Bray Wyatt's first World Heavyweight Championship win

I don't believe Wyatt has regressed in the ring. He's certainly not a technical wrestler, nor should he be with his 'creepy guy' gimmick.

His match vs Ryback was actually quite good and brutal. Wyatt's in ring strength is his psychology more than the actual arsenal of moves he can do. You don't go into a Wyatt match expecting him to be like Neville and vice versa.

I think Wyatt has been seen fairly infrequently lately and so it seems as if he he's got worse in the ring but he really hasn't had much chance to really show what he can do.

Wyatt is excellent in promos but he has to transition that into feuds that have MORE meaning and purpose.

Wyatt has been in feuds with some of the top names the WWE can offer. Cena, Bryan, Ambrose, Jericho and Undertaker. He's had matches at Mania with Cena and Undertaker. Not bad for a guy that was relatively new onto the roster. The problem is, he's in the same place as he always was, maybe even worse. Since this year's Mania we're hardly seen him, and he had one throwaway feud with Ryback.

If this guy is the next big thing and as wonderful as some fans think he is, then I just have a couple of questions. Why isn't he in the main event title hunt? There is a lack of good heel's so why doesn't this guy even have a feud? And last but not least. Why in God's name do all his promo's sound the same now, and what is he purpose, it keeps changing?

Wyatt has been very lucky to have had some of the best opponents, but he's still doing nothing of note. The only thing they can do now is turn him face and see what happens then. If again he gets stuck in a rut, then I don't know what to say.

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