-one-cares takes; it matters how much damage she can do to John Cena to get him to pay up. Or, for that matter, just how much damage she can do to John Cena, since divorces tend to get that way.
3 years and a pre-nup sound positive but the child hood sweethearts doesn't help. Also, she supported him when nobody did? his family has always been behind him.

But CENA filed for the divorce right?? Not his wife? So the whole case might be in his favour if he has a legitimate reason?

That lawyer seems to have found his niche in WWE wives, but Cena can enlist the help of David Otunga, undefeated, harvard educated, divorce lawyer who works pro bono exclusively... Could be worse?

I hope this doesnt get brought into storyline in any way!! That would be horrible! And this could all unravel Cena's character if alot of stuff gets public. The prenup is good, but that Lawyer he's against is good too.

Seems like a nice guy, i hope that stays true!! Unfortunate situation, best wishes to him!
You can't compare a marriage of 20+ years with the wife raising the 2 kids alone while the husband was on the road most of the time to a marriage that lasted 3 years, with no kids and a having a prenup.

Cena will pay what the prenup states and not have to pay 70% of his earnings likes Hogan did after 20+ years of marriage and a wife who raised the kids by herself.

The laywer had a case with Linda Hogan but no case with this one. She knew what she was getting into and even signed a prenup so there should be no issue and if there is then Cena should sue since they had an agreement before they said I DO.
Well this is bad news and it sucks she hired Linda Hogan's Lawyer. She knew what she was getting into knowing Cena would always be on the road. Good thing he had a prenup as well. Im sure there will be some mud flinging in the months to come.
I actually thought they had kids for some reason.
But he does sound like a legit good guy, that documentary about him vs rock was touching, he does a hell of alot for charity and and make a wish, when he really doesnt have to, i can imagine him not getting time off would be a major factor in this, but then again we dont know his reasons yet.
Tough break for Cena. His ex-wife is going to hit him where it hurts the most, and Cena's bank account will suffer after this divorce. I hope Cena can maintain some composure during during the divorce, because it would be a real shame if went through a downward spiral, and eventually hit rock bottom. John Cena is a hard working man, who puts his heart and soul into his job and charity work, but this one incident could cause a serious setback for him. He might be resilient and tough inside the ring, but John Cena is still a normal human being.

Also, this "nastiness" stuff does scare me. We're going to see a lot mud slinging as the divorce unfolds, and any dirty secrets about Cena would feel shocking. Nobody expected the explicit details of Tiger Wood's infidelity. Woods was the squeaky clean star athlete, and his indefinitely scandal took everyone by surprise. John Cena is the clean cut face of the WWE, and revelations of a secret sex life as a horny freak, who couldn't keep it in his pants would catch everyone off guard.
Even if Cena is a nice guy and they have been together since high school He is on the road almost 365 days a year and I doubt she follows him around ALL the time, (though don't get me wrong he has the money to fly her around when ever) But the fact is he works with the diva's he is indeed a house hold name. So nice guy or not that is a MAJOR amount of pressure being applied to that relationship from the get go. And from what I hear about florida law (my source is my cousin who lives in florida and is contemplating divorce himself, so take it for what it's worth) the person who makes the most money in a divorce case has to give the other person a % each year for the rest of their lives or something along those lines (if this is true I doubt his wife makes more money than he does).

Personally If I was Cena and it was just a failed marriage not really anyone to blame I would sell the house or pay her it's worth and 5% of current money Assests for the time and call it even as he spent the same amount of time in the relationship as she did so does not TRUELY owe her anything as it was a "mutual love" but it would just be somewhat unfair if she was broken off from their lives with nothing (though if she cheated or he cheated or some shit like that bring on the war) Though I understand why the lawyer wants to go for blood he gets more of a cut and she gets a easier life... People these days.... Just my 2 cents...
Even though i hate John Cena the character, i respect him as john Cena the person. But, i don't think his soon to be ex-wife will get much if anything at all because she signed a prenup prior to marriage. BUT if cena committed adultery, than the prenup wont save his ass.
I really wish things like this didn't make it out to the public, but that's the negative assets of being a public figure like Cena is

I hope it turns out well for both parties
Her time is up, his time is now
She can't SUE me, his time is now
i got prenup boy, im shining now
you cant sue me, my time is now

LOL pretty bad attempt at altering Cena's theme. All jokes aside, divorce sucks..bad. It's a part of life that's least expected (or should be) in a marriage. Let's hope the divorce is more like The Rock's (Dwayne's ex-wife is his current manager) and not like Hogan's. Both parties can be professional about it, but I personally believe Cena is going to have to give in a little for this to happen.

Tough break for John. I thought the speculated break was for some relaxation from a tough wrestling schedule. But I think (personally) it's great he's still working. Working through a job is one way to find a way to forget/move forward from the incident.
nothing like Hogans divorce.

Hogan was with Linda forever had 2 kids and Nick was still a minor at the time and there was no prenup.

Cena has no kids with her its been 3 years and there is a prenup.

