Canadian Hardcore Combat: Rotten (Week 1)

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R.I.P Benoit Family
This is my first show. Canadian Hardcore Combat is my company, and Rotten is the only brand. It consists of (for now) WWE Superstars. Since its the entire WWE roster I'm compesating for here, every show is going to have different superstars and will be about 6-8 matches.

Match 1: Trish comes out to her entrance music and the crowd cheers. Ashley then enters and gets another cheer from the crowd. When both women are in the ring, they shake hands, and the ringbell sounds.

They stalk each other as they both circle the ring, then lock-up. Trish kicks Ashley in the stomach, headlocks her, and snap-suplexes her. Trish runs at the ropes and sentons on the fallen Ashley. Trish gets up and picks up Ashley, but Ashley punches Trish in the stomach, and enzuguiri's trish in the face. Ashley stands up and throws up the "rock-on" hand gesture. She walks over to the corner and grabs the turnbuckle, giving her leverage on the second rope. She flips back, but splashes on bare mat as Trish rolls away. Ashley screams in pain. Trish laughs, and kicks Ashley in the head. She picks up Ashley, only to clothesline her back down. Trish jumps up and leg-drops Ashley. Trish yet again picks up Ashley, but headlocks her. Trish puts up her arm for her taunt, and runs at the ropes, still holding Ashley. She bounces off of them for the Stratusfaction, but Ashley pushes her off and Trish lands right on her ass. Trish screams in pain. Ashley climbs to the top rope, and moonsaults off, landing right on Trish's head. Ashley grabs Trish's leg and lifts it up. 1.... 2..... 3! The crowd cheers and the ref raises her arm. But Trish gets up, unknowingly to Ashley. Ashley turns around, and Trish spears Ashley. trish gets up and laughs as her music plays and she exits the ring.

Winner: Ashley

Promo:The camera shows Shelton Benjamin in the locker room taping up his wrists and then start stretching. He grabs the Openweight Championship and rolls his shoulders as he exits the locker room.

Match 2:
The Title CAN change hands in the result of a DQ or Count-out. Example, if one superstar is out of the ring for a ten-count, he is eliminated. Also, if somebody is the victim of an illeagal maneuver, the culprit is then eliminated.

The Challengers, Johnny Nitro, Rey Mysterio, and Charlie Haas all enter the ring one-by-one and walk to their corners. Then, Shelton Benjamin's music hits and the crowd goes nuts! He comes out to a big explosion of pyro, walks down the ramp, and enters the ring. He walks to his corner and the ringbell sounds.

Immediately, Nitro, Mysterio, and Haas all attack Benjamin, stomping, punching, and kicking him. Nitro picks Benjamin up, but Mysterio slaps Nitro's chest and they start punching each other rapidly. Benjamin and Haas lock-up for about ten seconds, when Shelton goes to Haas's back and German Suplexes him out of the ring. Benjamin runs at the opposite ropes, and leaps over the other ones and crossbodies Haas on the outside. Meanwhile, Nitro and Mysterio see Benjamin and Haas on the outside, stop fighting, and run, spearing both Benjamin and Haas through the ropes. All of the men are on the ground. The ref begins the ten-count. Haas slowly gets up as the ref gets to five. He realizes the situation, and slides into the ring. As the ref gets to eight, Mysterio begins to stand up, but Haas runs at the ropes and baseball slides him in the face, quickly getting back into the ring. The ref restarts the ten-count. Mysterio again begins to get up, and Haas again goes for the baseball slide, but Mysterio sees it coming and ducks, forcing Haas to slide right out of the ring. Haas and Mysterio start rapidly punching each other, when they realize the count is at six. They both slide into the ring. However, Haas gets up quicker than Mysterio, and clotheslines him down. Haas applies an STF submission, but out of no-where, Benjamin and Nitro slide in at the nine-count, and break the submission. Benjamin picks up Haas and gives him the T-Bone Suplex, lifs up Haas's leg.

1.... 2.... 3! Haas is the first to be eliminated. Just as Benjamin gets up, Mysterio applies the drop toe-hold on Benjamin, forcing him to fall on the second rope. Mysterio bounces off of the opposite ropes, but is speared by Nitro, who covers him.

