Carlito Asks For Release?

yaaaaaaaaaas Carlito has been saved , the talent hasnt been wasted , i hope he beats the shit out of that little green fucker. and really the only man who could take the IC title right now would be carlito. Lets hope this is gonna be cool.
So Carlito is sticking with WWE for now. That's very interesting. I'm very curious to see what WWE does with him now. I mean his rep on Raw is certainly hurting from consecutive losses to Hornswoggle. I'd say it's time for Carlito to head over to SD! and go for the US title. As I said, I really can't see him doing much on Raw espically after these recent weeks of failure...
I am glad too see that he is staying on Raw, and hopefully he wont continue too lose too hornswoggle. Carlito could win the IC title from Jeff Hardy in stunning fashion because it really wouldn't make Jeff Hardy look weak if he goes out their and loses to a guy that has been getting beat by Hornswoggle. Hopefully Carlito takes this and runs with this opportunity, because it could be the last opportunity he gets, so now if he has the passion for the business hopefully he takes this opportunity and he comes out a better entertainer, and a good champ, but still IMO i think he could serve better going to ECW and wrestle for the Championship or go too SD where their roster isn't too stacked with Main eventers and solid mid carders.
I don't get why he is sticking with WWE. He wanted to leave because of the way he was being pushed. But WWE aren't going to push somebody really had if they have expressed a desire to leave. Vince won't push somebody who wanted to leave his company, the biggest wrestling company, for a promotion in Puerto Rico. Working for WWE is supposed to be every wrestlers dream, or so Vince likes to think.

He'll be gone in 6 months.
I don't get why he is sticking with WWE. He wanted to leave because of the way he was being pushed. But WWE aren't going to push somebody really had if they have expressed a desire to leave. Vince won't push somebody who wanted to leave his company, the biggest wrestling company, for a promotion in Puerto Rico. Working for WWE is supposed to be every wrestlers dream, or so Vince likes to think.

He'll be gone in 6 months.

what do you mean? From what i read he wasn't happy being beaten by Hornswoggle, he also wasn't happy with the push he was getting, which is probably his cause too show no desire, or passion for a business that IMO turned their back on him when he was given the IC title, and was basically never in the running for it again, it seemed like they had plans for him when he got a clean win over John Cena on Raw a couple months ago, but then they just turned Carlito into everyones whipping boy by having him job to everyone. When Carlito debuted it seemed like they had high expectations for him, he had his little run with the title and he wasn't really used again, and if they were going to do that too me, I wouldn't show that much passion for the business either, maybe since he and Vince came too an agreement maybe everything will work out for the best.
Vince has persuaded him to stay so he doesn't go to TNA. He isn't suddenly going to start pushing him again. If they had any intention of making him into a superstar they would have by now. Carlito wanting to leave will make McMahon show him whos boss. He does it to lots of people. He made Bischoff do HLA, he made Hardy look weak at Summer Slam 05 and more.

Carlito has no real bargaining power. If Carlito still doesn't recieve the sort of push he wants he may request another release. But Vince doesn't have to give it to him. Carlito may well decide to quit, but McMahon will still have him under contract. So he wont be able to go anywhere else until his contract expires. Carlito still has to do whatever McMahon asks. Knowing that he isn't happy in the company, and that he will still be with them for a while. McMahon will probably keep him in the same spot for a while. He certainly isn't going to have him challenging Orton anytime soon.
After reading the development that I have, & then factoring in the sudden Ladder match between Carlito & Jeff Hardy, for the Intercontinental Championship.. I'm convinced that Carlito will become the new Intercontinental Champion after Raw.. & possibly head into Armageddon with a last minute match to defend it.

I can't say I did or didn't want him to leave.. because with him staying, it almost but all ruins his athletic push. If he would've left for T.N.A. they would've focused on his athletic ability. W.W.E. focuses more on character, & charisma.. on the mic skills, etc.

So with him staying, its only hurting him further down the line, IF W.W.E. doesn't suddenly switch him to E.C.W., where they showcase talent over every other skill. Or even Smackdown, where he'd forever remain a mid-carder.

Personally, he could shine & be the Main Event of E.C.W.'s roster. On Smackdown, he could receive World Championship matches, but never win them.. on Raw, he'll never get out of being a midcarder, who even then loses more than wins.. likely.
As mentioned before, people have said that Carlito shuld be moved to ECW or SmackDown. I dont agree because Raw needs midcarders desperately. The brand is flooded with main eventers but hardly has any midcarders that are worth of the IC title. WWE and Raw needs Carlito. IF they release him, hes going straight to TNA, so WWE is almost forced to keep him.

Personally I think he totally redemmed himself after the great ladder match on Raw with Jeff. He took some sick bumps and that sunset flip was awesome. The downside is that Carlito has been around the IC title for 2 whole years now and needs to get a move on. He needs to turn face in order for this to happen, think about it: Carlito vs Kennedy, Carlito vs Snitsky, Carlito vs Umaga. He could have big things ahead of him if he is booked right and performs better constantly.
Personally I think he totally redemmed himself after the great ladder match on Raw with Jeff. He took some sick bumps and that sunset flip was awesome. The downside is that Carlito has been around the IC title for 2 whole years now and needs to get a move on. He needs to turn face in order for this to happen, think about it: Carlito vs Kennedy, Carlito vs Snitsky, Carlito vs Umaga. He could have big things ahead of him if he is booked right and performs better constantly.

i deff agree with you on this... Carlito... he is a nice guy... he and kennedy came to Charleston AFB to do an autograph signing for the military on the base before they took thier trip oversees.. i talked to carlito and he was very nice and i could tell he was a little burned out... one thing he said... 'the business is the business, it has its ups and it has its downs'... fair enough... now the thing that did change his mind was talking to vince...

on with the fueds... i would love to see kennedy and carlito fued no that kennedy has lost to hbk... not to go off topic but hbk needed the win... now i would like to see kennedy and carlito.. head to head... battle of the mics... if they did that it would either turn kennedy face or carlito face... would be nice to see cause it would be a fresh fued...

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