Celebrities at Wrestlemania


Future Women's Champion
Over the years, we have seen plenty of Celebs make Wrestlemania appearances. Some we've loved, and others we've hated. I have three questions for you.

1. Do you want a celebrity to make an appearance at Wrestlemania? If so, who?

2. Are you a fan of celebrities appearing at Mania?

3. What was your favorite celeb preformance so far?

1. Do you want a celebrity to make an appearance at Wrestlemania? If so, who?
I'm still wanting Brock Lesnar. He's perfect for the job. While Brock was a former wrestler, he has also moved on to something that is arguably bigger or just as big as the WWE, the UFC. Brock Lesnar has earned more fame from the UFC than he ever could in the WWE and while we'll remember Brock as a wrestler, he definitely earned his share of fame from the UFC and Wrestlemania could use that star power.
2. Are you a fan of celebrities appearing at Mania?
Sure why not? When it's not pointless. I love to see UFC fighters or Boxing fighters in the ring with wrestlers. Other than that, celebrities in wrestling don't mix too well.
3. What was your favorite celeb preformance so far?
Gotta say Wrestlemania 14 where Mike Tyson knocked out Shawn Michaels. I mean there is nothing more memorable than this moment. The crowd just loved it and it was amazing to witness.
Yes Brittney Spears or Carrie Underwood. Carrie Underwood would be a good pick to sing the national anthem at WM. She knows how to hit the high notes. Froget about Justin Bieber. WWE just wants him because of the PG garbage.
I think its an added spectacle and gets some star power for main stream media...I guess as far as celebrities Id like to see The Green Bay Packers...granted I am a packer fan but I find it awesome when wrestlers have showdowns with other athletes...I loved when the steelers came to raw and faced off with jerishow...smackdown with clay mattews was awesome...2) sure why not...
3)Kim Kardashian 24...mickey rourke from 25

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