Can Y2J compete for the World Heavyweight Championship?


Getting Noticed By Management
Recently, a news post noted that Jericho denied an offer by WWE who wanted him back, due to his heave schedule. Let's suppose that eventually Jericho does come back. What would his role be?

Even though I love Jericho to death, seeing him in the mid-card putting over mid-carders is just pathetic. I realize that his time is kinda gone, and he should be helping someone, but "jobbing" to guys like Ryback and Fandango is pathetic. After all, a win over Jericho in that fashion won't be taken seriously, right?

So, in order for Jericho to have any appealing run, is it necessary for him to go after the WWEWHC? I believe that most people will forget about him losing to Fandango and Ryback if he comes back, but WWE needs to give us a sign that he can be a threat. When he came back at the RR2012, he went after the WWE Champion, Cm Punk, and he was actually a viable threat to him, because the fans took him as a serious challenge and a guy who could actually be given the belt and run with it for some time.

Should he go after Bryan once he comes back? The titles are not the only target. He could be placed in some high profile feud too, but the problem with that is he doesn't really gain anything from it. I mean, RVD could have beat Cesaro on Extreme Rules, but people still wouldn't care really, right? If Chris agrees for an extended contract (6 months - 1 year), I would want to see him compete for the WWEWHC. If not that, then give him the IC title, give him that tenth reign with it. Make him seem important. He can hold and IC title for 3-4 months before dropping it to someone else and leave or something. I understand that the WWEWHC can't be given to anyone anymore, but having Jericho as the IC champ would bring prestige to the title and make people care about him too.

Imagine if Jericho came back at around after Summerslam, won the IC title and kept it until WM where he dropped it to someone like Reigns/Wyatt/Cesaro and so on, depending on the level of the IC title at that point. I believe that's the best thing the WWE can do with Y2J, if not utilized as WWEWHC. They can also use him as the third guy in a triple threat match, to mix things up a little bit.
Jericho is a 6-Time World Champion. It doesn't matter where on the card he's booked at the moment, he's a permanent main eventer and a top talent. He could put over Heath Slater at 5 consecutive PPVs and immediately turn around and be a viable threat to any championship he chooses, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho would be an incredible main event for any PPV, including WrestleMania.
Putting over Fandango and Ryback isn't a big deal. Fandango needed something big and Ryback was stagnating. A Jericho return is unlikely. He is doing his podcast and I'm guessing he is about to tour with Fozzy. He is a busy guy and returning to wrestling is a legit commitment.

I think he said he rejected the chance to be at Mania. He was probably pissed he faced Fandango the year before and a battle royal wouldn't do much for him. If he were to come back he would have to be working with top guys and that isn't a certainty.

Of course, I'd like to see Jericho back. He is one of the best of this generation and can still go. Y2J returning as a heel and feuding with Bryan would be phenomenal. He is short of opponents and Jericho would be a great choice. Thereafter, he is out of options. Come back; put over Bryan and then nothing. Very unlikely but they would put on some fantastic matches and hopefully some back and forth with Jericho could improve his mic-skills.
Jericho is my favourite of all time and no one will ever come close to taking his spot. I want him to return and I'm hoping it's for 'Mania 31 because I plan on going, but I don't want to see him have a similar run like his previous one. He is still one of the best workers out there and at 43 years old he can still steal the show, however I don't think he should be World Champion again.

Returning to face Bryan would be amazing and even working with a guy like Seth Rollins would be a great use of his services, but I just hope that he's not used to put over everybody in every match he has. He deserves to have one last solid run and THEN go out on his back like he should.
I think Chris Jericho deserves another run at the top. I think he should go straight for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title. He can even use the fact that he was the first Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

After the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title feud, I’d like to see Jericho win the United States Championship Title and proceed to work on unifying the Mid-Card Titles. Imagine what being the 10 time Intercontinental Champion and the last United States Champion would do for his promos.

