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Can we end 3MB already?!


Occasional Pre-Show
In September 2012 we saw 3 jobbers in the names of Jinder Mahal ,Drew McIntye and Heath Slater come together to form a trio in order to stop their jobbing ways and become a dominate team in WWE.
I was excited and curious when I saw this as it reminded me of when Road Dogg and Billy Gunn came together for the same reason and they became one of the greatest tag-teams of all time.

Then my excitement and curiosity became confusion and disappointment. They became a freaking rock band?! I'm all for rockstar gimmicks but they need to go with the wrestler portraying it. This just did not look right at all.

My case in point is Jinder Mahal.
The guy is a very serious, very hard hitting Indian who once controlled the Great Khali. To see him rocking an air guitar is just plain awkward and looks out of place.

Next is Drew McIntyre. Dubbed "the chosen one" and former I.C and tag-champ. Is he a southern rockstar? No. Take the stupid hat off!

The only guy that suits is the "lead man" Heath Slater the ONE man rock band.
So how do we disband the band? Simple really. I'll start with Jinder.

Have 3MB bump into The Great Khali backstage and have Drew and Heath make fun of Khali's dancing and Indian music etc. Jinder looks disapproved, still leaves with 3MB. This sets up a match between either Heath or Drew with Khali later in the night. The match ends when Drew & Heath attack Khali until Jinder steps in to make the save and fends off Heath and Drew.
Simple I know but that's all you need to do. This would create a face tag-team of Khali & Jinder. They could make a good Bollywood comedy act. Vince loves to get the Great Khali out every week so why not protect his awful ring skills by having Jinder there to do most of the wrestling in a tag match?

Next is Drew.
Drew and Heath could still tag for a few months down the track but they would eventually split. There doesn't need to be a big dramatic spilt just something similar to when Cody Rhodes & McIntyre spilt a few years back.
McIntyre could be brought back as "the chosen one" again or even start a new tag-team with Wade Barrett and bring in William Regal as a manager?

Then there is Heath Slater
This guy could do really well in his "one man southern rock band" gimmick. Remember the weeks leading up to RAW 1000? Heath was pretty much promoting the whole dam event! The guy is so good at his gimmick because it's very much who he is.

Right I think I've rambled on for long enough so what's you're guys thoughts? Should they break up? How would you handle each wrestler? Should they all just be let go? Do you actually like 3MB? Tell me why?
"hey guys, let's disband a team while we're rebuilding our tag team division"

Are you serious? 3MB is/are(?) entertaining as hell. They may be corny at times but each man is talented in their own merits and deserve to be on tv in some form or fashion.

Maybe 3 Count 2.0 wasn't the right way to go but at least they are on tv, they get a reaction nearly every time and obviously someone likes them three as they've been kept together and kept on tv regularly
I'm sorry, but I'm with the OP on this one.

I'm all for re-building the tag-team division, believe me. But 3MB is just 'too' corny for me. I admit, coming out as the Union Jacks made me laugh as a Brit myself during the UK tour. :) (Still bummed I couldn't go!) But generally I just have no interest in them whatsoever.

I don't see how 3MB make a legitimate impact on the tag-team division as a gimmick trio right now, in regards to this rebuilding. Something has to change, whether it's breaking them up, or at least attempting to make them semi-serious contenders.

I think Jinder Mahal makes for an excellent heel in his own right, and paired with Khali there was a lot of potential, in my opinion.
What? Now that they are actually being given something to do? I'm sorry but no thank you. I'm a big fan of the three man team that we have right now, all of them can be solid midcarders if they're given a chance, but they won't have it so being a part of 3MB is the best thing for them. Anyone can look good by winning, but not anyone look great by losing - Heath Slater is the heart and soul of the gimmick and we get that, and what's incredibly entertaining about it, is the fact that they paired him up with two intense characters in Mahal and McIntyre - that just showed how versatile they are.

I'm enjoying this regional acts they are putting together, it's good for the live audience and it can make some of us giggle at home - ain't nobody skipping a 3MB segment/match. They just overshadowed Los Matadores, that were squashing them - how is that not good television? I think that 3MB is a natural team, not in "it makes sense", but in "it doesn't make sense and I love it" way. People are buying into them as you can see with the live reactions, they are getting more and more television time and to split, they need to be somehow relevant first, so let them do it.

