"Cena Fans"


Getting Noticed By Management
It seems the biggest insult you can call someone on these forums is a Cena Fan. You'll see it in every post. Whenever someone says anything disagreeable, the response is usually "your probably a Cena fan". This isn't about not hating Cena, its about the arrogance of the IWC.

I started watching wrestling 21 years ago. I was a Hulkamaniac. I ran on Diesel Power during the new generation. I was NWO for life. I joined the revolution with ECW. I said suck it. I gave him an OH HELL YEAH during the Attitude Era. I knew my role. And I played the Game.

Now I like John Cena. He's not my favorite wrestler, but I like him. I, along with everyone else, used to laugh my ass off 8 years ago when he would have vulgar rap battles with people. I was excited to see him finally win the title, and think he's done a pretty damn good job of being the face of the company. Hell, he set the all time record for most wishes granted through the make a wish foundation. Not exactly a bad guy.

People say he can't wrestler, but thats bullshit. He wrestlers the superhero style no different than Hogan and Austin. Watch his matches with Angle, HBK, Triple H, JBL, Punk(match of the year), and Rey Mysterio. The guy can go when he wants. Sometimes his promo's seem too childish, but he gets the job done most of the time.

I've been trying to figure out why so many people hate Cena for a long time, and I think I finally have.

Older wrestling fans use their hate of John Cena was a way to validate still watching pro wrestling.

Lets be honest. It isn't cool or mature to like pro wrestling after your early twenties. It is looked at by the masses as a fake, childish pastime. I'm fine with that. I LOVE pro wrestling, and don't care what other people think. However, it seems a lot of older fans do.

They bash Cena as a way of saying "Yeah, I like wrestling, but I'm smarter than those dummies". It's almost like wrestling is a 4 star restaurant. They think of themselves as ordering fois gras and a vintage wine, while Cena fans are "embarassing" themselves by asking for chicken fingers and root beer. It's total bullshit. Look at how stupid it really sounds:

"I'm a mature, intelligent wrestling fan. I've been watching for years and "know" everything that happens backstage from the internet. I can't stand John Cena because he's for little kids. I enjoy seeing an intelligent, edgy, wrestler like CM Punk when I watch two guys fake fight in their underwear".

People always say he's shoved down our throats. He's not. If he was shoved down fans throats half the audience wouldn't be wearing his T Shirts.

The IWC tends to act like your a fool that knows nothing if you weren't a Hulkamaniac or a fan of Stone Cold in the 80's or 90's. Look at any post on here. I once dared to say I wasn't a big fan of Ricky Steamboat and at least 5 douche bags replied by saying "you must be an 8 year old Cena fan". Do you realize how stupid that sounds? Imagine it's 1987 and some 35 year old guy walks up to you and says "You don't know shit about wrestling. Hulk Hogan is a cartoon character. He doesn't have shit on Bruno or Pedro" You and the thousands of other people in Hulk Hogan shirts would laugh in the guys face.

Cena is the biggest star in wrestling right now. Yes, despite a good angle he's still far bigger than CM Punk. Cena is a star because the WWE is still in the youth movement of targeting younger fans. In a few years it will probably change like it always does. Until then, people that are "too mature" for John Cena should either stop watching, or just come to terms with the fact that your an older wrestling fan. You'll probably feel better if you do.
Older wrestling fans use their hate of John Cena was a way to validate still watching pro wrestling.

This is the single dumbest statement I have read on these forums since I started posting here. You couldn't be MORE WRONG.

I am one of those Cena haters and it has nothing to do with him personal, or his wrestling ability, as a matter of fact I thought he has done ok lately trying different moves and adding to his moveset.

What most of us hate, is what Cena embodies. He is what is wrong with the product today. The wrestling world was so excited about CM Punk winning the belt right? He was getting thundering ovations for a few weeks because of this. Everyone is excited because they think "cool we have a fresh and real storyline going on right now" Cena loses the MITB match and Punk is leaving. Now its like damn whats gonna happen with Cena and Punk. You are excited about what can happen. What happens? Cena doesn't even get fired. Then wins the fucking belt right back a week later.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face. He is NO WHERE near the wrestler as Bret Hart was, Ric Flair and not even HHH. However he is always the fucking champion. What is he now 11 time champion already and he isn't even 35 I dont think?

Hogan didn't even win the belt that much. At least Hogan would wait sometimes a full year before he would get the belt back.

Contrary to your thought, Cena is the reason I have thought about stop watching wrestling. This is honest the God on my 3 year old girls eyes. I have thought to myself a few times, as most recent as him beating Rey I thought to myself I am gonna stop watching wrestling because this shit makes me more mad than happy. Everytime I see Cena win, I get mad. I am not excited.

So your reasoning, at least for me, is stupid as all hell.

And if anyone needs to come to anything, its YOU. You need to realize you are a band wagon wrestling fan. As you stated YOU have liked all the top guys in the history of wrestling. Meaning you don't ever think outside the box. You probably root for which ever sports teams win their respective titles the years before.

