Carlito should be the one pushed ... NOT Sheamus

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Carlito showed up outta nowhere tonight for the first time in months and still cut a better promo than probably 90% of the roster can cut. We all know how talented Carlito is on the mic and in the ring. He use to be a heat magnet before WWE dropped the ball with him. After his segment with Cena tonight I could buy that as a serious main event title feud.

Sheamus is just fucking awful. He's boring as shit on the mic and he does nothing to impress me in the ring either. And he's suppose to be built up as some "monster" but he's not even that big. I actually think Cena looks alot more intimidating than Sheamus so that defeats the whole purpose of what Sheamus is being built up as in their feud.

Carlito is fuckin' awesome and if WWE doesn't re-push him after tonight then they are wasting a great talent. Sheamus is Kozlov all over again.
Who cares if he can cut a good promo? That's only half the battle. Carlito is very lazy and seems to only perform when he wants to. Carlito had a short stretch in his career where he was very good. Then he became lazy, cut the same boring promo, spit the same kind of apple. For peep sakes there are like 5000 million apples to pick from. But no, he can't adapt and has no motivation.

Sheamus on the other hand is a decent stick worker and can cut a decent promo when needed. Sheamus has all the potential in the world to be something good. The difference between Carlito and Sheamus is Sheamus wants to improve, Carlito on the other hand would rather be a lazy in ring competitor who jobs every day just because he doesn't have that extra motivation to put in a couple extra minutes at the gym. People need to face it, Carlito is shit with no one backing him, whereas Sheamus has a very important person backing him.
Carlito thinks he's in Puerto Rico where he can come and go as he pleases. He can't. His dad doesn't run the WWE, and he should care about how he's perceived by the majority of the fans. His theme music got NO reaction. None. Even if he did speak for most of the WWE locker room, it fell on deaf ears when he tried that stupid apple spitting again.

Carlito is a person who will go down as one of the biggest wastes of talent in wrestling history. Second generation wrestler who is athletic, charismatic, and was given the ball to run with. Only he took a kneel down and threw it back to the referee. Malarky. Carlito doesn't want to be nor should he be pushed.
If not Carlito OR Shaemus....Who then should get the push? I think the pale one could do well from a push,might not be a title holder,BUT it could solidify him as strong "heel"

One point that has me thinking is..Where all of the sudden did this whole angle of"the guys in the locker room deserve a shot" come from??
Lariat nailed it. Carlito is a huge waste of talent and is clearly lazy. Instead of working hard, he sits back and wants oppurtunity handed to him. Instead of really trying to take control of his career when creative broke up him and Primo, he helped Primo put on an absolutely pathetic 6 minute bore-fest on Raw to end the "feud." He clearly doesn't put in the gym time.

The only thing I'll give him tonight on Raw is this... He cut an actually believeable promo. I would love to think that Carlito somehow assembles a mid-card heel faction to try and take down Cena. He made it sound like he's standing up for everybody in the back that was "sick of Cena." I think it's a hell of an interesting thought. But doubtful. I wouldn't mind seeing Miz, Carlito, Masters, Sheamus, etc... just going after Cena to try to destroy him on a weekly basis. However I think that would take a deeper roster.
I fully understand that Carlito is lazy but maybe he woke up. Maybe we should give him one more chance. He has history with Cena and his promo was heart felt and I loved it. I would love for him to be the one who takes the strap from Cena, get a stable and start a new era in the E. Lets see if they go somewhere with this and see if he drop the ball or should I say apple.
Carlito is the definition of the Billy Gunn award in the lifetime achievement category. The guy was given the US and IC titles his FIRST NIGHT on each of the shows. Read that again... his FIRST NIGHT.

They tried giving the guy runs. He didn't care. He wasn't into it. They tried bringing in his brother to light a fire under his ass.... for a short time it worked, then he asked for them to be broken up so he can be a single's heel....

He had tons of potential to have a true run in the WWE because let's face it, Carlito is talented. But he doesn't care. He collects a paycheck and squanders talent and opportunity a LOT of people would love to have.

And Sheamus. I've been big on the guy since the FCW days. He hasn't done anything in WWE so far to make me seem like anything more than a stupid mark though. The guy can really work and when allowed can cut a very good promo. I'm actually GLAD he is HHH's workout buddy because he deserves his shot.