The third thing I want to see is Chris Jericho lead a Stable.
He could compete, but I doubt if I would enjoy it. The more he leaves and returns, the less into wrestling he looks to me. I don't see the really into it guy that was the first undisputed champion. It also gets harder to write him into the main event picture - he'll need some sort of gimmick/aid i.e. winning money in the bank guaranteeing himself a title shot. I lump him in the group with the other part timers Rock, Lesnar, RVD. I don't mind them but I don't want to see them handcuffing a championship
I can see Bryan vs. Jericho for the world title purely so there can be some quality bouts and Bryan doesn't have to drop the title. But otherwise, against different world champions, I don't see it. Jericho isn't going to be in the title mix if he returns again unless it's against a first time champion like a Reigns or Cesaro.

If somebody like Lesnar, Triple H or whoever then they're above Jericho and nobody would buy him as a challenger and his opponent wouldn't benefit from the match.
FACE PALM. Lets bring back a guy who isn't around & has a busy schedule & just give him a shot at the title. Never mind the current hard working guys who deserve some spotlight and or a run at main eventing. so it was the rock then batista now jericho. how many time has jericho come back for short runs only to leave again because of his fossy schedule ?
I think Chris Jericho deserves another run at the top. I think he should go straight for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title. He can even use the fact that he was the first Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

After the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title feud, I’d like to see Jericho win the United States Championship Title and proceed to work on unifying the Mid-Card Titles. Imagine what being the 10 time Intercontinental Champion and the last United States Champion would do for his promos.

The third thing I want to see is Chris Jericho lead a Stable.

My man laid it down right here, Jerichoholics for too long have sat through Y2J feuding with the likes of Fandango and not being a long standing World Title threat. Granted he feuded with and challenged Punk for the title back in his big 2012 return but we were screwed out of seeing him win the Royal Rumble and the title in the Elimination Chamber(both of which he was previously set to win).

Now I respect the fact that one of Jericho's goals now that he is past the prime of his career and already an established star is to put over new talent to improve the future of them and the WWE but you've gotta be smart about it. If you keep coming back and doing nothing but put these guys over it can have a negative effect, so mix it up a bit and either give him a short or average World title reign. Anyone who says a Jericho World Title win wouldn't be a good move aint on the same Jericho train I am because done right I could see it being a major success and hell in the end he could drop it to a rising superstar and pass the torch once again. I want to see Chris holding those two undisputed titles once again and if he comes back I believe it's best for everyone concerned if that's how its done.
Wouldn't mind seeing him return as a heel and face Bryan for WWE/WHC title at MITB PPV using the story line that everyone has forgotten that he unified the titles agaist SCSA & Rock. This would give Bryan another credible opponent to face on title run but I don't think he should win the title. Alternatively he could be in the MITB ladder match and win it as I think he deserves to as I think he actually came up with the idea (Might be wrong on that).

Option 1: After losing against Bryan he could slip into the mid card eventually facing Barrett at Summerslam for IC title in a mentor VS Apprentice style feud. Jericho could win title at Summerslam to have a 10th reign as champion before Barrett wins it back at Night of Champions.

Option 2: If he were to win MITB ladder match he could cash in and win the title at either Survivor Series or TLC having a final run as champion in his HOF career before dropping the title at WM 31 against the Royal Rumble winner Kurt Angle (I would love to see them have one great match together at WM as I enjoyed the rivalry they had along with Benoit around 2000 which is when I started watching WWE).
Jericho is a 6-Time World Champion. It doesn't matter where on the card he's booked at the moment, he's a permanent main eventer and a top talent. He could put over Heath Slater at 5 consecutive PPVs and immediately turn around and be a viable threat to any championship he chooses, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho would be an incredible main event for any PPV, including WrestleMania.

It would be great....except we know who would win.

I don't think Jericho has beaten a main eventer at a PPV since......Edge at WrestleMania in 2010? After he lost to the title to Swagger(SMH), he didn't beat anybody good the rest of that run.

He only beat midcarders(yes, Bryan was still a midcarder when Jericho beat him) and lost like every PPV match(except for Summerslam against Ziggler) during his 2012 and 2013 runs.

