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Cena did the honors

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
HHH vs Cena turned out to be a pretty good match. Up and down battle, false finishes, descent length, and they both worked hard. Cena put HHH over clean in the middle of the ring. Maybe he lost because he really is leaving RAW and did the honors to HHH. I don't see why they'd have him lose cleanly to a guy not even in the title picture on free TV, only to beat Orton in the marathon match.
This solidifies that Cena is gonna win at Bragging Rights. Do you honestly believe that Cena is gonna lose two high profile singles matches in one week?

Cena will beat Orton with messed up interference by Ted Dibiase, and then he will continue on and face Triple H at Survivor Series.

Oh, and I find it hilarious that everybody made jokes about Orton POSITIVELY interfering in the HHH/Cena match. Everybody had no doubt that he was gonna get involved. I even saw someone's sig saying, "Spoiler - Randy Orton interferes in HHH/Cena match on Monday."
Oh, how black and white the world is; Cena either wins and gets the WWE Championship, or loses and goes to SmackDown. Remember this is the WWE we're talking about. So, while watching RAW tonight I was hit with an epiphany - an idea so ludicrous, so crazy, it just had to work. And of course, it made perfect sense...

This is an Ironman Match and thus: does anybody else see this contest ending in a draw?

The WWE is just trying to garner PPV buys by making this seem like an all or nothing situation...when in reality, there is a very easy way out. They have no intention of having Orton drop the title OR having Cena move to SD...dun dun dun!
This was just poor booking. Cena is supposed to be Main Eventing the next PPV in a super hot Iron Man match. The WWE just killed any and all momentum by having him drop a clean pin in the middle of the ring to somebody not even involved in the storyline. Yes, I know HHH is a Main Eventer, but still...if Cena wins now, how can you take his title win seriously? He jus lost cleanly in the middle of the ring? It makes him look weak.

And what's this "do the honors" bullshit. That's what you do if you're leaving the company, not "switching brands". They're the same company, nutjobs. He didn't "do the honors", it was just poor booking.
^^ Cena look weak? LOL! I'm sorry, I actually agree with you, it just seems to be the strangest thing to say.

Anyways, I really hope this is a feud ender and I really hope that Cena wins... Mainly because I don't want Cena clogging up the Smackdown scene. I have faith that this will be a good match, and I think I have the day off so I might watch this one...

I don't think it matters that he lost the week before BR as he has a one hour iron man match in which to make him look like superman all over again.

Just My Opinion
wwe is scared to let cena lose to let cena lose twice in one week, simple as that

my guess........cena wins pay per view
Cena looks weak?? It took THREE, count them THREE pedigrees to pin him. I don't think this match made him look weak at all. It was an even match throughout with both HHH and Cena having the upper hand.

Unless most of the people in here who THINK they know what is going to happen on Sunday at Bragging Rights, I fully admit I have no idea what is going to happen, and I look forward to seeing the results, whether Orton wins or Cena wins. Or as was brought up earlier in the thread, they wrestle to a draw and nothing changes.
A draw at Bragging Rights would make sense. Also, Cena didn't look weak one bit and for those that think he did, WAKE UP! Triple H had to hit the Pedigree 3 times to finally put him down in what was a very nice Raw main event match. The match didn't make him look weak one bit.
Cena looks weak?? It took THREE, count them THREE pedigrees to pin him. I don't think this match made him look weak at all. It was an even match throughout with both HHH and Cena having the upper hand.

Unless most of the people in here who THINK they know what is going to happen on Sunday at Bragging Rights, I fully admit I have no idea what is going to happen, and I look forward to seeing the results, whether Orton wins or Cena wins. Or as was brought up earlier in the thread, they wrestle to a draw and nothing changes.


First of all, those two men beat the living shit out of each other last night. The false finishes were exciting and the match told a great story. When it was over, I was comlpetely satisfied. Both men looked strong and hit their finishers multiple times. They made themselves out to be monsters, whether they won or lost the match. Everyone needs to remember, when matches end in a draw, everyone seems to cry about it. However, matches almost always have a winner and a loser... but everyone thinks that the winner gets pushed and the loser gets buried. All of you smarks need to realize that not all losers are "buried". There is a clear and definite way to lose a match and still look like a monster. Last night's match was a perfect example.

