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Cats or Dogs?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Thread is simple – which is better – cats or dogs, and why?

If you ask me, dogs are far superior to cats as pets, because when it comes to having a pet act as a pet – in that it comes when you call it, provides you with affection, etc., most cats don't fit the bill, as most are closer to delinquent roommates then they are pets. Dogs, on the other hand actually come when you call their name, can be taught tricks (much more easily than a cat can) and are generally more affectionate. Most cats, I find, are moderately bi-polar and have serious temperamental issues. They also only seem to come to you when they are interested in what you have to offer – e.g. food.

Dogs don't necessarily reflect the temperament of their owners, but cats almost always do. Ever notice most cat owners have issues with social awareness/awkwardness, and often have behavioral/mental issues as well?

I've always been more of a dog person. I've always had the thought (And been told) that dogs are "stupid" as opposed to a cat which are rather intelligent. Also a cat is more the kind of animal that could take care of itself. The cat doesn't need you as opposed to what a dog primarily does.

While some might disagree I have always found the dog to be the more companion based animal. I find more joy in cuddling or playing with a dog who most likely will remain enjoying it for the most of it (unless I cross a limit in terms of pulling it's tail or ears for example) as opposed to a cat who often lashes out at you when it doesn't wanna play anymore.

Also there's a thing about cats. I don't know why. But I just cannot stand them. I just don't find the joy in being around a cat as much as I enjoy being around a dog.
Dogs all the way through. People say you need to earn a cats affection. I do not want that shit. When I have a bad day I want my dog to run up and show affection regardless of my mood or other factors. There is a reason there are referred to as mans best friend. Nothing against cat owners.
Dogs all the way considering that there have been numerous accounts of dogs saving lives of men, women and children. I have never heard a story of a cat or a gerbil saving someone's life. A cat is really too small to do anything like that. I could be wrong but I haven't heard otherwise. Dogs are just more friendly in my opinion. Even if the owner is a piece of shit, the dog is always loyal and nice to other people. There are some cases when a dog is rabid and its obviously far from the truth.

The only thing I could say about cats is that you never heard of a story of a cat killing a small child. Cats can be friendly but they are usually the spawn of Satan when ever I get near them. I would rather have my face licked then have it scratched by any animal. I think that animals do reflect their owners in a way. Not all cat owners are shut ins, but I have see a lot of cat owners that are hermits.

There are good and bad things you can say about both animals, but I prefer dogs overall. I don't believe they as stupid as everyone says they are.
Dogs, period. If I could have ended it at that without getting a spam infraction that's what I would have done but I have to get into this deeper to make it count. For the record though as I see it that is all that has to be said "Dogs, Period". I have never liked cats and probably will never. I don't like anything about them, their overall stuck up demeanor, their equally filthy habits, or how high maintenance they are like divas or something, I hate the prissiness of cats too which explains why mostly girls and gay guys love cats so much. Cats might be smarter on an intellectual level than dogs which is why they are harder to train and less personable, but overall cats are fucking assholes.

Most of them are stuck up and as one mentioned before only care to be your pet when they want something. If you have nothing they want they want nothing to do with you i.e. they are not loyal at all. Be it for whatever reasons that are passed on as faults by cat fans, at least dogs actually love their masters and are loyal and loving and playful. They want your attention, they want you to love them the same as they love you. I think both are every bit as dependent on their owner so, the difference is one pet knows it and appreciates the fact that you take care of them, where the other acts like it's an entitlement and that you are the pet who does the masters bidding.

More than anything I hate cat habits. I hate that they want to scratch and destroy everything, I hate that they like to sit in front of people and go neck deep in their asses or sit in front of you licking themselves everywhere. I don't care if it's something they do by nature or not it's gross and I don't like to see it. I also can't stand the fact that cats shit in a box, play with their shit, and then find it necessary to walk all over your tables, counters, furniture or clothes, inevitably contaminating everything it touches.

