Carlito- underated in my opinion


Pre-Show Stalwart
When he was put in the elimination chamber in '05 it seemed he was only months away from achieving upper card status. He had a very good match with Orton at the end of this year too, and it seemed he might get another push, but that fizzled out and now he's holding a meaningless title.

The guy has mic skills- rememember the Cabana segments..
He has charisma
He's a good seller
He could improve his storytelling a little bit prehaps, but everytime he has been given decent opposition he has storytold very well (see the two matches a mention above)

At the very least he should be in the upper mid-card, but if you disagree let's have a look at some of the upper mid-carders in WWE atm...

-Kane- Medicore, no charisma
-Kozlov- Medicore, no charisma
-Big Show- Bad/Medicore, no charisma
-CM Punk- Medicore, no charisma
-Rey Mysterio- Overated, medicore, no charisma

See a pattern emerging here? IMO Carlito should be pushed. The only thing as I can see which halted his push was his attitude, but apparantly he has kissed and made up with Vince so why not ultilise the full potential that he has already shown as an established mid-carder in the past. And get him out of the meaningless lower card.
I don't see it. When I think of charisma I don't think or somebody like Carlito. Or even somebody like Randy Orton, a man who does his job very well. I think of somebody like Hulk Hogan, somebody like Triple H and others.

I'd put Carlito in a similar group to Batista. He can talk and get his point across. But it's all a bit dull. The Cabana was only as good as the people he was interviewing.

In 2005 he looked like he'd go far. But I don't know what made me think that at the time. I guess Chris Masters was a lot better than people give gim credit for. In the 4 plus year's Carlito has been in WWE I'm yet to see a great match from him, but to be fair I've not seen many bad matches out of him.

J.R. insist that he's some sort of luchador. Rey Mysterio 2009 is more of a luchador than he is. But like Rey Mysterio, all his high flying moves are in slow motion.
J.R. insist that he's some sort of luchador. Rey Mysterio 2009 is more of a luchador than he is. But like Rey Mysterio, all his high flying moves are in slow motion.

Couldn't agree with you more, they try too hard to put him over and it doesn't work. On the plus side though Carlito can work, its not like he's bad in the ring, and he can talk on the mic. But theres no flow with what hes doing. I think that coupled with his past bad attitude has halted how far he could 'go'. And now he's teamed with his brother, and although there getting some moderate success I don't think even if they were to split them up as a team Carlito would ever rise higher than the mid card. He just doesn't seem to have 'it'.

Although time will tell. Maybe it could go better.
I totally think he deserves a bit of a push. There is nothing wrong with holding onto the tag titles for a bit, but I would like to see him have a good IC/US title reign. Especially as he isn't wrestling many singles any more, this will probably take time.

But I definately feel that he should be wrestling the likes of MVP, Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, etc. I would even go as far to say that I wouldn't mind him winning the MITB. He could lose his title shot, but that could be his way into the upper mid carders.

I was just remembering his debut feud with John Cena, and thought it was really good. I'd like to see him back in singles action asap.
im from puerto rico and have seen carlito before he joined wwe and he was 1000× better in ring then he is now. if the wwe let him do crazier moves he would be the top face on sd! i mean the skill this guy has is unbelieveable.
In my opinion, he is overrated. I'm surprised he still even has a job. Carlito has nothing more then most of the Wrestlers that got released last year, and hasn't done much impressive to make me stand up and go Wow. he bitched over not having anything, well maybe if he had talent and could do interesting things they would have something better then being in a tag team with his brother.

Personally i see his brother outshining him this year, and 5 years from now we will e going Carlito who?
im from puerto rico and have seen carlito before he joined wwe and he was 1000× better in ring then he is now. if the wwe let him do crazier moves he would be the top face on sd! i mean the skill this guy has is unbelieveable.

Yeah but they never will sadly. Not unless they get desparate for ratings will we see the ridiculous high risk or unless it's in a WM gimmick match like the MITB. He didn't do anything of real significance when he was in last year's MITB if i'm honest. A backstabber from half way up the ladder, springboarding onto the ladder, and spitting apple in people's faces. Big whoop!

I've never seen a Carlito match that i thought truly sucked. But the only match i've ever been astounded by was his match with Orton where he suffered the mid-air RKO, a move not even executed by him.

One EC match 4 years ago never made me think he was destined for ME stardom. I mean, MVP didn't get a ME push after last year's did he? Neither did Finlay. And Big Daddy V was ditched shortly after his EC match, and Kahli's now doing the Kisscam! All the random guys that have been in EC matches have been doomed to mid-card humiliation immediately afterwards. And i doubt Kofi or Knox will be ME guys after next Sunday either. The fact that he was 2nd generation made me think he'd do better, but apparently not.