Therefore, there is no current way to predict the outcome of Sunday's WWE championship match. The WWE has built themselves to know the smarks better than we know ourselves, so they go out of their way to throw a wrench in the gears of our thoughts to bring unpredictability to their PPV matches. Just the mere fact that we're all so split as to who is going to win or lose proves that the WWE did their job, once again. For at least the past 10 years the WWE has found different ways to fool their audiences to believe an outcome is going to occur and then they go in a completely different direction. Just because Cena lost on Raw doesn't mean he's doing the traditional job before making the move to SD. Maybe the WWE knows that we think this way so they made it happen just to throw off our smark-radar.

Bottom line, I've been watching wrestling for 25 years and I've had my share of predictability. I don't have a fucking clue as to who is gonna win this Sunday and I love it. The WWE did their job because I'm going to pay my hard-earned money to find out.
but everyone thinks that the winner gets buried and the loser gets pushed. All of you smarks need to realize that not all losers are "buried". There is a clear and definite way to lose a match and still look like a monster. Last night's match was a perfect example.

Perfectly said. I've always been pissed every time i see someone on this site say "oh he lost, he's getting buried, he has no credibility, he looks so weak, I don't see him winning a title now cause he lost to so and so, etc...."
You took the words right out of my mouth, D_MAN. It's total bullshit to suggest that someone looks weak just because they lost a match. This comes down to what I have said here multiple times: some people are never satisfied no matter what happens.

If Cena loses, it's a terrible thing because he looks weak, especially leading up to an imminent PPV. It's terrible booking, it's all creative's fault. If he wins, he never does the job. People are complaining because Cena never loses, he always comes up the winner despite all the odds. Superman wins again. And of course I'm surprised none of the marks have come on here yet to complain that this result was because HHH never loses or puts anyone over, of course that's because he's married to the boss's daughter, especially now that they've chased the enemy Shane out the door in their attempt to control the WWE (pardon my sarcasm). A draw would have been awful too, you have to have a clean winner. In other words if Cena wins, that's bad. If he loses, that's bad too. And if there's a draw, you guessed it, that's bad as well. Oh that creative, they're doing such a terrible job!

The simple fact of the matter is that was a great match, way better than I expected when it was announced last week. Both guys looked strong. Took a lot to beat Cena making him look strong, not weak. HHH Looked strong too, getting up from Cena's normally unsurvivable finishers. Most of all, kept everyone guessing.

Sunday could be one of two things. Cena wins, likely due to interference from DiBiase. Cena stays on Raw, as it's hard to imagine the biggest name in the company (like it or not) moving to the B show on a cable station that lots of households don't even get. Wins the belt again and goes on to defend it against God knows who at Survivor Series. Legacy is disbanded and a heel Orton versus face DiBiase storyline is born. Sounds plausible.

Or, Cena loses on Sunday, also likely due to interference from DiBiase. The rift between Orton and DiBiase was a ruse. Orton keeps the title entering Survivor Series. Legacy stays intact. Cena goes to SD and feuds with such guys as Morrison, Ziggler, Escobar, Punk, and eventually the Undertaker. Challenges the Undertaker at WM26 and Cena is the one to end Taker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak in Taker's swan song. At which point he takes his newly won WHC and returns to Raw with it. In other words, leaves Raw for 5-6 months only and returns to the A show, like HHH did previously.

Both plausible I don't know which will happen. I personally see a version of scenario 2 unfolding but who knows, and that's the point. Unpredictability. I don't see a draw happening. Based upon past IronMan matches , if they're tied after 60 minutes, won't they go to sudden death until there's a winner? I believe they'll be tied after 60 minutes, at which point DiBiase interferes in one manner or the other to determine a winner. But the end result won't be a draw. There will be a clear winner, I'm just not sure who.
There is just one problem with your scenario B...there is no way that 'taker would end his reign to Cena. There would be no suprise, other than us fans that didnt think it would happen. No, no, no, if 'Taker is ending his reign this year, it will be to someone who the company wants to push. (ahem...DiBiase...ahem) Besides that I just dont think that 'taker will do the job to Cena.
Thanks for the reply, Commish, but I have to respectfully disagree with you.