AND half the arena does wear his shirts but the other half boos.
I totally agree with everything you said. Cena has been one of the most interesting characters ever. I do however wish he would go back to his 2005-07 incarnation but I like his current character ok.
Man why cant you people just get it through your heads? We dont like Cena because he's boring, hes stale, hes always in the title picture, his ring work is shit, and his gimmick is outdated and unrelateable. Theres no need to overlook things, theres no need for long explanations, thats what it winds down to. I'm tired of Cena fans saying I "have to" respect him because he works his butt of for the business. So what, construction workers work their butts off too, but if I have to see one that I dont like every single day I walk by hes going to start getting on my nerves. I dont know why the IWC always needs to overthink hatred towards Cena. Hes the easiest guy to hate in the business.
What happens? Cena doesn't even get fired. Then wins the fucking belt right back a week later.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face. He is NO WHERE near the wrestler as Bret Hart was, Ric Flair and not even HHH. However he is always the fucking champion. What is he now 11 time champion already and he isn't even 35 I dont think?
I'm sorry, but this is just wrong. Perhaps this is what Cena haters hate RIGHT NOW, but this is just another in a long line of excuses Cena haters use.

At the end of the day, the reason people (usually those in the IWC) don't like Cena is because he doesn't fit their definition of what a pro wrestler should be. The problem with this is Cena is very much the definition of what a pro wrestler is.

People started booing Cena because he feuded with smark darlings Jericho and Angle. Cena doesn't work like those guys, and he wasn't around in the Attitude Era, so fans chose Jericho and Angle over him. And ever since, it's been one line of excuse after another, from "can't wrestle", "white rapper", "fake marine", "spinner title", "pushed too much", "never loses", "five moves" "only appeals to women and children", "cheesy", "he's stale" "makes poop jokes", "beats 'better' wrestlers", etc. It's been a never ending line of BS. And as Cena keeps making those excuses look as stupid as they are, Cena haters keep finding new reasons to use to boo the guy.

Cena doesn't get thrown in your face. Cena rarely gets more TV time than any other main-eventer, and a lot of times less. He does nothing different than what the majority of face main-eventers do. Cena has put on numerous great matches.

At this point, the hate is just hate because fans can't admit they were wrong. That's all it is.
I'm sorry, but this is just wrong. Perhaps this is what Cena haters hate RIGHT NOW, but this is just another in a long line of excuses Cena haters use.

At the end of the day, the reason people (usually those in the IWC) don't like Cena is because he doesn't fit their definition of what a pro wrestler should be. The problem with this is Cena is very much the definition of what a pro wrestler is.

People started booing Cena because he feuded with smark darlings Jericho and Angle. Cena doesn't work like those guys, and he wasn't around in the Attitude Era, so fans chose Jericho and Angle over him. And ever since, it's been one line of excuse after another, from "can't wrestle", "white rapper", "fake marine", "spinner title", "pushed too much", "never loses", "only appeals to women and children", "cheesy", "he's stale" "makes poop jokes", "beats 'better' wrestlers", etc. It's been a never ending line of BS. And as Cena keeps making those excuses look as stupid as they are, Cena haters keep finding new reasons to use to boo the guy.

Cena doesn't get thrown in your face. Cena rarely gets more TV time than any other main-eventer, and a lot of times less. He does nothing different than what the majority of face main-eventers do. Cena has put on numerous great matches.

At this point, the hate is just hate because fans can't admit they were wrong. That's all it is.

Nope, thats where YOU are wrong. I never say he is a shit wrestler, I never say he is horrible on the mic. I never say he doesnt work hard. I never say he isnt a good pro wrestler.

I just told you why I hate Cena. And its because of EVERYTHING I said. Which means its not debatable by YOU or anyone else because its exactly how I feel. So don't try to "tell" me what I feel.

At one point I couldn't stand HHH because everytime I turned around he was the champion. So its not just Cena but Cena is the guy that gets THROWN DOWN OUR THROATS NOW.

And its not just the IWC that is sick of him. Half of the building in every building boos him. CM Punk even got more love than him IN BOSTON, Cenas home town.

If 10 thousand people go to a wrestling event every week in different cities, and half of the people boo him, thats quite more than just the IWC.

You say he is no different than any other face main eventer? Are all the other faces 11 time world champs at the young age Cena is? NO, NO, NO ..oh and...ummm....NO No wrestler in the history of wrestling had this many title reigns in this short of a time.
Nope, thats where YOU are wrong. I never say he is a shit wrestler, I never say he is horrible on the mic. I never say he doesnt work hard. I never say he isnt a good pro wrestler.

I just told you why I hate Cena. And its because of EVERYTHING I said. Which means its not debatable by YOU or anyone else because its exactly how I feel. So don't try to "tell" me what I feel.

Go back and read the part I quoted. You did not EVER talk about yourself, you talked about the Cena booing community in general. Your exact words were:

What most of us hate, is what Cena embodies.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face.

You were speaking about the community as a whole, not just yourself. Thus, when I said what I said, I was very much on point, because I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the same Cena booing community you were referring to.

Learn proper use of pronouns. You'll be a better poster. Until you learn how to properly use pronouns, I suggest you apologize for accusing me of being wrong on something I'm right about.

At one point I couldn't stand HHH because everytime I turned around he was the champion. So its not just Cena but Cena is the guy that gets THROWN DOWN OUR THROATS NOW.
Here you are again, saying "our" throats. Unless you're R-Truth, you're only one person.