1... 2... 3! Mysterio is the second to be eliminated. Nitro sees the prone Benjamin, and chokes him on the second rope. The ref counts to four as Nitro lets go. Benjamin begins to gasp for air as Nitro picks him up and attempts to go for the snapshot, but Benjamin pushes him off and hits the T-Bone Suplex. Benjamin puts his arm over Nitro.

1... 2... Kickout! Benjamin gets on his knees, frustrated. Unknowingly to Benjamin, Nitro is up and waiting. Benjamin gets up and turns around. Nitro attempts the Snapshot, but Benjamin reverses it into an amazing DDT. Benjamin rolls Nitro's leg.

1... 2... 3! the crowd goes nuts as the ref returns the belt to it's Champion and raises Benjamin's Arm.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (Successful Title Defense)

Promo: The camera is in the parking lot, where Bobby Lashley is getting out of a limo in his wrestling gear, ready to go. But out of nowhere, the Spirit Squad comes and beats down Bobby Lashley. Mikey grabs a lead pipe on the ground and starts smacking Lashley with it, while Kenny climbs on top of the limo Lashley came out of. He jumps and performs his Guillotine Leg Drop on Lashley. They all get up and run away, leaving the broken Lashley on the ground.

Match 3: The Spirit Squad enters the ring, and the crowd boos and jeers at them. They are all introducing themselves, then sliding into the ring. The announcer calls Bobby Lashley, but he doesn't come. the ref comes in and begins the ten-count. on the ninth count, Lashley comes out from behind the ring in the crowd and assaults all the members of the spirit squad with a steel chair. He smacks all of them on the head, and the crowd goes crazy. The ref calls for a DQ as Lashley raises the chair over his head with one arm and roars. He gives Kenny an extra good smack before he leaves, and exits with the chair. The entire squad is bloodied and broken.

Winner: The Spirit Squad, VIA DQ

Promo: Maria catches Bobby just as he is about to enter his dressing room and asks "So Bobby. Why exactly did you attack the Spirit Squad tonight?"

Lashley: "They messed with me, so I messed them up." He holds up the chair and enters his dressing room.

Match 4: Mr. McMahon enters the ring. "sorry for the interruption, you ungrateful bastards!" The crowd begins to boo. "Our next match is scheduled to be Edge vs. Matt Hardy, but, I have to cancel it, because Edge was fired for not co-operating with my management." The crowd boos again. "So, because this was issued to be a number one contendership for the CHC Canadian Title, I am officially awarding that honour to Matt Har-"

He is cut off, as Edge AND Matt Hardy enter the ring and begin to beat down on Mr. McMahon. Edge headlocks him, swings him around and slams his down for the Edgecution. Matt Hardy then picks him up, also headlocks him, but instead hits the twist of fate. Edge and Hardy face each other, then shake hands and raise each other's arms. Hardy grabs a mic, and says "Right now, Edge and I, are BOTH number one contenders for the canadian Title. Nothing can stop us. Not even THIS asshole right here."

"Yeah. Hardy's right. Next week, BOTH of us are going to face Mark Henry for the Canadian Title in a HANDICAP MATCH! We are, THE DREAM X-TREME!!!" They both go on the turnbuckles and taunt as their music hits and the crowd goes crazy. Both exit the ring, each stomping McMahon one last time before they go to the back.

Winner: No Contest

Promo: The camera shows RVD running after Booker T.
RVD: "Booker! Hey Booker!"
Booker T turns around. "Yeah, Rob?"
RVD: "Booker, *pants*, I just wanted to ask if you wanted me in your corner for your match against Finlay?"
The crowd cheers.
Booker T: "Why? So you can backstab me at the end of the match?"
RVD: "What? Who, me? I would NEVER do that Booker. I think you're a great North American Champion Booker. I want you to keep that reign for as long as you can."
Booker T: "Eh... Alright Rob. You can be by my side for tonight. Thanks for the support too, man."
RVD: "Sure, *pants*, anytime man"