Also, as said before, his Cabana promos were only as good as the person he was talking with.

His best chance to shine was when they had him fued with HHH after everyone got injured left, right and centre, but instead decided to bitch about jobbing instead of trying to make himself look like a talent worth investing time in.

I've always liked the guy, and have always wanted to see him shine through, but sadly he never has. I've only ever been pleased with Carlito when a) he beat Cena for the US title in his first match, and b) when he proved my prediction right when i said he'd win the IC title on his first night on Raw.
A few people have mentioned Carlito's attitude as something that held him back in the past. Of course, I know nothing of the inner workings of the company, but it seemed as if he might have been telling WWE that his effort would improve if he received a push. Naturally, that would be the wrong way to go about things. As it is, he seems to lack fire, his body looks soft and underdeveloped and I see no evidence of a good work ethic.

Plus, he seems to be a malcontent, having been satisfied with nothing that creative has come up with. I don't know why WWE was set against letting him go to TNA.

They can have him.
I knew that I would be a fan of Carlito since the first time I began seeing his vignettes in the summer of 2004. When he won the U.S. Championship on his debut, I was very shocked because Cena had just won the title 2 days prior. Although, he was not being booked as a dominant champ, because of his injury, he was still getting noticed. Then he brings Jesus who ''stabbed Cena in the kidney at a nightclub'', but later got his ass handed to him at Armageddon 2004. Then he had a failed attempt in trying to get SD! GM Theodore Long fired and had a short feud with Big Show, before getting drafted to RAW.

On his RAW debut, he wins the Intercontinental Championship. Holds it for 3 months, before losing it to Flair. He competes in the SD! vs. RAW match at Survivor Series and starts a team with Chris Masters, before feuding with him. He then goes to jobber-status.

On SD! now, he is in a tag team with his brother as the WWE Tag Team Champions. They aren't being taking seriously because they constantly lose to the World Tag Team Champions. Carlito is very underrated and people do not take the time to see that Carlito is pure talent. The problem is that in the ring... he is a little too predictable. If he changes his arsenal a bit and gets more time to show off his mic skills, then he could be taken more seriously.
Carlito's fine, he's over, he's a good worker and he's on TV. Teaming up with Primo isn't the punishment everyone seems to be making it out to be as he is helping his younger greener, brother develop and is getting air-time. Carlito is the more talented of the two and couple him with Primo's better attitude and it can only help both men in the long run.

What I will say he does need is a program, he and Primo need to work with another team to really get people to invest. Who with though is the tricky subject. As far as being in the tag team ranks it's really a good thing.
Carlito is your classic case of inconsistency. There is no denying that he has the fundamental skills to be a star, but his weakness is his inability to tell a story as a character both in the ring and on the mic. He doesn't leave a mark on people's memory deep enough for you to remember him as soon as he is off the screen. We are hardcore fans so we recognize these things but you have to look at how he is viewed by casual fans and by the WWE.

Carlito does not have the best physique, and his look is sloppy. His boots are never fresh, they usually dirty white boots, and his hair is a little too sloppy even for the look and gimmick that he is trying to work on. It should be neater. The fans won't buy into a wrestler that look like a ruffian for a long period of time. He has to exhibit that he cares about his look, and it looks like he doesn't care what he goes to the ring looking like. There is a difference between a sloppy gimmick, and just being sloppy looking (at times). He has to look like a winner and has to look like a champion. Right now he doesn't look like either.

Carlito has talent, but he has to become consistent in displaying it, and he has to show fire and pizazz in the ring. That's what makes people get pushes. Only time will tell if Carlito will make that jump, but as of right now I don't think he deserves a bigger push than what he is getting. He will have to earn a bigger push.
He's rated correctly to me. He's pretty good in the ring, he's ok on the mic and he has a great look to him, but he's just kind of there. He's had some jabs at the main event but absolutely nothing has stuck for him. He's the exact same worker as when he was hired almost 5 years ago. Carlito can be quite good in the ring when he's not being incredibly lazy. He knows he's over and is an asset to the company for his heritage and being fluent in Spanish, so why should he even try to get better? That's what's holding him back from being great.
Carlito is better than he looks i think. I havent seen any of hi matches with Cena or Orton etc but the MITB match last year was awesome and some of his moves were great!