And its not just the IWC that is sick of him. Half of the building in every building boos him. CM Punk even got more love than him IN BOSTON, Cenas home town.
Which means nothing, because Cena almost never gets a good reaction in his hometown, because Boston is a smark city, much like Chicago and New York.

If 10 thousand people go to a wrestling event every week in different cities, and half of the people boo him, thats quite more than just the IWC.
Except half the crowd doesn't boo him in every arena. So your hypothetical is completely false.

I'm not saying there's not one person who isn't in the IWC who boos him, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking the majority of people who do boo Cena are not teenage and young adult male smarks.

You say he is no different than any other face main eventer? Are all the other faces 11 time world champs at the young age Cena is? NO, NO, NO ..oh and...ummm....NO No wrestler in the history of wrestling had this many title reigns in this short of a time.

Has any other face main-eventer lost the World Title ten times at the young age of Cena? No? Then I guess it means Cena has been given shitty booking, since he's lost the title 10 times in such a short time.

Using title reigns to justify hate of Cena. Just another thing to go on my list. I'll put it right next to "white rapper".
Why do I hate Cena? He is shoved down our throats so much, And I'll prove it to you. Let's see how many times he held the title and when:

This is a list of how many times he won and lost either the WWE or World Title.

Won-Wrestlemania 21

Lost-New Year's Revolution 2006

Won-Royal Rumble 2006

Lost-ECW One Night Stand 2006

Won-Unforgiven 2006

Vacated-Injury (2007)

Won-Survivor Series 2008

Lost-Elimination Chamber 2009

Won-Wrestlemania 25


Won-Breaking Point 2009

Lost-Hell in a Cell 2009

Won-Bragging Rights 2009

Lost-TLC 2009

Won-Elimination Chamber 2010

Lost-Elimination Chamber 2010

Won-Wrestlemania 26

Lost-Fatal 4 Way 2010

Won-Extreme Rules 2011
John Cena is a Hulk Hogan-esque character in 2011 that is getting love from the people that buy merchandise and tickets, younger fans. You can hate him all you want but there hasn't been a young guy in the WWE with more dedication or loyalty to a brand then John Cena.

My hat's off to him. The guy is a great ambassador for pro wrestling and more proof of why the WWE is the top of the food chain in the business.
Nope, thats where YOU are wrong. I never say he is a shit wrestler, I never say he is horrible on the mic. I never say he doesnt work hard. I never say he isnt a good pro wrestler.

Well good. I have hopes that you may be someone worth hearing out.

I just told you why I hate Cena. And its because of EVERYTHING I said. Which means its not debatable by YOU or anyone else because its exactly how I feel. So don't try to "tell" me what I feel.

Well, so much for that. Instead of trying to prove your point you went to the place everyone goes when their opinion looks like shit. "It's my opinion so I can't be wrong!!" Well the evidence we do have shows that you're full of shit. So while you may not be in fact wrong or anything, you're still a buffoon.

At one point I couldn't stand HHH because everytime I turned around he was the champion. So its not just Cena but Cena is the guy that gets THROWN DOWN OUR THROATS NOW.

Oh shut the fuck up. THIS IS HOW IT WORKS. The top face always gets the most TV time. Hogan? Austin? Rock? Hell, Hart? They were all featured prominently.

And its not just the IWC that is sick of him. Half of the building in every building boos him. CM Punk even got more love than him IN BOSTON, Cenas home town.

If 10 thousand people go to a wrestling event every week in different cities, and half of the people boo him, thats quite more than just the IWC.

He gets booed by the same people who stream PPVs, so I doubt there's any real correlation here. The fact that he sells more merch and headlines the most bought PPVs show that he's just as popular as ever.

Men have louder voices then children and women, not to mention that they continue to boo long after the others stop cheering because they just HAVE to be heard.

You say he is no different than any other face main eventer? Are all the other faces 11 time world champs at the young age Cena is? NO, NO, NO ..oh and...ummm....NO No wrestler in the history of wrestling had this many title reigns in this short of a time.

When were there 2 different brands that had World Champions? If you have 2 World Titles, your chances of winning are doubled and as the biggest name in the fucking industry right now of course he's going to have the most. Christ, that's just how it works.

Furthermore, why does it matter that he's a face? Edge won 11 World titles in a shorter span, yet I don't here this uproar. It's because hating Edge isn't the cool thing to do.

TUFFY, your post was spot the fuck on, man. Good work.
I think that the OP made a good point about the problem that many Cena-haters have with Cena but are looking for excuses to hide: fan ego. From what I've seen, many who've been fans of professional wrestling for a longer time (or wish to appear so) want to seem to be "smarter" than the casual fan. One way to do this is to cheer for/be a fan of those wrestlers that the company isn't pushing or isn't pushing as hard as the top guys. The ridicule and almost desperate bashing of whomever is on top inevitably follows. The fact is, no matter how good a performer Cena is (and lets give him is due, he is a great performer even if he may not be the best ring technician) people will bash him in order to appear to be smarter or greater fans than the general mass. Use any excuse you like, I think this is the case with the majority of Cena-haters.