Match 5:
The Title CANNOT change hands in the case of a count-out or DQ

Finlay enters the ring as his music hits. The crowd boos. Booker T's music hits and he walks out, accompanied by RVD, and they both walk to the ring. RVD walks up and holds the ropes for Booker and they both step in. Booker hands the North American Title to the ref. Booker and Finlay stalk each other. The ringbell sounds and Booker T dropkicks Finlay. Finlay falls over the ropes. Booker distracts the ref as RVD cautiously runs over and kicks Finlay in the face. Finlay holds his face in pain, but RVD kicks him yet again in the face. RVD goes back to Booker's corner as the ref pays attention again. Finlay removes his hands and you can see that his nose is bleeding. Booker picks up Finlay and slams his face into the ring steps over and over again. RVD distracts the ref as Booker grabs a steel chair from the audience and smacks Finlay over the head, stunning him. Booker gives the chair back to the audience member and walks back over to Finlay. Booker is about to slam Finlay's face into the steps again, but Finlay kicks Booker in the stomach and clotheslines him down. Finlay begins to stomp on booker. The crowd cheers. Finlay picks up Booker and throws him back into the ring. Finlay slides in quickly and throws out the still distracting RVD. Finlay turns around but Booker low-blows Finlay, unknowingly to the ref. Booker puts Finlays arm over his own shoulder, and suplexes him into the middle of the ring. Booker gets up, walks to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He turns around to go for his old missle dropkick, but Finlay quickly gets up, runs, and throws Booker off of the turnbuckle. He climbs up himself, and elbow drops onto Booker. RVD climbs in, but Finlay notices him and gives him the Celtic Cross as he throws him out of the ring. Unknowingly, Booker is up, and when Finlay turns around Booker tries to kick Finlay. But, Finlay grabs Booker's foot and throws it to the side. He kicks Booker in the stomach and hits the celtic cross on Booker T. Finlay grabs Booker's leg and rolls it up.

1... 2... 3! The crowd cheers as the ref gives Finlay the Title and raises his arm. He goes to his knees as his music plays. He kisses the title and raises it up. But behind him, RVD is up. Finlay turns around and RVD kicks Finlay in the stomach and DDTs him onto the fallen Title. RVD's music cuts in as he raises his arms and walks out of the ring without Booker T.

Winner: Fit Finlay (New North American Champion)

Promo: The camera shows Big Show, the Heavyweight Champion, talking to Shelton Benjamin.
Big Show: "Congrats on your defense Shelton. The odds were stacked against you, but you destroyed Nitro. Good job." Big Show outstreches his hand for a shake, but Triple H runs out from behind the camera and starts to punch and kick Big Show. Shelton runs to get help. Big Show tries to get up, but Triple H ruthlessly keeps attacking him. At the end of the hall, while the two are still fighting, you see a dark figure moving slowly towards the two men. As the camera focusses in, the crowd realizes that the figure is the Undertaker! They start to cheer. While the two are still going at it, with Big Show in control now, Undertaker walks over to both of them and raises his arms out in front of him. Triple H and Big Show immediately stop, and turn to face the new-comer. Suddenly, Undertaker grabs both of their necks, lifts up, and slams them both back down to the backstage floor for the Chokeslam. Shelton finally comes back with a ref, but bumps right in to 'Taker. Undertaker turns around, outstretches his arms again, and grabs both the ref's and Shelton Benjamin's necks. He yet again lifts up, and slams them back down for another chokeslam. Undertaker walks back the way he came as the camera fades...

Match 6:
The following contest is a 3-way hardcore dance for the CHC Heavyweight Championship
There are no DQs, No count-outs, and has anywhere falls rules.

Triple H is the first to enter the ring, and is shaking uncontrollably and looking around cautiously as he enters the ring. Next to enter is Kurt Angle, who, as he enters the ring with a baseball bat, looks at Triple H like he's insane. Finally, the Champion Big Show enters, who acts in the exact same way as Triple H did when he entered the ring. The ring bell sounds, but neither Triple H nor big Show move.