Then there's the hairballs and puking that cats are famous for, or the famous cat piss smell that nothing can get rid of and is also an inevitable occurrence. Sure, puppies might piss and shit on your floor at first but they learn and don't do it after a short time, and at least you can get rid of those smells, and they aren't shitting and pissing in a box and playing with it only to spread their fecal matter contaminants all over your counter tops and everything else you own. A dog at least goes outside and then you can handle everything accordingly if you yourself have manners or consideration for other people.

Puppies also do have the tendency to chew things but that's an easy fix, get them a toy, problem solved. Cats will tear everything up they can and a scratch post does you no good once the can decides it likes the feel of your leather couch better. You can't really train a cat to not do things that you can train a dog to not do because bottom line cats are assholes, they have social complexes much like their owners, and they are by far filthier than dogs. I know dogs lick themselves a bit, but a dog isn't going to sit spread eagle in the middle of your living room floor in front of everybody there and get neck deep in their ass licking the dingle berries away seemingly more content with doing that than anything, the actual pleasure cats seem to get from licking themselves is a little too gross and disturbing for me. Dogs seem to at least have some kind of decency to do that kind of thing out of your presence.

I am sorry, I have gone off on a tangent but I really hate cats, and I really love dogs.
I really like cats but i love dogs. They are so affectionate and loyal. They always seem happy and they are simple creatures but in the nicest way because they just like to be stroked and want attention and have someone play with them. Its always nice to see when they are happy because they wag their tails. Plus i think guide dogs are amazing. Imagine a human doing what a guide dog does? They'd be moaning all the time etc, guide dogs are lovely and disciplined but still retain all of the dog qualities that make you love them.

I like cats, but they are scared of strangers, so when you see one and want to stroke it they run off, dogs love people and will happily play with you.
I love how relaxed cats are. If you want to play with one you can, very easily, but they aren't slobbering over you for attention.

But the one thing that really makes me like cats better is, to put it bluntly, not having to worry about getting hospitalized over them all the time. Growing up my parents just loved dogs, especially german shepards and they chased us around the house and were batshit crazy. They would bite my sister and my father got rid of them finally, but we ended getting another one later on anyway. It ended up using my face as a chew toy when I was in elementary school and I had to get surgery because of it.

Don't know why people think cats are snobs. I've got three and they are all affectionate, it's just that they like spending time alone to themselves once in a while. They're also just amusing animals to watch. And, best of all, after they crap, they cover it up so you never step on it. Can't say the same for dogs. But yeah I'm only owning cats for the rest of my life so I don't have to wake up and find my ear in a dog's mouth ever again.
I've had MANY cats and dogs over the course of my life. I can honestly say I love dogs more than cats. I've had a chocolate lab during most of my childhood and a Malteese who's close to deaths door. I now own 2 miniature cockapoos who are the cutest things. Dogs are as affectionate as their masters though. If you love them they'll love you. Same with cats. if you give the cat attention they'll love you back.. Mostly by giving you the heads of the dead animals they catch haha.
I prefer dogs, which explains my bulldog who I named Gangstalicious. I had a cat when I was a kid, and he was a dick. He would meow all the time, he would come in my room if I left my door open, and do that meow that sounds like a baby cry or something. I hated him. Cats also don't give as much attention to people as dogs do. They usually sleep, or like my old cat, go outside. While dogs are harder to train, it's worth it. I always liked dogs better, and it always seems alot more sad when a dog dies. They're called man's best friend for a reason. It's the same reason there are more dog movies, and when there are cats and dogs movies, the cats are the villains. It's the same reason why I cried at the end of Marley and Me. It's the same reason that there aren't movies about just cats. So, with that reasoning, dogs are better.
Thread is simple – which is better – cats or dogs, and why?

I honestly can't decide, I've had maybe a couple dozen cats in my lifetime, and quite a few dogs as well, and after bonding with all of them, I'd say the animals are equal in my book.

If you ask me, dogs are far superior to cats as pets, because when it comes to having a pet act as a pet – in that it comes when you call it, provides you with affection, etc., most cats don't fit the bill, as most are closer to delinquent roommates then they are pets.