While I appreciate the fact that some guys have more input into their storylines and results than others (HHH, HBK, Taker, and a select few others), the decision to end the streak, when or if it happens (which personally I hope never happens, by Cena or by anyone else, I hope he retires whenever this day happens with the streak intact), will not fully be his. If Vince or someone else in the WWE hierarchy decides this is what they want to happen, it will happen. Taker will have plenty of input as to how, but ultimately it will not be his call fully.

Plus I think the Undertaker would rather lose to an established guy who is front and centre in the company, and still relatively young, rather than some new up and comer who hasn't yet achieved anything in the business. DiBiase may be the future (may being the operative word) but he's not the present. There's no way Taker will lose to a virtual nobody , assuming he has much input as I've stated above; he would be very selective in who he would want to lose to and it's clearly not DiBiase.

Plus the surprise element would definitely be there. Most fans don't think the streak will ever end. When push comes to shove I don't really believe it either (maybe that's emotion talking more than logic). So even though I am sort of predicting it, it would still surprise me if it actually happened (I have grown accustomed to my predictions typically being wrong). It would shock a lot of people, especially the younger audience.:)
Cena should never really lose. He is their biggest draw. He makes them the most money. People who are WWE fans don't watch for the wrestling they watch for the entertainment and that is what Cena is. WWE doesn't really care if message board marks don't like Cena or HHH. They are draws, they move merchandise, they sell tickets, They go with who makes them money.
A draw at Bragging Rights would make sense. Also, Cena didn't look weak one bit and for those that think he did, WAKE UP! Triple H had to hit the Pedigree 3 times to finally put him down in what was a very nice Raw main event match. The match didn't make him look weak one bit.

First, what an incredible match last night between HHH/Cena. I really think it's important to note that. We wanted more wrestling and we wanted the product to become less stale. Well, I know for a fact nobody here knew how that match was going to end. I, for one, thought it was over about 3 times and ended up on the edge of my seat when I wasn't expecting it. That's the WWE we all love and miss.

JBK2008 is 100% correct. Both guys looked incredible and strong. Nobody was booked weak. Who cares who won that match last night? Let me reiterate, both guys looked incredible and it was one hell of a match. You guys complain about there not being enough wrestling on Raw anymore, yet still complain when one of the best matches in quite some time (on MNR) occurs and you worry about how Cena lost!? If Cena won, would u have complained that Super Cena kicked out of 2 pedigrees?

Come on now!

As for the future, it's not really clear as day. There are a few different routes I can see the WWE taking. For instance, Ted wants to screw Orton, but also wants to be in the Main Event picture. Why not have him help Orton win, then end the PPV w/ dream street as he is holding Orton's hand in the air. That gives him the main event push and a face turn. That also gives Raw the new face and gives Cena a new start as some think his gimmick is getting stale. Everyone wants to see Cena/Taker too, right?

Obviously that is just one suggestion. There are about 3-4 different ones throughout this thread so I won't waste time listing them.
This is an Ironman Match and thus: does anybody else see this contest ending in a draw?

The WWE is just trying to garner PPV buys by making this seem like an all or nothing situation...when in reality, there is a very easy way out. They have no intention of having Orton drop the title OR having Cena move to SD...dun dun dun!

hahahahah PERFECT! i didn't even think about this till you said this lol nice! this is 99% percent likely going to happen, you're right, BUT this is what i have to say...
think about this,
Smackdown obviously is losing a lot of ratings with the absence of Edge and Jeff Hardy, they moved Batista already, why not move Cena and make the main feud Cena vs Batista again?
i did hear rumors of cena moving to smackdown sometime in the future, could this be it?
Tuff to see Cena lose three high profile matches in a row! My first thought is he goes to Smackdown, Cena vs Undertaker for World Title & the Streak, and yes Cena ends the streak!

He also could fued with Batista with one of them turning heel, and he can also start anew with Punk, and renew with Jericho!

If Cena stays on Raw, as the Champ, where does he go from here? It seems like Dibiase & Orton are following the Bastista/HHH program, as Ted is going to be the new star!

Raw just isn't big enough for Cena, Orton, HHH. One of them has to be the star (Orton), one of them stays HHH, one goes, has to be Cena since HHH left last year!