I can see them actually winning some matches against the likes of Prime Time Players and Los Matadores here and there, but imagine if they beat Cody Rhodes and Goldust ... Slater's facial expression will be priceless, since not even him would be expecting that. Not everything about wrestling should be "seriouzzzz bizzness" and it's a three hour show, people don't want more of "Raw" when the three hours are over because they are tired, so this little segments can make the viewer just relax without needing to pay much attention. I say keep 3MB together and explore the gimmick, that's a ton of potential to do good comedy and at the same time work good matches since all three members are very solid workers.
The only reason I can think of why people would wouldn't 3MB to split is because they foolishly think McIntyre is worth pushing. He was pushed. In 2009-2010 and nobody cared. He was given the opportunity to perform and he didn't. He's more over now in his comedy team than he ever was as The Chosen One.

Maybe performing in a team with personality has transpanted some to Drew. I'll let others be optimistic about that one.
The problem is that they have becoming entertaining. A few months ago I would have been desperate for them to split. McIntyre is way too good to be in the 3MB and it is a complete waste of his talents. Now, I feel that maybe the ship has sailed and he should just stick with it. He is on tv every week which is more than many others can hope for.

The thing is, are they better off without. I think McIntyre could do fairly well; Slater and Mahal are ok in the ring but are not complete superstars and without the gimmick they would be released. Unless, Slater goes solo but I think have a stable is a far better position for him.

The good thing about these three is that they can actually wrestle. Yes, they are on the whole a comedy act but they can definitely put on a good match meaning they are no hindrance to the tag-division. They could even be involved in mult-team tag matches.

To be honest, since I rate McIntyre quite highly I would probably remove him if I had the choice. There are probably others on the roster who could easily take his place. Slater, Mahal and the gimmick as a whole is fine and I'm starting to enjoy it.
Breaking them up would be absolutely ******ed at this point. They are the only heel jobber tag team. If they can create another team of low card wrestlers to be the new heel jobber tag team, than sure, break 3MB up. Until then, no way, keep them together.
He is on tv every week which is more than many others can hope for.

That's the risk of seeing your group disbanded, isn't it? As a performer, you hope management is breaking up your team to put you in something better, but there's always the chance you'll wind up on the sidelines.

It's hard to know what Creative intended for 3MB when they were first conceived. I thought they were going to be more of a force. At the very beginning, when they actually won a few matches, there were reports of these guys getting mic time; a "State of 3MB" address. I read that time constraints on Raw got the segment pushed off Raw a couple times.....and the idea was abandoned.

Since then it's been lose, lose lose......but in a "sport" in which results are scripted, it's better to be a loser who's getting TV time than being a performer who is relegated to the back room. ("We have nothing for you at this time.")

I'm (forever) hoping they'll give Drew a chance to shine. Until then, though, keep 3MB going so he's on my TV screen.
They're goofy as hell but they're also kinda entertaining. I honestly do believe that McIntyre & Slater, at least, could be put to much better use all in all. I'm not saying that either of them will be main event material or anything, but I do like that they've done their absolute best with this gimmick. I've always respected wrestlers who give it their all even when they've not been handed much to work with.

Given that WWE seems to be rotating the 3MB gimmick around with some sort of theme each time they're on television, I think we could very well be seeing the last days of the group. They've been together as a team for about a year now and with reports alleging that 2014 will be a very focused year for tag teams, I don't see them or other comedy teams being together for much longer.
I don't care if they stay together or break up at this point. I like them enough for what they do but not enough to throw a hissy fit.

However, if I am going to break them up I go full-Yoko (Ono not zuna) and give one of the guys a girlfriend who is around a little bit at first, then starts to be around a little more, then starts to change the one member, then totally invades the group, which leads to their ultimate break up over the girl.