We KNOW he's not beating anyone like Bryan or Cena at a PPV. So no, he does not have as much credibility(kayfabe-wise) as you say.
It would seem hard to squeeze Y2J back into the title picture any time soon. ME picture does seem clogged with Evolution sure to turn it's attention to the title after Payback, with Sheamus looking like he's going to join the title hunt soon and of course Cena and Brock are going to be there too.

But if he does come back, a cool idea would be to have him win the MITB. He did "invent" the match, so I always did find it ironic he never won it. The promos Y2J can do with the briefcase would be great, and just holding it makes him a instant threat. I know this isn't likely at all, just thought it would be fun to put it out there.
Personally I think if they bring him back, he should be champ(and not IC champ) and use that to elevate someone. Jericho working with anyone can get them over but if you really want to push someone, beating the World Champ does it. I think someone should eventually beat Bryan, Jericho comes in as a face and beats them and them you can either have him turn heel and let a new face win( which would be silly but wwe seems to like turning people at odd times) or you just let him lose to the heel that want to get over as long as it isn't Wyatt. Adds a little more as you can say that you beat a former multi time champ for the title. Would be an easy storyline for someone like Sandow - he beat Jericho so he can claim those titles and us now an 8 time champ with the win.
This is my first time leacing my opinion on this so let it be lmao.. I've been watchin wwf/wwe since I was 8 am 22 now and Jericho has always and ''HASBEEN'' stand out main eventer. He can hold the divas title if he wanted and make it in to the next division of this so called reality era because the wwe so called wrestlers are woman in a mans body
FACE PALM. Lets bring back a guy who isn't around & has a busy schedule & just give him a shot at the title. Never mind the current hard working guys who deserve some spotlight and or a run at main eventing. so it was the rock then batista now jericho. how many time has jericho come back for short runs only to leave again because of his fossy schedule ?

The situation now is different. Most top guys are already involved in some angle and that leaves Bryan short of legit opponents. Guess what, Jericho is legit and Jericho is good tv. His promos are amazing and entertaining and his matches also. You can't compare Jericho to the Rock or Batista. The Rock was having trouble even talking on the mic and Batista, well, he gassed up 2 minutes into a match.

I agree that hard working guys should be given the chances, but you can't put the WWEWHC on anybody since it's the only major title. Bryan needs competition, and as soon as there is none, Jericho (or Punk for that matter) would be the best choice to give us some quality product.
It would be great....except we know who would win.

I don't think Jericho has beaten a main eventer at a PPV since......Edge at WrestleMania in 2010? After he lost to the title to Swagger(SMH), he didn't beat anybody good the rest of that run.

He only beat midcarders(yes, Bryan was still a midcarder when Jericho beat him) and lost like every PPV match(except for Summerslam against Ziggler) during his 2012 and 2013 runs.

We KNOW he's not beating anyone like Bryan or Cena at a PPV. So no, he does not have as much credibility(kayfabe-wise) as you say.

That's the problem with the latest booking he had and that is why I offered that he is given the title as a means to be a credible guy again. I belive it can work. After all, it isn't WM season where you need to look out for the younger guys. We have a long way to go, and what better way to build a new guy by ending Jericho's 3-4-month-run as World Champ and then that guy goes on to WM31 and defends the title against someone like Lesnar?
That's the problem with the latest booking he had and that is why I offered that he is given the title as a means to be a credible guy again. I belive it can work. After all, it isn't WM season where you need to look out for the younger guys. We have a long way to go, and what better way to build a new guy by ending Jericho's 3-4-month-run as World Champ and then that guy goes on to WM31 and defends the title against someone like Lesnar?

Actually, I agree with you as far as....I would LOVE to see it happen.

And yeah, Jericho would have to actually WIN at some point. They already brought him back for the Punk title feud.....and had Jericho lose every match. You can't do that again. He would need to come in and beat Bryan and take the title off him for awhile.....or at least beat another top guy to get to Bryan. I'm with you there. And I 99.9% doubt that it would happen. But it would be great.