That being said, I will acknowledge that Cena is not everybody's cup of tea as a performer. That's why there are various other performers in the WWE. That's all part of it, you choose who you like and others choose who they like. Cena has his weak points just like anybody else. I do respect him for the work he does and think he deserves what he's gotten good and bad, but that's my opinion and others may differ.
I think part of it is that as fans get older they stop cheering for faces and heels but rather for who entertains them. We are all past that age where we think "OMG what a bad guy he just ddt'd stephanie mcmahon" or "yay john cena is gonna beat up that annoying miz" and we now think "Damn that was crazy, he ddt'd the shit out of her, i like this" or "fuck, cena and miz again"

CM Punk is getting cheered like crazy by older fans because he is entertaining them, john cena is getting booed because he is not entertaining to them. It has nothing to do w/ trying to act smarter than everyone else, or validate watching wrestling or whatever, it's simply a matter of whether or not he is entertaining certain people.

I used to always enjoy john cena when he was doing the whole basic thuganomics thing, some of his freestyles were hilarious, and then when he did his freestyle in fresno, i thought that cena was back. The Cena who had a parking lot brawl with Eddie Guerrero was entertaining as shit and was not being hated on or booed relentlessly. This cena doesn't entertain me all the time, a lot of the time he is corny as shit, but when he's arguing with the rock he's a lot more entertaining and I find myself torn on who to cheer for because both are cutting great promos that are edgy and sometimes funny, sometimes brutal. When he's feuding with Miz, it's the corny captain america crap that bores the hell out of me.

Pro wrestling isn't like pro sports where you show allegiance through good or bad, as CM Punk said it's a "what have you done for me lately" type business and if lately you are entertaining me then I'm gonna cheer for u but if lately you are boring me, i'm gonna boo you.... and to me it doesn't matter if u are a heel or face, it just matters whether or not I am entertained.
That's very true what the original poster says.

The thing is, the ONLY people who think the IWC is smart....is the IWC. I tried explaining it to my gf, she laughed. I know that guys like Harley Race and Terry Funk think you guys are stupid.

As for Cena, Ric Flair said that Cena was a guy who could have succeeded in the territory days on his own. So there's that.

Bryan Alvarez, a guy who basically promotes smarky activity because he writes for the observer says that if you don't think Cena can wrestle, you lose credibility.

So right there, a top 5 in ring guy of all time and a guy who gets paid to write about wrestling for a living say he's good.

They boo Cena because they like to and it's the cool thing to do. Look all over. You can't just be a straight up nice guy. Watch Burn Notice, watch The Dark Knight, everyone has to have little bad guy tendencies to be seen as cool. That's why they boo Cena.

The funniest thing is that the people who still claim Cena sucks seem like senile old men. The trend is actually the other way. More and more people everyday I see say "fuckin shut up he doesn't suck you are stuck in 2005" to all those people who bitch about him.

Most people who dislike Cena are the dumbest fans on here. I don't mean that as a putdown, but as an abjective. They literally comprehend things less often than the Cena fans. Cena fans on here aren't little kids, they're posters who can think critically about the story AND the business side of wrestling.

O, and pretty much everyone at this point in time agrees that Cena goes for that mixed reaction because the audience isn't uniform anymore. So acting like the superhero face will cause the most cheers/merch sales/etc but also get boos from the IWC, who will watch regardless and it makes for a fun reaction so who cares. The members of the IWC who think "HE SUX COZ I BOO HEEEEM" just sound even more dumb for not being able to think outside of their little box.
Personally, I'm 50/50 on John Cena. Most of my hate for John Cena comes from the sole fact that I'm a big fan of wrestling ovations and "pops." John Cena pretty much only ever gets that weird combination of men booing and higher voices cheering that doesn't make a very great sound when mixed together. I'll always prefer, say, Stone Cold Steve Austin or 80s Hulk Hogan mostly due to the fact that regardless of the fans' age, they made them go batshit-crazy. It's a complex case of bandwagoning I guess.

Regardless, I'm happy to see Cena doing away with the "5 moves of doom" recently and changing it up. Too frequently in the past had I just been skipping forward through matches due to the simplistic and almost formulaic approach of this fixed competition. It pains me everytime I see someone just run up and jump into Cena's shoulder, or throw that same wild missed punch leading to the Protoplex. People have always looked down on it, and I find it hard not to go along with the crowd. Hearing that mixture of "Yay John Cena!" and "Oh for fuck's sake, this again" from the crowd doesn't do anything to pump me up or get me excited, it just drains the mood.

As for Cena's mic skills... Meh. He's good, clearly. His ad-lib is fantastic, his jokes CAN be good, and paired with the right character, he makes for a compelling hero. HOWEVER, something that I really can NOT stand is when a face just laughs in the face of an up-and-coming heel. I can't particularly square up any examples for some reason, but it's happened, and I just feel it damages the credibility of the heel who's trying to get over. It's not as bad as the RKO for that, but it's up there. I wish John Cena would stop smiling at adversity, not that he does it all the time, and just be serious when the time is right. No BS.

Overall, he's the face of the company, he's the top guy, and until the day he retires, that is likely to always be the case. I cheered for CM Punk, but there was more than one person in that match and more than one person in that feud. Cena is the epic face that creates the epic heel. He may not be the greatest ever, but right now, he's the ultimate superstar.
This is the single dumbest statement I have read on these forums since I started posting here. You couldn't be MORE WRONG.

I am one of those Cena haters and it has nothing to do with him personal, or his wrestling ability, as a matter of fact I thought he has done ok lately trying different moves and adding to his moveset.