Or have a girl date all three members over the course of three months leading to animosity between the members.
Meh, I really couldn't care less about any of these guys. I don't see much talent or promise in any of them...at least no more so than a half dozen other guys who don't get pushes either. I think Slater could easily carry on the gimmick on his own; McIntyre and Mahal do little to contribute, IMO.
Given that WWE seems to be rotating the 3MB gimmick around with some sort of theme each time they're on television, I think we could very well be seeing the last days of the group. They've been together as a team for about a year now and with reports alleging that 2014 will be a very focused year for tag teams, I don't see them or other comedy teams being together for much longer.

I don't quite get why you a think the E "refocusing" on the tag teams means an end for "comedy" tag teams.

The most commercially succesful WWE performer of all time, The Rock, is, at his base, a comedic character.

The New Age Outlaws, one of the most widely know tag teams of all time, centered their whole schtick around comedy.

Mick Foley didn't become a beloved guy until he introduced comedy to his character.

In more recent times, Santino got the loudest pops of the night when he was in the final two at the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber.

Goldust is amongst the silliest gimmick's in wrestling history.

Professional wrestling, isn't an entirely serious entity. It never has been. Humor has always been a large part of the show, and some of the funniest characters/storylines/promos are the most beloved in the industry's history. There will always be a spot for comedic wrestlers and tag teams.

Making the tag division a priority doesn't mean they'll be looking to get rid of teams because they're comedic. If anything, it'll mean that more emphasis will be placed on them. If they bring new teams in, those new teams are going to have to have somebody to feud with.
If 3MB ended, all three members would be future endeavored within a couple months.

This gimmick was a realization that "we've got three talented guys who don't quite have what it takes to get over as serious workers". So they became comedy jobbers.

What would you do if you broke up 3MB? You've got a PACKED midcard with a whole bunch of guys with way more appeal than any member of 3MB.

The comedy jobber role is the only way these three will stay employed with WWE.
I don't mind 3MB. They do not take a lot of TV time to become boring but are always on TV. Being on TV is good, right? As someone mentioned, comedy will always have its place in wrestling, and so would these gimmicks and teams. There is nothing wrong with them being in 3MB. They entertain people and are still employed. Whether anyone of them can become a true breakout star from this is another question, but I love them for what they've been able to do with such a silly gimmicky team.
I don't think they should break up because then they'll just be jobbed out individually and there's no point when they do that sometimes too. Drew Mcintyre though needs to split away and be pushed again. It hurts my soul every time I see him with them. There's no need to split all of them up unless it's to push Mcintyre which they could do while still keeping Mahal and Slater on TV though.
Was this thread made to bitch about 3 wrestlers that you want to be singles stars to break up from being a stable? These guys have been given a second chance. We get to see these guys each and every week, but you want them to disband and be left off tv with JTG? Please stop these random post because I love all 3 but the group is needed to elevate wrestlers to the next level. If these guys weren't there, who would be jobbing each and every week?
3MB should not split up unless there are plans for a singles push for Slater and/or Drew. The group, while one of the strangest alliances I have ever seen in the federation, gives the three wrestlers involved something to do. Sure they lose most of the time and have been humiliated, but they get plenty of time onscreen. For now I am fine with them remaining a team. I'd support a split though too if done properly. I like the group, even though I would definitely want to see Drew holding the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship someday, and Slater is capable of making it further up the card as well.

If they split up then I would want Drew to get the strongest push of the three. He has everything it takes to make it to the World Heavyweight Championship, maybe even the WWE Championship. The look of a champion, in-ring skills, promo skills, and he had an epic entrance theme during his The Chosen One storyline. Slater could also do well in a heel singles push under a persona that can be taken more seriously. I've been a fan of his ever since NXT season 1's first episode and thought he would be a star someday, I continue to stand by that statement. Jinder sucks and I honestly don't care if he gets future endeavoured or not. Drew's push would begin with him taking frustrations out on Jinder, who enters a jobber role upon the group going their seperate ways.
I like 3MB as a team, if people realise what theyre role actually is, they do it pretty damn perfect. they put over their opponents better than anybody, theyre on TV every week, theyre decent enough wrestlers. and im sure they will be remembered more for being one of the best jobbing teams in history than Drew will be for his IC title reign,Slater for his Tag Team Championship reign and Mahal for tagging along with Khali.
While I don't think the gimmick fits them very well & they've been pretty irrelevant since the get go; Mahal, McIntyre & Slater aren't worth anything solo but their too good of jobbers to let go of until WWE starts bringing up a lot more guys from NXT, so I would have to agree with the majority on this one & say keep 3MB around as means of re-building the tag team division. WWE still needs jobbers & lower tag teams & 3MB fills that void pretty well at the moment.

