Can the Shield stay together without Roman Reigns?


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
First of All, I know some people have asked; why Roman Reigns can't stay with the Shield and still breakout?
My answer to that is; in the group, each member needs time and most certainly, one of the members is usually a mouthpiece in every Tag team, forget an entire group.In the Shield, Dean Ambrose is usually the guy with the mic in his hand, and after him, Seth Rollins gets it. In the ring, they are a complete unit which is what made the WWE Universe take notice of them.

Roman Reigns is being made to stand out due to WWE wanting to push him.Keep him in the Shield, and he has to compete with the other two guys for the spotlight. Indeed, he is more eye-catching in the ring although Rollins is an overall better in-ring worker. However, Reigns needs to have a complete spotlight on him if he is to ever become the Star many think he can become with the push he is being given probably, I think his final push will end up being a match with the guy he seems most similar to in Batista sometime this year, around Summerslam perhaps, hopefully it won't be for the Main title, as I think he should only get it either at WM31 or after that, not before, or he risks being another Ryback if pushed too quickly.

Now, whilst Roman Reigns is being pushed, the other two guys will stay behind obviously, but do they really need to also be pushed as lone singles? Isn't it possible for the Shield to remain as a GROUP as they have been for the past year? Maybe, just show both Ambrose and Rollins getting jealous of Roman Reigns' popularity and have him leave the group alone.
For instance, this past Monday, we had CM Punk teasing some tension between Reigns and Rollins in addition to the tension between Reigns and Ambrose shown earlier. Have Reigns overcome the odds against the other two until maybe EC or shortly before WM, they introduce a new Member to be the new muscle of the group. It should preferably be someone already on the roster rather than a guy coming up who has to make himself.
There are surely a few guys who need new direction and this can be a great way to keep one of the most dominant stables in a long time together whilst still making a new singles star by having him leave the group on bad terms thereby having his Babyface turn.
Superstars possible to replace Roman Reigns:

Bad News Barrett: The only problem with having him and Ambrose together is that they both are great on the mic and that might well prove to be a sticking point.

Curtis Axel: There is no doubt he needs new direction. Whilst he is no Roman Reigns as a muscle guy, I think in the Shield attire, he can be a slight difference to Roman Reigns whilst settling into the group well enough.

Mason Ryan: He would be an obvious candidate for the role. However, I think he would have to do too much catching up to get to the level of Ambrose and Rollins.

Antonio Cesaro: He has the Strength factor tied down,surely. In the Shield attire he would be intimidating, and in a team unit such as the Shield, he would be a perfect fit and I believe he would be elevated big time in the Shield, indeed much more than in Real Americans, whilst having to talk very little.

Dean Ambrose is great on the mic, but he would be alot more threatening in the team setting with others having his back than being a lone singles heel. Keeping him and Rollins together would do wonders for both,lMO, and the Shield are a perfect lackey "mercenary" group that the Authority can call upon to do their dirty work.

What do you guys think about the idea?
If it was to happen this way, with Roman Reigns getting his push, but the Shield remaining a part of WWE, who would replace him?
No. Just no.

When The Shield breaks up, each member goes his seperate way.

They should have a triple threat match at WrestleMania, if I was the one to book it, I'd give Seth Rollins the win.

The obvious win would be to RR but I'm not sure.

I think RR and DA will be a star regardless therefore have Seth Rollins win.
I most say I wish they didn't have too follow the pattern,
As every other unit. Wish they could just stay on good terms or stay together and focus on singles.

Why does they have too create, problems between Roman and Dean :-(

On a side not it bothers me, that Roman seems too be the on too get the major push.
Seth is the on who's most impressive in the ring and really has improved in his promo work.
As every other unit. Wish they could just stay on good terms or stay together and focus on singles.

The tighter the unit, the harder it is to break them up......requiring a lot more acrimony among the members than is necessary for "sometimes" partners to cause the break-up.