Now he's helping his younger bro Primo develop in the tag devision (devision hehehe hardly). Primo is getting better and better each time i see him and so is Carlito, i'd like to see this tag team keep going for a while longer, if Carlito went back to singles wrestling then Primo would be left behind and the tag devision would lose another team.
I've always thought that he would make a solid south american rebellious character. A wrestler who is constantly talking his rights as a wrestler. We all know the bumps, and bruises the wrestlers absorb, and according to HBK you can go broke. In other words Carlito would be something of a "Che Guevara" of the WWE. A rebellious star all about exploiting the WWE of its ugliness, and monopoly on the wrestling world. Would be nice to see how he could carry something like this out. I'm tire of the apple eating nonsense. Make it "Carlito's Way".
I agree that he's underrated. What hurts him is the de-emphasis on the high flying. The guy used to be exciting, and now he has dull pants, looks fat, and has bad hair, even for the gimmick. He can be used much better.
Does Carlito even want a push though? The word going around awhile ago was that he doesn't have the heart for it, he's not focused. Remember when everyone was pretty sure he was going to be released? All his stuff on was on clearance. He might only be there now because his brother is. So with that being the case, does he really deserve it regardless of how good he might potentially be?
Well,I am not going to deny that I am a big fan of Carlito from his beginning but I like a lot of wrestlers else and thats not a reason for defend them. In this case i think that carlito deserves a moderate push but now he is in it and i will explain why.Many people said that he had his opportunity before and he didnt make a big impact and also he was so lazy in the ring. But for that he had his punishment when he lost to hornswaggle and everyone else for a time.But let me remember you that when he was angry and he wanted to leave the wwe for looking better oportunities,Vince Kennedy Macmahon (THE WWE BOSS) talked to him to stay and convinced him, and everyone knows that carlito was looking to be a major star, so why did he stay if there´s not plans to use him correctly?
and we are talking about Vince who has let many superstars go without trying to convince them to stay so it was for many reasons:1 He has a great potencial and he is still young2 he has mic skills and charisma3 he is latin so it could open many doors4 and he sells merchandise very good. It was clear when Carlito who was loosing to everyone turn things around him and he got a spot at MITB while many other major stars at the moment only get a spot at the battle royal(including the miz, the great khali,etc)this is a good proof because only people that the wwe has plans for or at least care for make it.I think that now they are giving him the right process to be in the main event from the beginning, not like before that he jumped all the process and it had his consequences.But now he is doing a great job helping his younger brother develop his character and his brother has helped him a lot too because like a read before they were putting togueter mainly to make Carlito change his attitude and now i see the change in my eyes because carlito has improved a lot in his wrestling and he is not lazy anymore and the wwe is rewarding him with more tv time and great matches. So I see as a matter of time when carlito will leave this team to be at the midcard in a solid way for a while and then return with experience to the main event scene, i will wait this with patience because a big jump only will hurt him again.But when the moment arrives he needs to change his look to be credible, come on¡¡¡ he looks like a luchador but it does not make him look like a main eventer man, because to be real he is not the guy with the great body neither the big one so he needs to look for a style that make us forget that, maybe short pants again to look more athletic and for that time a definitive change about his hair.
I expect your opinions
Carlito and Benjamin are two people who debuted a few years back and really could have gone places, but instead has just stayed stagnant. Carlito has had the chances having been an IC and US champion and even feuding with the Naitch himself. It's only recently with his tag run that he's beginning to sort himself out. I've seen classic moments from Carlito, but he just lacks the enthusiasm and the consistency that I feel is needed.
Carlito has the skills to be great but he doesn't use them to their full potential. He is often lazy in the ring and sometimes it comes off he just doesn't want to be there. He has alot of potential but he doesn't seem like he really cares either way if he reaches great thing.

His in ring work hasn't really got any better and he doesn't seem to want to improve. I remember watching a Tammy Lynn Snytch video(Sunny), and she was talking about how Carlito was one of the most miserable people she ever worked with(at Carlito's dad's promotion)and that wrestling wasn't a really big passion and he could care less if he made it big or not, whereas Primo was always the one who trained hard, always hoping to become something. She said he ate, slept, and breathed wrestling, unlike Carlito.

So I think Carlito could be considered underated, if he seemed to really care about the business(or so it seems), and if he improved, but Carlito seems content at staying at the same spot and not put in the initiative to get better(instead always complaining that Vince and company are purposely holding him back).
I always thought Carlito had great potential. It seemed that he didn't have the work ethic to live up to that potential. Working with Primo has made him more dedicated and actually better in the ring. Question is when they split up, will Carlito still be dedicated or be like he was a couple of years ago?
While I like Carlito.I think he suits the IC/USA level more than the world title picture.If he held a World title,Id be assuming the important angle would be the number one contendership.He has a gimmick,mic skills but an unmissable draw,,?
Word from upstairs is,he,s lazy & would rather moan about his lot & leave than move his arse,Shelton too. (I heard it on WZ,it MusT be true). Thats why they stuck him with Eddie,hoping he,d do something,& he is kinda,saving a depleted tag division.But you just know that after winning the USA (over Cena no less) & the Inter in his first matches ,MoRe was expected from him.
I fear next time he hints about going if he doesnt get a look in,Vince might just oblige.

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