...& who knows, maybe all at the same time Goldust & Cody will split, The Shiled will all go their seperate ways, all 3 members of The Wyatt Family will be involved in a storyline, one of The Usos will finally get a singles push, The Real Americans will both go solo again, Los Matadores will get sent back to developomental, both members of PTP will finally get a solo push & at least on member of Tons Of Funk will be injured & then maybe, just maybe, 3MB could even hold onto the WWE Tag Team titles for a little while.......as long as WWE doesn't revive Team Hell No, Sin Cara/Rey, International Airstrike, Team Rhodes Scholars, Team Co Bro, etc.
There were probably plenty of people who had high hopes when they found of these three were being turned into a stable. I understand those who say we need a stronger tag division and quite frankly I would agree with you that 3MB could be a component to that division's success if they actually had something positive to contribute. 3MB, however, does not add any value to the tag division. Think of the teams we have now. Serious competitors like Prime Time Players, Usos, and The Shield are bringing the vision out of the lackluster state its found itself during the majority of the last decade. Don't you think goofy gimmick teams like 3MB send the division backwards instead of forwards?
Although the 3 Man Band is losing their entertainment value, I think there are still quite a few impersonations they can do before finally going their separate ways. I’d love to see 3MB do the following spoofs.

The 3 Horsemen – Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard
The New World Order – Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall
D-Generation X – Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and X-Pac
Demolition – Ax, Smash, and Crush
Legion Of Doom – Hawk, Animal, and Heidenreich
The Hart Foundation – Bret The Hitman Hart, Jim The Anvil Neidhart, and Jimmy Hart
The Machines – Super, Big, and Giant
Team ECK – Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle
The Colóns – Carlito, Primo, and Epico
The Shield – Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns
Wyatt Family – Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan
Too Cool – Grand Master Sexay, Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi

I’m sure there are more that I can’t think of right now.
I say, if they wanna keep them as a "comedy" jobber trio, then why not do something that can bring back a little bit of nostalgia from a highly talked about era. Have them drop the rock star gimmick and send em on out with some J.O.B. Squad t shirts. I bet that will get a reaction. I would even say add the 3 "comedy" face jobbers to the trio. This is not to say to turn one trio face or the other heel. Have 3 of them be heel and 3 of them be face but in the same stable. So you get a series of "3 stooge" like antics backstage with them fighting amongst themselves and have Santino and Heath argue over who is the leader. We can have Khali and Jinder tag team and have the matches somehow end with Jinder receiving a chop either by accident or because Khali is getting back for being hit by Jinder on accident. Idk, something different. I can't remember seeing a stable that's half face and half heel.
I'd break them up, Drew McIntyre as an angry jock works well because it is who he is, not terrible on the mic, pretty solid in the ring and if you watch Elimination Chamber from a few years ago he has that believable aggression.

Heath Slater is great in the gimmick he has, because as someone said it is him being him however I've never been a fan of his.

Jinder Mahal could of been a Muhammad Hassan like character but maybe modified for PG, but they decided his first fued would be against someone as useless as Khali (who BTW needs to retire asap) just imagine The Real Americans having a dig at Mahal for being Indian etc could make for interesting TV
Really I cannot see any of the three doing well on their own, doing anything on their own particularly. They work just fine with the role they are in and with the new rotating impersonation gimmick if anything they might even be a bit rejuvenated. No reason to change I say.
I say, if they wanna keep them as a "comedy" jobber trio, then why not do something that can bring back a little bit of nostalgia from a highly talked about era.

Might work, but it's important to note that the "comedy" part of "comedy jobber trio" has pretty much fallen by the wayside. They're not the jolly band of losers much anymore, did you notice? Now, they seem to approach their matches seriously, while leaving their air guitars at home.

Too bad, really. WWE seems to have decided that 3MB is to act strictly as designated losers, without the color they provided before. I thought the group was coming to an end a couple months ago; now, I'm not sure.

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