Otherwise, all we would get is technically outstanding matches....with NO suspense to them at all about who is going to win(like the Punk feud). If they would've let Jericho win the Rumble, or win at Elimination Chamber, there would've been suspense and doubt about who would win in those Jericho-Punk matches, which would've made them better and the feud a lot more memorable.

Jericho-Michaels was amazing......and part of it was you never knew who would win. They each won some of the matches.
I'd love to see Jericho come back. Although for him to go straight to the WHC title picture would just show how uncreative the creative team can be by making that happen. There can be feuds that Y2J can have with maybe mid-carders or former WHC superstars before earning the chance to a WHC title. I agree that eventually Jericho must be in the WHC title picture because he was the 1st undisputed WWE/WHC back in 2001 defeating stone cold & the rock in the same night. Those previous achievements MUST be mentioned during his promos whenever he faces Daniel Bryan or whoever will be the champ at the particular time he goes for the WWE WHC Title.
only if hes going to be around full time. if he signs a 6 month deal and has the belt for 3 months sure as long as hes on raw and smackdown every week like everyone else. I hate the fact the rock got the strap but was only on raw every other week or every other 2 weeks. same goes for lesnar I hope they don't give it to him unless hes on raw every week.
Jericho doesn't need another title. He needs a solid "long-term" feud. Let Bryan finish his title run and then - after he lost against whomever - bring Jericho back and feud against him. Also give them a little more creative control over their story. We know how good that worked when Jericho and HBK had their program.
They also had tremendous matches in the past (remember the WWE ECW they had). So we'd not only get a great story but also fantastic matches.

I loved Jerichos busines suite gimmick. But if they'd get the chance to do it their way, I guess I would also buy into every other Jericho gimmick he pulls out of the box.
I have always been a huge fan of Chris Jericho and believe without a doubt he is one of the very best performers the WWE has ever had, and it's a damn shame for the business that he isn't full time anymore, he's that good.

I'd love to see Jericho as a World Champion again, but for that to happen he'd have to come back for an extended run (6 months-1 year), and I don't see him being willing to do that with how busy his schedule is these days. I could easily see him being written into a main event feud when he comes back, but I doubt they'd put the strap on him.

I think it's important for Jericho to win some big matches/feuds on his next return as if he consistently loses to lesser talents "to give them a rub", then each time he does this the impact is going to get less, and beating Jericho will eventually end up becoming not a big deal. I know putting over new talent is what Y2J wants to do, but he still needs to look strong or making him lose is just pointless.

My initial thought as to how he could return is to win the MITB briefcase, guaranteeing him a title match. As the title match is open for an entire year, this would give him the opportunity to leave again with the MITB briefcase, tour with Fozzy and then come back as a surprise to cash in the title shot at any point within the next 12 months- the pop would be huge for something like that if he was unnannounced!
Jericho is a 6-Time World Champion. It doesn't matter where on the card he's booked at the moment, he's a permanent main eventer and a top talent. He could put over Heath Slater at 5 consecutive PPVs and immediately turn around and be a viable threat to any championship he chooses, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho would be an incredible main event for any PPV, including WrestleMania.

Oh dear. I'm assuming this is some kind of joke.

Did you even watch Wrestlemania 25?

Jericho's accomplishments in the squared circle are beyond reproach, his honors speak for themselves. In his heyday, Chris Jericho was capable of beating anyone on the roster.

Fast forward to 2014. He's 43 years old, no longer interested in wrestling and hasn't done anything notable for a long time. His last few performances have been disappointing, but (thankfully) not disappointing enough to tarnish his legacy.

Are you SERIOUSLY advocating he walks back into WWE and runs roughshod over everyone who's been breaking their balls these last few years?
Chris Jericho in 2014 is at best a low-midcard talent promoter. He can still probably do 75-80% of a solid match with a midcard guy, but it's not going to do anyone any good (look how well it did for Fandango). Let the man come and go as he pleases, and I look forward to a probable HoF bid within the next decade.

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