And before you dismiss it as another blind love affair, watch his work in FCW. If you still hate the man after that... then I give up.
Carlito may be lazy at this point of his career, but I think at least he should be in the main event more so than Sheamus. The guy is talented and he has "it". But, on the other hand, he should be the last person to try to speak out and represent the mid carders. He had the ball to be on the same level as John Cena , but was too lazy to do it.

Sheamus hasn't done anything and just might be a Kozlov or a Chris Masters. Tonight, John Cena looked more aggressive than I've seen him in a long time. Sheamus should prove not only to me, but the people WHY he should be put in that main event spot and so far he hasn't done anything but win a battle royal. Lucky him!

So i think a lazy Carlito would be a better choice. At least he beaten some big stars and won a few championships. Brock Lesner did before his match with The Rock. If they want to waste time with Cena before this Road to Wrestlemania comes around, why not do it with Carlito?
Why do people think they now EVERYTHING about a wrestler just because. Like how do any of you know what goes on backstage and what Carlito has or hasn't done to get pushed.

People call Carlito lazy? How about Jeff Hardy, I know hes a favorite on line, but to me he was the same guy for years until he left the WWE just recently. Never had it on the mic, seemed like he used the same moves over and over, never had a great physique, carried the same gimmick back and forth from WWE to TNA to WWE, got suspended twice got title shots, got the title, something that half the locker room wishes they could get after all the shit he did, and then he decides its time to quit.

And I'm not even saying that Carlito isn't lazy, it really gets to me when people post shit on here as cold hard fact, like CARLITO"S A LAZY ASS AND THATS WHY HE'LL NEVER GET A PUSH, like ya'll are right there. The Wrestling business is so convoluted there are a million reasons why Carlito hasn't gotten the WWE Title yet, like maybe the fact that not everyone is going to get a title run. Carlito is probably just a career mid-carder like many before him and many after. Think about your favorite star that hasn't gotten his shot, are they lazy cocky assholes? Or is this just the way the business works.

I'm partial to Kane myself like so many others on here, I don't see people calling him a fat lazy garbage guy just because he hasn't gotten that good run that we all wish he would.
Carlito maybe lazy at this point of his career, but atleast i think he should be in the main event than sheamus. The guy is talented and he has it. But on the other hand he should be the last person to try to speak out and represent the mid carders. He had the ball to be on the same level as john cena , but was too lazy to do it.

sheamus hasn't done anything and just might be a kozlov or a chris masters. Tonight john cena did looked more aggressive in a long time. sheamus should prove not only me but the ppl why he should be put in that main event spot and so far he hasn't done nothing but won a battle royal, lucky him!

So i think a lazy carlito would be a better choice, atleast he beaten some big stars, won a few championships. Brock lesner did b4 his match with the rock. If they want to waste time with cena b4 this road to wrestlemania comes around why not do it with carlito.

What has Carlito done lately to deserve anything? A lackluster reign as tag team champion constitutes anything. I don't see anything from Carlito in or out of the ring that justifies him being pushed over Sheamus. Sheamus is good in the ring and on the mic and Carlito is average in both aspects. If he can actually show that he wants to be pushed, maybe they will push him. For now, he is what he is and has been for a while.

Brock Lesnar didn't win any championships before he faced the Rock but Carlito and Lesnar are on two different wavelengths.
What has Carlito done lately to deserve anything? A lackluster reign as tag team champion constitutes anything. I don't see anything from Carlito in or out of the ring that justifies him being pushed over Sheamus. Sheamus is good in the ring and on the mic and Carlito is average in both aspects. If he can actually show that he wants to be pushed, maybe they will push him. For now, he is what he is and has been for a while.

Brock Lesnar didn't win any championships before he faced the Rock but Carlito and Lesnar are on two different wavelengths.

