Hogan Divorce Details: If You're Getting Divorced, It's Too Bad If You Have A Penis

Yeah she got a lot, but you have to keep a little perspective here.

If they had a 50/50 split, he would have most likely been paying alimony too... and there's a lot of precedent out there that the alimony would have been based off of his earnings while they were married, and not what his current earnings are.

For example in the mid 90's in WCW, he was probably making at least $3 mil a year. Today lets be generous and say he pulls in $500k a year. They likely would have used the mid 90's salary to determine the amount of alimony he had to pay, and there likely would have been no way he could afford to pay that.

One example of that is Dave Foley from News Radio fame. When he was divorced, the judge set his alimony and child support based off of what he earned while he was on that show. He doesn't make anywhere close to that anymore... yet cannot get a judge to rework his alimony or child support to what he makes now.

Or in wrestling terms... just look to Flair to see how much alimony can ruin a guys life. Especially a older guy that used to make a fortune, and simply doesn't have the earning potential he had when he was married.

Yeah she took him to the cleaners, and doesn't deserve close to what she got. But Hogan is still lucky here. She's got all she's going to get out of him now, and he can move forward and still be able to enjoy a good quality of life.

While I'm sure Linda is more than happy with what she got, you know she would have been happier if she got a piece of future Hulk as well.
They say rich men run the whole planet and they can't make that right? Aren't most judges men? Aren't Congressmen in the pocket of rich corporation run by men? If these guys can't get their stuff together, what's the point of having money. It seems to me like the guys running the system are pretty damn stupid.
I'm not a Hogan fan, but when I read about the divorce settlement, it made me sick to my stomach. That was complete bullshit. How on Earth can any one agree to such a shit deal ? She gets all that and now she'll be off to another high school to pick up her new boyfriend and lavish Hogan's hard earned cash on him. This just sounds like a lousy bullshit deal to me, so I'm not to happy about it, but if Hogan is ok with it, then I guess it's good for him.

Just seems like another husband got hosed by his cheating ****e of an ex-wife, with thanks of the so called divorce court. USA don't get married there if you have a penis, indeed.

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