Cash in the same night?!


Pre-Show Stalwart
On Monday Night it was mentioned how the Money In the Bank contract can be, and has been, cashed in the same night but then Michael Cole quickly tried to redirect the conversation and talked about how long Dolph & Rollins held onto the briefcase - So My Question Is: Do you think WWE will have a same night cash in?! Would it make sense to do since Rollins carried his around for so long?!

I could totally see a scenario where Reigns wins the M.I.B. contract and then cashes in that same night setting up a fued toward Summer Slam with one or both of the former Shield members - even possibly with support from the authority (turning them face) showing Rollins that they made him, not the other way around - I have always said that having a "Shield" three way for the World Title isn't Mania worthy but would be a great Summer Slam main event.
possibly, but i wouldn't like it, especially if it's Kane
why would you cash in when youve hardly recovered from a ladder match?
I have a scenario in my head that I know is highly unlikely, but I'd love to see this happen for the shock value. After Reigns wins MITB, he comes down in the middle of the Ambrose/Rollins Main Event. Now keep this in Mind this is a ladder match so there is NO DQ, Reigns Superman punches Rollins and helps Ambrose climb the ladder to win the title.

Of course this won't happen, but Reigns could tell Ambrose that if he keeps the belt till Mania he'll challenge him with his Cash in. Of course this leaves the Rumble Winner in Rollins setting up the Triple Threat match at Mania with the Shield.
It might happen because ratings aren't great for Rollins' reign. I hope it doesn't but I've been watching WWE too long to not know that Vince has a tendency of hitting the panic button far too often.

Rollins v Brock for the title should be the Summerslam main event though and I really hope they go with it.
Yes, the Rollins 'reign' makes me anxious for a quick cash-in. I got so tired of seeing him come out with the briefcase week-after-week and month-after-month that I'd welcome the winner cashing in on the same night. The MITB concept is completely unfair, anyway.

Of course, the reason Seth Rollins held the briefcase so long was because there was no world champion around to cash in on.....unless Seth planned to travel to Brock Lesnar's ranch in Minnesota and cash in while Brock was sleeping. (Imagine him waking up to the sight of Seth Rollins lying on top of him :p)

Still, that was the rub with Rollins & MITB; he was toting the case around even though the damn thing was useless to him until WM31.

Sure, get the cash-in done ASAP.
As annoying and drawn out as the MITB contracts can be, I do like when there is a MITB carrier. We know, that they are not gonna cash in, unless WWE cashes in on a big PPV, but at least the possibility is there. When you are bored with a 20 minute Authority promo, you can at least think to yourself, maybe someone will cash in MITB tonight.

A short reign is fine, cash it in in the next match if you want, but have another MITB match a few months later, just to keep the tease of a possible cash in and the suspense of it all. Just as long as it doesn't lead to a hardcore championship angle where the champ changes every few days.
It might happen because ratings aren't great for Rollins' reign. I hope it doesn't but I've been watching WWE too long to not know that Vince has a tendency of hitting the panic button far too often.

Rollins v Brock for the title should be the Summerslam main event though and I really hope they go with it.

Very true. The WWE often-times blames the champion for a lack of ratings when the truth is that the fans are merely responding to the WWE calendar. For the past 10 years, the WWE has cared about the product in August (SummerSlam), January (Royal Rumble) and February/March (WrestleMania.) The other 8 months have been filler months where you could legitimately stop watching for an extended period of time, come back and not miss a beat because little - if anything - had changed. That's why ratings typically suck from April-July. It's because the WWE has trained us not to care about those months.

But I digress... Yes - Cash it in immediately, but only if it's Reigns. I'm a believer that the best SummerSlam angles are typically fall-out from WrestleMania (Bret vs Owen II; HBK vs Hall II, The Match Made in Hell) and while I don't want to see Reigns vs Lesnar II - I do want to see Reigns/Lesnar/Rollins in a triple-threat match, and it's tough to get around the logic of The Authority continually stacking the deck against their chosen champion. So to get to this match, it makes the most sense if Reigns is carrying the belt.
I do like it when the MITB carries it around with him.. You never know PPV to PPV Raw to Smackdown it might be the night when he cashes it in.. The champion could get beatdown and boom a cash-in could happen right then and there.. I think Roman though,by the time he cashes in will be a heel IMHO..