Cena wont get taken to the bank like Hogan did and even if he did she could only get maximum of half he has made the 3 years they been married.
Well, with Cena being the one to file for divorce, I keep thinking perhaps his wife cheated while he was on the road (or maybe he cheated on the road). Or perhaps she just doesn't like him being away all the time. And Cena also has a prenup, which Hogan didn't, so he has alot on his side. His prenup even lets him take back any gifts or presents, so even if she starts making accusations, he has a lot of the law on his side. Especially since there are no kids involved and they have been married nowhere near as long as
the Hogans/Bolleas were.
I'm sure there was more then meets the eye, I mean he is on the road a lot, maybe she cheated? Maybe it was just friction caused from not seeing one another on a more constant basis, who knows, we never heard anything negative from cena's wife so kinda interesting. On the other hand i guess a chicks legal right is to take everything a guy has after divorcing them ey? Oh and she hired HH's ex-wifes divorce lawyer..... Just great, another hardworking man screwed by some bitch...... Must be one of those double negatives.... Chicks can be such unpleasant bitches, just take the 50 - 50 split and stfu, no need to go all crazy..... Say what you will but i speak the truth. This would partially explain why cena was taking time off (supposedly) anyways.
You know, I'm sure this has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but back before Cena and Eve made out I said something on Twitter to the tune of: "It probably makes me a terrible person, but part of me wants Cena to divorce his wife so they could use Eve to turn him heel." The idea was that Eve could be the new Lita-esk character for Cena. I don't know if they were already having issues at that point, but I also know this isn't the first time Cena's had to kiss another women on Raw for a storyline (Maria comes to mind).

Anyways, the big difference between Hogan and Cena in this divorce is that Cena still has a multi-million dollar job to bring home the bacon. Hogan's divorce came pre-TNA and he was pretty much going bankrupt because of it all. Even IF Liz manages to take Cena for a ride and take a good amount of his assets, a single year of work and WrestleMania pay-day will likely be more than enough for Cena to keep living his life the way he likes to.

The first instinct is to believe somebody cheated; probably her, maybe him. Obviously he's on the road most of the year, probably more than anybody in the company including Vince McMahon. But I also know that few men have their own tour bus, and Cena is one of them. He has the ability to keep her with him wherever he goes, so I'd be surprised to find out it was him who caused the divorce. Also, keep in mind that HE filed for it, NOT her. Plus, I can't imagine what kind of damage it might do to his reputation as the company's poster-boy. Not that the little kids are going to be reading the internet for Cena's divorce info, but you know it's going to be in all those stupid Teen magazines.

On a personal note, I respect the hell out of Cena and I'm really sad to see this happen to such a great guy. I know what it's like to lose a high school sweetheart after that long of a relationship....no matter what the situation this is going to suck. And I swear to god if she gets her hands on any of Cena's cars I'm going to flip shit. He's got too passions -- pro wrestling and cars. The guy's collection is awesome, and I know it's like a baby to him. Give her a few million dollars and send her on her way.
^ You're the one that needs to grow up from the sound of it.

Anyway it's good to hear he got a prenup, the fact she chose this particular lawyer makes it look like she's a money grabber.

Hope it works out for him, you know unless he did cheat on her or something.
Sweet deal for her if she walks out with millions of dollars because her husband was a superstar.

Tough on Cena though, had no idea he wasn't happily married, kept it hidden well if he wasn't.

If she wasn't going for the millions, I would of assumed it was a clean break, but this attorney business is pretty underhanded. Divorce laws blow.
Someone mentioned something in the spam version of this thread which I thought was an interesting point; Mrs Cena hires a seemingly down-and-dirty lawyer, so if McMahon wants to support his most valuable commodity then wont he use his power of Greyskull to assemble some more-than-competent lawyers for Cena? (Not looking at Otunga, though that would be beyond hilarious.)

From the information at hand (John filed and signed a pre-nup) I don't see it as a big concern for him to be honest. Obviously it could prove to be upsetting and emotionally draining on the guy, but if it had been his wife to have filed then I'd probably be a bit more concerned.
Well, you can't go around making out with Eve on RAW and expect your marriage to last. She is a hoeski.

Seriously tho..

This sucks. I guess Cena has his reasons. I hope he doesn't get a ton of shit in the media from this tho. I dislike him as a wrestler and his character blows big time but he is a legit good guy. Not many of those in Wrestling. He also works damn hard (even if its rising about hate like a douche).

Hopefully he gets out of this ok. Hogan however, had his coming. He did try get Warrior to bang Linda remember that is low, Linda is gross, he could have at least given up Brooke.
Cena's situation doesn't even come close to Hogan's. That whole "speculation" that it's going to be bigger than Hogan's divorce seems more media driven to get attention on the lawyer and Cena's soon-to-be ex wife. A prenup is a prenup. It all depends on the logistics of it. He will have to give something. And honestly, he seems like the type that WOULD just so she's taken care of for the rest of her life because he seems like that type.

And the fact that HE filed makes me question just how much leverage she actually has. If it's just a matter of "Well I'm on the road a lot. She couldn't get over that fact. I can't be with her anymore." then she really doesn't stand a chance at getting much.

If he cheated, that's a different story. But if he didn't do anything and simply filed because he wasn't happy anymore and thought his marriage was beyond repair, this will be a drop in the bucket compared to Hogan's divorce.

She was a money-greedy scumbag at it's finest.

I'm preparing to see a huge attempt at tarnishing Cena's good image, but 99 percent of it will be all rumors.
You really think they lug all those talentless bitches around to wrestle? Hellooooo.

Quote " I hate his character but I really respect him as a person"...WTF?

How the Christ would you know what Cena is like in real life???? Grow the fuck up!!!

How about you shut the fuck up, while he might not know Cena personally, Cena does alot of great things that proves he is a good person.

Doing so much work for the make a wish foundation, being a complete professional with everyone he works with, numerous reports ranging from wrestlers, fans & backstage workers mentioning how good a person he is, and how humble he is.

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