I know he hasn't done anything lately. Like I said before, if they wanna waste Cena time before Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania, I'd rather Carlito or some other mid carder who has at least done something to be in Sheamus' spot. And I know Lesner didn't win any championships before The Rock, but yes he did beat a few names to get there. What big names has Sheamus beaten? Yeah, he's beaten Shelton Benjamin on ECW, which nobody cared about.
Carlito is 5"10 and just a little over 200lbs. He will not make a good Main Eventer against Cena. That's not the way I feel. It's just the way WWE is. They will always push the big guys no matter how awful they are. Evan Bourne or Miz would make a better Main Event, but WWE will continue to push guys like Sheamus, Kozlov, Jackson, and Khali.
Haha Sheamus is a bum, and so is Carlito. And no, we do not "all know" that Carlito is good on the mic and in the ring. I think he is terrible in both aspects. His mic skills are weak, it's as if he were reading off of a script. In the ring, he is stale and nowhere near as athletic as some people make him out to be. He is perfect for the tag division with that dope of a brother he has. Sheamus is also a complete bum and in no way deserves it more than carlito, but he has the look of a heavyweight. Wrestling stinks today, and many of you will say I'm wrong, and what that tells me is that none of you watched from the early 90's through the early part of this decade. Do yourselves a favor, rent or buy some old tapes, and see what wrestling is SUPPOSED to look like. Cena's a chump, worst champion ever, even worse than David Arquette (I'm sure some of you "new school" wrestling fans didn't even know that idiot held a belt).
He doesn't try. He tried real hard when he debuted because they basically shoved him out there without a lifejacket, it was a sink or swim moment for Carlito. He's been giving pushes before, he's had feuds with big names before. He just didn't seem to give a shit. He seems like a real ******** in general. That whole apple spitting thing wore out years ago, nobody even reacted the whole fucking time. How sad is that? You haven't been seen for a long time, and you literally get no reaction. Yeah, what he said was true for some, it was a decent promo. That doesn't mean he should be pushed. He's dropped the ball on every title run he's ever had. Why is he even still in the company?
Carlito is 5"10 and just a little over 200lbs. He will not make a good Main Eventer against Cena. That's not the way I feel. It's just the way WWE is. They will always push the big guys no matter how awful they are. Evan Bourne or Miz would make a better Main Event, but WWE will continue to push guys like Sheamus, Kozlov, Jackson, and Khali.

Ok, but Kurt Angle is 5" 10' and 240 lbs and he was a Main Eventer. He held almost every title in the WWE. Chris Benoit was 5"11' and 240 lbs, Eddie Guererro was 5"8' and 220 lbs, same deal. All these guys were main eventers and they are the same size, if not smaller, than Carlito.

And of the 4 that you mentioned, only Khali became World Champion, and that was because Edge got injured, and needed to put the belt on someone right away.

Carlito has the ability to be a top heel, and maybe thats why he was on hiatus for awhile because creative told him he needed to pick up his game. I can see Carlito as Champion one day, only if he gets off his ass and works for it, instead of expecting it to just get handed to him.
First and foremost, let's tackle the thread @ hand. Carlito, whom i am a fan of, should NOT be in the spot currently held by Sheamus. Perhaps Sheamus hasn't made his bones in the fans' eyes, but this feud is really just a litmus test to see how he does on the big stage. The fact that he will not win @ TLC is irrelevant, and unless he completely shits the bed will be poised for a solid midcard position and grow from there accordingly. If you were to put someone like Kofi or Fizz in that spot, it would derail all of the great progress those two have been making. They are exactly where they need to be right now if you want them pushed to the moon sooner than later.

Back to Carlito; what has he done this year that would immediately make us give a shit about him? Whether or not the rumors of his piss poor work ethic and sense of entitlement are true, a fair majority of the fans believe this to be true (the IWC community is more vast than people are willing to acknowledge), so he really has alot to prove to live audiences as well as viewers at home before he is cast in a position of competing for a World Championship on PPV. I for one would love to see it, because time is not on his side considering where he probably could have been by now. Maybe this is the start of him getting pushed again, only time will tell, so let's not speculate and just sit back and watch.

Now, for the comments made by 'nickb03', you may want to take career post #2 and wipe your ass with it. I too, am a wrestling fan who was around and an avid fan of wrestling going back to the early 80's (perhaps even before you) and have seen it all from the territories and the larger promotions, so I have witnessed the entire evolution of the sport to where it is now. I'm all about the first amendment, and you have the right to say what you will, but calling David "Mr.1-800-fucking-collect" a better champion than John Cena is by far the dumbest thing I have seen posted on this site. And guess what homeboy, I've seen some really stupid shit posted on here! Cena is FAR from the reason that I tune in to wrestling, but I respect his incredible work ethic, and the positive aspects of what he brings to the sport currently, as he is the best ambassador it has right now.