He already isn't well liked by the crowd anyway sorta is a tweener anyway.. He would make a great heel.. I dont really care for the same night cash-ins i think Kane did that against Rey Rey if I am not mistaken!

But carrying around the case,adds suspense. Its going to make the champion nervous at every turn.. Roman will turn on Dean mark my words on that one if dean becomes champion..
With the current setup, cashing in on the same night is a bad idea. When the MITB winner is not involved in an angle with the champ at that time, cashing in on the same night is a good idea. With the idea that Ambrose will beat Rollins for the title and that Reigns is going to win and turn heel, it actually makes better sense for him not to cash in the same night. Ambrose and Rollins have their rematch the next night, Ambrose wins and celebrates with Reigns who then turns and cashes in. It creates a bigger impact since you have 2 big events back to back instead of one big event(cashing in the MITB) overshadowing the title win. Of course if he does, it would lead to a triple threat match which they could probably push off until SummerSlam.
Of course, the reason Seth Rollins held the briefcase so long was because there was no world champion around to cash in on.....unless Seth planned to travel to Brock Lesnar's ranch in Minnesota and cash in while Brock was sleeping. (Imagine him waking up to the sight of Seth Rollins lying on top of him :p)

This. Kind of hard to cash in when the champ isn't here is it? Rollins didn't have a lot of opportunity, unless you count the 3 way with him, Cena and Lesnar. Where Lesnar beat the crap out of both of them. So yea, I got tired of seeing the case as well.

Depends on who wins it, and who wins the match between Rollins/Ambrose. I can see Reigns winning the MITB and then cashing in on Rollins right away, but don't think he'll do it against Ambrose. That will happen though, but just not immediately.
So My Question Is: Do you think WWE will have a same night cash in?! Would it make sense to do since Rollins carried his around for so long?!

possibly, but i wouldn't like it, especially if it's Kane

The two of you cannot possibly BE serious.

Kane won the match and cashed in the same night in 2010.

I don't know if this speaks to how stupid our user base is or to how much the WWE waters down and ruins everything they have that is unique and good.

Probably both.
I remembered, he beat an injured Rey Mysterio.

Alberto Del Rio also tried but failed to cash in the next year on CM Punk.
The two of you cannot possibly BE serious.

Kane won the match and cashed in the same night in 2010.

I don't know if this speaks to how stupid our user base is or to how much the WWE waters down and ruins everything they have that is unique and good.

Probably both.

and Kane said to Rollins on Raw that he planned to cash in on the same night, I just said I don't want that to happen - I didn't even say I thought that would happen, and I bloody watched in 2010 and wasn't that impressed, you fucking unjustifiably arrogant idiot
On Monday Night it was mentioned how the Money In the Bank contract can be, and has been, cashed in the same night but then Michael Cole quickly tried to redirect the conversation and talked about how long Dolph & Rollins held onto the briefcase - So My Question Is: Do you think WWE will have a same night cash in?! Would it make sense to do since Rollins carried his around for so long?!

I could totally see a scenario where Reigns wins the M.I.B. contract and then cashes in that same night setting up a fued toward Summer Slam with one or both of the former Shield members - even possibly with support from the authority (turning them face) showing Rollins that they made him, not the other way around - I have always said that having a "Shield" three way for the World Title isn't Mania worthy but would be a great Summer Slam main event.

I don't think they would. After seeing Rollins feud with Orton, Ambrose, Reigns this summer as champion, for him to not get that big payoff feud against Brock would be a waste.

If he manages to make it past Brock (Battleground/Summerslam) a cash-in would be appropriate.

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