I'm not gonna straight up disagree with you here, cause it's of course your opinion, but I really think it depends on the cat. If you raise a cat from a kitten, that cat is loyal as hell to you, and I've had many cats that will come one command, and always greet me and treat me with affection when I get home.

Dogs, on the other hand actually come when you call their name, can be taught tricks (much more easily than a cat can) and are generally more affectionate. Most cats, I find, are moderately bi-polar and have serious temperamental issues. They also only seem to come to you when they are interested in what you have to offer – e.g. food.

Again, it really depends on the cat or the dog, teaching tricks to either is a very tricky ordeal, and even some dogs are just to fucking stupid to learn. I've had a few cats that I've taught to shake, stay, and lay down. It took a lot of time and frustration, but they got it. And as said before, if you truly know and love a cat, it will recognize that and will usually come to you regardless of whether you have food or not. I remember you saying that your girlfriend was the one with cats, and that you hated them, they know you don't like them therfore the only time they see fit to have interest in you, is when you have food.

Dogs don't necessarily reflect the temperament of their owners, but cats almost always do.

I think dogs do reflect the temperament of their owners, perhaps even more than cats. I've found that dogs that have been with the same owner for a long time tend to pick up certain traits of the owner.

Ever notice most cat owners have issues with social awareness/awkwardness, and often have behavioral/mental issues as well?

I really don't think that's relevant to whether they own a cat or not. I've known many cat owners and if they have a mental or behavioral issue, it was something that had been there for quite some time, not something that they magically picked up from a cat.
I'd like to add in an interesting thing a paramedic student mentioned to me the other day.

First off I don't own a pet, so I feel I'm going to not vote and just read. I have friends that will debate this until the day they day.. some absolutely love dogs and thing cats are just for decoration... some feel vice versa..

But back to the paramedic story..

In training they are taught that sometimes when a body has not been discovered for a couple days (if they owner has a house cat) the cat will actually begin to start eating their owner. She didn't say how much was noticeable (I imagine it was just a nibble or two because the mass difference of course) but in conclusion she was a dog lover and mentioned the fact that its funny when your in that state... a dog will try and protect you, where is a cat would begin to eat you.

Any paramedics in the forums that can verify this story? Like I said I don't own either of the two so I don't really have an opinion to vote, but I found that story interesting and bit creepy.
I've had both, a dog and a cat. I think it can depend on the breed you have. My parents have a Turkish Angora cat. From the research I've done on that breed, they are alot like dogs in terms of their behavior. My parents' cat was raised in a foster home with nothing but dogs. She is quite adept in fetching objects that are thrown across the rooms, she will prefer to play with dogs instead of other cats, she will perform when given commands like sit, come, lay down, etc. I really don't think I'd be able to choose which one over the other. Right now my vote would be for cat, unless I decide to get one of those ugly hairless dogs. ;)
.... as most (cats) are closer to delinquent roommates then they are pets.

True, that. Dogs give you unconditional love; they're built that way. They don't care what you've done or how anyone else feels about you; if you're good to them, they're yours no matter what.

As someone said, cats show up to be fed, After that, you'll see them or you won't.....depending on what they want.

Cats are outlaws, existing on the fringe of society. That's how they're built.

Dogs are man's best friend. That's how they're built.
I've had both, and while I began life having nothing but German Shepard dogs, I would have to say I'm more of a Cat person.


This is my Cat, Pleakley.

While most would be lead to believe Cats do what they want, and Dogs are the more loyal of the two. Perhaps thats so with most, but not with me. Pleakley has always been there for me. He follows me everywhere, he is never (normally) in a different room than I am and always stays close by.

Whenever I'm ready for bed, he follows me and sleeps beside my head - on my pillow, or if Erin has left for work - he'll sleep with his head on her pillow, and body stretched out like a human. He is normally always still sleeping beside me when I wake up. Whenever I'm upset, or angry - he senses it, and tries to nudge my chin as a way of comfort. He isn't just another Cat, he's practically like a best friend. He's there for me, and means the world to me.

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