What most of us hate, is what Cena embodies. He is what is wrong with the product today. The wrestling world was so excited about CM Punk winning the belt right? He was getting thundering ovations for a few weeks because of this. Everyone is excited because they think "cool we have a fresh and real storyline going on right now" Cena loses the MITB match and Punk is leaving. Now its like damn whats gonna happen with Cena and Punk. You are excited about what can happen. What happens? Cena doesn't even get fired. Then wins the fucking belt right back a week later.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face. He is NO WHERE near the wrestler as Bret Hart was, Ric Flair and not even HHH. However he is always the fucking champion. What is he now 11 time champion already and he isn't even 35 I dont think?

Hogan didn't even win the belt that much. At least Hogan would wait sometimes a full year before he would get the belt back.

Contrary to your thought, Cena is the reason I have thought about stop watching wrestling. This is honest the God on my 3 year old girls eyes. I have thought to myself a few times, as most recent as him beating Rey I thought to myself I am gonna stop watching wrestling because this shit makes me more mad than happy. Everytime I see Cena win, I get mad. I am not excited.

So your reasoning, at least for me, is stupid as all hell.

And if anyone needs to come to anything, its YOU. You need to realize you are a band wagon wrestling fan. As you stated YOU have liked all the top guys in the history of wrestling. Meaning you don't ever think outside the box. You probably root for which ever sports teams win their respective titles the years before.

AND half the arena does wear his shirts but the other half boos.
Prime fucking example of how stupid most Cena haters sound.

First off, no, other guys didn't hold the title as many times, but they held it as OFTEN. Hogan held the title for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT. So basically that's a self-defeating line you said dumbshit. I'm going to have to spell it out for you since you can't think it through yourself. If Cena has 9 or 10 reigns or whatever, that also means he LOST it that many times too doesn't it? Hogan didn't have as many reigns, but he also didn't lose the title as much. As for Austin not having as many reigns, Austin was on top for about 4 years, 1998-2002 minus the year he was out with an injury. The difference is you were a kid then and now kids like Cena and it's not cool for you to like Cena and instead of thinking critically and saying what YOU think, you follow like sheep.

I'm not even going to comment on your excellent analysis of his in ring performance other than MOVEZ MOVEZ FUCK YEA HE ADDED MOVEZ WHOO HOO MOVEZ MOVEZ OH GOD FAP FAP FAP MOOOOOOVEZ MOVEZ MAKE A GUY A BETTER WRESTLER MORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEZ FAP FAP FAP...fuckin idiot, this isn't gymnastics.

As for Punk...no, only smarks cheered him and in Boston and Chicago there were lots of smarks. Even in Chicago Cena got pretty loud, kid-driven "lets go Cena chants" don't let your own marking out think everyone in the arena is a huuuuge CM Punk fan. They're not, he's the voice of the counter culture, not the whole audience.

Cena embodies what is wrong with wrestling? You mean a guy who works hard, is a great image for wrestling, puts on good matches, and make a ton of money for the company? O yea, I guess I'd rather have a spot festing selfish jackass at the forefront.

He's the bottom line. WWE NEEDS to be PG. The sponsors, the media, the parents, everyone hated the WWE. The attitude era was a glorified jerry springer show, then Benoit killed his family and basically put the exclamation point on every "wrestling is evil" sentence spoken. The PG product is bringing sponsors and families back to wrestling. Cena is PG but his character is actualy intelligent if you listen to him and watch carefully and don't be a dumbshit and go "FUCKIN CORNY JEAN SHORTED CENA AND HIS FIVE MOVEZ OF DOOM".

Also, why is everyone saying it was cool to like wrestling in the attitude era? Yea it was popular, but it was popular amongst white trash. It was seen as a joke by everyone else even then.
The original post of this thread is whats wrong with IWC boards. No matter how well written a post may be, posters will resort to conjecture and project their own feelings and opinions on others. Ive never seen so many opinions past off as if they’re facts. I do not understand the thought processes that one goes through to make a statement like people do not like John Cena because they feel as if they are ordering chicken fingers at a 4 star restaurant. The fuck is that? And to say that people are embarrassed to be pro wrestling fans so they dislike John Cena in order to justify ‘liking’ such a non- cool sport/tv program is absurd. Where does one come up with this? How do you ‘figure this out”?

It doesn’t matter if you’re Cena fan or an Indie wrestling fan, its always the same. Some completely made up analysis of why ‘those’ fans don’t like Daniel Bryan or why ‘those’ fans don’t like John Cena. It’s as if no rap fan can dislike 50 cent or no boxing fan can dislike Floyd Mayweather. If you want to know why someone doesn’t John Cena or John Morrison or any other wrestler, just listen to the reason they give you. There are PLENTY of reasons for a wrestling fan to not be fond of ANY wrestler you could possibly name! so why is it than when I tell you I don’t like John Cena, you have to act as if I cant POSSIBLY actually dislike John Cena…it must be that I’m embarrassed that I like wrestling and trying to make it OK to watch the show by disliking Cena.