Wrestling is in the cycle cast back to the Hogan era, and I have a feeling you were/are a Hogan mark, so let me refresh your memory of what that era was like: King Kong Bundy, The Big Bossman and Earthquake had the exact same rise through the ranks of WWF as Sheamus currently does; series' of squash matches establishing their dominance, no credible feuds prior, destroyed and injured Hogan prior to the match where the champ overcomes insurmountable obstacles to slay the beast! Is it starting to ring a bell again? If you have preferences that's one thing, but to be so adamant about the way you feel and believe you know what's best for business, then tell us "Bookerman" how you would do things different instead of going on some diatribe concluded with a David Arquette referrence. LAME! I feel fortunate for the "new school" wrestling fans that they didn't buy the goddamn PPV that the aforementioned abomination occurred on. Unfortunately, I can't say the same. I'm just sayin'....
I dont think Carlito is so much lazy as frustrated. He is one of the few who is openly willing to criticize the product and booking decisions and constantly ends up getting punished for it. He has asked for his release on multiple occasions and McMahon has talked him out of it every time so clearly he sees something in Carlito worth keeping him around for. Every time they start to do something with Carlito it tends to get dropped without any explanation. I know in my job when they ask us to start doing things that I just dont think are gonna work that I am much less likely to put in any more effort than what is needed, and I am willing to bet most of you are the same way. Yet it seems like most people on this board believe that everyone in the WWE should always do what Vince McMahon says and never dare question it. I like the fact that Carlito is willing to speak his mind. I think the majority of Carlito's problems have been the fault of bad booking. Like on Raw, they had Carlito come out and give a great promo only to get manhandled by John Cena. What purpose did it serve? They bring Carlito back just to get beat up by Cena. They could of had plenty of other people cut that promo then take the beating, but instead they killed the momentum Carlito had just started to build up during the promo in about 10 seconds.
So back to the topic at hand, I dont think Carlito should be getting pushed in the WWE, I think they should have released him back when he first asked so he could have gone to either TNA or back to Puerto Rico and been used right instead of toying with him like they have been for the past 2 years.
wow i didnt know so many people hated carlito my first thought was to reply with

"you guys are fucking stupid carlito kicks ass" but that would be just as useful as saying he's lazy

how is he lazy? prove to me send me some youtube clips of him being lazy please
like send me the royal rumble 09 click, that beautiful moonsault, yeah that clip

how about where he did that backflip into the moonsault against shelton benjamin i think it was

yeah he isnt how rey mysterio used to be but hes better than sheamus who im still waiting to see do something cool

and its spelled seamus there is no h so why did wwe add an h i dont get it

i do like his accent though

but carlito is good on the mic

he probably seems lazy to you guys cause he bashed the wwe but uh so did ECW and you dont call them lazy you idolize them

i think ecw was lazy honestly, cause personally i think tommy dreamer sucks, sandman is a drunk, raven is cool but not a great in ring performer, the only matches i even watch of the old school ecw hardcore tv on 24/7 are the rare actual wrestling matches

alright i like the old ecw as much as the next guy but i dont like dreamer

and im just pissed sandman got released from wwe still
contradicted myself i know

anyway im a carlito mark i guess and you guys like john cena? or the miz?

carlito should go to tna which im starting to think is better than wwe does anyone else think that sorry off topic but has anyone noticed how the things that made tna suck and corny they have gotten rid of like don west and the shitty backstage interviews that were too cartoony and are now pretty good
back to topic carlito kicks ass and shouldnt be treated like d'lo brown was who also kicks ass
IF Carlito is to be pushed into the main event he has to change his music, and about half of his move set, i haven't yet seen raw but one great promo doesnt necesarily mean you should be a main eventer. ive heard plwnty of great mid-card promos. I don't know why sheamus is having a title shot, he is being too rushed
I love this shit. Can't believe I get a post count for this!

wow i didnt know so many people hated carlito my first thought was to reply with

"you guys are fucking stupid carlito kicks ass" but that would be just as useful as saying he's lazy

Only one of those statements is true though. Do you know which?

how is he lazy? prove to me send me some youtube clips of him being lazy please
like send me the royal rumble 09 click, that beautiful moonsault, yeah that clip

Shit. since he can do a moonsault, that automatically makes him motivated to improve his game and put effort into his matches? If thats the case, most of the wrestlers in the Indys are more motivated then Anthony Robbins. A moonsault means jack shit if the rest of the matches you have are boring and sloppy.

how about where he did that backflip into the moonsault against shelton benjamin i think it was

How about that time John Cena went out and gave everything he had to entertain the fans? Oh wait, that was every night. Thats why he's wearing that strange looking gold thing around his waist right?

yeah he isnt how rey mysterio used to be but hes better than sheamus who im still waiting to see do something cool

Are you holding your breath for a 450 splash? Its not happening by the way. He's a big, mean irish heavyweight wrestler. He throws people around, and puts them through tables. How is that not cool enough? Oh wait, I know. He needs to slack off for the whole year and bitch and moan and pretend to leave, then do one moonsault to entertain you.