Cena vs Undertaker is where the money is at, they have to get on the same show!
I think this is all to get Cena and Taker on the same show in preparation for Cena ending the streak at mania. There are numerous ways to do this. Personally I think a surprise way to get his done would be to play the Teddy Long storyline into this. Vince has been on Teddy about putting on good shows well Teddy has it set up to where Cena loses thus forcing him to come to his show. This sets up a Cena vs. Teddy/CM Punk/Ziggler/Batista whoever helps Teddy screw Cena. Cena becomes #1 contender by mania then faces Taker.
This was a very good match. At first I was skeptical about this match because with the exception of Cena and HHH's match from NOC last year, their other matches were pretty much just hype. I don't think Cena looks weak at all because we all know he is bound to make one of his Superman comebacks this sunday at Bragging Rights. I just can't see Cena losing this sunday. I doubt Vince will take his top face in the company off of the flagship show, and put him on the B show that is Smackdown.
Cena is not losing on Sunday.Last night during Raw i saw a advertising saying RAW is coming to my city Baltimore,November 30 the main event is Cena and DX vs Randy Orton and Legacy.I thought the fued is ending Sunday?I agree HHH and Cena is next.Boring!
Everyone on this thread seems to be under the impression that Cena will stay on Raw due to his loss to HHH last night, well in my opinion i believe he will leave Raw in spite of his loss, two big losses in a row like that for someone as big as Cena means one thing to me...heel turn. I've seen wrestlers turn for less and other than me, who really would expect it. Cena goes over, welcomed with open arms and throws it all in their face do to the inevitable few boos he recieves from his 'new' audience. There are plenty of faces on Smackdown but a heel the level of Cena would give the show some extra attention and i suspect would also give Cena a new audience and new people to fight every week. Cena hasn't ever really been a heel and his face character is boring to almost everyone who watches now. Anyway, that's just my opinion, Cena leaves Raw and turns heel.
It doesn't make Cena look weak HOW he lost, it's WHEN he lost. He's about to fight for the title in what's supposed to be an epic "Ironman" match. The title is supposed to be fought for by the two biggest and hottest superstars, usually in a feud. Now, if Cena wins, people say who cares, he just lost to HHH. If Randy Orton wins, who cares, HHH JUST beat him. It takes luster off the headlining bout of that's supposed to be selling your PPV. Dumb, dumb booking.
Tuff to see Cena lose three high profile matches in a row! My first thought is he goes to Smackdown, Cena vs Undertaker for World Title & the Streak, and yes Cena ends the streak!

Cena vs Undertaker is where the money is at, they have to get on the same show!

No they don't cause there's usually a couple of interpromotional matches a Mania so Taker vs Cena can still happens if Cena is still on RAW and Taker is on SD! as far if Cena wins the title we'll see a Swagger-Cena feud which that's y I think they're havin Swagger's Raw undefeated streak goin on right now. The ratings would plummet w/o Cena on it. Hopefullt Cena wins the title Sunday. Trips is not goin for a WWE Title as he's busy w/ HBK and JeriShow so Trips-Orton or a Trips-Cena feud is outta the pic 4 now. DX will finally win the 1 thing that has eluded them the TAG TITLES. Cena won't lose a big title match or leave RAW as that would be R-Tard on the E's part.
Everyone on this thread seems to be under the impression that Cena will stay on Raw due to his loss to HHH last night, well in my opinion i believe he will leave Raw in spite of his loss, two big losses in a row like that for someone as big as Cena means one thing to me...heel turn. I've seen wrestlers turn for less and other than me, who really would expect it. Cena goes over, welcomed with open arms and throws it all in their face do to the inevitable few boos he recieves from his 'new' audience. There are plenty of faces on Smackdown but a heel the level of Cena would give the show some extra attention and i suspect would also give Cena a new audience and new people to fight every week. Cena hasn't ever really been a heel and his face character is boring to almost everyone who watches now. Anyway, that's just my opinion, Cena leaves Raw and turns heel.

He was a heel on SD! b4 durin the rapper gimmick. It was back around 2002-3 so yes he was a heel b4.
He was a heel on SD! b4 durin the rapper gimmick. It was back around 2002-3 so yes he was a heel b4.

yeah sure but it wasn't exactly a major thing was it, i'm talking about him being a top heel, not just some ass with a microphone and a few degrading raps about wherever he was that particular night. I'm talking about him completely turning on the fans, ala The Rock, Hogan etc etc. But point taken, he was a heel for a while...just not a realistic one

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