How bout you just listen to the reason I tell you why I don’t like Cena. What…I cant dislike John Cena just because I don’t like his character, matches and wrestling style? Maybe I don’t like his promos…maybe the wrestling style I personally enjoy watching is more of the style we see in ROH or when TNA first got started. Maybe I simply don’t like the Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Stone Cold style of wrestling. Maybe I personally find Cena’s character corny. Maybe I find him boring and repetitive and I just don’t like how he’s booked. Maybe I feel like he IS shoved down my throat. Is that impossible or something?? Im 33 years old and never like the Hulk Hogan character when I started watching 25 years ago. Its just a personal preference. I say again..there are PLENTY of reasons not to like Cena, Punk, Bryan, Hardy or anyone else. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed of liking what I like. I think Cena AND Punk fans need to just accept the fact that not everyone likes the same things. If people don’t like John Cena (or CM Punk) on their TV screens then they don’t like them. Period. What I don’t get is that people constantly give their reasons for having the opinions they have and people ignore those reasons and say “I know the REAL reason you don’t like ~insert wrestlers name here.~ I don’t get it. Why are YOU telling ME why I don’t like a character? Why don’t you just let ME tell YOU??
Cena makes money, period. Even the IWC fans have to swallow what they're given. CM Punk on ESPN radio today gave props to Cena saying he wrestled a great match at MITB. So the modern day IWC messiah CM Punk is even saying that Cena is all about business. Notwithstanding CM Punk is helping push for new fresh angles, and we will all criticize whatever angle the WWE takes. The “Reality Era” is what CM Punk said he would name the movement in WWE right now, and even if Cena is a big part of it, loved or hated he plays his part. Personally, as a 30 something man I would love to see Cena go heel and make every single one of those kids that love him cry; and history does repeat itself and Hogan did several turns. I guess I would ask the “Cena haters” would you still be saying all this about him if he was a heel???
The original post of this thread is whats wrong with IWC boards. No matter how well written a post may be, posters will resort to conjecture and project their own feelings and opinions on others. Ive never seen so many opinions past off as if they’re facts. I do not understand the thought processes that one goes through to make a statement like people do not like John Cena because they feel as if they are ordering chicken fingers at a 4 star restaurant. The fuck is that? And to say that people are embarrassed to be pro wrestling fans so they dislike John Cena in order to justify ‘liking’ such a non- cool sport/tv program is absurd. Where does one come up with this? How do you ‘figure this out”?

It doesn’t matter if you’re Cena fan or an Indie wrestling fan, its always the same. Some completely made up analysis of why ‘those’ fans don’t like Daniel Bryan or why ‘those’ fans don’t like John Cena. It’s as if no rap fan can dislike 50 cent or no boxing fan can dislike Floyd Mayweather. If you want to know why someone doesn’t John Cena or John Morrison or any other wrestler, just listen to the reason they give you. There are PLENTY of reasons for a wrestling fan to not be fond of ANY wrestler you could possibly name! so why is it than when I tell you I don’t like John Cena, you have to act as if I cant POSSIBLY actually dislike John Cena…it must be that I’m embarrassed that I like wrestling and trying to make it OK to watch the show by disliking Cena.

How bout you just listen to the reason I tell you why I don’t like Cena. What…I cant dislike John Cena just because I don’t like his character, matches and wrestling style? Maybe I don’t like his promos…maybe the wrestling style I personally enjoy watching is more of the style we see in ROH or when TNA first got started. Maybe I simply don’t like the Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Stone Cold style of wrestling. Maybe I personally find Cena’s character corny. Maybe I find him boring and repetitive and I just don’t like how he’s booked. Maybe I feel like he IS shoved down my throat. Is that impossible or something?? Im 33 years old and never like the Hulk Hogan character when I started watching 25 years ago. Its just a personal preference. I say again..there are PLENTY of reasons not to like Cena, Punk, Bryan, Hardy or anyone else. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed of liking what I like. I think Cena AND Punk fans need to just accept the fact that not everyone likes the same things. If people don’t like John Cena (or CM Punk) on their TV screens then they don’t like them. Period. What I don’t get is that people constantly give their reasons for having the opinions they have and people ignore those reasons and say “I know the REAL reason you don’t like ~insert wrestlers name here.~ I don’t get it. Why are YOU telling ME why I don’t like a character? Why don’t you just let ME tell YOU??
The thing is, the people who dislike Cena never shut the fuck up about it and their reasoning doesn't make sense. You can dislike something, but if you don't understand it then that's ignorance. They say Cena sucks in the ring. Okay, they have the right to their opinion, but when a guy who writes about wrestling for a living and several actual successful pro wrestlers say he's good, then they lose a lot of credibility. You can dislike his character, but if you aren't smart enough to realize that he MUST be this character because of the climate and you continually bitch about it by just saying "I don't like this make it stop" then you sound ignorant.