and its spelled seamus there is no h so why did wwe add an h i dont get it

It's called a period. Why didn't you use one? I don't get it.

i do like his accent though
but carlito is good on the mic

He's passable, which sometimes would be a ticket to success. But somewhere in between 2006 and here, he decided "fuck this, I can have a huge career and not do anything to change myself". And he didn't.

he probably seems lazy to you guys cause he bashed the wwe but uh so did ECW and you dont call them lazy you idolize them

Yes. ECW is a single entity. And it verbally assaulted the WWE. Did the ring ropes cuss out The Rock now did they? We "idolize" ECW and it's wrestlers because they put on good matches and entertained the fans. Carlito does neither, yet still find an excuse to bitch.

i think ecw was lazy honestly, cause personally i think tommy dreamer sucks, sandman is a drunk, raven is cool but not a great in ring performer, the only matches i even watch of the old school ecw hardcore tv on 24/7 are the rare actual wrestling matches

You're asking for a beating from someone. Honestly. This is off topic, and I'm not taking out anything on you. Consider yourself lucky.

anyway im a carlito mark i guess and you guys like john cena? or the miz?

They get great reactions, as opposed know. Nothing. Which is exactly like the substance of your argument.
Tbh Carlitos own fault hes not getting pushed, its been reported he doesnt care anymore and has the wrong attitude, hes got all the talent in the world and is good at all needed to be a top superstar, when he started he was my favourite wrestler on smackdown and was a great heel us champion but hes never really got back to that level in the years since
Carlito should be pushed? Over Sheamus? Really? Seriously?

Honestly, I've never liked Carlito. Ever. I can list out his most of his WWE career and he has never been entertaining.

  • He debuts and he beat Cena (yes, CENA.) for the US title
  • Boring feud that was only interesting because of Cena.
  • He gets moved to Raw and wins the IC title.
  • He turns face and starts hanging out with Trish.
  • He is called out by Flair for not taking his spot on Raw seriously.
  • Trish leaves and he starts hanging out with Torrie.
  • Turns heel on Flair, boring feud starts.
  • Dumps Torrie Wilson
  • Does nothing for a while
  • Tag team with his brother Primo
  • Carlito & Primo win Unified Tag Team Championship at Wrestlemania 25.
  • Turns heel on Primo.
  • Does nothing for a while.
  • Calls out Cena randomly tonight on Raw.

There. That's Carlito's entire WWE career (give or take a few things I may have forgotten) and the only time I have ever found him entertaining was his victory at Wrestlemania 25 when the Tag Team titles were unified, but that would have been entertaining no matter who won it because of it being a historical match.

So a guy who has been boring for 5 years (Carlito) should get a push over a fairly new guy who has the chance to be something new on Raw (Sheamus)....? Sorry, but I just have to disagree there. I have never liked Carlito and am surprised that he is even still in WWE.
I agree 100%. Shelton Benjamin should be getting a bigger push. Have Shad and JTG ever held the tag titles. I swear with Jerishow, it's like a monopoly. You have to be a major star to get a tag title shot.

WWEs problem is that they try to please the wrong people and guess what.....The fans are rarely included in that list of people. The Way Vince sees it is that we the fans are supposed to watch his product. They do everything for face value and nothing else.

Unless they get competition. It won't change either.
I have always been a fan of Carlito and love the character but even i cant defend him.

Although he was good on the mic yesterday look how pathetic that attempt with the apple was and look how easily Cena disposed of him. Carlito once beat cena for the U.S tittle and now look at the difference in class. You cant say this is solely down to a push or two. Cena has clearly put the work in to get where he is today and Carlito simply hasnt.

The reason its the Celtic Warrior getting the push at TLC and not Carlito is simple. Sheamus is big, strong, looks the part, plays the bad guy well and has an intimidating appearance. Carlito would last 3 minutes in a match with Cena or even Sheamus for that matter.

Even though i do like Carlito i cant even say ive missed him.
Carlito is great on the mic and can draw heat when he speaks everytime. However, he just doesn't seem to get the crowd to react in his matches to the same degree. After his initial push, he's gotten some small ones, but his bad attitude has killed him and that's why he's this position now. It was nice to see him confront Cena last night and it made me see Carlito differently. If he can change his moveset just a little bit, I think we can all get into Carlito again. At least Carlito has been in some decent matches and has beaten Cena before.
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