Kurt Angle looks at both of them like they're crazy, but doesn't take his chances as he walks cautiously toward them, his bat raised. Satisfied, Kurt takes a swing at Big Show's head, but he ducks, forcing kurt to spin around. So, Triple H, overcoming his fear, runs at Kurt and kicks him in the stomach. He puts Kurt's head in between his legs, but Kurt sees Triple H's signature, The Pedigree, coming, so he grabs H's legs and pulls them towrd himself, causing Trips to fall on his back. Kurt grabs Triple H's leg, and begins to turn his foot for the Ankle Lock. But Big Show grabs Kurt's bat and nails Angle in the back. Angle cries in pain, as he lets go of the lock and falls to the ground, clenching his back. Big Show, seeing the fallen Triple H, swings the bat up, but Triple H notices it before it does any damage, sits up, and low-blows Show. Big Show buckles to the ground in pain. With Triple H the only man standing, he slides out of the ring, and lifts up the apron. He goes underneath it, but suddenly the apron falls down. The ring begins to shake, as Triple H flies up through the canvas and lands on top of the fallen Big Show. The ref starts the count.

1... 2... 3! Big Show is the first to be eliminated. All of a sudden, The Undertaker rises up through the gaping hole in the ring, and steps up. He rolls his eyes back as he walks over to the fallen Triple H. As he is about to pick him up, Kurt Angle gets up from behind him, runs over to 'Taker, lifts him up, and Angle Slams him to the ground. Angle roars and whips off the shoulder straps on his tights. He sees Triple H on the ground, still covering Big Show, and grabs Triple H's ankle. Triple H quickly awakens though, and somersaults forward, sending Kurt to fly out of the ring. Triple H gets up, sees the Undertaker on the other side of the ring, and walks over to him. Triple H picks up the Undertaker and throws him out of the ring as well. He turns around, seeing that Kurt is getting up on the outside, so Triple H runs and baseball slides out of the ring. He stands up and walks over to the announce table. He rips off the shell overing the television screens, and takes a TV. He runs at Angle with the TV outstreched, and smashes Kurt in the face. Kurt screams in pain, and covers his face. Triple H walks over to the announce table again, and rips out the other TV and throws it on the ground. He walks over to a busted-open Angle, grabs his head, and drags him to the announce table. There, Triple H rolls Angle on, and climbs on himself. He picks up Angle by the head, and puts his head between his own legs. However, Kurt comes to his senses, and realizes the situation. He grabs Triple H's legs for leverage, and throws Triple H over his head, and through the announce table. Kurt gets up slowly and sees th prone Triple H. Kurt grabs Triple H's leg, and begins to slowly twist it for the Ankle Lock. Triple H screams in pain, as he tries to grab ropes that aren't there. All of a sudden, from out of the crowd, Shawn Michaels jumps over the barricade and super kicks Kurt in the chin, forcing him to the ground. Michaels then grabs Triple H and pulls him on top of Angle. The ref realizes from inside the ring what is happening, and begins the count.

1... 2... 3! Kurt Angle is the last to be eliminated, and Triple H is the new Heavyweight Champion! Shawn gets Triple H up, and helps him into the ring. There, his music plays, and the ref raises his arm and the Heavyweight Title up. On his opposite side, Shawn raises Triple H's other arm. Triple H sees him, puts down his arms, and begins to stare at Michaels. Michaels looks at him and smiles. Then, they both face the crowd and perform the crotch chop. But, just as they are about to go into the D-X position, Triple H clotheslines Shawn. He stands up and starts laughing at him. The crowd boos and jeers at him. He brings Shawn to the outside, rips off the announce table shell and TVs, and rolls Shawn on top. He climbs on too, and puts Shawn's head in between his legs, and Pedigrees him through the table. He gets up and stomps on the fallen Michaels. Then, as his music begins to play again, he picks up his belt, raises it above his head, and roars in triumph as the screen begins to fade and the first episode of CHC: Rotten comes to a close...

Winner: Triple H (New CHC Heavyweight Champion)
You have a good brand going here, keep it up! I can't wait to read more.
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