Can Velvet Fly Solo???


The King Of Chaos
So...... a "truce" between Velvet and Madison was made. Last night that truce was broken... Velvet and Madison hate each other again.... ok...... So I think, seeing what the Lacey Von Erich threads, that she will be out for a while.... So can Velvet really go solo for a while? I honestly think, that she should reunite with Angelina.... Because without Angelina, she has no future. In my opinion....
Velvet could hold her own without Madison and Lacey. Im actually happy she shed the tag belts this week. Those belts are useless and the only reason they had them was so that Madison could be built into a singles star.

I have no problem with her in singles competition. If they tag her up with Angelina i dont really have a problem with that either. But if there going to have knockout tag team action they need better champs then Taylor Wilde and Hamada...that has to be the oddest team ive seen in a while.

In a perfect world i rather see them scrap the KO tag belts and introduce another KO single's belt and just have the occasional tag team match. Have Velvet and Angelina be the beautiful people and just let them hold both titles.
I'd say no, the fact that she's super hot is the best things she's got going for her. Whenever I do watch any of her promos, her protrayal continuously comes across as strained, almost forced; she does not appear to a natural on the mic.

Angelina undoubtedly has the best mic skills of any of the women on the roster (and is arguably the face of the division right now.) Velvet has average mic skills, which, pathectically, still puts her ahead of half the others on the roster. If she were to go solo, she's always going to play second fiddle to Angelina.

Any championships runs she gets, will only be transitional until Angelina gets it back.

Velvet has been given a lot more chances to showcase what she's got ever since Angelina's departure a while back. She can pull of the "mean girl" role pretty good, and I think her mic skills are decent. Can she fly solo? Sure she could probably be on her own, but I don't know how far she could go. It seems like a Velvet VS Madison feud will take place in the near future with the way things are going. But I don't know if Velvet would be on her own. It seems as if Lacey could be her sidekick, and I think there's a good possiblity that it could happen.

Velvet could be something fresh as far as singles competition goes in the Knockout's division, and I wouldn't be surprised if she won the title some where down the line.
I think that Velvet can make it just fine on her own. I don't think that she needs Angelina, Lacey or Madison to get to the top. I think that this truce between Madison and Velvet being broken means that she really is about to fly solo.

Velvet is one of the most paid if not the most paid knockout in the company. I think that the beautiful people will break up soon and that Velvet will be a contender for the TNA knockouts champion. I've always been a fan of Velvet and I think that she can fly solo.
Yes she can. Velvet has always been overshadowed by Angelina. She can go her own I think. She already has a lot of fans mainly because most people tune in to TNA just to see her entrance; I know I did in the beginning ;) A rivarly between Madison and Velvet could work, or they could team up Velvet with Angelina again and then have Velvet turn on Angelina and give her a big push. All the while they need to give her time to showcase, something that both companies aren't giving their women.
I don't want to get my hopes up about it but this is something I wanted Velvet to do for a long time and that's be a solo act.

They really need to give her a chance to see if she can do it. I feel with the right booking and them allowing Velvet to play to her strengths I think she could do well on her own.
Yes, but how successful is the question. I'm a fan of Velvet and think whether tag team or singles, she'll shine. The only problem is that the writers don't give her the push they needed to. I've always felt as though Velvet, not Madison, should've become champion-hell, Madison was laying down for everyone before she won the belt, no she's unbeatable???
Velvet is an incredible talent and I'm afraid they'll under utilize her to the point she'll be let go unless they start developing a good story line. I would like to see a reunion with Angelina and have her turn on Velvet making Velvet face and Angelina heel. It would be a good change of story lines and matches.
Well after finally scoring a big singles win over Madison I think Velvet has showed that she could fly solo if given the chance. Though the match wasn't that good it accomplished what it was suppose to.

I just wonder what's next for Velvet a KO title shot perhaps? Even though her and Angelina buried the hatchet I would still like to see a respect match between them for the KO title.
I definitely believe that Velvet Sky can fly solo, and the reason for it is surprisingly simple. She's hot, and unfortunately in the world of professional wrestling these days, whether it be WWE or TNA, that's really all that matters.

Velvet, or any of the other divas or knockouts, does not need to be particularly gifted in the ring to get over. She doesn't need to be able to carry a storyline. She doesn't even need to be really strong on the mic. As long as she looks good, and is able to at least look plausible in the ring and be able to speak to a limited degree on the mic, she'll be just fine. It's too bad in a way that women's wrestling has degraded to this point, but it has.

I'd love to see Velvet Sky go solo and leave TNA for greener pastures in WWE. A Maryse/Velvet feud would be excellent. No, not a technical masterpiece, but a sight to behold.

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