Cars And Self-Consciousness

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Have you ever been driving, noticed that the car in front of you has taken the same last seven or eight turns, and thought to yourself, "Oh my God, I hope the person in front of me doesn't think I'm following them!"?
Never had that feeling when a car is in front of me, always happened behind me...The thing I hate is when somebody is on your tail and they have plenty of chances to pass you but never do.
:lmao: Only time that's ever happened is when I actually was following the person. And I just hoped they didn't call the cops before I could get them stopped to explain why.
It's happened to me. The paranoia of a car following me (and a police car doing the same) has all set in
It's happened to me. The paranoia of a car following me (and a police car doing the same) has all set in

Dispite never getting anything more than a very minor traffic violation, for either speeding or running a sign/light.. or a tail-light..

I still have an issue with being tailed by a Cop. It's like they instantly want you to believe you did something wrong.

I was tailed so far one time he actually had me believing I did something wrong.
This is wierd, i thought it this weekend. I was driving somewhere off my normal route, just off of the main road that I travel the most on. I was driving, and was almost at the light, when the car in front of me who was parked, quickly turned into the turning lane. I, just realizing I had to turn, followed his example. Now we were driving along, and he turned at the samw place I was turning, so I was really worring he thought I was following him. But then he went to McDonalds. I wish I had gone to McDonalds.
I usually don't care unless its the cops. I get pretty paranoid when I see one behind me. Down here in KY I still have my car w/ NY plates, license, tags etc. So I always get paranoid they're pull me over for anything so they can get me on not changing to KY plates. I don't know if the NYC PBA (Patrolmen's Benevolent Association) cards my cousin gave me would carry any weight in Kentucky.

On the other hand I did once follow a group of kids in a car all the way home just to possibly pick a fight. Back story is that a group of friends were hanging outside when a car drove by and threw some kind of wet trash and eggs at us. While annoying and rude, we just shouted at them and went about our business. It's when they turned around and did it again that we got pissed. Especially when it hit a few of us in the face. Buddy of mine and I immediately jumped into a car and began to follow them. I'm half hanging out the window shouting for them to pull over so "we can talk". Halfway they dumped the rest of the eggs and trash (evidence I suppose). I guess they never expected anyone to follow cause they were freaked out. On the way to one of their respective houses apparently they called one of their dads 'cause he was waiting for us when we pulled up. The bitches lied to the dad and claimed we were harassing and following them for no good reason, totally out of the blue. And that they had no idea what we were talking about in regards to the eggs and trash as there was no evidence anywhere in their car. They couldn't explain why we were cover in it though. One of them claimed that we must have "lost" the real car of egg throwers and began following them by mistake. Eventually cooler heads prevailed as we talked to the parent of the teenagers (we were 21,22 at the time, while they were 18 or so BTW). Good thing too, my friend was a crazy dude who would have had no problem beating on the dad as well (We had a bunch of sporting equipment in the car including baseball bats and hockey sticks), and the cops must certainly would have been called.
As far as I can remember, I've never been the one following the person.

Not the Saturday that just passed, but the one before that, I was driving from a friend's house and someone was following me, and after about 6 intersections and countless little developments that they could've turned down and such, they were still following me. Two of the roads, mind you, are rather long and incredibly dark and dangerous lol. So after a while, I was getting a little freaked out, but of course they eventually made a left when I was going straight. They were probably wondering why I was one step ahead of them every time lol.

Whenever there's a cop behind me, I always get nervous. I've only been stopped once and it was HIS fault, and when I pointed out to him how he was being a douchebag, he got all pissed off and told me to "just watch it" and walked away. But I'm still always nervous about a cop being behind me. The longer they're there it gets worse, obviously, as I naturally think they're like running my tags and waiting for me to screw up specifically so they can be right there to catch me. I always assume they're the type of asshole cop that will pull me over for going 26 in a 25mph limit zone. There was one time where they followed me long enough that I just pulled into the next parking lot so they would have to choose between me or just finding something better to do with their time. If the cop would've pulled into the parking spot next to me, I probably would've gone out of my way to do something elusive lol. Quick back out, go down a few roads, double-back, make a left/right/right/left and stuff....haha.

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