Last Monday, we saw the first overt gestures that truly pointed to a split, when Roman Reigns directly objected to Seth Rollins calling himself the best of the group. Before Monday, the suggestions of dissension were less blatant, with Reigns accidentally spearing Rollins, and a few other hints in that direction. This past Raw featured direct confrontation, and the long-rumored break-up is almost upon us.

Another point of interest from this past Monday was how Dean Ambrose stood in the background while Rollins and Reigns argued on-screen. That suggested one of two things: either Dean was trying to place himself above the petty arguments of his guys, or he has plans to launch his own career thrust and is content to let his two teammates battle between themselves while not involving him.

But when the inevitable split comes, these guys aren't staying allies. One or two of them can turn face.....or they can all function individually as heels....but the Shield as a cohesive unit will be no more.
If anything, Roman Reigns needs the Shield more than the other two.

Back in ye olde days of FCW, Seth and Dean both had gimmicks, though different, which fit into the category of the 'lone wolf'. Furthermore, both are renowned for reaching world championship level in the respective indie promotions, so they have plenty of singles experience.

Reigns, on the other hand, being from an American football background, hasn't had as much of a wrestling career as the other two, and therefore will need the most tweaking/repackaging when his time in the limelight comes. Though when the Shield inevitably do part ways I'll be sitting under the stairs crying so don't try and talk to me.
If anything, Roman Reigns needs the Shield more than the other two.

Back in ye olde days of FCW, Seth and Dean both had gimmicks, though different, which fit into the category of the 'lone wolf'. Furthermore, both are renowned for reaching world championship level in the respective indie promotions, so they have plenty of singles experience.

Reigns, on the other hand, being from an American football background, hasn't had as much of a wrestling career as the other two, and therefore will need the most tweaking/repackaging when his time in the limelight comes. Though when the Shield inevitably do part ways I'll be sitting under the stairs crying so don't try and talk to me.

At this time, if all 3 are to be pushed within the next year, in addition to possible pushes for Big E Langston, Bray Wyatt and even Cody Rhodes....At least one of the three might well be left behind.
It won't be Roman Reigns...basically because he has what everyone calls the "IT" factor. He isn't an overly HUGE Muscle guy akin to Brock or Batista, actually he is more along the lines of John Cena, but he is portrayed similarly to Batista and as long as they don't trade in the Shield attire for underwear or tights...I think Reigns as long as he keeps improving in the ring, will be a resounding success.....just don't count on him joining Hogan,Austin,Rocky and Cena at any point, and I am saying that as a huge fan of his who is looking forward to a possible Year of Reigns in 2014.

Seth Rollins is great in the ring, I won't dispute that, but so is Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler. I am looking forward to see how he is used in the future. Ultimately, I see him as an Upper Mid-Carder, someone who might get his hands on the Main title, although now with just One Main title, the chances of it is much more difficult than ever before(A Good Thing, I have to say. The Main title should be won by the MAIN guys who will last at the top).

Dean Ambrose hasn't been protected at all lately. That means he will have to be pushed again at a later point and right now is relegated to playing a major role in getting Roman Reigns over as a babyface. Thereafter, he will have to be built up again if he is to be a Major Heel for the future alongside Bray Wyatt perhaps. I just think he would more intimidating and hated with his own Stable to back him up....again the "size" factor comes into my thinking...
Are you sure that it is Roman Reigns who will move out of the group? Because in the final RAW of 2013, it seemed as though he and Rollins were in the same page; in the ring together after the latter lost, while Ambrose was left outside the ring, after having caused a mistimed distraction.
I personally would like to see the group continue as a team. Because like the old saying goes, "Unity is Strength"; splitting them up will do them more harm than good, with the competition in the singles field much more stronger than in the tag team field.
...when the inevitable split comes, these guys aren't staying allies. One or two of them can turn face.....or they can all function individually as heels....but the Shield as a cohesive unit will be no more.