It's like people not liking taxes but don't know why they're necessary or what they even do. It's just ignorant. They bitch constantly but their bitching never has any substance and they don't understand why things are the way they are.
Cena makes money, period. Even the IWC fans have to swallow what they're given. CM Punk on ESPN radio today gave props to Cena saying he wrestled a great match at MITB. So the modern day IWC messiah CM Punk is even saying that Cena is all about business. Notwithstanding CM Punk is helping push for new fresh angles, and we will all criticize whatever angle the WWE takes. The “Reality Era” is what CM Punk said he would name the movement in WWE right now, and even if Cena is a big part of it, loved or hated he plays his part. Personally, as a 30 something man I would love to see Cena go heel and make every single one of those kids that love him cry; and history does repeat itself and Hogan did several turns. I guess I would ask the “Cena haters” would you still be saying all this about him if he was a heel???
They wouldn't hate him anymore because then it'd be cool to like him. The WWE guys work the IWC just as easily as they work a 5 year old. Plus Cena won't turn heel, he makes too much money.
i applaud i person who made this thread because it is true what he is sayin i am a cena fan and proud of it. all u ppl saying he cant wrestle need to gt anew argument because he has greatly stepped up his game. for those who say he is shoved down ur throat u are actin like he was the only super man character that u see does anybody remember the rock yall talk about how cena has won the title but at least there is time in between after rock won his first it seemed like every other month he was winning or loosing it to mankind and stone cold so all u petty kno it all wannabes need to get off Cenas tip or stop watching because he is gonna be there for a long time.
I am one of those Cena haters and it has nothing to do with him personal, or his wrestling ability, as a matter of fact I thought he has done ok lately trying different moves and adding to his moveset.

What most of us hate, is what Cena embodies. He is what is wrong with the product today. The wrestling world was so excited about CM Punk winning the belt right? He was getting thundering ovations for a few weeks because of this. Everyone is excited because they think "cool we have a fresh and real storyline going on right now" Cena loses the MITB match and Punk is leaving. Now its like damn whats gonna happen with Cena and Punk. You are excited about what can happen. What happens? Cena doesn't even get fired. Then wins the fucking belt right back a week later.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face. He is NO WHERE near the wrestler as Bret Hart was, Ric Flair and not even HHH. However he is always the fucking champion. What is he now 11 time champion already and he isn't even 35 I dont think?

Hogan didn't even win the belt that much. At least Hogan would wait sometimes a full year before he would get the belt back.

Contrary to your thought, Cena is the reason I have thought about stop watching wrestling. This is honest the God on my 3 year old girls eyes. I have thought to myself a few times, as most recent as him beating Rey I thought to myself I am gonna stop watching wrestling because this shit makes me more mad than happy. Everytime I see Cena win, I get mad. I am not excited.

So your reasoning, at least for me, is stupid as all hell.

And if anyone needs to come to anything, its YOU. You need to realize you are a band wagon wrestling fan. As you stated YOU have liked all the top guys in the history of wrestling. Meaning you don't ever think outside the box. You probably root for which ever sports teams win their respective titles the years before.

AND half the arena does wear his shirts but the other half boos.

I will ask you only ONE question ? What can Cena do for that ? Let me get this straight you're criticising a worker because of how he is booked. Did I get that right ? Cena is the fucking reason of winning all of that 11 titles ? Right. If you think so you don't have any fucking idea about pro wrestling. You can't judge a performer by how he's been booked. Because by your logic we should hate Edge who is my favorite wrestler by the way. As long as you try to deny it Smackdown was all about Edge from 2007-2011. He was nearly at every damn top feud. He did nothing instead of winning title and losing a month or less later. So Edge sucks too.

You gave an example of Hulk Hogan where you contradicted yourself. He held the fucking title for 4 years. His title reign is ahead 2 years of Cena's longest title reign ? If you want to criticise a performer by what he's given you should analyse how well he did with what he's given and you know what he is the biggest superstar of professional wrestling right now. So we hate him fuck him because he's been showed down to our throats is a nonsense argument but after you gave examples of Hogan and Stone Cold the ones that have never stepped down from the top spot your argument turned into beyond stupid.
i applaud i person who made this thread because it is true what he is sayin i am a cena fan and proud of it. all u ppl saying he cant wrestle need to gt anew argument because he has greatly stepped up his game. for those who say he is shoved down ur throat u are actin like he was the only super man character that u see does anybody remember the rock yall talk about how cena has won the title but at least there is time in between after rock won his first it seemed like every other month he was winning or loosing it to mankind and stone cold so all u petty kno it all wannabes need to get off Cenas tip or stop watching because he is gonna be there for a long time.
Great point about the Rock. He held 7 titles from late 1999 to 2002. Plus he took a lot of time off in 2001 for a movie. So really, 7 reigns in 3 years. Cena has 10? since 2005. 10 in 6.5 years or 7 in 3? Hmmm. Hogan holds the title for 3 consecutive years, then is the main of every show for about 10 years.

There really is no difference other than the people who complain aren't kids anymore and Cena appeals to kids so he's not cool to like.
This is the single dumbest statement I have read on these forums since I started posting here. You couldn't be MORE WRONG.

I am one of those Cena haters and it has nothing to do with him personal, or his wrestling ability, as a matter of fact I thought he has done ok lately trying different moves and adding to his moveset.

What most of us hate, is what Cena embodies. He is what is wrong with the product today. The wrestling world was so excited about CM Punk winning the belt right? He was getting thundering ovations for a few weeks because of this. Everyone is excited because they think "cool we have a fresh and real storyline going on right now" Cena loses the MITB match and Punk is leaving. Now its like damn whats gonna happen with Cena and Punk. You are excited about what can happen. What happens? Cena doesn't even get fired. Then wins the fucking belt right back a week later.

Thats what we hate.

We hate that he is ALWAYS thrown in our face. He is NO WHERE near the wrestler as Bret Hart was, Ric Flair and not even HHH. However he is always the fucking champion. What is he now 11 time champion already and he isn't even 35 I dont think?