Basically, Sally nailed it right here. If one Shield member breaks away from the group, it's possible that the other two might try to stay together to get their hands on "the traitor". It would make the most sense for Reigns to be the first to split, because it seems plausible that Reigns could hold his own against both Rollins & Ambrose (plus it's obvious that's the way the WWE is going with Reigns/The Shield, storyline-wise)...and that's how I would book it if I were to break The Shield up in the semi-near future.

I'd have Reigns be the first to turn on the other two, and it makes the most sense for that to happen at the Royal Rumble (maybe Reigns eliminates Rollins or Ambrose, or even both). Then book a handicap match at the Elimination Chamber PPV: Reigns vs. Ambrose & Rollins. In the weeks leading to EC, Rollins & Ambrose would have discussions about recruiting another Shield member (keeping the group unscathed), but they would also be blaming each other for Reign's departure. These "discussions" would obviously break into full-blown arguments, with Ambrose and Rollins at the throats of one another. Typical stuff for a tag-team on the rocks.

When Reigns vs. Rollins & Ambrose finally happens at EC, it becomes painfully obvious over the course of the match that Dean & Seth aren't on the same page. The match ends in a DQ, when Ambrose eventually attacks Rollins (or Rollins attacks Ambrose, same outcome either way). At that point, all three men would go at it, before they're separated by security (a chorus of boos would be echoing around the arena, along with chants of "let them fight"). A triple-threat match is booked for Wrestlemania 30 the next night on Raw, and the Shield is no more.

The way I would book The Shield staying together would have a similar build-up. Reigns would still be the one to separate from Rollins & Ambrose (again, the Rumble would be the best time to do it)...but instead of a handicap match at Elimination Chamber, a tag match is booked. Reigns would obviously be courting partners, but we still see an obvious dissension between Rollins & Ambrose. When the match actually happens, Reigns partner turns on him - revealing himself to be "the third man" (à la Hogan at Bash at the Beach '96). The problem is who the third man would be.

I don't like the idea of keeping The Shield together (by adding another member). Keeping the group together would work, but it would be a shell of it's former self. It would be like the WWE version of the nWo: sure, there were some original WCW members that were brought back into the fold (Giant/Big Show, Syxx/X-Pac, etc), but the group just wasn't as good without the original three guys. Same thing happened when Punk became the leader of The New Nexus...they couldn't bottle the same lightning. I think the best scenario is to have Reigns break away at the Rumble...then book the handicap match for EC, culminating in a triple threat at Wrestlemania 30. A three-way dance (especially at Wrestlemania) would be the best way for The Shield's story to end. Replacing Reigns would damage the group's legacy overall. I think the better option is to just let The Shield die while they're still hot. In the words of the prodigious Neil Young, "'s better to burn out than to fade away...".
I just enjoy The Shield's entrance and attire so much I'd hate for it all to be completely gone after a little over 1 year.

I kind of hate how quickly teams break apart these days. I mean was DX back in the late 1990s only together for 1 year? The NWO? The Four Horsemen? The Freebirds?

I'd love to see The Shield stay as The Shield and replace Reigns. I think it would be a great way for another Superstar to get a push. The Shield can go on another run as Tag Champs and maybe be Tag Champs longer or more times than with Reigns to really "stick it" to Reigns as he is out on his own.

I guess we will just wait and see.
I doubt it could work without Reigns. Whoever replaces Reigns would have to be be compared to him instead of carving his own path.

Maybe a more established name like Big Show could replace Reigns and they all could feud with Reigns to put each other over.
Well after Reigns splits from The Shield you will never be able to duplicate it. However with the recent reports of Mason Ryan taking place of Reigns it can be a nice way to break up The Shield all together. Once Reigns splits you can have Rollins an in between guy. On Raw you have Reigns vs Ambrose. When Reigns is bout to win Rollins interfers and attacks Reigns. Reigns ends up coming back until Mason Ryan comes out to help and beats down Reigns. The following weeks you have Reigns take on different members. The finale being Reigns beats all 3 and each one start to team up against each other causing the split. It be a way to try and help Mason Ryan get credibility and see where he is at skill wise. If he can improve and hang then great. If not then Good Bye Mr Ryan.

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