Contrary to your thought, Cena is the reason I have thought about stop watching wrestling. This is honest the God on my 3 year old girls eyes. Ihave thought to myself a few times, as most recent as him beating Rey I thought to myself I am gonna stop watching wrestling because this shit makes me more mad than happy. Everytime I see Cena win, I get mad. I am not excited.

And if anyone needs to come to anything, its YOU. You need to realize you are a band wagon wrestling fan. As you stated YOU have liked all the top guys in the history of wrestling. Meaning you don't ever think outside the box. You probably root for which ever sports teams win their respective titles the years before.

Before I respond to this nonsense, I'm going to share what silrock316 sent me when he gave me a red rep.

I never give any rep, but you sound like a little girl that is upset that people dont like your favorite wrestler.

Really? I didn't realize that a well written post with accurate allegories was considered the work of a little girl. Furthermore, I clearly said that Cena was NOT my favorite wrestler. I love the fact that you did exactly what I said dumb asses on this site do. I said Cena is pretty good, and you accused me of being a little kid. Thanks for playing into it.

You entire post is such bullshit. Your another one who keeps saying "I swear to God I've almost quit watching wrestling because I hate Cena so much!" Here's some advice, FUCKING QUIT WATCHING! Cena is the face of the WWE. He will always win and be a main player as long as he is. If you don't fucking like the TV show, stop watching it. Only wrestling fans have his kind of entitlement. Nobody tells you to watch wrestling every week. If you think the product is boring. If you hate the top guy. If you hate everything about it. Stop watching. You wont. You never do. If all the people that say "everyone hates Cena" were right Cena would have been a one time champion like Jack Swagger or the Great Khali. Your not right. He sells millions of dollars in merchandise a year and is the most requested celebrity with the Make A Wish Foundation.

You say that everytime you see Cena win you get mad. Your not excited. Well maybe it's because your a fucking grown man who just said you had a three year old daughter. Holly Shit, the adult raising a small child throws a tantrum and doesnt get "excited" when the guy in jean short beats the guy in red underwear in a fucking fake wrestling match. You do realize that the target audience is fucking children and young adults don't you?

Lets look at another great bit wisdom from your manifesto of Cena hate:

This is honest the God on my 3 year old girls eyes. I have thought to myself a few times, as most recent as him beating Rey I thought to myself I am gonna stop watching wrestling because this shit makes me more mad than happy.

How fucking mellow dramatic can a human being be. You swear on the life of your child that your not going to be a pro wrestling fan anymore because Rey lost the belt to Cena. Are you a fucking child? STOP WATCHING IF YOU HATE IT THAT MUCH! It makes you more mad than happy? What a wordsmith. By the way, lets not forget that you said MY POST SOUNDED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. "More mad than happy". That is how a fucking six year old would describe having to eat their vegetables.

You say that "what most of US hate is what Cena embodies". Who the fuck is US? The IWC? The smark adult fans that boo Cena in the arena because its funny and the thing to do? US probably isn't the millions of kids that think he is the greatest wrestler ever. The millions of kids that buy everything with his face on it and get sad when he loses because their little children. Cena embodies the WWE at the moment. Your really mad that he didn't get fired? You actually thought that the face of the company was going to get fired? I'll bet you call the cable company and demand a refund when a wrestler comes back after loosing a retirement match. Grow the fuck up man.

You call me a bandwagon jumper because I said I liked all the former top guys. You smark. I LIKED THEM BECAUSE YOU GET TO BE A TOP GUY BECAUSE ALL THE FANS LIKE YOU! Thats how it works. You people keep screaming that Cena is shoved down our throats. Bullshit. He isn't featured anymore than Hogan, Rock, or Austin were in their primes. You just don't like him. Sorry, the majority of fans do. Ticket and merchandise sales back that up.

You claim my post was the dumbest thing you have ever read on these forums. I'll disagree with that. However, your post has been the most childish, immature, mellow dramatic, nonsense I've ever read on here. I'm pretty sure "Cena winning makes me more mad than happy" is evidence of that. Grow up man. It's fake.

P.S. I didn't even red rep you. Grow the hell up man.
lol silrock316 getting owned. It's really, in a nutshell, exactly what I was talking about. He gives nonsensical criticism and then gets owned by people who give intelligent reasons. Then he bad reps someone by calling them a little girl? What a mature intelligent wrestling fan silrock316 is. Not only that but his name, sil ROCK 316? Yea, no way he's just an attitude era mark who's pissed that wrestling isn't all tits beer and blood anymore.

Funny that 3 people ripped his post to shreds and the ONLY guy who liked it has a pic of the Rock and didn't really add anything or show any critical thinking skills. Then again, that's kinda the type of person who bitches about Cena.

I hope this thread is read by anyone about to bash Cena for....doing his job. If you're going to bash Cena, at least have good reasons and understand why things are the way they are. If Cena doesn't entertain you at all, then at least be able to seperate YOUR opinion from what the WWE should do.

I don't like Michael Cole, I hate watching him in the ring. However, he's OVER. He's over than most regular heels. So when WWE puts him in programs on in segments, even though I dislike it, I UNDERSTAND why they're doing it. Most Cena haters don't. They come across as dumb white trash that wants to see more vulgarity in their rasslins.

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